How append Resx into the project ressources list? - resx

How to add my resx named "ImagesParametres.resx" into the list of "My Project*.resx" ?.
I tried many settings without success. When i open the dialog that shows resources via BackgroundImage property of my button, he never appears.
Default ressources choosen


Can I customize the "New File" menu in PhpStorm?

I would like to add some other options, like "PHP Enum" or "PHP Interface" directly to this menu. Also, I would like to put PHP-related options first. It is possible tu customize this in PhpStorm? I'm using last version (2022.3.2) with the new UI enabled.
I tried using Appearance & Behaviour -> Menus & Toolbars but that didn't work for me.
Do you know that you can use the universal PHP Class entry and just change the type of the object (and therefore the file template) there? That can be done right away when typing the file or class name -- just use Arrow Up / Down keys:
(GREEN rectangle area is where that Up / Down key will work; RED rectangle shows my custom file templates)
P.S. The template for PHP Enums is also there, it just the screenshot was taken in a project with PHP 8.0 language level (need 8.1 for enums to appear).
P.P.S. The IDE will remember the last used template when you invoke this dialog again.
You can add new entries to this menu by creating custom File Templates at Settings/Preferences | Editor | File and Code Templates
Here are my test custom file templates:
And this is how they appear in that menu:
Customizing this menu (removing items, changing their order)
This is not possible at the moment. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.

Showing hidden directories in Project Explorer view

My Eclipse RCP application includes the Project Explorer view, which by default hides all directories whose name starts with the dot (".") character.
Is it possible to customize the Project Explorer view so that these directories are no longer hidden?
EDIT: I would like to do this programmatically.
I found a way to do this by looking at the code behind the Customize View dialog (accessing the dialog is described here).
The INavigatorFilterService interface provides the activateFilterIdsAndUpdateViewer method, which allows callers to activate certain filters and deactivate all others. The org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources plugin defines the org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.filters.startsWithDot filter, which is used to remove all files and directories whose name starts with a dot character from the Project Explorer view.
The following code snippet can be used:
ProjectExplorer projectExpl = ... // get project explorer
INavigatorContentService contentServ = projectExpl.getNavigatorContentService();
INavigatorFilterService filterServ = contentServ.getFilterService();
String[] enabledFilters = new String[0]; // this will clear all filters

VB.NET Adding an image so that it shows up under My.Resources.TheImageName

Using VS2012, I would like to add an image to the My.Resources. namespace.
I would like to draw this image to a PictureBox on the Paint event.
I did the following:
I clicked "Add existing item", then I opened up the image.
I clicked the image from the Solution Explorer and set the Build Task to "Embedded Resource".
I saved the project and re-built it.
But it still does not show up under My.Resources.
What did I do wrong, please?
Thank you for the help!
I do not want to add it directly to "Resources.resx" (for example by clicking the "BackGroundImage" property of a form).
I would prefer having the image in the solution explorer instead. I once experienced that VS2012 once damaged a file, and I had to rebuild the resource file. I would like to avoid it.
You need to add the image to the Resources tab in Project Properties, not to the project directly.

is this problem resolved? image view with folder reference

Anybody know a workaround for this problem described under:
"When you add the folder as a reference ("blue folder") it adds that folder to your bundle and not just the files in that folder. This means that when you want to reference a file in that folder, you have to reference it by doing foldername/myfile.png (because you have to dive into that folder, instead of just files in the root of the bundle).
I haven't found a way around this, so if you need to reference a file in a folder like that - be it in IB or a method like imageNamed: you need to do foldername/filename otherwise it won't be found."
It works when I create groups instead of folder references though.
Oh and I was wondering, if I add a folder with pictures in it with "Create groups for any added folders" selected, is all the structure going to be lost and everything will be on the root in my app bundle on the phone? Because if I go with the finder in my dev project, I can see that xcode copied my folder with all the pictures in it. But if it's true and no structure is kept, it means that I can't have two images with the same name in different folders in my dev project, correct? and even if all my images are in a folder "images" in my dev project, I still access them directly (foo.png not images/foo.png) in xcode, right?
OK after adding the User paths (thanks to #Matthew Frederick) I can now see the filename of my images in the dropdown of IB and they show up on the interface! Problem is, it does not add the folder in the dropdown (I only see filename.png not images/filename.png), so when I compile, it looks for filename.png instead of "images/filename.png", so it does not work. I have to put images/filename.png manually in the IB dropdown, but then the image does not show in IB...
Interface Builder will only look for potential graphics/media in your target's header search paths, so if you want access to anything that's not loose in your project folder you'll need to add those paths.
Fortunately it's easy.
In the Project Navigator click on your project, and then in the main area click on your target.
Click the Build Settings tab and scroll down to the Search Paths section.
In the User Header Search Paths subsection double-click on the area in the Project column (3rd column over) and a small dialog will appear:
Click the + button, then type the path to your added folders, relative to the project's base folder, then click Done. The paths should be specified in the form of /yourPathName.
Poof, now IB can see the graphics inside the folder, and will present them as "folderName/imageName" in it's various dropdown menus and such.
Note: This is also true for .h and .m files and anything else inside a folder inside your project's folder: adding paths tells the compiler other places to look (hence the folders you see in my screenshot, "Human Data Classes" and "Machine Data Classes," where I keep my Core Data class files as created by mogenerator).

Application crashes when calling embedded resources

I'm writing a console application in Visual Basic 2008 Express.
I added several text files to my project as resources. Specifically...
I went to my project's "Properties" page and selected the "Resources" tab.
I clicked the "Add Resource" dropdown and chose "Add New Text File".
I entered some simple text and saved the file as "Welcome.txt".
I built the entire solution.
In my code, I use console.writeline(My.Resources.Welcome) to display the text.
If I run my code through the IDE, it works fine.
If I run the EXE that's in the /bin/release folder, the app crashes.
My system logs show the error as "System.IO.FileLoadException".
I have tried setting the properties on the embedded text file to "Embedded Resource", but the result is the same.
Has anyone encountered this issue? Thank you in advance.
Copy Welcome.txt to your bin\release folder.
To make Welcome.txt an embedded resource, right-click either the text file or the bitmap, and then select Properties.
In the Properties dialog box, locate the Build Action property. By default, this property is set to Content. Click the property and change the Build Action property to Embedded Resource.