I am following tutorial and doing the same steps, but my swiper its not working in react js - swiper.js

i did
npm i swiper and imported all swiper imports but the problem is its saying in console 'Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {clickable}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.'
and showing an error to closing tag of swiper like this '>'showing that this is wrong but i am doing the same thing as the video doing :(, i did />, million times checked but still not working


Problems with Kotlin react router dom element attribuute for binding a react component to URL

I'm currently working on a sample application to learn Kotlin/Js with the react library. When using the normal JSX syntax, a component can be set to be triggered when a specific URL hits using the BrowserRouter & Route API like below.
Main Component
Navigation Component as directed like in this youtube video
When attempting the above code in Kotlin, it resembles something like the screenshot below using the KotlinDSL
The main function where the component is rendered is shown below
However, that creates an Uncaught Error Exception like the one below
One of the reasons its also so difficult to debug is because my source maps dont work and hence most of my debugging errors are actually in Javascript. But anyways after searching up the javascript error, I found this article about the new Router update that disallows adding components as children.
As a result I tried to pass in the components through the element prop but there seems to be some incompatibility with them.
the element prop accepts an optional ReactNode? and I cant seem to convert my Function Component of type props to a ReactNode. When I try to pass in an optional ReactElement? by calling the create method, I also get an error.
I have been struggling with the Kotlin Documentation and can't seem to find enough examples of react-router implemented.
Can anyone help me out with how to pass in a Function COmponent into the element prop for the React Router?

how can i know which variable caused vue js re-rendering

I am using chrome-devtools to see the performance of my vue js application. The application contains many components.
I am seeing a wave of updateComponent calls for all application componenets as you can see in the photo below.
I see compoent re-rendering even they do not have an html template.
How can i know which variable that caused vue js component re-rendering ?

Invariant Violation: ListView has been removed from React Native. See fb.me/nolistview for more information or use `deprecated`

I already remove all my ListView component, and also I have no Icon or Spinner component that's I import from react-native or native-base. But it's still getting back this error, can anybody help me plz. I stuck here. But I need a solution very badly.

TypeError: Cannot read property '_isDestroyed' of undefined Vuejs

I'm using nuxt.js i get this error "6b486774c601587bc79c.js:2 TypeError: Cannot read property '_isDestroyed' of undefined" in only one page, it disapear when i visit other pages than i back to this page
Had the same problem, at the end of the day it was a svg tag inside my Vue component that crashed the app. Don't know why, if somebody knows please share.
I just replaced it putting the svg within an img tag. Not proud but it works.

React warning when using ReferenceInput with RadioButtonGroupInput

When using the RadioButtonGroupInput inside ReferenceInput I get some warnings from React:
React does not recognize the setFilter prop on a DOM element
React does not recognize the setPagination prop on a DOM element
It seems the RadioButtonGroup does not support this props, is this a bug?
Here is an example, it only appears the first time we click an item of a list. After we need to reload to see it again