pyqt5 paintcell Calendar that integrated in ui - pyqt5

I am looking to integrate text into specific date cell in pyqt5.
it seems that "paintcell" function doesn't work when calendar is already integrated in .ui file.
I am using this "findChild" object to have access to the .ui file calendar
self.calendar = self.findChild(QCalendarWidget,"calendarWidget")
Then the "findChild" method doesn't seems to work.
I have found a answer in Stack overflow but I cant integrated in my code.
Thanks for the help!


How to create a static web project in IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2

I am trying to create a new static web project using IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2.
This type does not appear and I have read old questions and answers in StackOverflow but did not work with me.
I like to see the Icon of "Static web" project Like that :
Within an old question there is an answer saying that it is renamed to JavaScript instead of Static web, but for me I have the JavaScript and when click on it I cannot see the same word at the right side:
In 2022.2.2, it's New project > JavaScript:

Problem Importing ControlP5 in IntelliJ IDEA (used with Processing Core)

I am developing an interactive program to simulate power grid switching and I have it working beautifully with the rendering tools in the Processing library. Now I want to add a user interface with menus and buttons, etc. I found the ControlP5 library and it seems like what I need, but I am having a hard time importing it into my project. I have the most current ControlP5 folders/files on my machine and I have added them as a project library. IntelliJ is recoginizing my import statement, but it won't let me declare a variable using the ControlP5 class.
My import statement seems good to go... it is greyed out as an unused import.
But the very last line in the code copied here generates an error "Cannot resolve symbol 'ControlP5'"
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.event.*;
import controlP5.*;
public class Main extends PApplet {
Viewport viewport = new Viewport();
Click click = new Click();
UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
ControlP5 cp5;
Here is a screen shot of my libraries. I have the Processing Core library which I am using for drawing tools, and I want to also use classes from the ControlP5 library which I believe I have correctly linked as an external library here.
Here is a screen shot of my module dependencies.
Here is a screen shot of the bottom of my project tree. I can see that Processing is correctly shown, but I do not see the ControlP5 library here.
I have tried multiple different methods of adding just certain subfolders of the "controlp5-master" folder which I downloaded with no luck.
I have also searched through Google, Processing forum, and Stack Overflow and can't find an answer.
Any advice?
My problem was solved on the Processing Forum. I simply referenced the wrong file when establishing my external library. The ControlP5 download package includes a jar file that is buried several folders deep. Once I pointed the library to that jar file, I was in business.

How to add new toolbar item in Window-builder editor in eclipse(ex. copy, paste...)

I am trying to extend windows builder toolbar.I searched a lot but just found this:
Outside the fact you do not ask for any question, any google request or basic tutorial will guide you to such thing.

FlashDevelop code completion AIR API

I haven't used FlashDevelop in half a year, and on returning (and updating it) the code completion no longer functions properly. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the code completion doesn't know the AIR library.
When pressing "Ctrl+Space" after typing "import" will only show me the classes I have already imported.
Pressing "Ctrl+Space" after typing "import f" or "import flash." returns no suggestions.
If I type of the import by hand, the class will successfully compile though.
I have updated Flex, FlashDevelop, the debugger
Code completion is activated
I have set Compiler Options >> SWC Included Libraries to "Flex 4.6\frameworks\libs\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc"
searched google and stack overflow for a solution
I have tried shang's suggestions (this & this too)
and I'm out of ideas.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ctrl+Alt+Space will show all the classes included in the classpath. Select an entry and it will generate the import statement.

Creating Dijit > Editor > Plugins

I have been googling this subject for hours. Does anyone have an examples of a custom plugin being deployed in Dijit's Editor. I'd be really interested to look at it because I have been following this without much success and of the few examples that exist out there none of them come with working examples :(
(I'm looking to create a pulldown menu like the one for font selection)
There's no difference between a custom plugin and a "builtin" plugin, so I suggest just looking at a small builtin example like TabIndent, and then move on to the font selection itself.