How to decode wav file into tensor in react-native? - react-native

Can we decode wav file into a tensor in react native ?
I have tried to use '#tensorflow/tfjs-react-native' which does provide a method to decode Jpeg file to tensor but I could not find any method to decode wav file.
I tried to used decodeJpeg but it did not work.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am writing a simple audio recognition app on react native I have a pre-trained model which was trained using tensorflow.
I am looking for equivalent in react-native


Convert AAC file to WAV using React native

How to convert AAC file to WAV using React native?
We have an app that records sound from the mic using AAC format but another lib we use requires WAV format for processing sound. What is the best way to convert between formats?
you might wanna take a look here im not 100% sure. but it looks like you are looking for this

What is the Recommended 3D file type for maximum render quality in react native ViroReact

I am starting a new project using react native and ViroReact, and I was wondering what 3D object file type should I use.
I have some .fbx modules how ever Viro cannot render them without using the ViroFbx script to format them to vrx type.
I tried this, however my modules broke in the scene.
would appreciate any help in the matter,

I need stream camera feed using react-native

I need to stream camera and microphone feed using react native. I need to open the camera and get the stream in real time.
You need react-native-fetch-blob and Tailer package. It has a function called RNFetchBlob.fs.readStream which can be used to stream a file.
The step by step tutorial is here

i have the kml and csv file and want to load file in the React Native

I am converting the kml file into the json format and then i am loading in to the google Map but its not working yet. is there any other way to load the file?
Have you tried react-native-geojson library? I able to load my local geojson and display it.
For now, I don't see any support for KML with react native maps. issue #967

extract text from image using Tensorflow

Apart from Image Classification and other cool application is there any way we can extract text from images using Tensorflow, Image can be any format or pdf?
With Tensorflow you would have to train a model to detect digital or handwritten characters. The better way would be to use Opencv and pytesseract