What is possible in SOQL but not in SQL? - sql

Are there any functions / keywords / syntax in SOQL queries that does NOT have an equivalent operation in SQL?
Basically, does there exist a SOQL query that you couldn't convert directly into a SQL query?

Weird question, why do you ask? And which SQL you mean exactly, Oracle, SQL Server flavour, Maria DB or what?
I'd say you'll have hard time
mapping SELECT Account.Owner.Manager.Profile.Name FROM Opportunity into "normal" joins
replicating TOLABEL() (translate picklist values on the fly)
replicating anything SF-specific like WITH (say knowledge base's data categories) or USING SCOPE (you can pull "my accounts" but can you pull "my team's accounts"? "My territory's accounts"? Without an orgy of joins)
doing joins over mutant polymorphic fields like Task.WhatId or ContentDocumentLink.LinkedEntityId
doing any kind of SOSL, especially if org uses synonyms
converting currencies on the fly
doing things like FISCAL_YEAR() without orgy of joins to Period table
replicating any geolocation-related queries (accounts up to 10 km away from me) without knowing exactly what GIS (or whatever) SF uses
doing soft deletes (or however Recycle Bin really works) without impact on performance. I mean if records go to another table - columns are identical and join/view happens magically when you query ALL ROWS?
doing any Person Account stuff, silently querying and updating effectively 2 tables (as materialised view maybe?)

Some differences of SOQL:
No views
SOQL read-only
Limited indexes
Object-relational mapping is automatic
Schema changes protected


How can I perform the same query on multiple tables in Redshift

I'm working in SQL Workbench in Redshift. We have daily event tables for customer accounts, the same format each day just with updated info. There are currently 300+ tables. For a simple example, I would like to extract the top 10 rows from each table and place them in 1 table.
Table name format is Events_001, Events_002, etc. Typical values are Customer_ID and Balance.
Redshift does not appear to support declare variables, so I'm a bit stuck.
You've effectively invented a kind of pseudo-partitioning; where you manually partition the data by day.
To manually recombine the tables create a view to union everything together...
SELECT 1 AS partition_id, * FROM events_001
SELECT 2 AS partition_id, * FROM events_002
SELECT 3 AS partition_id, * FROM events_003
etc, etc
That's a hassle, you need to recreate the view every time you add a new table.
That's why most modern databases have partitioning schemes built in to them, so all the boiler-plate is taken care of for you.
But RedShift doesn't do that. So, why not?
In general because RedShift has many alternative mechanisms for dividing and conquering data. It's columnar, so you can avoid reading columns you don't use. It's horizontally partitioned across multiple nodes (sharded), to share the load with large volumes of data. It's sorted and compressed in pages to avoid loading rows you don't want or need. It has dirty pages for newly arriving data, which can then be cleaned up with a VACUUM.
So, I would agree with others that it's not normal practice. Yet, Amazon themselves do have a help page (briefly) describing your use case.
So, I'd disagree with "never do this". Still, it is a strong indication that you've accidentally walked in to an anti-pattern and should seriously re-consider your design.
As others have pointed out many small tables in Redshift is really inefficient, like terrible if taken to the extreme. But that is not your question.
You want to know how to perform the same query on multiple tables from SQL Workbench. I'm assuming you are referring to SQLWorkbench/J. If so you can define variables in the bench and use these variable in queries. Then you just need to update the variable and rerun the query. Now SQLWorkbench/J doesn't offer any looping or scripting capabilities. If you want to loop you will need to wrap the bench in a script (like a BAT file or a bash script).
My preference is to write a jinja template with the SQL in it along with any looping and variable substitution. Then apply a json with the table names and presto you have all the SQL for all the tables in one file. I just need to run this - usually with the psql cli but at times I'm import it into my bench.
My advice is to treat Redshift as a query execution engine and use an external environment (Lambda, EC2, etc) for the orchestration of what queries to run and when. Many other databases (try to) provide a full operating environment inside the database functionality. Applying this pattern to Redshift often leads to problems. Use Redshift for what it is great at and perform the other actions elsewhere. In the end you will find that the large AWS ecosystem provides extended capabilities as compared to other databases, it's just that these aren't all done inside of Redshift.

MySQL Views - When to use & when not to

the mysql certification guide suggests that views can be used for:
creating a summary that may involve calculations
selecting a set of rows with a WHERE clause, hide irrelevant information
result of a join or union
allow for changes made to base table via a view that preserve the schema of original table to accommodate other applications
but from how to implement search for 2 different table data?
And maybe you're right that it doesn't
work since mysql views are not good
friends with indexing. But still. Is
there anything to search for in the
shops table?
i learn that views dont work well with indexing so, will it be a big performance hit, for the convenience it may provide?
A view can be simply thought of as a SQL query stored permanently on the server. Whatever indices the query optimizes to will be used. In that sense, there is no difference between the SQL query or a view. It does not affect performance any more negatively than the actual SQL query. If anything, since it is stored on the server, and does not need to be evaluated at run time, it is actually faster.
It does afford you these additional advantages
a single source for optimization
This mysql-forum-thread about indexing views gives a lot of insight into what mysql views actually are.
Some key points:
A view is really nothing more than a stored select statement
The data of a view is the data of tables referenced by the View.
creating an index on a view will not work as of the current version
If merge algorithm is used, then indexes of underlying tables will be used.
The underlying indices are not visible, however. DESCRIBE on a view will show no indexed columns.
MySQL views, according to the official MySQL documentation, are stored queries that when invoked produce a result set.
A database view is nothing but a virtual table or logical table (commonly consist of SELECT query with joins). Because a database view is similar to a database table, which consists of rows and columns, so you can query data against it.
Views should be used when:
Simplifying complex queries (like IF ELSE and JOIN or working with triggers and such)
Putting extra layer of security and limit or restrict data access (since views are merely virtual tables, can be set to be read-only to specific set of DB users and restrict INSERT )
Backward compatibility and query reusability
Working with computed columns. Computed columns should NOT be on DB tables, because the DB schema would be a bad design.
Views should not be use when:
associate table(s) is/are tentative or subjected to frequent structure change.
According to http://www.mysqltutorial.org/introduction-sql-views.aspx
A database table should not have calculated columns however a database view should.
I tend to use a view when I need to calculate totals, counts etc.
Hope that help!
One more down side of view that doesn't work well with mysql replicator as well as it is causing the master a bit behind of the slave.

Performance of MS Access when JOINing from linked tables in different servers?

If I have an MS Access database with linked tables from two different database servers (say one table from an SQL Server db and one from an Oracle db) and I write a query which JOINs those two tables, how will Access (or the Jet engine, I guess?) handle this query? Will it issue some SELECTs on each table first to get the fields I'm JOINing on, figurre out which rows match, then issue more SELECTs for those rows?
The key thing to understand is this:
Are you asking a question that Access/Jet can optimize before it sends its request to the two server databases? If you're joining the entirety of both tables, Jet will have to request both tables, which would be ugly.
If, on the other hand, you can provide criteria that limit one or both sides of the join, Access/Jet can be more efficient and request the filtered resultset instead of the full table.
Yep, you can have some serious performance issues. I have done this type of thing for years. Oracle, Sql, and DB2 - ugh. Sometimes I have had to set it up on a timer at 5:00am so when I get in at 7:00 it's done.
If your dataset is significant enough, it is often faster to build a table locally and then link the data. For remote datasets, also look into passthroughs.
For example, lets say you are pulling all of yesterday's customers from the oracle db and all of the customer purchases from the sql db. Let's say you have an average of 100 customers daily but a list of 30,000 and lets say your products have a list of 500,000. You could query the oracle db for your list of 100 customers, then write it as in IN statement in a passthrough query to the sql db. You'll get your data almost instantly.
Or if your recordsets are huge, build local tables of the two IDs, compare them locally and then just pull the necessary matches.
It's ugly but you can save yourself hours literally.
That would be my guess. It helps if there are indexes on both sides of the join but, as neither server has full control over the query, further query optimization is not possible.
I have no practical experience joining tables from two different data systems. However, depending on the requirements, etc, etc, you may find it faster to run SELECT queries with only the records and fields required into Access tables and do the final join and query in Access.

Has anyone written a higher level query langage (than sql) that generates sql for common tasks, on limited schemas

Sql is the standard in query languages, however it is sometime a bit verbose. I am currently writing limited query language that will make my common queries quicker to write and with a bit less mental overhead.
If you write a query over a good database schema, essentially you will be always joining over the primary key, foreign key fields so I think it should be unnecessary to have to state them each time.
So a query could look like.
select s.name, region.description from shop s
where monthly_sales.amount > 4000 and s.staff < 10
The relations would be
shop -- many to one -- region,
shop -- one to many -- monthly_sales
The sql that would be eqivilent to would be
select distinct s.name, r.description
from shop s
join region r on shop.region_id = region.region_id
join monthly_sales ms on ms.shop_id = s.shop_id
where ms.sales.amount > 4000 and s.staff < 10
(the distinct is there as you are joining to a one to many table (monthly_sales) and you are not selecting off fields from that table)
I understand that original query above may be ambiguous for certain schemas i.e if there the two relationship routes between two of the tables. However there are ways around (most) of these especially if you limit the schema allowed. Most possible schema's are not worth considering anyway.
I was just wondering if there any attempts to do something like this?
(I have seen most orm solutions to making some queries easier)
EDIT: I actually really like sql. I have used orm solutions and looked at linq. The best I have seen so far is SQLalchemy (for python). However, as far as I have seen they do not offer what I am after.
Hibernate and LinqToSQL do exactly what you want
I think you'd be better off spending your time just writing more SQL and becoming more comfortable with it. Most developers I know have gone through just this progression, where their initial exposure to SQL inspires them to bypass it entirely by writing their own ORM or set of helper classes that auto-generates the SQL for them. Usually they continue adding to it and refining it until it's just as complex (if not more so) than SQL. The results are sometimes fairly comical - I inherited one application that had classes named "And.cs" and "Or.cs", whose main functions were to add the words " AND " and " OR ", respectively, to a string.
SQL is designed to handle a wide variety of complexity. If your application's data design is simple, then the SQL to manipulate that data will be simple as well. It doesn't make much sense to use a different sort of query language for simple things, and then use SQL for the complex things, when SQL can handle both kinds of thing well.
I believe that any (decent) ORM would be of help here..
Entity SQL is slightly higher level (in places) than Transact SQL. Other than that, HQL, etc. For object-model approaches, LINQ (IQueryable<T>) is much higher level, allowing simple navigation:
var qry = from cust in db.Customers
select cust.Orders.Sum(o => o.OrderValue);
Martin Fowler plumbed a whole load of energy into this and produced the Active Record pattern. I think this is what you're looking for?
Not sure if this falls in what you are looking for but I've been generating SQL dynamically from the definition of the Data Access Objects; the idea is to reflect on the class and by default assume that its name is the table name and all properties are columns. I also have search criteria objects to build the where part. The DAOs may contain lists of other DAO classes and that directs the joins.
Since you asked for something to take care of most of the repetitive SQL, this approach does it. And when it doesn't, I just fall back on handwritten SQL or stored procedures.

How to create dynamic and safe queries

A "static" query is one that remains the same at all times. For example, the "Tags" button on Stackoverflow, or the "7 days" button on Digg. In short, they always map to a specific database query, so you can create them at design time.
But I am trying to figure out how to do "dynamic" queries where the user basically dictates how the database query will be created at runtime. For example, on Stackoverflow, you can combine tags and filter the posts in ways you choose. That's a dynamic query albeit a very simple one since what you can combine is within the world of tags. A more complicated example is if you could combine tags and users.
First of all, when you have a dynamic query, it sounds like you can no longer use the substitution api to avoid sql injection since the query elements will depend on what the user decided to include in the query. I can't see how else to build this query other than using string append.
Secondly, the query could potentially span multiple tables. For example, if SO allows users to filter based on Users and Tags, and these probably live in two different tables, building the query gets a bit more complicated than just appending columns and WHERE clauses.
How do I go about implementing something like this?
The first rule is that users are allowed to specify values in SQL expressions, but not SQL syntax. All query syntax should be literally specified by your code, not user input. The values that the user specifies can be provided to the SQL as query parameters. This is the most effective way to limit the risk of SQL injection.
Many applications need to "build" SQL queries through code, because as you point out, some expressions, table joins, order by criteria, and so on depend on the user's choices. When you build a SQL query piece by piece, it's sometimes difficult to ensure that the result is valid SQL syntax.
I worked on a PHP class called Zend_Db_Select that provides an API to help with this. If you like PHP, you could look at that code for ideas. It doesn't handle any query imaginable, but it does a lot.
Some other PHP database frameworks have similar solutions.
Though not a general solution, here are some steps that you can take to mitigate the dynamic yet safe query issue.
Criteria in which a column value belongs in a set of values whose cardinality is arbitrary does not need to be dynamic. Consider using either the instr function or the use of a special filtering table in which you join against. This approach can be easily extended to multiple columns as long as the number of columns is known. Filtering on users and tags could easily be handled with this approach.
When the number of columns in the filtering criteria is arbitrary yet small, consider using different static queries for each possibility.
Only when the number of columns in the filtering criteria is arbitrary and potentially large should you consider using dynamic queries. In which case...
To be safe from SQL injection, either build or obtain a library that defends against that attack. Though more difficult, this is not an impossible task. This is mostly about escaping SQL string delimiters in the values to filter for.
To be safe from expensive queries, consider using views that are specially crafted for this purpose and some up front logic to limit how those views will get invoked. This is the most challenging in terms of developer time and effort.
If you were using python to access your database, I would suggest you use the Django model system. There are many similar apis both for python and for other languages (notably in ruby on rails). I am saving so much time by avoiding the need to talk directly to the database with SQL.
From the example link:
#Model definition
class Blog(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
tagline = models.TextField()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.name
Model usage (this is effectively an insert statement)
from mysite.blog.models import Blog
b = Blog(name='Beatles Blog', tagline='All the latest Beatles news.')
The queries get much more complex - you pass around a query object and you can add filters / sort elements to it. When you finally are ready to use the query, Django creates an SQL statment that reflects all the ways you adjusted the query object. I think that it is very cute.
Other advantages of this abstraction
Your models can be created as database tables with foreign keys and constraints by Django
Many databases are supported (Postgresql, Mysql, sql lite, etc)
DJango analyses your templates and creates an automatic admin site out of them.
Well the options have to map to something.
A SQL query string CONCAT isn't a problem if you still use parameters for the options.