How to represent mesh using vertices and indices only? - mesh

Im working on openrave and I converted xml to json file. My xml contains a mesh and when it was converted to json, it only used ‘vertices’ and ‘indices’ which were already flattened!
Vertices = [23, 62, 66, 23, 88, 22, …]
indices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…]
Im used to having vertices group in 3’s and indices with the same size. So this new format doesn’t make sense to me. Any reference i can read on? Im stuck and couldnt find any reference.
I tried looking for references online but couldn’t find any.


Column missing when trying to open hdf created by pandas in h5py

This is what my dataframe looks like. The first column is a single int. The second column is a single list of 512 ints.
IndexID Ids
1899317 [0, 47715, 1757, 9, 38994, 230, 12, 241, 12228...
22861131 [0, 48156, 154, 6304, 43611, 11, 9496, 8982, 1...
2163410 [0, 26039, 41156, 227, 860, 3320, 6673, 260, 1...
15760716 [0, 40883, 4086, 11, 5, 18559, 1923, 1494, 4, ...
12244098 [0, 45651, 4128, 227, 5, 10397, 995, 731, 9, 3...
I saved it to hdf and tried opening it using
df.to_hdf('test.h5', key='df', data_columns=True)
h3 = h5py.File('test.h5')
I see 4 keys when I list the keys
KeysViewHDF5 ['axis0', 'axis1', 'block0_items', 'block0_values']
Axis1 sees to contain the values for the first column
array([ 1899317, 22861131, 2163410, 15760716, 12244098,
However, there doesn't seem to be data from the second column. There does is another column with other data
But that doesn't seem to correspond to any of the data in the second column
array([128, 4, 149, 1, 0], dtype=uint8)
I am eventually trying to create a datastore that's memory mapped, that retrieves data using particular indices.
So something like
h3['df']['workingIndex'][22861131, 15760716]
would retrieve
[0, 48156, 154, 6304, 43611, 11, 9496, 8982, 1...],
[0, 40883, 4086, 11, 5, 18559, 1923, 1494, 4, ...
The problem is you're trying to serialize a Pandas Series of Python lists and it is not rectangular (it is jagged).
Pandas and HDF5 are largely used for rectangular (cube, hypercube, etc) data, not for jagged lists-of-lists.
Did you see this warning when you call to_hdf()?
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->mixed,key->block0_values] [items->['Ids']]
What it's trying to tell you is that lists-of-lists are not supported in an intuitive, high-performance way. And if you run an HDF5 visualization tool like h5dump on your output file, you'll see what's wrong. The index (which is well-behaved) looks like this:
DATASET "axis1" {
DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 5 ) / ( 5 ) }
(0): 1899317, 22861131, 2163410, 15760716, 12244098
(0): "ARRAY"
But the values (lists of lists) look like this:
DATASET "block0_values" {
(0): (128, 5, 149, 164, ...)
(0): "VLARRAY"
(0): "object"
What's happening is exactly what the PerformanceWarning warned you about:
> PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot map directly to c-types
Your list-of-lists is being pickled and stored as H5T_VLEN which is just a blob of bytes.
Here are some ways you could fix this:
Store each row under a separate key in HDF5. That is, each list will be stored as an array, and they can all have different lengths. This is no problem with HDF5, because it supports any number of keys in one file.
Change your data to be rectangular, e.g. by padding the shorter lists with zeros. See: Pandas split column of lists into multiple columns
Use h5py to write the data in whatever format you like. It's much more flexible and creates simpler (and yet more powerful) HDF5 files than Pandas/PyTables. Here's one example (which shows h5py can actually store jagged arrays, though it's not pretty): Storing multidimensional variable length array with h5py

Identifying the index of an array inside a 2D array

I'm trying out an inventory system in python 3.8 using functions and numpy.
While I am new to numpy, I haven't found anything in the manuals for numpy for this problem.
My problem is this specifically:
I have a 2D array, in this case the unequipped inventory;
unequippedinv = [[""], [""], [""], [""], ["Iron greaves", 15, 10, 10]]
I have an if statement to ensure that the item selected is acceptable. I'm now trying to remove the entire index ["Iron greaves", 15, 10, 10] using unequippedinv.pop(unequippedinv.index(item)) but I keep getting the error ValueError: "'Iron greaves', 15, 10, 10" is not in list
I've tried using numpy's where and argwhere but instead just got [] as the outcome.
Is there a way to search for an entire array in a 2D array, such as how SQL has SELECT * IN y WHERE x IS b but in which it gives me the index for the entire row?
Note: I have now found out that it is something to do with easygui's choicebox, which, I assume, turns the chosen array into a string which is why it creates an error.

keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer equivalent in Pytorch?

Basically the title; is there any equivalent tokeras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer in Pytorch? I have yet to find any that gives all the utilities without handcrafting things.
I find Torchtext more difficult to use for simple things. PyTorch-NLP can do this in a more straightforward way:
from torchnlp.encoders.text import StaticTokenizerEncoder, stack_and_pad_tensors, pad_tensor
loaded_data = ["now this ain't funny", "so don't you dare laugh"]
encoder = StaticTokenizerEncoder(loaded_data, tokenize=lambda s: s.split())
encoded_data = [encoder.encode(example) for example in loaded_data]
[tensor([5, 6, 7, 8]), tensor([ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])]
encoded_data = [pad_tensor(x, length=10) for x in encoded_data]
# alternatively, use encoder.batch_encode()
BatchedSequences(tensor=tensor([[ 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]), lengths=tensor([10, 10]))
It comes with other types of encoders, such as spaCy's tokenizer, subword encoder, etc.
PyTorch itself does not provide a function like this, you either need to it manually (which should be easy: use a tokenizer of your choice and do a dictionary lookup for the indices).
Alternatively, you can use Torchtext, which provides basic abstraction from text processing. All you need to do is create a Field object. You can use string.split, SpaCy or custom function for tokenization. You can provide a vocabulary or create it directly from data. Then you just call the process method which tokenizes text and does the vocabulary lookup.
If you want something more complex, you might consider using also AllenNLP. In AllenNLP, you do separately the tokenization and the vocabulary lookup.

Building a language model using tensorflow , dataset shape issue

I'm trying to build a translation model, so I'm getting a text as input, I'm encoding him to a list of integers (the type of enocding is not important).so far so good.
let's say this is what I have so far:
<class 'list'>: [1645, 3, 205, 753, 753, 1332, 18, 7, 7, 24]
Now I want to do this lines:
ds =
ds = ds.batch(32)
(btw why do we need the first line, just to be able to do the second?)
But from this lines I'm getting:
and I don't understand why?
I have a batch size of 32 and 10 numbers,
why isn't it (1,32) (with paddings or something)???
This impacts me after on in the code, I really need to understand how to handle this.
btw just reshape isn't working :(

Can you name this data serialization format?

OK, so an API I'm using spits out data that looks like this:
It's basically a key-value array, where the value is an array of values. So, in JSON, the first two lines might look like this:
0:[0, 160, 128, 0, 0, 0, 205, 0],
50:[16, 16, 128, 32, 0, 0, 28, 128]
Can anyone tell me if they have seen data formatted like this before? If so, I'd appreciate it if you could also explain what advantages the format has, if any.