How to Group by Current day and Count Rows? - sql

Hello I have table "os_txn.pay_link" and inside there are many columns.
What I want to do is that I want to count the row numbers by looking at "merchant_id" column for the current day.
So for example what I am looking for an output is that today one of "merchant_id" has
"8" rows. So I want to know the number of rows of the "merchant_id" column for current day.
I think I should use count(*) in view with select statement but couldnt succeed about syntax. So I am open your suggestions thank you.

If I understood you correctly, a simple option would be
select merchant_id, count(*)
from os_txn.pay_link
where date_column = trunc(sysdate)
group by merchant_id;
presuming that date_column contains date only (i.e. for today, 8th of October 2022, that's its value - no hours, minutes or seconds).
If date column contains time component, again - a simple option - would be
select merchant_id, count(*)
from os_txn.pay_link
where trunc(date_column) = trunc(sysdate)
group by merchant_id;
If there's an index on date_column, then such a code wouldn't use it (unless it is a function-based index) so you'd rather modify it to
where date_column >= trunc(sysdate)
and date_column < trunc(sysdate + 1)
If that's not it, do post sample data and desired result.


Oracle query displays data by month and year

I want to display the amount of data by month and year. This is an example of displaying data by date:
select count(*) from db.trx where trxdate = to_date('2018-04-23','yyyy-mm-dd')
When I try to display the amount of data by month and year, no query results appear. Is there something wrong with the query?
The query:
select count(*) from db.trx where trxdate = to_date('2018-04','yyyy-mm')
You need to apply the function to trxdate. Using your logic:
SELECT Count(*)
FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE To_char(trxdate, 'YYYY-MM') = '2018-04';
However, I strongly recommend that you use direct date comparisons:
WHERE trxdate >= date '2018-04-01'
trxdate < date '2018-05-01'
This will allow the database to use an index on trxdate.
There are a couple of ways of accomplishing what you're trying to do. Which one works for you will depend on your database design (for example, the indexes you've created). One way might be this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE TRUNC(trxdate, 'MONTH') = DATE'2018-04-01';
This will round the date down to the first of the month (and, of course, remove any time portion). Then you simply compare it to the first of the month for which you want the data. However, unless you have an index on TRUNC(trxdate, 'MONTH'), this may not be the best course of action; if trxdate is indexed, you'll want to use:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE trxdate >= DATE'2018-04-01'
AND trxdate < DATE'2018-05-01';
There are a number of functions at your disposal in Oracle (e.g. ADD_MONTHS()) in the event that the date you use in your query is supposed to be dynamic rather than static.
Just FYI, there is no reason not to use ANSI date literals when trying to retrieve data by day as well. I'm not sure your original query is a good example of getting data for a particular day, since the Oracle DATE datatype does at least potentially include a time:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE trxdate >= DATE'2018-04-23'
AND trxdate < DATE'2018-04-24';
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE TRUNC(trxdate) = DATE'2018-04-23';
In case the month and year are dynamic, I would build a date from them (e.g., TO_DATE('<year>-<month>-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')) and then use the following query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE trxdate >= TO_DATE('<year>-<month>-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
AND trxdate < ADD_MONTHS( TO_DATE('<year>-<month>-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 1 );
Hope this helps.

Is there a way to turn these multiple SQL queries into one?

I have a query that looks like this:
FROM table
WHERE date_field >= '2018-04-08'
AND date_field <= '2018-04-14'
I need to do this 26 times, for the current week and for 25 previous weeks, with each result separated by a carriage return. Is this possible with a single SQL query or do I need to put it in a loop, as I'm now doing?
Note that this is in FileMaker. I don't think that's relevant, but now you know, just in case.
Look into using "group by". Assuming that you are looking at calendar weeks, grouping by the week of the date will give you the counts per week and an extra condition can limit the overall range.
FileMaker has a WeekOfYearFiscal() function. 2nd parameter is the day of week start date.
SELECT WeekOfYearFiscal(dateField;2), COUNT(*)
FROM table
WHERE date_field >= '2018-01-01'
AND date_field <= '2018-04-14'
group by WeekOfYearFiscal(dateField;2)
See this documentation -
Give this a go. If the GROUP BY doesn't work on the function, you can nest the inner part and give an alias.

sql query to get today new records compared with yesterday

i have this table:
COD (Integer) (PK)
ID (Varchar)
DATE (Date)
I just want to get the new ID's from today, compared with yesterday (the ID's from today that are not present yesterday)
This needs to be done with just one query, maximum efficiency because the table will have 4-5 millions records
As a java developer i am able to do this with 2 queries, but with just one is beyond my knowledge so any help would be so much appreciated
EDIT: date format is dd/mm/yyyy and every day each ID may come 0 or 1 times
Here is a solution that will go over the base data one time only. It selects the id and the date where the date is either yesterday or today (or both). Then it GROUPS BY id - each group will have either one or two rows. Then it filters by the condition that the MIN date in the group is "today". Those are the id's that exist today but did not exist yesterday.
DATE is an Oracle keyword, best not used as a column name. I changed that to DT. I also assume that your "dt" field is a pure date (as pure as it can be in Oracle, meaning: time of day, which is always present, is 00:00:00).
select id
from your_table
where dt in (trunc(sysdate), trunc(sysdate) - 1)
group by id
having min(dt) = trunc(sysdate)
Edit: Gordon makes a good point: perhaps you may have more than one such row per ID, in the same day? In that case the time-of-day may also be different from 00:00:00.
If so, the solution can be adapted:
select id
from your_table
where dt >= trunc(sysdate) - 1 and dt < trunc(sysdate) + 1
group by id
having min(dt) >= trunc(sysdate)
Either way: (1) the base table is read just once; (2) the column DT is not wrapped within any function, so if there is an index on that column, it can be used to access just the needed rows.
The typical method would use not exists:
select t.*
from t
where >= trunc(sysdate) and < trunc(sysdate + 1) and
not exists (select 1
from t t2
where = and >= trunc(sysdate - 1) and < trunc(sysdate)
This is a general solution. If you know that there is at most one record per day, there are better solutions, such as using lag().
Use MINUS. I suppose your date column has a time part, so you need to truncate it.
select id from mytable where trunc(date) = trunc(sysdate)
select id from mytable where trunc(date) = trunc(sysdate) - 1;
I suggest the following function index. Without it, the query would have to full scan the table, which would probably be quite slow.
create idx on mytable( trunc(sysdate) , id );

Oracle Count number of records each hour [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Counting number of records hour by hour between two dates in oracle
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm trying to get the number of records created each hour but running into trouble with getting the results to group correctly. The idea is similiar to: How to count number of records per day?
However, the field I'm using to Group by is a Date-time field that records down to the second. This seems to be causing trouble with the Group By statement, as when the query returns, there is one row for each second in the specified time period, which is way too much data and will make the work I want to do with the results more difficult than it needs to be (if for no other reason that it's too many rows to fit on one Excel sheet).
My current code is:
From DB_Name.Table_Name fcr
Where trunc(fcr.ASD) > to_Char('31-DEC-2014')
And trunc(fcr.ASD) < to_Char('31-JAN-2015')
And fcr.Status_Code = 'C'
Group By ASD
Order By ASD;
I've tried changing the Group By to be trunc(ASD), but that results in Toad throwing this error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression.
Thanks in advance!
When you use aggregation anything in the select and order by clauses must match what's in the group by clause:
SELECT trunc(ASD,'hh'), Count(ASD) Num_CR
From DB_Name.Table_Name fcr
Where trunc(fcr.ASD) > to_date('31-DEC-2014')
And trunc(fcr.ASD) < to_date('31-JAN-2015')
And fcr.Status_Code = 'C'
Group By trunc(ASD,'hh')
Order By trunc(ASD,'hh');
When applied to a date, trunc will truncate to the day. To truncate to a different level, specify the format of the element you'd like to truncate to as the second argument (e.g. 'hh' will truncate to the hour; 'mm' will truncate to the month).
SELECT to_char(ASD,'DD-MM-YYYY HH'), Count(ASD) Num_CR
From DB_Name.Table_Name fcr
Where trunc(fcr.ASD) > to_Char('31-DEC-2014')
And trunc(fcr.ASD) < to_Char('31-JAN-2015')
And fcr.Status_Code = 'C'
Group By to_char(ASD,'DD-MM-YYYY HH')
Order By to_char(ASD,'DD-MM-YYYY HH');
Quick and dirty :)
First off, why are you doing to_char on something that's already a string? Secondly, why are you trying to compare something that's (presumably) a DATE column to a string? That way lies madness...
I think you're after something like:
SELECT trunc(ASD, 'hh') asd_hr, Count(ASD) Num_CR
From DB_Name.Table_Name fcr
Where trunc(fcr.ASD) > to_date('31/12/2014', 'dd/mm/yyyy')
And trunc(fcr.ASD) < to_date('31/01/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy')
And fcr.Status_Code = 'C'
Group By trunc(ASD, 'hh')
Order By trunc(ASD, 'hh');
Also worth noting, did you mean to exclude the last day of January from your query? If so, then fine, but if not, then perhaps you should change it to to_date('01/02/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy')

Efficient way of counting a large content from a cloumn or a two in a database using selected time period

I need to list number of column1 that have been added to the database over the selected time period (since the day the list is requested)-daily, weekly (last 7 days), monthly (last 30 days) and quarterly (last 3 months). for example below is the table I created to perform this task.
Column | Type | Modifiers
column1 character varying (256) not null default nextval
date timestamp without time zone not null default now()
coloumn2 charater varying(256) ..........
Now, I need the total count of entries in column1 with respect the selected time period.
Column 1 | Date | Coloumn2
abcdef 2013-05-12 23:03:22.995562 122345rehr566
njhkepr 2013-04-10 21:03:22.337654 45hgjtron
ffb3a36dce315a7 2013-06-14 07:34:59.477735 jkkionmlopp
abcdefgggg 2013-05-12 23:03:22.788888 22345rehr566
From above data, for daily selected time period it should be count= 2
I have tried doing this query
select count(column1) from table1 where date='2012-05-12 23:03:22';
and have got the exact one record matching the time stamp. But I really needed to do it in proper way I believe this is not an efficient way of retrieving the count. Anyone who could help me know the right and efficient way of writing such query would be great. I am new to the database world, and I am trying to be efficient in writing any query.
Each query currently is taking 175854ms to get process. What could be the efficient way to lessen the time to have it processed accordingly. Any help would be really great. I am using Postgresql to do the same.
To be efficient, conditions should compare values of the sane type as the columns being compared. In this case, the column being compared - Date - has type timestamp, so we need to use a range of tinestamp values.
In keeping with this, you should use current_timestamp for the "now" value, and as confirmed by the documentation, subtracting an interval from a timestamp yields a timestamp, so...
For the last 1 day:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '1 day'
For the last 7 days:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '7 days'
For the last 30 days:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '30 days'
For the last 3 months:
select count(*) from table1
where "Date" > current_timestamp - interval '3 months'
Make sure you have an index on the Date column.
If you find that the index is not being used, try converting the condition to a between, eg:
where "Date" between current_timestamp - interval '3 months' and current_timestamp
Logically the same, but may help the optimizer to choose the index.
Note that column1 is irrelevant to the question; being unique there is no possibility of the row count being different from the number of different values of column1 found by any given criteria.
Also, the choice of "Date" for the column name is poor, because a) it is a reserved word, and b) it is not in fact a date.
If you want to count number of records between two dates:
select count(*)
from Table1
where "Date" >= '2013-05-12' and "Date" < '2013-05-13'
-- count for one day, upper bound not included
select count(*)
from Table1
where "Date" >= '2013-05-12' and "Date" < '2013-06-13'
-- count for one month, upper bound not included
select count(*)
from Table1
"Date" >= current_date and
"Date" < current_date + interval '1 day'
-- current date
What I understand from your wording is
select date_trunc('day', "date"), count(*)
from t
where "date" >= '2013-01-01'
group by 1
order by 1
Replace 'day' for 'week', 'month', 'quarter' as needed.
Create an index on the "date" column.
select count(distinct column1) from table1 where date > '2012-05-12 23:03:22';
I assume "number of column1" means "number of distinct values in column1.
Regarding your second question (speed of the query): I would assume that an index on the date column should speed up the runtime. Depending on the data content, this could even be declared unique.
To throw another option into the mix...
Add a column of type "date" and index that -- named "datecol" for this example:
create index on tbl_datecol_idx on tbl (datecol);
analyze tbl;
Then your query can use an equality operator:
select count(*) from tbl where datecol = current_date - 1; --yesterday
Or if you can't add the date datatype column, you could create a functional index on the existing column:
create index tbl_date_fbi on tbl ( ("date"::DATE) );
analyze tbl;
select count(*) from tbl where "date"::DATE = current_date - 1;
Note1: you do not need to query "column1" directly as every row has that attribute filled due to the NOT NULL.
Note2: Creating a column named "date" is poor form, and even worse that it is of type TIMESTAMP.