I have searched about it and also ask from basecamp support but did not get satisfied answer. Here is the basecamp 2 docs reference https://github.com/basecamp/bcx-api
Is Pinterest API still supported or they dropped the majority of the endpoints ?
The documentation from https://developers.pinterest.com/ lacks any information of OAuth authentication.
I've already checked the old versions of the API so please don't mark the question as duplicate:
How to Get OAuth Access Token for Pinterest?
pinterest api documentation
Many of the endpoints from v2 were removed in v3 and v2 now returns 404.
There's no way to actually generate access token and the trick with iPhone app access token doesn't seem to work anymore.
The tasks I'm looking to accomplish with their API:
authenticate users with OAuth
upload pics on their boards based on access token
use below link
and see
pinterest api documentation
Here is a link to the new V3 documentation: https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/redoc/pinner_app
Assuming your app has been approved, the "User Authorization" section (https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/redoc/pinner_app/#section/User-Authorization) provides details on how to authenticate.
I'm trying to integrate my Google Calendar with a plugin I installed on my page.
To do so I need the ID and the API of the calendar.
I managed to find the ID following Google's support page, but it's hours now that I've been trying to get hold of the API.
Firstly this and more can be answered here: http://amazewebs.com ...the home to 1-to-1 google api help with lots of videos, guides, examples, templates and code submissions.
see demo: http://amazewebs.com/demo
To get a Google API you need to setup an API script to call the Google servers.
This can be achieved with OAuth Authentication with either:
a Client Account or...
a Service Account
Head to here to setup your API's & Auth:
Head here for official documentation:
I need to create posts, etc through my ASP.NET MVC 4 application.
Does anyone know decent library for Google Plus API? (Preferable as a NuGet package).
There is currently no publicly documented API that lets you automatically post to your Google+ page or stream.
There is an API that HootSuite is currently using that is slowly opening up to other vendors. See https://plus.google.com/u/0/104946722942277428266/posts/LUi2ZNyRHag for more information about what is coming and how you can sign up to request access to this. This is expected to allow you to post to a Google+ Page.
There is also the "Google+ History API" that is currently in developer preview which will allow you to create moments for a user, but they would need to manually share these moments on their stream if they choose to do so. See https://developers.google.com/+/history/ for further details.
If I have a user log in to my site with their Google account, using the OAuth2 method, can I use that token to get the users Youtube/Blogger info if they have those accounts linked?
I've read the Youtube and Blogger API's and they both use AuthSub, and are currently compatible with version 2 and older, while Google is version 3.
Do I have to make separate log ins for Blogger and Youtube or is it possible to retrieve that info from the logged in Google account by adding the two scopes to the Google permissions somehow?
I cannot get video upload to work with OAuth 2 access-token. The request always fails to even connect (timeout).
With almost identical code, I have successfully uploaded photos.
The only video-upload example code I can find uses OAuth 1.x. Does video not yet support OAuth 2?
Thanks to all who read this.
AFAIK this is the case. New graph api still missing some of the functionality from old REST api. And that includes uploading video. You should be able to use REST api with access token to do things not yet supported by graph api.