I am trying to setup an event Notification system on s3 to publish notifications to SNS when a file is being uploaded to s3. Here 's how I implemented it via CDK :
import * as sns from "monocdk/aws-sns";
import * as iam from "monocdk/aws-iam";
import {
} from "../utils/constants/awsAccounts";
import { Construct } from "monocdk";
import * as s3 from "monocdk/aws-s3";
import * as s3n from "monocdk/aws-s3-notifications";
import { CommonResourceStackProps, Stage } from "../stack/CommonResourcesStack";
export class S3NotificationToSNSCustomResource extends Construct {
scope: Construct,
id: string,
bucket: s3.IBucket,
stackProps: CommonResourceStackProps
) {
super(scope, id);
const topic = new sns.Topic(this, "Topic", {
displayName: "Sherlock-s3-Event-Notifications-Topic",
topicName: "Sherlock-s3-Event-Notifications-Topic",
const topicPolicy = new sns.TopicPolicy(this, "TopicPolicy", {
topics: [topic],
const s3ServicePrincipal = new iam.ServicePrincipal("s3.amazonaws.com");
new iam.PolicyStatement({
sid: "0",
actions: ["sns:Publish"],
principals: [s3ServicePrincipal],
resources: [topic.topicArn],
conditions: {
StringEquals: {
stackProps.stage == Stage.Prod
: stackProps.stage == Stage.Gamma
: stackProps.stage == Stage.UAT1
ArnLike: { "AWS:SourceArn": bucket.bucketArn },
new iam.PolicyStatement({
sid: "1",
actions: ["sns:Subscribe"],
principals: [new iam.AccountPrincipal(PERFECT_MILE_ACCOUNT)],
resources: [topic.topicArn],
new s3n.SnsDestination(topic),
{ prefix: "output/reportingData/openItems/", suffix: "_SUCCESS" }
But, when I try to deploy this, I am getting the following error : An error occurred (InvalidArgument) when calling the PutBucketNotificationConfiguration operation: Unable to validate the following destination configurations
Can anyone help me with it?
I read this post(https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/unable-validate-destination-s3/) but its resolution is using the templates and I am implementing using the CDK package. Also I have added all the access policies to publish and subscribe.
aws:SourceAccount and aws:SourceOwner are condition keys which are not supported by all services. Amazon S3 notifications use aws:SourceAccount Refer - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/sns-access-policy-use-cases.html#source-account-versus-source-owner
We use multiple rollup-plugins that parse their input to an AST. As they run on the same files, each file is parsed multiple times. Can this be optimized, so that each file is parsed only once? Minimal example:
// rollup.config.js
import {createFilter} from '#rollup/pluginutils';
import {simple} from 'acorn-walk';
import {attachComments} from 'astravel';
import {generate} from 'astring';
export default {
input: 'src/main.js',
output: {file: 'bundle.js', format: 'cjs'},
plugins: [{
name: 'plugin1',
transform(code, id) {
const comments = [];
const ast = this.parse(code, {onComment: comments});
attachComments(ast, comments);
simple(ast, {
Identifier(n) {
// rewrite wrong to right
if (n.name === 'wrong') n.name = 'right';
return {
code: generate(ast, {comments: true}),
map: null /* minimal example, won't create a source map here */
}, {
name: 'plugin2',
transform(code, id) {
const comments = [];
const ast = this.parse(code, {onComment: comments});
attachComments(ast, comments);
simple(ast, {
CallExpression(n) {
// rewrite mylog(...) to console.log(...)
if (n.callee.type === 'Identifier' && n.callee.name === 'mylog') {
n.callee = {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'console', start: n.start, end: n.end},
property: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'log', start: n.start, end: n.end},
computed: false,
start: n.start,
end: n.end
return {
code: generate(ast, {comments: true}),
map: null /* minimal example, won't create a source map here */
Now I understand that transform() can return an AST, so that parsing doesn't have to happen twice. And I understand that this.parse() uses the rollup-internal acorn instance. My simple mind thought that this.parse() could return the AST created by previous transform() calls, if available. But I assume that all sorts of demons await on that road, e.g. when this.parse() was called with different options.
Is there a different way achieve what I described? A different hook maybe?
I would love to not have all plugins in one and switching them on and off via options (I see that this would be a solution, but a really cumbersome one).
I am creating a new vscode extension, and I need to extend the standard usage of the jsonValidation system already present in vscode.
Note : I am talking about the system defined in package.json :
"contributes" : {
"languages": [
"id" : "yml",
"filenamePatterns": ["module.service"]
"id" : "json",
"filenamePatterns": ["module.*"]
"jsonValidation": [
"fileMatch": "module.test",
"url": "./resources/test.schema"
Now, I need to create a dynamic mapping, where the json fields filematch/url are defined from some internal rules (like version and other internal stuff). The standard usage is static : one fileMatch -> one schema.
I want for example to read the version from the json file to validate, and set the schema after that :
"version" : "1.1"
validation schema must be test-schema.1.1 instead of test-schema.1.0
note : The question is only about the modification of the configuration provided by package.json from the extensions.ts
Thanks for the support
** EDIT since the previous solution was not working in all cases
There is one solution to modify the package.json at the activating of the function.
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
const myPlugin = vscode.extensions.getExtension("your.plugin.id");
if (!myPlugin)
throw new Error("Composer plugin is not found...")
// Get the current workspace path to found the schema later.
const folderPath = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders;
if (!folderPath)
const baseUri : vscode.Uri = folderPath[0].uri;
let packageJSON = myPlugin.packageJSON;
if (packageJSON && packageJSON.contributes && packageJSON.contributes.jsonValidation)
let jsonValidation = packageJSON.contributes.jsonValidation;
const schemaUri : vscode.Uri = vscode.Uri.joinPath(baseUri, "/schema/value-0.3.0.json-schema");
const schema = new JsonSchemaMatch("value.ospp", schemaUri)
And the json schema class
class JsonSchemaMatch
fileMatch: string;
url : string;
constructor(fileMatch : string, url: vscode.Uri)
this.fileMatch = fileMatch;
this.url = url.path;
Another important information is the loading of the element of contributes is not reread after modification, for example
class Language
id: string;
filenamePatterns : string[];
constructor(id : string, filenamePatterns: string[])
this.id = id;
this.filenamePatterns = filenamePatterns;
if (packageJSON && packageJSON.contributes && packageJSON.contributes.languages)
let languages : Language[] = packageJSON.contributes.languages;
for (let language of languages) {
if (language.id == "json") {
This change has no effect, since the loading of file association is already done (I have not dig for the reason, but I think this is the case)
In this case, creating a settings.json in the workspace directory can do the job:
"files.associations": {
"target.snmp": "json",
"stack.cfg": "json"
Be aware that the settings.json can be created by the user with legitimate reason, so don't override it, just fill it.
In the add-on wi-ki it is explained that we can use belongsTo to discover the relations between models:
urlSegments: {
postId: function(type, id, snapshot, query) {
return snapshot.belongsTo('post', { id: true });
but I can't find any more in Ember 3 API docs. How to do that ?
More of that, I get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: snapshot.belongsTo is not a function
at Class.shopId (shop-language.js:13)
at url-templates.js:39
at subFunction (uri-templates.js:103)
when using it in an adapter:
import ApplicationAdapter from './application';
import UrlTemplates from "ember-data-url-templates";
export default ApplicationAdapter.extend(UrlTemplates, {
findAllUrlTemplate: '/shops/{shopId}/languages',
createRecordUrlTemplate: '/shops/{shopId}/languages',
urlSegments: {
shopId: function(type, id, snapshot, query) {
return snapshot.belongsTo('shop', { id: true });
I figured out how to use it with description model that belongsTo a shop. Here is description.js adapter:
import ApplicationAdapter from './application';
import UrlTemplates from "ember-data-url-templates";
export default ApplicationAdapter.extend(UrlTemplates, {
urlTemplate: '{+host}/shops/{shopId}/descriptions',
findAllUrlTemplate: '{+host}/shops/{shopId}/descriptions',
createRecordUrlTemplate: '{+host}/shops/{shopId}/descriptions',
updateRecordUrlTemplate: '{+host}/shops/{shopId}/descriptions/{id}',
urlSegments: {
shopId: function(type, id, snapshot, query) {
if (query && query.shop_identifier) {
return query.shop_identifier;
return snapshot.belongsTo('shop').attr('identifier');
id: function(type, id, snapshot) {
return snapshot.id;
In the above example iwas using another shop attribute - identifier, but you can pass in shop's id instead.
Hope this helps.
I am working on an Aikau Share Page where I a side bar that is using the Alfresco Share document library tree picker. The picker allows me to publish the nodeRef to another widget which will display information. I would like to use the tree view but i'm having trouble showing the documents and it is only showing the containers/folders. Anyone have any idea on what I need to do in order to solve this?
Here is the Aikua code i am using:
align: "sidebar",
name: "alfresco/layout/Twister",
config: {
label: "twister.library.label",
additionalCssClasses: "no-borders",
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/navigation/PathTree",
config: {
showRoot: true,
rootLabel: "Repository",
rootNode: "/app:company_home",
publishTopic: "ALF_ITEM_SELECTED"
I am wondering if I need to write an extension to the CoreXhr or what the steps would be in order to make this work.
Any help would be appreciated
I was able to figure this out. The problem comes from the repository script in the alfresco explorer side "treenode.get.js". The solution was to do the following
Create a new webscript in alfresco explorer and copy treenode.get.js code into the new webscript. I ended up calling mine customtreenode.get.js.
Remove the logic check for IsContainer in the newly created webscript
Create new Aikau file that extends PathTree. Here is the code below
function(declare, PathTree, _AlfDocumentListTopicMixin, AlfConstants, lang, array, domClass, query) {
return declare([PathTree, _AlfDocumentListTopicMixin], {
useHash: true,
getTargetUrl: function alfresco_navigation_Tree__getTargetUrl() {
var url = null;
if (this.siteId && this.containerId)
url = AlfConstants.PROXY_URI + "slingshot/doclib/treenodeCustom/site/" + this.siteId + "/documentlibrary";
else if (this.rootNode)
url = AlfConstants.PROXY_URI + "slingshot/doclib/treenodeCustom/node/alfresco/company/home";
else if (!this.childRequestPublishTopic)
this.alfLog("error", "Cannot create a tree without 'siteId' and 'containerId' or 'rootNode' attributes", this);
return url;
Change your code to use the new CustomPathTree
align: "sidebar",
name: "alfresco/layout/Twister",
config: {
label: "twister.library.label",
additionalCssClasses: "no-borders",
widgets: [
name: "CustomWidgets/widgets/CustomTreeNode",
config: {
showRoot: true,
rootLabel: "Repository",
rootNode: "/app:company_home",
publishTopic: "ALF_ITEM_SELECTED"
It works after that. I still need to change the icons from folders to documents.
How can I make i18next load all languages from just one file?
I managed to do it by putting each language in a seperate file (translation-en.json, translation-no.json, etc), and also managed to input languages with the resStore option, but putting it all in a seperate .json file is really not documented anywhere (I've searched for 4 hours+ now)
My js code:
debug: true,
lng: 'en',
resGetPath: 'translation.json'
function(t) {
My translation.json file:
en: {
translation: {
test: "some string"
no: {
translation: {
test: "litt tekst"
Ok, so I managed to "hack" it byt putting an object into a seperate .js file, include it in a script tag and loading it using resStore, but that just can't be the best way to use this lib.
Assume that your translation.json has loaded and assigned to a variable named resStore:
var resStore = {
en: {
translation: {
test: "some string"
no: {
translation: {
test: "litt tekst"
Next, you can override default ajax loading functionality with your customLoad function. An example might look like this:
var options = {
lng: 'en',
load: 'current',
lowerCaseLng: true,
fallbackLng: false,
resGetPath: 'i18n/__lng__/__ns__.json',
customLoad: function(lng, ns, options, loadComplete) {
var data = resStore[lng][ns];
loadComplete(null, data); // or loadComplete('some error'); if failed
ns: {
namespaces: ['translation'],
defaultNs: 'translation'
i18n.init(options, function(t) {
t('test'); // will get "some string"
new update on Mar 20, 2015
You can simply pass your resource store with the resStore option:
i18n.init({ resStore: resources });