Is there a pig function to find the average of values in a tuple? - apache-pig

I have data loaded into pig formatted as so
I want to find the average of each tuple, so something like this
b = FOREACH a GENERATE values as values, AVERAGE(values) as average_values
Seems like a fairly standard function but can't find anything for it


Compute minimum of a nested struct column while preserving the schema in Spark/Scala

Suppose I have a dataframe df with a particular column c (that is a struct with several nested fields inside it (could be other structs, integer, string, etc). I do not know these fields beforehand, so I want a general solution.
I want to compute the minimum of this column. Currently I am doing this - val min_df = df.agg(min(c).as("min_col"))
This returns a dataframe min_df with one row and one column. Unfortunately, the schema of min_df ends up being a subset of the original schema of df(c), since some fields and values do not exist in the minimum value. I want it to be the same as the schema of df(c), since I want to compare this minimum value with some other quantities later on.
I already tried something like spark.createDataFrame(min_df.rdd,'c').schema), but this isn't working.
How can I go about computing the minimum/maximum so that the schema is preserved in this case?

BigQuery - Inferring Datatypes of Column Values

What is the best way to determine the datatype of a column value if the data has already been loaded and the data has been classified as STRING datatype (i.e. BQ table metadata has "STRING" as the datatype for every column)? I've found a few different methods, but not sure if I'm missing any or any of these is substantially more performant. The result should include statistics on the grain of each value, not just per column.
Using a combination of CASE and SAFE_CAST on the STRING value to sum up all the instances where it successfully was able to CAST to X data type (where X is any datatype, like INT64 or DATETIME and having a few lines in query repeat the SAFE_CAST to cover all potential datatypes)
Similar to above, but using REGEXP_CONTAINS instead of SAFE_CAST on every value and summing up all instances of TRUE (a community UDF also seems to tackle this:
(For above can also use countif(), if statements etc.)
Loading data into a pandas dataframe and using something like pd.api.types.infer_dtype to infer automatically, but this adds overhead and more components

Split multiple points in text format and switch coordinates in postgres column

I have a PostgreSQL column of type text that contains data like shown below
(32.85563, -117.25624)(32.855470000000004, -117.25648000000001)(32.85567, -117.25710000000001)(32.85544, -117.2556)
(37.75363, -121.44142000000001)(37.75292, -121.4414)
I want to convert this into another column of type text like shown below
(-117.25624, 32.85563)(-117.25648000000001,32.855470000000004 )(-117.25710000000001,32.85567 )(-117.2556,32.85544 )
(-121.44142000000001,37.75363 )(-121.4414,37.75292 )
As you can see, the values inside the parentheses have switched around. Also note that I have shown two records here to indicate that not all fields have same number of parenthesized figures.
What I've tried
I tried extracting the column to Java and performing my operations there. But due to sheer amount of records I have, I will run out of memory. I also cannot do this method in batched due to time constraints.
What I want
A SQL query or a sequence of SQL queries that will achieve the result that I have mentioned above.
I am using PostgreSQL9.4 with PGAdmin III as the client
this is a type of problem that should not be solved by sql, but you are lucky to use Postgres.
I suggest the following steps in defining your algorithm.
First part will be turning your strings into a structured data, second will transform structured data back to string in a format that you require.
From string to data
First, you need to turn your bracketed values into an array, which can be done with string_to_array function.
Now you can turn this array into rows with unnest function, which will return a row per bracketed value.
Finally you need to slit values in each row into two fields.
From data to string
You need to group results of the first query with results wrapped in string_agg function that will combine all numbers in rows into string.
You will need to experiment with brackets to achieve exactly what you want.
PS. I am not providing query here. Once you have some code that you tried, let me know.
Assuming you also have a PK or some unique column, and possibly other columns, you can do as follows:
SELECT id, (...), string_agg(point(pt[1], pt[0])::text, '') AS col_reversed
SELECT id, (...), unnest(string_to_array(replace(col, ')(', ');('), ';'))::point AS pt
FROM my_table) sub
GROUP BY id; -- assuming id is PK or no other columns
PostgreSQL has the point type which you can use here. First you need to make sure you can properly divide the long string into individual points (insert ';' between the parentheses), then turn that into an array of individual points in text format, unnest the array into individual rows, and finally cast those rows to the point data type:
unnest(string_to_array(replace(col, ')(', ');('), ';'))::point AS pt
You can then create a new point from the point you just created, but with the coordinates reversed, turn that into a string and aggregate into your desired output:
string_agg(point(pt[1], pt[0])::text, '') AS col_reversed
But you might also move away from the text format and make an array of point values as that will be easier and faster to work with:
array_agg(point(pt[1], pt[0])) AS pt_reversed
As I put in the question, I tried extracting the column to Java and performing my operations there. But due to sheer amount of records I have, I will run out of memory. I also cannot do this method in batched due to time constraints.
I ran out of memory here as I was putting everything in a Hashmap of
< my_primary_key,the_newly_formatted_text >. As the text was very long sometimes and due to the sheer number of records that I had, it wasnt surprising that I got an OOM.
Solution that I used:
As suggested my many folks here, this solution was better solved with a code. I wrote a small script that formatted the text as per my liking and wrote the primary key and the newly formatted text to a file in tsv format. Then I imported the tsv in a new table and updated the original table from the new one.

pig set data type of all columns

Im wondering if there is a way to set the data type of an arbitrary number of items in a tuple. For example if I create a field using $(1..) and I know that all the items will be integers, can I set that? something like:
.... GENERATE (chararray)$0 (int..)($1..)
I'm passing this tuple to a UDF and want to save time in parsing and converting DataByteArray to Int.

Perform function over many rows

I have a table with a nvarchar max column that has all kinds of json text stored in it. I was hoping to use something like this to extract the json but that only does one json object at a time. How can I run this on every row and get one big table with all of the data?
I didn't look in detail at that article, but it seems to me that you could use CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY to do that with whatever parsing function you have got.