SQL join: keep same column name, then refer to it - sql

I'm regularly running into the following issue.
A.command_id as command_id,
sum(B.compile_time) as compile_time,
sum(B.run_time) as run_time,
compile_time + run_time as total_time
from commands as A
inner join subcommands as B on A.command_id = B.command_id
group by A.command_id
This doesn't seem to work because on line 5, the SQL engine seems to think that I'm referring to the columns of table B, and not the columns of the resulting table. Is there a way to fix that? Something like this.compile_time?
Of course I can rename the columns of the resulting table, e.g. total_compile_time and total_run_time. But this situation happens to me enough times that I hate having to be creative about the naming every time. It just makes sense to have the same column names in the result.

You can't use columns name alias in select because the alias name is created after the select execution then is not available in select clause.
For avoid error or problem you must repeat the sum function
A.command_id as command_id,
sum(B.compile_time) as compile_time,
sum(B.run_time) as run_time,
sum(B.compile_time) + sum(B.run_time) as total_time
from commands as A
inner join subcommands as B on A.command_id = B.command_id
group by A.command_id
there is a specific sequence for clause evaluation by the db engine in the db engine sequence evalation the alias resulting after the completion of select clause


Get the record from the table using the latest record field from another table

From this question
Write a select query for getting table value using another table field value
I tried this query
select guardian_nm,guardian_age
from guardian
where stu_uid IN (
select stu_uid from student where stu_id=1 order by timestamp desc limit 1)
But getting the following error
Can anyone help me please ?
You are using limit 1 so stu_uid you can write it =.
And I will suggest do not use reserved MYSQL words in column names like timestamp,
Use join instead of subquery.
The advantage of a join includes that it executes faster. The
retrieval time of the query using joins almost always will be faster
than that of a subquery. By using joins, you can maximize the
calculation burden on the database i.e., instead of multiple queries
using one join query.
select guardian_nm,guardian_age,
from guardian
inner join
on guardian.stu_uid=student.stu_uid
where student.stu_id=1
order by timestamp desc limit 1 ;
Working demo: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/923c30/3

SQLite: distinguish between table and column alias

Can SQLite distinguish between a column from some aliased table, e.g. table1.column and a column that is aliased with the same name, i.e. column, in the SELECT statement?
This is relevant because I need to refer to the column that I construct in the SELECT statement later on in a HAVING clause, but must not confuse it with the column in aliased table. To my knowledge, I cannot alias the table to be constructed in my SELECT statement (without reverting to some nasty work-around like SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) AS alias) to ensure both are distinguishable.
Here's a stripped down version of the code I am concerned with:
TOTAL(a.dollar_amount*b.ret_usd)/TOTAL(a.dollar_amount) AS ret_usd
FROM holdings a
LEFT JOIN returns b
ON a.stock = b.stock AND
ret_usd NOT NULL
Essentially, I want to get rid of groups for which I cannot find any returns and thus would show up with NULL values. I am not using an INNER JOIN because in my production code I merge multiple types of returns - for some of which I may have no data. I only want to drop those groups for which I have no returns for any of the return types.
To my understanding, the SQLite documentation does not address this issue.
LEFT JOIN all the return tables, then add a WHERE something like
COALESCE(b.ret_used, c.ret_used, d.ret_used....) is not NULL
You might need a similar strategy to determine which ret_used in the TOTAL. FYI, TOTAL never returns NULL.

Selecting ambiguous column from subquery with postgres join inside

I have the following query:
select x.id0
from (
select *
from sessions
inner join clicked_products on sessions.id0 = clicked_products.session_id0
) x;
Since id0 is in both sessions and clicked_products, I get the expected error:
column reference "id0" is ambiguous
However, to fix this problem in the past I simply needed to specify a table. In this situation, I tried:
select sessions.id0
from (
select *
from sessions
inner join clicked_products on sessions.id0 = clicked_products.session_id0
) x;
However, this results in the following error:
missing FROM-clause entry for table "sessions"
How do I return just the id0 column from the above query?
Note: I realize I can trivially solve the problem by getting rid of the subquery all together:
select sessions.id0
from sessions
inner join clicked_products on sessions.id0 = clicked_products.session_id0;
However, I need to do further aggregations and so do need to keep the subquery syntax.
The only way you can do that is by using aliases for the columns returned from the subquery so that the names are no longer ambiguous.
Qualifying the column with the table name does not work, because sessions is not visible at that point (only x is).
True, this way you cannot use SELECT *, but you shouldn't do that anyway. For a reason why, your query is a wonderful example:
Imagine that you have a query like yours that works, and then somebody adds a new column with the same name as a column in the other table. Then your query suddenly and mysteriously breaks.
Avoid SELECT *. It is ok for ad-hoc queries, but not in code.
select x.id from
(select sessions.id0 as id, clicked_products.* from sessions
inner join
clicked_products on
sessions.id0 = clicked_products.session_id0 ) x;
However, you have to specify other columns from the table sessions since you cannot use SELECT *
I assume:
select x.id from (select sessions.id0 id
from sessions
inner join clicked_products
on sessions.id0 = clicked_products.session_id0 ) x;
should work.
Other option is to use Common Table Expression which are more readable and easier to test.
But still need alias or selecting unique column names.
In general selecting everything with * is not a good idea -- reading all columns is waste of IO.

SELECT fields from one table with aggregates from related table

Here is a simplified description of 2 tables:
CREATE TABLE jobs(id PRIMARY KEY, description);
CREATE TABLE dates(id PRIMARY KEY, job REFERENCES jobs(id), date);
There may be one or more dates per job.
I would like create a query which generates the following (in pidgin):
jobs.id, jobs.description, min(dates.date) as start, max(dates.date) as finish
I have tried something like this:
SELECT id, description,
(SELECT min(date) as start FROM dates d WHERE d.job=j.id),
(SELECT max(date) as finish FROM dates d WHERE d.job=j.id)
FROM jobs j;
which works, but looks very inefficient.
I have tried an INNER JOIN, but can’t see how to join jobs with a suitable aggregate query on dates.
Can anybody suggest a clean efficient way to do this?
While retrieving all rows: aggregate first, join later:
SELECT id, j.description, d.start, d.finish
FROM jobs j
SELECT job AS id, min(date) AS start, max(date) AS finish
FROM dates
) d USING (id);
SQL: How to save order in sql query?
It's not a "different type of join". USING (col) is a standard SQL (!) syntax shortcut for ON a.col = b.col. More precisely, quoting the manual:
The USING clause is a shorthand that allows you to take advantage of
the specific situation where both sides of the join use the same name
for the joining column(s). It takes a comma-separated list of the
shared column names and forms a join condition that includes an
equality comparison for each one. For example, joining T1 and T2 with
USING (a, b) produces the join condition ON *T1*.a = *T2*.a AND *T1*.b = *T2*.b.
Furthermore, the output of JOIN USING suppresses redundant columns:
there is no need to print both of the matched columns, since they must
have equal values. While JOIN ON produces all columns from T1 followed
by all columns from T2, JOIN USING produces one output column for each
of the listed column pairs (in the listed order), followed by any
remaining columns from T1, followed by any remaining columns from T2.
It's particularly convenient that you can write SELECT * FROM ... and joining columns are only listed once.
In addition to Erwin's solution, you can also use a window clause:
SELECT j.id, j.description,
first_value(d.date) OVER w AS start,
last_value(d.date) OVER w AS finish
FROM jobs j
JOIN dates d ON d.job = j.id
Window functions effectively group by one or more columns (the PARTITION BY clause) and/or ORDER BY some other columns and then you can apply some window function to it, or even a regular aggregate function, without affecting grouping or ordering of any other columns (description in your case). It requires a somewhat different way of constructing queries, but once you get the idea it is pretty brilliant.
In your case you need to get the first value of a partition, which is easy because it is accessible by default. You also need to look beyond the window frame (which ends by default with the current row) to the last value in the partition and then you need the ROWS clause. Since you produce two columns using the same window definition, the WINDOW clause is used here; in case it applies to a single column you can just write the window function in the select list followed by the OVER clause and the window definition without its name (WINDOW w AS (...)).

Create new table from average of multiple columns in multiple tables

I have the following query:
CREATE TABLE Professor_Average
SELECT Instructor, SUM( + instreffective_avg + howmuchlearned_avg + instrrespect_avg)/5
FROM instreffective_average, howmuchlearned_average, instrrespect_average
GROUP BY Instructor;
It is telling me that Instructor is ambiguous. How do I fix this?
Qualify instructor with the name of the table it came from.
For example: instreffective_average.Instructor
If you don't do this, SQL will guess which table of the query it came from, but if there are 2 or more possibilities it doesn't try to guess and tells you it needs help deciding.
Your query most likely fails in more than one way.
In addition to what #Patashu told you about table-qualifying column names, you need to JOIN your tables properly. Since Instructor is ambiguous in your query I am guessing (for lack of information) it could look like this:
SELECT ie.Instructor
,SUM(ie.instreffective_avg + h.howmuchlearned_avg + ir.instrrespect_avg)/5
FROM instreffective_average ie
JOIN howmuchlearned_average h USING (Instructor)
JOIN instrrespect_average ir USING (Instructor)
GROUP BY Instructor
I added table aliases to make it easier to read.
This assumes that the three tables each have a column Instructor by which they can be joined. Without JOIN conditions you get a CROSS JOIN, meaning that every row of every table will be combined with every row of every other table. Very expensive nonsense in most cases.
USING (Instructor) is short syntax for ON ie.Instructor = h.Instructor. It also collapses the joined (necessarily identical) columns into one. Therefore, you would get away without table-qualifying Instructor in the SELECT list in my example. Not every RDBMS supports this standard-SQL feature, but you failed to provide more information.