Filtering is not saved on the next page (custom product catalog column) [closed] - prestashop

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Closed 3 months ago.
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I made a new custom column in the list of products (catalog products backoffice) to filter by products on sale (those with a specific price). It's basically a select input and if you select 'Yes' (value 1) and search, it shows only the products that are in the 'ps_specific_price' table. It works but the problem is that if I jump to the next page or reload the page, the filter is lost and all the products appear again.
PS version:
I tried this solution I found but it didn't work, maybe because of my version of PS.


How can I make a field sensitive between upper and lower case in Access 2007 [closed]

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Closed 11 days ago.
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what happens is that when I make a consultation, it does not respect between mayor and minuscules and what I want is that the field to be consulted is sensitive to mayor and minuscules.
I was investigating and I saw that a solution was to create a binary field which I have already done, but at the time of consulting this does not return anything.
I leave the Querys, the tables and data you use:
My table:
enter image description here
Table data:enter image description here
Query used for consultation:enter image description here

(Quickbooks Online) Triggering Fields to Autopopulate via the API [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm creating invoice records via the Quickbooks API, which is working fine. But, certain fields that autopopulate in the UI, are not populating when creating via the API (For instance the Invoice # / DocNumber). Any thoughts on how to force those fields to autopopulate when using the API?
Note: Someone marked this question as unclear. No idea how an exact question can be made any clearer.
Partially figured this one out. The DocNumber needs the AutoDocNumber field set to true. Still a few other fields that are not auto populating, though.
The other fields I just decided to pull from the customer record, since they exist there as well.

Opencart related option [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I'm a newbie to opencart. Here I'm using opencart for my E-Commerce website by customizing this theme ( In our website we have options in product page by which customer can choose color and size of the product as per their wish. We have options in back-end by which I already added those size and color option in website which is independent. In that we can add quantity of that product independently. Like for color red-quantity 10,color white-quantity 10. Almost site is completed. But now what my client need is, he want to add quantity of the product based on both of those options. Like in red color-Large size quantity 10, in white color- small size quantity 11.
After long try I moved on to check extension. I purchased Dependent / Related Options OC2 extension( but it not at all working. Anyone please help me sort out this problem. Any other free extension are there to solve this???
What you're looking for is not dependent options but options with stock levels, so have a look at this forum post:
And extensions like these: and
There are a few others also - search the store for "option stock":

Using SQL to edit text on website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working on a basic admin panel for a site of mine but have run into a problem. I haven't done much SQL so sorry if this is fairly basic knowledge.
The Site has a JS Slider which shows our sites best selling products currently (As seen here :
I created a form so I could easily update the slider, but I don't know the best way of linking it to the database.
I thought about just having a separate table for each product and a separate form then just use SQL UPDATE to do this.
Is this the best way of doing it? Is there more efficient methods?
"I thought about just having a separate table for each product "
No, seperate tables for each product is a nightmare...imagine a new product being added and you having to go through each line of code to refer to the new product table added.
My recommendation is to have a single product table...something simple like "Product_ID, Product_name, coupl other data points, etc.." as you product table. A second table (product_form?) can be created that refers to the product_ID in your product table and then store relevant data on your form information.
My preference is to never over-write data in your database either. If you include a 'status' or 'active_flag' column in this new product_form table, you can simply insert a new line and set the old line to inactive. This way you save all previous entries for the product_form record and can build a history/workflow/validation process.

Invoice Billing System in [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to Develop a billing system in that i need item name, which comes from database (Combo box or Autosuggestion Type) When we Select the item Rate will come from database. after that when we enter qty the total will be displayed. after complete one line we can enter another. but i don't know how to deal with that which tool to use please help me
You need to think first whether your system is web-based or desktop based.As u have tagged this question in I assume that you are sure to develop things in .net.
1.You can develop this using both as desktop based and web-based.
2.In any case you have to deal with sql server for .net
3.You got to make tables and fetch the data which is a cakewalk in .net
4.Then insert the record and calculate the price and print the invoice if needed..
I think it will work as a roadmap for you