Vue component communication between header component and components in the router-view - vue.js

Im facing a problem for my VUE app, Im using the vue Router to navigate to my component
In my Header component I use router-link to navigate to a Home component
The problem is :
In my Header component I would like a checkBox (a boolean variable) that change the content of my Home component (rendered in the router-view) like a v-if that would check the boolean variable in the Header
Here is my App.vue template I was trying to solve the problem through emits but Im Kinda stuck for passing data inside a component (inside the router-view)
<div class="content">
<HeaderComponent #eventCheckBox="handleCheckBox" />
<router-view />
<FooterComponent />
Do you guys have already faced this issue, is there a way to do it the classic way or should I try plugins like Portal or Teleport ?

Portal and Teleport are the same, just a different name (teleport in Vue3, being the official name).
As of the rest of the question, this explains it very well:
Mainly, you need to see if you need to use a store like Pinia (recommended one) and Vuex. Most of the time, you could use a parent/child relationship. Here is another article explaining when you would need something like that:
In Vue3, you could even not use a store and rely solely on the singleton pattern + composables (again, a lot of articles are available for that one).
TLDR: use your Vue devtools and inspect the state flowing.
If you need more, reach for more powerful tools.


Vue, sharing child components from one parent component to the other

this is a question about best practices, in short: what is the best way to implement this function
I used the vue cli to create a project to train on. And so the normal template it provided me with was a side header thing with the content on the side, and so I made some modifications:
the issue is visualized down if the text explaination wasn't clear
and so what I had in mind was to add a slot in the header "the left side" to add the adding button, and the button wouldn't need to be visible in the other tabs, like the help tab.
<template lang="pug">
routerView( v-slot="{ Component }" )
transition( name='slide-fade' mode='out-in' )
component( :is="Component" )
but here comes the issue, as you can see the tabs are in router views and the router view is beside the header component. the solution I had in mind was to:
add a list of strings in the App.vue with ["help", "course", ...] in the script section
the strings are linked to what router is being used (not very sure how to do this but I guess I could do a v-model to the v-slot being used)
pass the string to the header component
include a v-if statement with every tab's little widget
but I felt like this alone will jank the code a lot and thought if maybe there was an easier way to pass an entire component from one child to another it would be great. if there isn't I'd just like to know if it's the best practice I could do and proceed with this solution
issue visualization:
wanted behavior mock-up:
the solution was to use the Built In <Teleport> Vue component. this way I just type <Teleport to="..."> and it will go where I want

How to Export Vue component and reuse it in any html page passing parameters?

I'm new to Vue 3 and I just created my first real life Vue project.
I would like to use and distribute this component (and it's subcomponents) to be used in any html page.
It's easy, right?
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="/js/chunk-vendors.99a5942c.js"></script>
<script src="/js/app.042d60b5.js"></script>
But how can I pass parameters to the main component when reusing it in some ordinary html page?
Parameters can be passed and read as globals:
<div id="app"></div>
window.myNamespace = { foo: 1 };
Or be passed as attributes and read from app element:
<div id="app" data-foo="1"></div>
This is suitable when Vue application is used as a sub-application (widget). For framework-agnostic reusable components, web components have to be used.
So I'm not sure what you're specific use case is, but if you're interested in making a multi-page app (MPA), then I suggest taking a look at the answer posted here.
What you would be doing here is actually mounting an instance of the Vue App itself onto an element every html page, and then pass props to that and it's children. Vue itself doesn't really support passing props to the root instance using element attributes, and it isn't the recommended way of using the framework, but if you are still interested in going down this route, I suggest taking a look at this answer here.
What I would suggest doing instead is taking a look at creating components, and passing those around. You can make separate files for each, and render them all in the main page, no need to create other pages. If that's something you're interested in, I suggest taking a look at routes or the making your project a multi-page app (MPA) instead of a single-page app (SPA) although the same concept would still apply, passing components to your main instance and building your app that way.
For passing parameters to components in Vue 3 I would suggest taking a look at the props page on the documentation here for more details.
I hope this is helpful! I tried my best to be thorough, I do suggest reading through the full documentation however!

Modal window in nuxt architecture

Before I was working with Vue2JS and I used to creating modal as just component within App.vue root component for example:
<my-modal v-if="someBoolean"></my-modal>
Now basing on some custom events or Vuex storage I was able to change someBoolean and trigger when I want modal to be visible.
Since in Nuxt we don't have such thing as root App.vue component I'm wondering how to achieve same as above but with Nuxt.
Of course I could use some package as bootstrap-vue but I don't really want to inject this big package just for that one purpose.
You can write code in layouts/default.vue file and this file works on your defaults, work the code at where you used as a layout of your pages(generally almost everywhere.)
Different approach is use portalvue to render components whereever you want. Nice article here but in Turkish.

Preserve component state with vue-router?

I have a listing/detail use case, where the user can double-click an item in a product list, go to the detail screen to edit and then go back to the listing screen when they're done. I've already done this using the dynamic components technique described here: But now that I'm planning to use vue-router elsewhere in the application, I'd like to refactor this to use routing instead. With my dynamic components technique, I used keep-alive to ensure that when the user switched back to the list view, the same selection was present as before the edit. But it seems to me that with routing the product list component would be re-rendered, which is not what I want.
Now, it looks like router-view can be wrapped in keep-alive, which would solve one problem but introduce lots of others, as I only want that route kept alive, not all of them (and at present I'm just using a single top level router-view). Vue 2.1 has clearly done something to address this by introducing include and exclude parameters for router-view. But I don't really want to do this either, as it seems very clunky to have to declare up front in my main page all the routes which should or shouldn't use keep-alive. It would be much neater to declare whether I want keep-alive at the point I'm configuring the route (i.e., in the routes array). So what's my best option?
You can specify the route you want to keep alive , like:
<keep-alive include="home">
In this case, only home route will be kept alive
Vue 3
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<component :is="Component" />
Exactly as is, you don't need a Component attribute in the App.vue. Also your this'll work even if your components don't have a name property specified.
I had a similar problem and looked at Vuex but decided it would require too much changes/additions in my code to add to the project.
I found this library which solved the problem for me, keeping the state of 1 component synchronized with localStorage, and it only took a few minutes and a few lines of code (all documented in the Github page of the package).
One solution without localStorage:
import {Component, Provide, Vue} from "vue-property-decorator";
export default class Counter extends Vue {
#Provide() count = 0
beforeDestroy() {
Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.STATE = this;
beforeMount() {
const state = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.STATE;
Object.entries(state || {})
.filter(([k, v]) => /^[^$_]+$/.test(k) && typeof v !== "function")
.forEach(([k]) => this[k] = state[k]);
What seems to me is you are looking for some kind of state management. If you have data which is shared by multiple components and you want to render component in different order, but dont want to load data again for each component.
This works like following:
Vue offers a simple state management, but I will recommend to use Vuex which is a standard for state management among vue community.

Aurelia top level component without routing

Is it possible to add an Aurelia top level component without the router?
The goal is to create a component without the router since my application doesn't need any url based navigation.
From what I can tell Aurelia seems to take you down a path where components are instantiated via routing based on how the component is registered with the router.
Instead I would like to just add markup for the top level component on the main index.html page:
<my-component bind.current="'123456'"></my-component>
I would like define components without a router and only use the templating and data binding capabilities of Aurelia.
Is that possible?
Tried this in index.html (inside the body tag of the default project)
<require from='./dist/my-component'></require>
But it does not seem to pick it up. Ideally I would like to just define it in markup on a page served from the server since it would enable me to sett attributes dynamically on the elements
<my-component current.bind={{someServerGeneratedId}}></my-component>
In the above I would use a templating framework like mustache to dynamically render the Aurelia when the page is served from the server.
I could wrap the component in another "landing" component, but that makes it hard to benefit from setting things up with server generated bindings.
Per Rob's response:
- He is expecting to add the ability to add a root component to the landing page in a future release. I understand there are ways to not use the router, but it still depends on pulling in a partial view during bootstrapping of the application. This does not use the router directly, but conceptually this is really just an implied/convention based client side nav. In the end there is a client side request to pull in the view, which means I can't generate the html dynamically from the initial server response.
Yes you can do this very easily without the router. Just remove the router configuration from your app.js and in app.html remove the router code there as well.
I think the issue you are running in to is that you are specifying the dist folder again in your index.html. You should just reference it like this -
<require from="my-component"></require>
<my-component current.bind="someServerGeneratedId"></my-component>
This will bind up correctly.
I guess you're missunderstanding the route concept here.
At the time of writing, Aurelia's index.html page is your initial page where you put your "loading" stuff and where Aurelia bootstraps the entire app.
So, you can't put a custom component directly on it, but that should not be a problem.
If you don't change any configuration on Aurelia, it will look for your app.html to bootstrap your app, and there you can have anything you want (routes or not, doesn't matter). So, you should put your component there, beside the other tags/components/etc you need.
I've made a plunker without any routing and with a custom component in the app.html, and something simulating what you need.
<require from='./my-component'></require>
<my-component current.bind="serverGeneratedID"></my-component>
If you need anything else, comment here and I'll try to go further.