dgrid OnDemandGrid header and content columns not aligned - dojo

I have a dgrid (OnDemandGrid, DGridSelection) within a dijit ContentPane (within a BorderContainer) that displays over a map. The grid contains a header row (labels) and the content rows are data from a FeatureLayer. As the map is moved, the server is queried and the data updates and refreshes:
[![Grid with columns aligned][1]][1]
Note that despite the scrollbar, the header and content columns are aligned.
However, I now need to display two similar grids, so I've wrapped the ContentPane within a TabContainer. Everything functions as I need it to, except the content column widths no longer match the header column widths:
[![Grid with misaligned columns][2]][2]
I have use the debugger to modify the CSS in every way I can think of, but I've hit a wall. If anyone has any advice, I'd really appreciate it.
=== Begin HTML ===
<div id="dataGridTC"></div>
=== End HTML ===
=== Begin TypeScript ===
const DataGrid = declare([OnDemandGrid, DGridSelection]);
private dataGrid: any;
private dataGridTabContainer: TabContainer;
// columns and store are parameters passed to the method.
columns: { field: string; label: string }[];
store: Memory; // from 'dstore/Memory'
this.dataGrid = new DataGrid(
bufferRows: Infinity,
selectionMode: 'single',
collection: store,
this.dataGridTabContainer = new TabContainer({
style: "height: 100%; width: 100%;"
}, "dataGridTC");
// Note only one tab for now to simplify troubleshooting.
var cp1 = new ContentPane({
title: "Sites",
content: this.dataGrid // Add the grid to the pane
=== End TypeScript ===
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/kraEa.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/NUVtl.png


Make DGrid selector shown or hidden based on row content

I'm using the Dgrid Selection grid for a grid that uses check boxes for selecting the content. However, only child node of the tree should show the checkbox as the parents are just categories and can't be selected. Previously I used the editor plugin for this, but it created difficulty with clearing selections (specifically, the "clearSelection" method of the grid did nothing). I switched to the selector plugin, so now selecting and deselecting rows works fine, but now I can't seem to figure out a way to hide the check box on some rows and not others.
Original code
var columns = [
label: " ",
field: "itemSelected",
sortable: false,
width: 33,
canEdit: function(object) {
// only add checkboxes for child objects
return object.type === "child";
}, "checkbox"),
label: "Item",
field: "shortItemId",
width: 150,
shouldExpand: function() {
return 1;
label: "Grouping Name",
field: "groupingName"
var itemGrid = new SelectionGrid({
store: itemStore,
style: {
width: '99%',
height: '99%'
columns: columns,
sort: [{attribute: "shortItemId", descending: false}]
I used the "editOn" parameter of the editor to hide the check box, but the selector plugin only has the "disabled" parameter, which doesn't hide the field at all.
Is there a way I can get the check box hidden using the selector like I did with the editor?
Looking at the dgrid/selector source, it seems that the input is always created and added to the DOM, regardless of whether it has been disabled. Presumably this is to allow it to be flexible enough to enable and disable checkboxes on the fly without the need to constantly re-create DOM nodes. While it is not possible to prevent these nodes from being rendered, it is possible to hide them with CSS, since the cell node is given a class with the format field-{fieldName} (or in this particular case, field-itemSelected):
// JavaScript
var columns = [
label: " ",
field: "itemSelected",
sortable: false,
width: 33,
// Disable any checkbox that is not of type "child"
disabled: function (item) {
return item.type !== 'child';
/* CSS */
.field-itemSelected input[disabled] {
display: none;

dgrid inside ContentPane - Scroll error

I have a problem with dgrid.... I have an AccordionContainer, and in each ContentPane of it,
I place a dgrid. The problems with the dgrid are:
1- Error with scroll: when scrolling down, in certain moment the scroll "skips" and jumps into the end and there's no way to scroll up and show the first records.
(I have seen in Firebug the error TypeError: grid._rows is null when the scroll fails).
2- Trying to change a value: sounds like no dgrid-datachange event is emitted,
no way to capture the event after editing a value.
I think these errors has to do with having dgrid inside layouts (dgrid inside ContentPane, inside AccordionContainer). I also included the DijitRegistry extension but even with this extensions I can't get
rid of this errors.
I have prepared this fiddle which reproduces the errors:
var grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, DijitRegistry,Selection, Selector, Editor]))({
collection: tsStore,
selectionMode: 'none',
{id: 'timestamp', label:'Timestamp', formatter: function (value,rowIndex) {
return value[0];
{id: 'value', label: 'Value',
get: function(value){
return value[1];
editor: "dijit/form/TextBox"
showHeader: true
console.log('Change: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
//Add Grid and TextArea to AccordionContainer.
var cp = new ContentPane({
title: tsStore.name,
content: grid
Any help will be appreciated,
There are a couple of issues with this example that may be causing you problems.
The store used in the fiddle is being created with an array of arrays, but stores are intended to work with arrays of objects. This is the root of the scrolling issue you're seeing. One property in each object should uniquely identify that object (the 'id' field). Without entry IDs, the grid can't properly keep track of the entries in your data set. The data array can easily be converted to an object array with each entry having timestamp and value properties, and the store can use timestamp as its ID property (the property it uses to uniquely identify each record).
var records = [];
var data = _globalData[0].data;
var item;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
item = data[i];
timestamp: item[0],
value: item[1]
var tsStore = new declare([Memory, Trackable])({
data: records,
idProperty: 'timestamp',
name: 'Temperature'
Setting up the store this way also allows the grid column definitions to be simplified. Using field names instead of IDs will allow the grid to call formatter functions with the corresponding field value for each row object.
columns: [{
field: 'timestamp',
label: 'Timestamp',
formatter: function (value) {
return value;
}, {
field: 'value',
label: 'Value',
formatter: function (value) {
return value;
editor: "dijit/form/TextBox"
The fiddle is using declarative widgets and Dojo's automatic parsing functionality to build the page. In this situation the loader callback does not wait for the parser to complete before executing, so the widgets may not have been instantiated when the callback runs.
There are two ways to handle this: dojo/ready or explicit use of the parser.
parseOnLoad: true,
deps: [
callback: function (..., ready) {
ready(function () {
var _t = this;
var _globalData = [];
parseOnLoad: false,
deps: [
callback: function (..., parser) {
parser.parse().then(function () {
var _t = this;
var _globalData = [];
When adding widgets to containers, use Dijit's methods, like addChild and set('content', ...). These typically perform actions other than just adding a widget to the DOM, like starting up child widgets.
var cp = new ContentPane({
title: tsStore.name,
content: grid
instead of
var cp = new ContentPane({
title: tsStore.name,
content: grid
}, "accordionContainer");
In the example code a ContentPane isn't even needed since the dgrid inherits from DijitRegistry -- it can be added directly as a child of the AccordionContainer.
This will also call the grid's startup method, so the explicit call in the code isn't needed.
It also often necessary to re-layout the grid's container once the grid has been initially rendered to ensure it's properly sized.
var handle = grid.on('dgrid-refresh-complete', function () {
// only need to do this the first time

dgrid always showing one record less then present

I am using dgrid as follows:
query_grid: function(json_query, target, select){
var self = this;
function(declare, Grid, ColumnResizer, Selection, selector, DijitRegistry, Pagination){
var columns = {};
if (select){
columns.widget = selector({
id: "widget",
label: " ",
selectorType: "radio",
resizeable: false,
width: 30});
var data = json_query.data;
for (var i=0; i<data.keys.length; i++){
columns[data.keys[i]] = {label: util.slice_path(data.keys[i], 2)};
var grid = new (declare([Grid, ColumnResizer, Selection, DijitRegistry, Pagination]))({
id: "grid_"+json_query.path,
columns: columns,
store: new Memory({data: data.records}),
selectionMode: select?"single":"none",
pagingLinks: 1,
pagingTextBox: true,
firstLastArrows: true
dojo.place(grid.domNode, target, 'last');
return json_query.path;
but when i look at the result, it always shows one record less then is present, until i click on a column header (resulting in a sort), and then all records are shown. Can anyone expain or help with a solution/workaround?
Replace grid.refresh() with grid.startup().
dgrid will automatically call startup in cases where an instance is in document flow as soon as it's created. That's not the case here since you're placing it afterwards, so you need to call startup after it's in flow to tell it that it can perform geometry-sensitive operations.
Without calling startup, resize is never initially called. As a result, the grid doesn't properly account for the height of the header/footer, and one of your 10 rows is getting obfuscated. It gets fixed when you sort because dgrid/Grid's _setSort method calls resize in case the size of the header row changes due to the placement of the sort arrow.
The reason you can replace refresh with startup in this case is because startup calls refresh anyway.

Dgrid - rowIndex in OnDemandGrid

I am using OnDemandGrid virtuall scrolling with JSONRest store.
], function (request, Memory, OnDemandGrid,JsonRest) {
var jsonstore = new JsonRest({target: url , idProperty: "id"});
// Create an instance of OnDemandGrid referencing the store
var grid = new OnDemandGrid({
store: jsonstore,
columns: Layout,
minRowsPerPage : 40,
maxRowsPerPage : 40,
loadingMessage: "Loading data...",
noDataMessage: "No results found."
}, "grid");
I dont know how to get the rowIndex of the cell.
Can someone tell me how to find the row index?
You may find what you're looking for by using Selection mixin provided by dGrid. Using Selection, you can define your grid like this:
grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection]))({
store: Observable(Memory({ // replace with your store of choice
idProperty: 'id'
columns: { /* your columns layout */ },
noDataMessage: 'No results found.',
loadingMessage: 'Loading data...'
In your columns object, you can define a column that uses a function called renderCell that looks like this:
renderCell: function (object, value, node, options) {
// Object is the row; i.e., object's properties are the column names
// value is the value for this cell
// node is the DOM node of this cell
// Not sure what 'options' refers to
When a row is selected, you can retrieve the row by using the grid.selection property, which is an object that contains key/value pairs where the the ID's (based on idProperty) are the keys. The value for each key contains a boolean that indicates whether or not that particular row is selected. So, to get each selected row, you could do something like:
for (selectedId in selection) {
if (selection.hasOwnProperty(selectedId) && selection[selectedId] === true) {
var selectedRow = grid.row(selection[selectedId];
... // and so on...
None of this specifically gives you the row index, but you may be able to figure it out from here using your browser's Development Tools (e.g., Firebug for Firefox, etc).

Dojo/Dijit TitlePane

How do you make a titlePane's height dynamic so that if content is added to the pane after the page has loaded the TitlePane will expand?
It looks like the rich content editor being an iframe that is loaded asynchronously confuses the initial layout.
As #missingno mentioned, the resize function is what you want to look at.
If you execute the following function on your page, you can see that it does correctly resize everything:
//iterate through all widgets
//if widget has a resize function, call it
The above function iterates through all widgets and resizes all of them. This is probably unneccessary. I think you would only need to call it on each of your layout-related widgets, after the dijit.Editor is initialized.
The easiest way to do this on the actual page would probably to add it to your addOnLoad function. For exampe:
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
//perform resize on widgets after they are created and parsed.
//if widget has a resize function, call it
EDIT: Another possible fix to the problem is setting the doLayout property on your Content Panes to false. By default all ContentPane's (including subclasses such as TitlePane and dojox.layout.ContentPane) have this property set to true. This means that the size of the ContentPane is predetermined and static. By setting the doLayout property to false, the size of the ContentPanes will grow organically as the content becomes larger or smaller.
Layout widgets have a .resize() method that you can call to trigger a recalculation. Most of the time you don't need to call it yourself (as shown in the examples in the comments) but in some situations you have no choice.
I've made an example how to load data after the pane is open and build content of pane.
What bothers me is after creating grid, I have to first put it into DOM, and after that into title pane, otherwise title pane won't get proper height. There should be cleaner way to do this.
Check it out: http://jsfiddle.net/keemor/T46tt/2/
dojo.ready(function() {
var pane = new dijit.TitlePane({
title: 'Dynamic title pane',
open: false,
toggle: function() {
var self = this;
self.inherited('toggle', arguments);
self._setContent(self.onDownloadStart(), true);
if (!self.open) {
var xhr = dojo.xhrGet({
url: '/echo/json/',
load: function(r) {
var someData = [{
id: 1,
name: "One"},
id: 2,
name: "Two"}];
var store = dojo.data.ObjectStore({
objectStore: new dojo.store.Memory({
data: someData
var grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
store: store,
structure: [{
name: "Name",
field: "name",
width: "200px"}],
autoHeight: true
//After inserting grid anywhere on page it gets height
//Without this line title pane doesn't resize after inserting grid
dojo.place(grid.domNode, dojo.body());
self.set('content', grid.domNode);
dojo.place(pane.domNode, dojo.body());
My solution is to move innerWidget.startup() into the after advice to "toggle".
titlePane.aspect = aspect.after(titlePane, 'toggle', function () {
if (titlePane.open) {
See the dojo/aspect reference documentation for more information.