I'm new to migration and my client has requested me to migrate mailbox from US region to India. Can someone help me with the process ?
Amazon gives 'Delivery Status Notification (Failure)'.
Important information:
the gsuite recipient didn't exist when the first 5-ish emails where sent.
The gsuite destination domain is mine, we're using ses to do automated mailings to our own students. Some users didn't get created automatically but were targeted by SES regardless.
However, even once the recipient is created, the problem remains. Same error.
Sending to recipient+blabla#gsuite works. So I'm assuming SES decides not to send to recipients that failed too many times?
If this is the case, is there a way to tell SES to retry anyway?
And no, I didn't ask amazon, apparently you need to pay for a support subscription before they're willing to help...
Thanks in advance,
There is also an account level suppression list ( [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/sending-email-suppression-list.html] ). I checked the 'global' suppression list before, which didn't help.
Why all of this information is this hard to find is beyond me. Or maybe it's just me '-)
Extra note for people fighting with aws cli: before you can list the suppressed addresses or remove them you first have to 'turn on' the management of the list:
aws sesv2 put-account-suppression-attributes --suppressed-reasons BOUNCE COMPLAINT
Hope this helps someone else...
We are trying to use Azure Lab Services for running training courses.
Log in requires a Microsoft account. We created mailboxes in our domain but Microsoft wouldn't accept 'work' email addresses for Microsoft accounts.
Next we created outlook.com email addresses but after a short while Microsoft locked out these accounts for some sort of policy violation.
Then we used some Gmail addresses which we have had for some time. These too worked for a few days and then Microsoft locked them out for a policy violation.
The policy violation must have been related to having multiple accounts with some of the same recovery information. The accounts were used for nothing other than as a way of accessing Azure Lab Services.
So we can't use work email addresses, Outlook.com email addresses or Gmail addresses. That leaves us having to ask course attendees to use their own personal email address to register a Microsoft account in order to attend a training course being provided by their employer. Some people won't mind but I'm sure some will object on principal.
Has anyone else come across this issue and found a workable solution? It is strange that a product like Azure Lab Services which is surely aimed at a lot of businesses has such a low level blocker in the way of making it work.
Thanks in advance.
Azure Lab Services allow you to use AAD account or Microsoft accounts. If you are trying to use your non-Microsoft account such as Yahoo or Google accounts to sign in to the portal, create a Microsoft account that will be linked to your non-Microsoft account. Then, follow the steps to complete the registration process. Could you please elaborate on how your work email accounts are configured? Ideally, you should be able to create a Microsoft account linked with the work addresses.
The solution was to create AAD accounts and use those accounts to login to Azure Labs. It seems to be working OK now...fingers crossed.
I hava registered RestcommONE account for many days,but RestComm administer still not validate my account creation request. Could anyone provides me two Restcomm accounts to learn how to use Restcomm-android-sdk.
Thank you very much.
That's odd. Your account should have been approved within a day or two. Please send an email to support#telestax.com from the email address you used to sign up, so they can look into the issue for you ;)
A client of ours created a Google Analytics account by himself in july 2013 and asked us to introduce the code to their site. Recently they asked for the data but we obvioulsy don´t have access to it and he don´t remember what email account he created it from.
We have replaced the old UA with a new one managed by us, but it occurred to me perhaps we could somehow find out what gmail adress the original UA code was associated with in order to recover the old traffic data. Here is the original code: UA-42583725-1 and here´s the current one (the one we DO have access to): UA-49424805-1
We have FTP access to site in case you need us to prove we are the owners of the site.
Thank you very much for your help
Slovakia has been added recently to list of supported Merchant countries for Google Play.
I have an account in Czech Republic (CZK) paired with Merchant Account with active paid and free apps and want to change the country to Slovakia (EUR) - mostly because i of the fees related to money transfers from a different currency (CZK to EUR) on my business account.
I have been searching on Google but found nothing except for transferring all my apps to new developer account. I'm afraid that this will hurt my play store search positions and i won't be able to transfer the Google Play Services data (LeaderBoards, Achievements)
Also i want to keep the package names.
Had someone done this? How should i proceed?
June 2017 update:
Apps with subscriptions can now be transferred!!!
The original answer:
This is a complete answer I got from Google:
Thanks for contacting Google Play Developer Support.
I understand you'd like to change the country associated with your Google Payments Merchant account. Once your Google Payments Merchant account has been created, it's not possible to change the country associated with that account. Instead, I can cancel and refund your existing developer account and transfer your apps to a new developer account that has the appropriate merchant country details.
To get started with this process:
Edit your current developer account name. If you'd like to continue to use your developer name with the new account, you’ll need to change your current name in order to free it up for the new account. For example, name the old account “xxx-OLD,” so you can use "xxx" in your new account. Make sure you save your settings.
Create a second Google Account (with a new, different email address). After you've created the new account, you will need to configure Google Payments with a billing address corresponding to your preferred merchant country.
After you've registered the newly created Google Play Developer Console account, create a new Google Payments Merchant account from the Developer Console. Pay special attention to the country listed for your legal business address. You may need to adjust your Google Payments settings if you haven't configured your billing address properly.
Use this online checklist to submit your app transfer request.
Please note however at this time, an app transfer can't be completed with in-app subscriptions currently or previously configured for your app; this includes subscriptions that do not have subscribers, or those apps which have had all subscriptions canceled.
I understand this limitation can be frustrating, and I apologize that we don't currently have a more seamless way to transfer these applications across accounts. We're actively working with our teams to design a better experience for developers with apps using in-app subscriptions, though we do not currently have an ETA.
I appreciate your understanding, and your dedicated support of Google Play.
Google Play Developer Support
The country associated with your Google Play Developer account can't be changed. However, you can create a new account that uses a different country and transfer your apps to your new account.
To transfer apps to a new account, you'll need to prepare some account information. To learn what information you need and to send your request, go to the Google's app transfer checklist.
Reference: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/139626