Why does Kotlin documentation for ArrayList mention JavaScript? - kotlin

In the documentation for ArrayList it says:
Provides a MutableList implementation, which uses a resizable array as its backing storage.
This implementation doesn't provide a way to manage capacity, as backing JS array is resizeable itself. There is no speed advantage to pre-allocating array sizes in JavaScript, so this implementation does not include any of the capacity and "growth increment" concepts.
Link here: https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.collections/-array-list/
Why does the documentation reference JavaScript here? My understanding is Kotlin is based on the JVM and Java. Interested to know what role JS plays here.

Kotlin is a multi-platform language. While it was primarily designed for compatibility with the JVM, it can compile to native code or JavaScript. These different targets have differences in their standard libraries.
At the top of their documentation pages, you can see toggles for the three target platforms which you can use to hide documentation for platforms you aren't interested in.
You'll notice there's an orange dot next to the documentation for the ArrayList class you mentioned. That is because this ArrayList class is only in the JavaScript standard library. On JVM, there's only a typealias to the JVM implementation of ArrayList, so there's a green dot next to that.

Kotlin can currently be compiled to JVM byte code, JS, and native machine code. The website shows details for all three targets. The part you are quoting is exclusively about the JS target.


How to use BigDecimal in Kotlin Multiplatform?

I followed the tutorial https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/native/mpp-ios-android.html, then I successfully create the folders of androidmain, iosmain and commonmain.
However when I want to implement the datatype BigDecimal in the commonmain. It won't work. I need the decimal dataype for the currency.
I know that the question is old, but, in case anyone stumbles upon this topic, I made a KigDecimal library that implements BigDecimal and BigInteger for kotlin multiplatform (for jvm and js). The library is distributed completely freely. Therefore, I invite everyone to supplement and expand it, if desired.
On the jvm side, BigDecimal and BigInteger are just the corresponding types from java. And on the js side is used https://www.npmjs.com/package/bigdecimal.
The main repository is located here: https://gitflic.ru/project/mikhaylutsyury/kig-decimal
There is also a mirror on github: https://github.com/YuryMikhailuts/kig-decimal
But the mirror can sometimes lag a little behind the main repository.
There is no support for BigDecimal in the Kotlin common code (yet).
You may have a look at the related thread
You may create your own implementation for such a class with expect and actual keywords.
The idea is as follows:
you declare expect declarations for the BigDecimal type in common code
you use the actual annotations at every platform to supply the platform specific implementation (e.g. JVM's BigDecimal class)

Where is the documentation for DOMNode, DOMNodeList and other Webkit data structures?

I asked this question a while back and the answer is using these data structures: DOMNode, DOMNodeList , and a method -childNodes:.
The two data structures don't have documentation in the OS X documentation; the only interesting documentation I found was in the headers: DomText.h, inside the Webkit framework.
The childNodes gives some results, but I can't really tell if they are related to Webkit: NSTreeNode.
The code comes from: http://cocoadev.com/wiki/DOMCore
It seems that these data structures map to the DOM specification, but I don't like to reuse code that I could not rewrite myself from the documentation. It feels like voodoo programming.
So where should I start ? Is there a documentation for traversing the DOM in Objective-C ?
DOMNode, DOMNodeList are classes from the webkit and listed in the:
WebKit Objective-C Framework Reference
The reference also has alink to:
WebKit Objective-C Programming Guide
These links are on the internet. If you want to see them in the Xcode Documentation then just do a search for them using the title or the class.
You may also find WebKit DOM Programming Topics of use
The links should give you an understanding of how to use the DOM Objective-C API
As quoted in the Using the Document Object Model from Objective-C section of WebKit Objective-C Programming Guide
The Document Object Model API implements the Level 2 Document Object
Model (DOM) specification, developed by the World Wide Web Consortium.
This specification provides a platform and language-neutral interface
that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and change the
content, structure and style of a document —usually HTML or XML—by
providing a structured set of objects that correspond to the
document’s elements.
The intention of the DOM Objective-C API is to conform to—as close as
technically possible—the W3C DOM specification. Therefore, standard
Cocoa conventions such as method naming, argument titling, and
exception handling may not be reflected in this API. Following a few
conventions discussed in this article, you can derive the DOM
Objective-C API from the specification. This article also discusses
the differences between the DOM specification and DOM Objective-C API.
From w3 org you can also look at:
Level 2 DOM Objects
Level 2 DOM specification
XML DOM Introduction from w3schools.com

Why does Math.sin() delegate to StrictMath.sin()?

I was wondering, why does Math.sin(double) delegate to StrictMath.sin(double) when I've found the problem in a Reddit thread. The mentioned code fragment looks like this (JDK 7u25):
Math.java :
public static double sin(double a) {
return StrictMath.sin(a); // default impl. delegates to StrictMath
StrictMath.java :
public static native double sin(double a);
The second declaration is native which is reasonable for me. The doc of Math states that:
Code generators are encouraged to use platform-specific native libraries or microprocessor instructions, where available (...)
And the question is: isn't the native library that implements StrictMath platform-specific enough? What more can a JIT know about the platform than an installed JRE (please only concentrate on this very case)? In ther words, why isn't Math.sin() native already?
I'll try to wrap up the entire discussion in a single post..
Generally, Math delegates to StrictMath. Obviously, the call can be inlined so this is not a performance issue.
StrictMath is a final class with native methods backed by native libraries. One might think, that native means optimal, but this doesn't necessarily has to be the case. Looking through StrictMath javadoc one can read the following:
(...) the definitions of some of the numeric functions in this package require that they produce the same results as certain published algorithms. These algorithms are available from the well-known network library netlib as the package "Freely Distributable Math Library," fdlibm. These algorithms, which are written in the C programming language, are then to be understood as executed with all floating-point operations following the rules of Java floating-point arithmetic.
How I understand this doc is that the native library implementing StrictMath is implemented in terms of fdlibm library, which is multi-platform and known to produce predictable results. Because it's multi-platform, it can't be expected to be an optimal implementation on every platform and I believe that this is the place where a smart JIT can fine-tune the actual performance e.g. by statistical analysis of input ranges and adjusting the algorithms/implementation accordingly.
Digging deeper into the implementation it quickly turns out, that the native library backing up StrictMath actually uses fdlibm:
StrictMath.c source in OpenJDK 7 looks like this:
#include "fdlibm.h"
Java_java_lang_StrictMath_sin(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jdouble d)
return (jdouble) jsin((double)d);
and the sine function is defined in fdlibm/src/s_sin.c refering in a few places to __kernel_sin function that comes directly from the header fdlibm.h.
While I'm temporarily accepting my own answer, I'd be glad to accept a more competent one when it comes up.
Why does Math.sin() delegate to StrictMath.sin()?
The JIT compiler should be able to inline the StrictMath.sin(a) call. So there's little point creating an extra native method for the Math.sin() case ... and adding extra JIT compiler smarts to optimize the calling sequence, etcetera.
In the light of that, your objection really boils down to an "elegance" issue. But the "pragmatic" viewpoint is more persuasive:
Fewer native calls makes the JVM core and JIT easier to maintain, less fragile, etcetera.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
At least, that's how I imagine how the Java team would view this.
The question assumes that the JVM actually runs the delegation code. On many JVMs, it won't. Calls to Math.sin(), etc.. will potentially be replaced by the JIT with some intrinsic function code (if suitable) transparently. This will typically be done in an unobservable way to the end user. This is a common trick for JVM implementers where interesting specializations can happen (even if the method is not tagged as native).
Note however that most platforms can't simply drop in the single processor instruction for sin due to suitable input ranges (eg see: Intel discussion).
Math API permits a non-strict but better-performing implementations of its methods but does not require it and by default Math simply uses StrictMath impl.

Qt Webkit Bridge: C++ access to JavaScript

I am using a QWebView and call to setHtml() to display some HTML/JavaScript pages. I am passing data updates using QWebFrame::evaluateJavaScript by passing it a QString containing a call to a JavaScript function (with arguments). After reading about the Qt WebKit Bridge I
feel like there should be a better way to do his. I see discussion of exposing Qt objects / functions in C++ to the JavaScript, but not the other direction. (I do not want the JavaScript to poll the C++ side for updates.) Is there a way to connect a JavaScript function as a slot to a Qt/C++ signal? (Or a similar pattern) I feel like I have looked through a lot of docs, posted questions (even the 'Similar Questions' as I type this), but have not seen examples of this. Appreciate any info, links or nudges in the right direction.
Use addToJavaScriptWindow object for exposing your C++ objects the Javascript tier:
page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString("myObject"), myObject);
Check documentation here:
That will expose your C++ myObject as "myObject".
Then, you can do exactly what you are looking for on your post, let's suppose myObject declares a signal in the following way:
mySignal(QString aParameter);
you can simply connect that signal to a slot on your web side as follows:
myObject.mySignal.connect(this, this.mySignalSlot);
In this case, mySignalSlot should have the same signature than mySignal declaration at the C++ class side (well, "same signature" would mean same number of parameters as javascript is not typed, so you won't need to declare a type for each of them).
What's really usefull here is to pass JSon objects. In case you need to pass big amount of data you can use base64 encoding. For images, QTWebKit supports natively QImage and QPixmap classes; these last two are natively encoded as complex javascript objects by QTWebKit Bridge engine.

Categories provide dynamic loading?

I am looking at this page about C++ differences from Objective C and it states this:
The dynamic nature of Objective C allows existing classes to be extended at runtime. Objective C allows you to define categories, related sets of extensions to objects you've already created. For example, in converting a text-based app into a graphics app, the code your objects needed to draw themselves could be compiled as a category and loaded at run-time only when needed. This saves memory and allows you to leave your original objects unmodified.
Now I am familiar with Categories and have used them, but I do not see how they lead to dynamic loading. If you import a Category file, is it not compiled along with the class it extends, taking up memory whenever you use that class, whether you use the Category methods or not?
You can load a bundle/plugin/framework at runtime. This is the dynamic nature of Objective-c that the quote references. It is not specific to Categories.
However, if the (compiled) code you load includes a Category on an existing Class, the extensions will work just as if they had been there all along. Ie a Class is not 'Frozen' at compile time, and loading a bundle/plugin/framework is one way to add new methods to an existing class at runtime.
This makes it relatively easy to implement a plugin architecture, or load code only when needed to make app startup time faster/keep memory footprint down, compared to some other C based compiled languages.
If you link with a static library containing a category, the linker will copy all of the category code into your executable file. If you link with a shared library, the shared library's entire code segment gets mapped into your process's address space, but it's paged in lazily, so you might not actually read all of the category code off of the disk unless you use it all.
But I think that's not really what the page is talking about.
Link-time libraries
First, let's talk about libraries that you tell the linker to link your app with.
Consider NSString. The NSString class is defined in the Foundation framework, which is a framework full of general-purpose classes useful in programs that have GUIs and in programs that don't have GUIs. So the NSString class as defined in Foundation doesn't include any code for drawing a string into a graphics context, because that code would (usually) be useless in a non-GUI app.
The AppKit framework (on OS X) manages a GUI. It's useful in a GUI to be able to draw strings to a graphics context, so AppKit contains a category on NSString that adds methods for drawing a string, like drawAtPoint:withAttributes:. UIKit (on iOS) does the same thing (but the methods are a little bit different).
So if you write a program on the OS X and use Foundation but don't use AppKit, your process won't load the AppKit NSString category and you won't pay the price for all of those graphics methods on NSString.
For a shared library like AppKit, the price is pretty trivial on modern hardware.
Now, you could do the same thing with your own libraries, which you might make static. Let's say you make a “TwitterModel” library for talking to Twitter. It's full of classes that model the things you find on Twitter, like accounts and tweets. But you don't include code for managing a GUI to display tweets.
Instead, you make another library, “TwitterGUI”, that (in addition to defining yet more classes) uses categories to add methods to the model classes in your “TwitterModel” library.
If you write a program that links to both TwitterGUI and TwitterModel, the executable file will contain all of the Objective-C code from both libraries. But if you write a command-line only program (no GUI) and only link it with TwitterModel, that program won't contain any of the GUI-related code. Oh, the savings!
Run-time libraries
Now let's consider shared libraries that you don't tell the linker to link your app with.
You can dynamically load new code into your process at runtime, using an API like dlopen or -[NSBundle load]. If the library contains categories, those categories will be added to the classes in your running program.
So, you could make your app optionally use a shared library if it exists on the user's system when he runs your app, by trying to load the library programmatically. If you succeed, you can call any category methods that you know the library defines. (And of course you can use the classes that the library provides, if any.) If you fail to load the library, you carefully avoid calling any of those category methods from the library.
Typically, though, we use a dynamic loading API to load a plugin, and the plugin provides some class that subclasses a base class, or conforms to a protocol, that we've defined specifically for plugins to implement. We just need to get the name of that class, and then we create an instance of it and send it the messages that we defined in our base class or protocol.