I would like to know if there's any python library that supports this conversion, currently the options i've found are SASpy, csv or SQL database but was unsuccessful.
This is not really a programming question but hope it won't be an issue.
I've found this post:
Export pandas dataframe to SAS sas7bdat format
But was hoping to find any updates on new libraries that support sas7bdat files creation and how licensing works for SASpy.
The sas7bdat is very hard to write. The read is fairly doable (but pretty hard) but the write is brutal. SAS costs a LOT of money and cannot be purchased (it is leased). My suggestions:
Use one of the products by companies that have done it. Some examples: CoyRoc (SSIS adaptor) $, StatTransfer $, SPSS $$$, SAS (lots of dollar signs). WPS might be able to do it but they save to their format to avoid the mess. They probably also support sas7bdat export.
Do not use sas7bdat format. Consider something else like SAS Transport format. Look at my github repository (savian-net) for C# code that can do it. Translate to Python or find a python library that can handle SAS Transport.
The sas7bdat is a binary, proprietary protocol that is 100% not published anywhere. Any docs are guesses based upon binary sleuthing. It is based on an old mainframe format and 'likely remnants' appear to be included. My suggestion is to avoid it like the plague and find an alternative.
An alternative to using xport as Stu suggested - as of Viya 2021.2.6, SAS supports reading externally generated parquet files via the new parquet import engine. As such, you could export the file to parquet via Python then directly import that into SAS and save it as a .sas7bdat file.
I just read
How to parse a OFX (Version 1.0.2) file in PHP?
I am not a developer. What easy tool can I use to make this code run with no code skill or appetence ? web browser is pretty hard to use for non dev guys.
I need this to use the file into Power BI, which accept M code, json source or xml, but not sgml ofx or PHP.
Thanks in advance
Welcome Didier to StackOverflow!
I'm going to try and give you a clue how I'd approach the problem here. But keep in mind that your question really lacks details for us to help you, and I'm asking to update your question with example data that you want to integrate into PowerBI. Also, I'm not too familiar with PowerBI nor PHP, and won't go into making that PHP code you linked run for you.
Rather, I'd suggest to convert your OFX file into XML, and then use PowerBI's XML import on that converted file.
From your linked question, I get that your OFX file is in SGML format. There's a program specifically designed to convert SGML into XML (which is just a restricted form of SGML) called osx. I've detailed how to install it on Linux and Mac OS in another question related to SGML-to-XML down-converting; if you're on Windows, you may have luck by just downloading a really ancient (32bit) version of it from ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/sp/win32/sp1_3_4.zip. Alternatively, you can use my sgmljs.net software as explained in Converting HTML to XML though that tutorial is really about the much more complex task of converting HTML to XML/XHTML and will probably confuse you.
Anyway, if you manage to install osx, running it on your OFX file (which I assume to have the name yourfile.ofx just for illustration) is just a matter of invoking (on the Windows or Linux/Mac OS command line):
osx yourfile.ofx > yourfile.xml
to result in yourfile.xml which you can attempt to load with PowerBI.
Chances are your OFX file has additional text at the beginning (lines like XYZ:0001 that come before <ofx>). In that case, you can just remove those lines using a text editor before invoking osx on it. Maybe you also need a .dtd file or additional instructions at the top of the OFX file informing SGML about the grammar of your file; it's really difficult to say without seeing actual test data.
Before bothering with SGML and all that, however, I suggest to remove those first few lines in your OFX file (everything until the first < character) and check if PowerBI can already recognize your changed input file as XML (which, from other OFX example files, has a good chance of succeeding). Be sure to work on a copy of your original file rather than overwriting it. Then come back and update your question with your results and example data.
I’m running Octave 5.1.0
In Matlab you can use webread to get a struct from a web page, like this:
data is then a struct ready to use. (urlString specifies that the format should be json, but I can also get the data in xml format from this web page).
Can I achieve this in Octave? (I can’t use Matlab for this project).
I tried using
data is then in string format. I could use regexp to extract the information I need, but I’m hoping there is an easier way.
I’ll be grateful for any suggestions.
Core Octave does not support JSON reading and writing (yet), but there are a few packages that do so. Try one of them.
The flow I have in mind in this:
1. Export a sas7bdat from SAS
2. Import that file in python with pd.read_sas and do some stuff on in
3. Export the pandas dataframe to sas7bdat (or some other SAS binary fileformat). I thought that pd.to_sas would exist, but it doesn't
4. Open the new file in SAS and do further stuff on it
Is there a solution to point 3 above? As I see it, my only options are csv or some SQL database.
This is not really a programming question. hope it won't be an issue.
Python is capable of writing to SAS .xpt format (see for example the xport library), which is SAS's open file format. SAS7BDAT is a closed file format, and not intended to be read/written to by other languages; some have reverse engineered enough of it to read at least, but from what I've seen no good SAS7BDAT writer exists (R has haven, for example, which is the best one I've seen, but it still has issues and things it can't do).
More common than XPT files, though, which can be slow to work with, is to write a CSV and then write a SAS input script in your python/etc. program. That allows you to use variable labels, value labels, types, etc., as you wish very easily; and writing a SAS input script is very easy to do. Many other software packages do this for their preferred method to produce SAS files. This has an additional advantage that it is easily cross-platform - doesn't matter if your SAS program is on a mainframe, UNIX, Windows, etc.; it's all the same.
Edit: If you do have SAS licensed locally, either via a server or local install, another option for exporting Python data to SAS is SASPy, which is a SAS-maintained open source project that allows Python to directly connect to SAS instances and directly send data. (Under the hood, I believe the data is actually transmitted as a CSV most of the time, and then read in using SAS code.) The SAS ODBC driver is also an option, but for Python SASPy will be the easiest option most likely.
"SAS7BDAT is a closed file format, and not intended to be read/written to by other languages; some have reverse engineered enough of it to read at least, but from what I've seen no good SAS7BDAT writer exists."
Although the SAS7BDAT is a proprietary format, it is not closed. It can be read and written by third-party products using SAS' own ODBC drivers. https://support.sas.com/en/software/sas-odbc-drivers.html. Since Python can use ODBC (pyodbc), just use the SAS ODBC Driver to write the SAS7BDAT file format.
IBM SPSS Statistics and IBM SPSS Modeler can also read and write the SAS7BDAT format as well as the earlier pre-version 7 formats and the SAS Transport File format (the .xpt) files noted above. These products do not require ODBC to do this and this capability is included in SPSS Statistics Base via the SAVE Translate command. It is included in SPSS Modeler Professional via the SAS Source node for reading and the SAS Export node for writing.
I have .sql file, I want to convert it to NoSQL, as I have a coursework on MongoDB.
What application can I use or how can I do it?
In a quick Google search, I found this website that converts CREATE and INSERT INTO statements to a JSON or Javascript format. However, if you want to create a different database structure (which I would probably recommend), you might want to program a Python script to create a JSON file to import to MongoDB. I guess it all depends on what you want to create.
We have a custom internal data format. I'd like to use Impala with this format, just for reading. I want to write the binding for this format. But there is no reason to contribute this back, as nobody else uses this format.
Does Impala support file format plugins in some way?
From hdfs-scan-node.cc it looks like the list of file formats is hardcoded unfortunately. If this is the case, is there a plan to change this? Or is this not a common problem for some reason?
No, as stated in How Impala Works with Hadoop File Formats:
Impala can only query the file formats listed in the preceding table. In particular, Impala does not support the ORC file format.
The reasons for this are probably related to the run-time code generation which would be harder to optimize if Impala didn't constrain file formats.
However, Impala is an open source project and there is no reason why you cannot suggest this by filing a JIRA.