How to configure Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch to make it case insensitive in term queries? - serilog-sinks-elasticsearch

The log in Elasticsearch has a property named level, the values are Error, Information, and so on. When searching the log use term query with "Error", the result is empty, but with "error", there is a list of loges.
How to make it case insensitive in term queries?


SOLR indexed item has extra word which is not available in query parameter - how to identify those cases?

We have a scenario where we are trying to perform accurate name matching of Items using SOLR.
Query Parameter: Apple
SOLR Indexed Word: Apple-D
In our business case, "Apple" and "Apple-D" are totally different items and therefore SOLR shouldn't return the match.
Is there an option to achieve the same?
You need to change the fieldType used for the field. Use the String fieldType for the your field.
This String fieldType will make sure that the words will be stored as it is by solr.
It won't apply any analysis on the word. Or it won't create any tokes of it.
With the String type applied to it . The Apple and Apple-D are stored/indexed different token. As there won't be any tokenizing on the same. This will help you to achieve the exact match.
Once you change the fieldType. Re-index the same.
You can use the solr analysis tool to check how it is indexing and querying .
Note : Make sure whenever you ask question on it, Share your schema.xml

Neo4j index for full text search

I am working on neo4j database version 2.0.I have following requirements :
Case 1. I want to fetch all records where name contains some string,for example if i am searching for Neo4j then all records having name Neo4j Data,Neo4j Database,Neo4jDatabase etc. should be returned.
Case 2. When i want to fire field less query,if a set of properties is having matching value then those records should be returned or it may also be global level instead of label level.
Case Sensitivity is also a point.
I have read multiple thing about like,index,full text search,legacy index etc.,so what will be the best fit for my case,or i have to use elastic search etc.
I am using spring-data-neo4j in my application,so provide some configuration for SDN
Annotate your name with #Indexed annotation:
#Indexed(indexName = "whateverIndexName", indexType = IndexType.FULLTEXT)
private String name;
Then query for it following way (example for method in SDN repository, you can use similar anywhere else you use cypher):
#Query("START n=node:whateverIndexName({query}) return n"
Set<Topic> findByName(#Param("query") String query);
Neo4j uses lucene as backend for indexing so the query value must be a valid lucene query, e.g. "name:neo4j" or "name:neo4j*".
There is an article that explains the confusion around various Neo4j indexes
I don't think you need to be using elastic search-- you can use the legacy indexes or the lucene indexes to do full text searches.
Check out Michael Hunger's blog:
thix post specifically:

Cloudant Search: Why are my wildcards not working?

I have a Cloudant database with a search index. In the search index I index the titles of my documents. For instance, search for 'rijkspersoneel':
Returns 48 rows.
However, when I replace the 'o' with a ? wildcard:
I get 0 results. Why is that? The Cloudant docs say that this should match 'rijkspersoneel' as well!
My previous answer was definitely mistaken. Internal wildcads do appear to be supported. Try:
title rijksper?on*
Fairly sure what is happening here is an analysis issue. Fairly sure you are using a stemming analyzer. I'm not really all the familiar with cloudant and their implementation of this, but in Lucene, wildcard queries are not subject to the same analysis as term queries. I'm guessing that your analysis of this field includes a stemmer, in which case "rijkspersoneel" is actually indexed as "rijkspersone".
So, when you search for
Since the "el" is missing from the end in the indexed form, you find no matches. When just searching for rijkpersoneel it does get analyzed though, and you search for the stemmed form of the word, and will find matches.
Stemming and wildcards just don't get along.

Endeca search query on multiple fields

How to create an Endeca query on combination of multiple fields [just like where clause in sql query]. Suppose we have three fields indexed are -
Now, I need a query like "where empName like 's%' AND empGender=male"
Checkout Record Filters in the Advanced Development Guide.
If you are trying to use a Record Filter on a property, you will need to enable it explicitly in Developer Studio for that property, while your Dimensions will automatically have the ability to apply a Record Filter. This will help when you have explicit values to filter on, for example empGender.
Your Record Filter can then look as follow:
You can further use the Ntk parameter to specify fields to search on so assuming your empName field is enabled for wildcard searching (configure this in Developer Studio) searching this field will look as follow:
So assuming your properties have been configured correctly, your example above will probably end up looking as follow:
To take this one step further, you can specify Search Filters (ie. Ntk + Ntt parameters) together. I haven't tried this for wildcards so you'll need to confirm that yourself but to combine Search Filters you delimit them with |
I suggest you manually build up queries in the Reference Application to confirm you get your expected results and then start to code this up in your application.
radimbe, the problem with record filters for this use case is that they need to be precise. This means you don't get pelling correction, thesaurus expansion, case insensitivity or stemming. It's very unlikely that a user will input precise information like this.
Saraubh, you can do a boolean search to do OR text search queries. You can also use the Endeca Query Language to specify a complex set of boolean logic that goes beyond boolean search and which would incorporate spelling correction, stemming, etc.
In general though, I think for an application like this, you should move away from searching specific individual fields simultaneously and make use of the faceting capabilities of dimensions to guide the user. Additionally, a search box that searches many fields in combination simultaneously in order of importance is really the way to go for a simplified user interface for this sort of application.

Why queryString would not give any results even added keyword analyzed fields into query

i have a doubt that how query is search into documents.
When i searched with exact query "what is 1234?" against the keyword analyzed field,i could not get any results.
but if i searched "what" against snowball/standard analyzed field then i got some results and i also tried another way to escape space into the query like "what\ is\ 1234?", it also gave some results.
By default what analyzer the query_string will use, whether it will convert user query using any analyzer or it will use what users gave?
please find my gist here:
The reason the query string "what is 1234?" fails to find results isn't the Analyzer, it's the QueryParser.
query_string uses Lucene query syntax. The query parser will interpret that query as three separate queries. That is to say
"query" : "what is 1234?"
Is the equvalent of:
"query" : "what OR is OR 1234?"
If you want to perform a phrase query, it will need to be enclosed on quotes, something like (I beleive you will also need to set the analyzer to a KeywordAnalyzer, so the phrase won't be tokenized, once again preventing matching):
"analyzer" : "keyword",
"query" : "\"what is 1234?\""
Or, better yet, don't even use a query_string query. Instead, use a term query, particularly when querying on a keyword field, like:
"term" : { "message_keyword" : "what is 1234?" }