Your manifest file doesn't include the permission - google-play-services

I'm getting an error when trying to submit my app to the Play Store.
Your declaration on Play Console says that your app uses advertising ID. Your manifest file doesn't include the permission.
I've already declared the app permission in my manifest xml file.
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
The SDK target version is 33, and the admob ads I included is 21.3.0
implementation ''
I've follow every step in this link, and it doesn't seem to work.

Firebase Analytics is using the permission to track users.(
You can remove that permission adding to your manifest
<uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove" />
But this will probably invalidate your usage statistics

I had this problem and I solved it. The issue is that one of your dependencies (possibly Firebase) is forcefully inserting this permission into the manifest during the build process. I.e. after you manually craft the file. You can add a directive to the manifest to remove the permission at the end of the process and then you won't have the problem when uploading it to the store.
You need to add this to your manifest but outside the application
<uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove"/>
But, you also need to add the tools XML namespace or the build will fail. this goes inside the root manifest node
You can also check the manifest before you upload to the Google Play store. Just rename the apk/appbundle to .zip , unzip the file and check the contents of the manifest file.

For apps uploaded which targets android 13 you have to:
(Skip to 2 if you don't use advertising) Add the permission <uses-permission android:name=""/> in your manifest if your app uses ads.
In your Play Console scroll down to and click on App Content at the bottom on the left side menu. In the opened page you have to complete the Advertising ID section which pretty much is for declaring that you use and Advertising ID or not.
The problem we faced was that we don't use any advertising in our app but the Firebase Core library needs the Advertising library. So in gradle we're removing that library from our build like this:
gmsImplementation ('') {
exclude group: '', module: 'play-services-ads-identifier'

I'm also having this issue. No fix yet.
Seems others are having issues with this as well.
Reading this reddit thread, a user mentioned that the issue is on the Play Console Team's side and everyone is facing it.
They've also published their app to production and everything is fine, so the error warning can be ignored.


Is necessary to git ignore .expo-shared folder in react native project?

I started using react native 2 months ago , and when i create i project by expo init, I see that .expo-shared is not ignored, and it seems like it contains someting like a token,
so as a newbie with a web development background, I wanna know if it is okay to push it to the public repository.
There's a README in that folder which says:
> Why do I have a folder named ".expo-shared" in my project?
The ".expo-shared" folder is created when running commands that produce state that is intended to be shared with all developers on the project. For example, "npx expo-optimize".
> What does the "assets.json" file contain?
The "assets.json" file describes the assets that have been optimized through "expo-optimize" and do not need to be processed again.
> Should I commit the ".expo-shared" folder?
Yes, you should share the ".expo-shared" folder with your collaborators.
So that should answer your question
I have not git-ignored mine and all is well, but as this is an expo internal folder, you could add it to the git ignore file without problems.

Invalid Swift Support / The SwiftSupport folder is empty

Environment: Xcode 7 GM
I uploaded iOS app successfully using Xcode without error. This app is written in Objective-C and Swift.
However, immediately after successful upload, I got this email from Apple stating this error:
Invalid Swift Support - We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for XXXXX(my app name). To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is empty. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
Anybody has a solution against this issue?
I have already confirmed below issues.
"SwiftSupport/iphoneos/" libraries in archives(.xcarchive file) is equaly to "Products/Applications/myApp.ipa/Frameworks/"
My "Valid Architectures" setting is "$(ARCHS_STANDARD)" displaying "armv7k".
Provisioning profile is set to Dev and Release which has been created in iTunes connect, respectively.
And, in my "Edit scheme", Test target is unchecked at Archive.
important note: this only works for projects that do not use swift, see comment below
I just met the same issue and resolved it by making the following change -
If you used to have Swift files in your project but then removed them, you only need to set "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" to NO in Build Options.
when try to export after "Xcode->Product->Archive"
you should choose "save for ios app store deployment" option
The same problem confused me a couple of days,
the above setting can solve this problem.
no matter "embedded content contains swift code" is yes or no.
There are many conflicting answers on this page.. what worked for me was the one mentioned here, which is simply select a save for iOS app store deployment option (I'm actually not interested in an app store release.. I want to simply push a release for testflight internal testing)..
that being said, I have a way to verify that your ipa will be approved or not before submitting it:
drag the .ipa file into a new folder (call it analysis)
right click the ipa file and rename it to .zip (confirm the dialog to use .zip)
double click the zip file
here if you get a folder (with the same name as the .ipa file) that has the following subfolders in it:
then you are good to go, however if you only see the Payload folder within.. then you gotta try again
also a couple of pointers
I've tried setting "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" to NO, it worked just once then stopped working after that
I've ensured that I had no cocoapod errors.. that didn't help either
I've tried manually adding the SwiftSupport folder inside the archive as suggested here.. but then i got all sorts of side effects.. didn't work
I think this is due to some bug with xcode (writing this with Xcode 8.0 build (8A218a).. so keep on trying your luck until it works.. just don't expect some solid explanation for it
Five Step Solution:
Go to build settings and make flag Embedded Content Contains Swift Code -> YES, if your code contains partial swift code or entirely made in Swift
Archive your build using Xcode->Product->Archive
Export the Archive Build you will suddenly see the difference build size will be 40+ MBs this is because XCode has added SwiftSupport folder which was missing
Now upload this build using Application loader
If this does not work check that if you have multiple XCode on your system goto
Xcode->Preferences->Location->Command Lines Tools has the same latest or the same Xcode from drop down selected on which you have done the coding & vola it's done.
This is slightly a drawback as swift carries the baggage and has to be compatible with earlier version and Objective C code.
My many hours were wasted hope you will find this helpful ;)
This error can happen if you use xcodebuild to export the IPA without specifying the -exportOptionsPlist option
See xcodebuild -help for the available keys, but you probably want a plist with at least the method key set to "app-store", like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
I spent almost an entire day on this issue, none of the above solutions worked. I got rid of this error by lowering my target tvOS back to 11 from 13; where it was originally. That restored the SwiftSupport folder. The question that remains to be answered is whether this is due to our Provision not allowing us to target tvOS 13 - or somehow the Apple Store folks not being aligned with the xCode folks because the app created by targeting tvOS 13 is 14mb and tvOS 11 is 44mb and different app folder structure.
I received this same email after uploading an .ipa file to App Store Connect through the Transporter app. The following is where I went wrong: I distributed the app using ad hoc.
The following steps are the solution for my error:
Archive app
Distribute on TestFlight and the App Store
Open ExportOptions.plist in the newly created folder from the export.
Make sure the method property has the value app-store if you are uploading to App Store Connect/TestFlight like me.
Drag and drop the exported .ipa file to Transporter.
Deliver your app to upload it.
And that's it!
I grappled with this for several hours and here is what worked for me.
In the Archive, Xcode did not copy swift libs into SwiftSupport/iphoneos even though my project had "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" set to yes for all targets. Nor did it copy swift libs into "". So I had to do that manually in the Archive before submitting:
copy "/Applications/*" to "Archive_folder/Products/Applications/" and "SwiftSupport/iphoneos"
If your app also has a watch app
"/Applications/" into "Archive_folder/SwiftSupport/watchos" and "Archive_folder/Products/Applications/ WatchKit"
Then submit the app.
App Store build submission Issue:
Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
In most cases we found this issue due to submitting application via App Loader and our usual practice to make ipa as Organizer > App Archive > Show In Finder > Show Package Content > Products > Applications> in copying this app to Payload folder and zip it and making ipa file to submit on App Store using App Loader. That is work fine for submitting only objective c files contained projects.
But there is some changes if your project contains any swift classes and usage of it. If your project contains swift classes with Objective C project, IPA content structure changed slightly different as attached screenshot.
To fix this issue, submit app directly from Xcode [ OR ] if you want to submit application via App Loader than first Export ipa using Export option from Xcode organizer and submit those ipa file to app store via App Loader.
See the reference screenshot as below:
Hurrey!!! Your issue will be fixed :) :) :)
My problem was that I was using an adhoc profile to submit to TestFlight (has to be a distribution provisioning profile). Great error messages Apple!
This happened to me after I changed project settings.
Go to "File" > "Project Settings..." (or in some cases "Workspace Settings...") and then select "Use Shared Setting" from the "Build System" dropdown.
Tried this solution with Xcode 11.6, in Aug 2020, and it works.
Select the archive > Show in Finder
Show Package Contents
Delete the folder SwiftSupport
Go back to the archive > Distribute App
Setting "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" to $(inherited) worked for me.
The warning after executing the CocoaPods command pod install helped me to find this out.
[!] The `applewatch Extension [Debug]` target overrides the `EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-applewatch Extension/Pods-applewatch Extension.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
- Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or <--------------
- Remove the build settings from the target.
Using Save for iOS App Store Deployment instead of Save for Ad Hoc Deployment Xcode export option solved this issue for me. Counterintuitively, you should use the first option even for TestFlight builds.
You also get this error when you upload an ipa that has a plist with export_method set to ad-hoc instead of app-store to itunes ...
Here's what I am doing now to solve this issue since my method above stopped working. Keep in mind that my code's main app is Obj-C and my watch app is Swift.
Make sure the "embedded Content Contains Swift Code" is set to:
YES for app target
NO for WatchKit Extension
YES for Watchkit App
After Archiving my XCode will not create the "[archive folder]/SwiftSupport/iphoneos", but will create and fill the "[archive folder]/Products/Applications/[app name].app/Watch/\ WatchKit\" with the Swift dylibs. So I created the following soft link:
ln -s "[archive folder]/Products/Applications/.app/Watch/\ WatchKit\" "[archive folder]/SwiftSupport/iphoneos"
Then when I submit via XCode Organize it is accepted without error.
If you simply copy the files rather than linking them then you risk the watch app exceeding the 50MB limit.
Setting Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to Yes is only necessary for Objective-C targets which link against your own frameworks which depend upon Swift. In cases where you are not linking against (i.e., using) an internal framework which depends upon Swift, Xcode will embed the Swift standard libraries in your archive as long as there is at least one occurrence of importing a Swift standard library in a Swift file which is part of the build target.
In other words, if your target has a Swift file which doesn't import any Swift standard libraries––via "import Foundation", for example––then Xcode will not copy the Swift Standard libraries into the archive.
The fix for this issue is to ensure that at least one of the Swift files in your target is importing a swift standard library (e.g., "import Foundation").
Daniel Jalkut has a very informative post about Swift dependencies which sheds light into this issue.
I grappled with this issue for a while and nothing above worked. In a last desperate attempt I just deleted the SwiftSupport folder from my archive.
To my surprise it uploaded and completed processing successfully. Hope this help someone.
I managed to fix this error by unchecking the option "Strip Swift symbols".
App Store Connect distribution options
To delete the SwiftSupport folder from the .ipa I used the following script
zip -d "${ipa_path}" "SwiftSupport*"
You'll need to set proper ipa_path. Nothing else seems to work in my case and the app was built on a CI where I have access to the .ipa after the archive is exported.

Which Build is generated when I archive my App in Xcode6?

I have an app which I want to distribute to the app store.
When I do >Product > Archive does the app automatically build in Release or Debug config? Do I have to set this manually or is it always Release?
You can define Release or Debug in the scheme by tapping on Edit Scheme and selecting the Build Configuration. Take a look at below screenshot:
EDIT: To get Production APNS token
Archive the build in release mode.
Ensure to sign it with an Ad Hoc Distribution Provisioning profile.
Ensure profile is correct by following below:
Verify that the entitlements in the provisioning-profile file are
correct. To do this, open the .mobileprovision file in a text editor.
The contents of the file are structured in XML. In the Entitlements
dictionary locate the aps-environment key. For a development
provisioning profile, the string value of this key should be
development; for a distribution provisioning profile, the string value
should be production.
You can define Release or Debug in the scheme by tapping on Edit Scheme and selecting the Build Configuration
Its better to cross check when you are uploading build to store.

Drive permissions in AndroidManifest.xml via Titanium's tiapp.xml

I am attempting to upload a mobile app I developed using titanium-mobile to the Google Play marketplace. I am getting the following message:
This apk requests 4 permissions that users will be warned about
This apk requests 2 features that will be used for Google Play filtering
When developing apps natively, I was able to modify these permissions directly via the AndroidManifest.xml file. With Titanium I do not actually generate the AndroidManifest.xml myself but rather it is generated by Titanium's build.
Is there a way to send directives to titanium's build engine via tiapp.xml to remove, enable, or disable permissions in the titanium generated AndroidManifest.xml?
You cannot edit permissions via tiapp.xml.
You can edit the AndroidManifest.xml file directly
(located at {TitaniumWorkspace}/{ProjectRoot}/build/android/AndroidManifest.xml) then copy and edit this file. After that ensure that you put it in your root project directory with the following folder hierarchy:
Your root project folder
platform (note: you may have to create this folder)
android (note: you may have to create this folder)
Example path for where to put the edited manifest: {TitaniumWorkspace}/{ProjectRoot}/platform/android/AndroidManifest.xml

Entitlement are not valid?

My friend send me Build & provision profile ok, 1st I install provision profile than I upload Build on my i pod device , I face this error. Entitlement are not valid?? could you please tell me how can i solve this problem
The standard Project template does not include the entitlements file. On your project, add a new file (File, New). Select Code Signing as the category under iOS, and pick "Entitlements" template. You can name the file Entitlements.plist.
Then, on your Target, go to Build Settings, and set your Code Signing Entitlements setting to the name of this new file.
You should be able to build and distribute it just fine now.