Select the latest NEW rows by Date from the Snapshot Table - sql

I have a snapshot table like the following
ABC Corp
ABC Corp
XYZ Ltd.
ABC Corp
XYZ Ltd.
PQR Consulting
I would like to get the new rows only like the following table from the above snapshot table using sql
XYZ Ltd.
PQR Consulting
I need a pointer whether to follow the window function (like LAG() etc.) to get the new table. or more simple solution is there? Thanks in advance!

There are a few options here, one of them is to use a cte or a derived table to add row_number based on the date column to the table, and the other is to use first_value window function. I'm pretty sure the derived table solution would be better in terms of performance, but I don't have the time to test.
Here's what I would do:
;WITH cte AS
SELECT id, name, value, date, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY date DESC) as rn
FROM snapshotTable
SELECT id, name, value, date
FROM cte
WHERE rn = 1;
To get the earliest records all you need to do is remove the DESC from the order by clause.


Get the running unique count of items till a give date, similar to running total but instead a running unique count

I have a table with user shopping data as shown below
I want an output similar to running total but instead I want the running total of the count of unique categories that the user has shopped for by date.
I know I have to make use of ROWS PRECEDING AND FOLLOWING in the count function but I am not able to user count(distinct category) in a window function
Dt category userId
4/10/2022 Grocery 123
4/11/2022 Grocery 123
4/12/2022 MISC 123
4/13/2022 SERVICES 123
4/14/2022 RETAIl 123
4/15/2022 TRANSP 123
4/20/2022 GROCERY 123
Desired output
Dt userID number of unique categories
4/10/2022 123 1
4/11/2022 123 1
4/12/2022 123 2
4/13/2022 123 3
4/14/2022 123 4
4/15/2022 123 5
4/20/2022 123 5
Consider below approach
select Dt, userId,
( select count(distinct category)
from t.categories as category
) number_of_unique_categories
from (
select *, array_agg(lower(category)) over(partition by userId order by Dt) categories
from your_table
) t
if applied to sample data in your question - output is

Dense Rank grouping by IDs

I am having trouble getting my DENSE_RANK() function in Oracle to work how I would like. First, my dataset:
1234 01-OCT-2020
1234 01-OCT-2021
1234 01-OCT-2022
2345 01-APR-2020
2345 01-APR-2021
2345 01-APR-2022
I am trying to use the dense rank function to return results with a sequence number based on the DATE field, and grouping by ID. How I want the data to return:
1234 01-OCT-2020 1
1234 01-OCT-2021 2
1234 01-OCT-2022 3
2345 01-APR-2020 1
2345 01-APR-2021 2
2345 01-APR-2022 3
The query I have so far:
SELECT ID, DATE, DENSE_RANK() Over (order by ID, DATE asc) as SEQ
However, this returns incorrectly as the sequence number will go to 6 (Like its disregarding my intentions to sequence based on the DATE field within a certain ID). If anyone has any insights into how to make this work it would be very much appreciated!
You want row_number():
select id, date, row_number() over (partition by id order by date) as seq
You could actually use dense_rank() as well, if you want duplicates to have the same idea. The key idea is partition by.

Grouping the data having two different dates and take the latest date

Date Customer Amount
12-Dec ABC 200
15-Dec ABC 300
I need to group the data by Customer and need to take the latest date for that unique record.
Date Customer Amount
15-Dec ABC 500
You seems to want aggregation :
select max(to_date(date, 'DD-MON-YYYY')), cust, sum(amount)
from table t
group by cust;

How to find most recent date given a set a values that fulfill condition *

I've been trying to build an sql query that finds from (table) the most recent date for selected id's that fulfill the condition where 'type' is in hierarchy 'vegetables'. My goal is to be able to get the whole row once max(date) and hierarchy conditions are met for each id.
Example values
123 1/3/2013 carrot 14
123 1/3/2013 apple 12
123 1/2/2013 carrot 14
124 1/5/2013 carrot 13
124 1/3/2013 apple 13
124 1/2/2013 carrot 14
125 1/4/2013 carrot 13
125 1/3/2013 apple 14
125 1/2/2013 carrot 13
I tried the following
FROM table
WHERE date in
(SELECT max(date) FROM (table) WHERE id in (123,124,125))
and preference in
(SELECT preference FROM (hierarchy_table)
WHERE hierarchy = vegetables))
and id in (123,24,125)
but it doesn't give me the most recent date for each id that meets the hierarchy conditions. (ex. in this scenario I would only get id 124)
Thank you in advance!
SELECT max(date) FROM (table) WHERE id in (123,124,125)
is giving you the max date from all dates, you need to group them.
Try replacing with:
SELECT max(date) FROM (table) GROUP BY id
This way you will get the max date for each id
I figured this out. Please see the query below as an example:
SELECT * FROM (table) t
(SELECT max(date) FROM table sub_t where t.ID = sub_t.ID and (date !> (currentdate))
and preference in
(SELECT preference FROM (hierarchy_table) WHERE hierarchy ='vegetables')
and ID in ('124')
-- if your date data is in mm/dd/yyyy
max( str_to_date( date, '%m/%d/%Y' ) )
-- if your date data is in dd/mm/yyyy
max( str_to_date( date, '%d/%m/%Y' ) )

Get the lastest record with distinct values for a column

I have the following data:
SalesID Source Name Modified On
S12345 ABC John 5/8/2013 5:44
S12345 ABC Tom 5/8/2013 5:45
S11111 EFG Sam 5/8/2013 5:46
S11111 EFG Don 5/8/2013 5:47
I want to write a SP or a query that will return me the 2nd and the 4th row i.e I want to write a query that will return the lasted modified records based on distinct sales ID.
Try Following:
select * from tableName where ModifiedOn=(select max(ModifiedOn) from tableName) group by SalesID
i used the following query and it worked just fine for me
SELECT * FROM (Select Asu_OrderId ,ModifiedOn ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Asu_OrderId order by ModifiedOn desc)AS R from Asu_callreason
where <condition>) AS A WHERE r=1