Change SQL Result Text Size in Visual Studio 2022 - visual-studio-2022

There does not seem to be a setting in Tools>Options>Fonts and Colors to change the Message tab font for SQL Query error result.
Can't seem to change the message font.
Assumed it was the SQL Results - Text option in Fonts and Colors but that has no affect on the font size.


How to stop VS 2022 Standard Edition from highlighting the code when I select search

Using my newly installed VS 2022, when I search within the text of my code (say using <Ctrl>+<F3> followed by <F3>), the entire text is background-highlighted in dark-blue, forming a jagged edge of lines. The jagged edged lines are due to the fact that the lines of my code are not all of same length. This is especially contrasted against the black background (where I have no code) in "Dark" mode.
The "Blue" mode has the same effect but the contrast of background-highlighted text and background with no text, is not so pronounced.
To end this highlighting I need to escape out of the search mode.
How can I stop this background highlighting of the code when I search?
What I needed to do is change the background of the search in "Find Scope Highlight"
Select the menu: Tools.(Options...).Environment.(Fonts and Color).(Find Scope Highlight) and change the [Item background] to Black

There's any font that doesn't change text len

I need a font that have the same len no matter if the line contains all 1111 or 8888.
Now I'm using the default VB.NET 2010 font and two lines with the same amount of characters have different len.
Any monospace font will do:
I personally use Consolas because that is also the default font family used by Visual Studio in the code editor:
The easiest way to set the font is via the form's designer:

VBA to change Visio font style by font name instead of font index?

I'm hoping to use VBA to change the font style of the texts in shapes(from Calibri to Verdana). Currently I have (a snippet of the code)
Visio.ActivePage.Shapes(1).Characters.CharProps(visCharacterFont) = 235#
235 is the font index for Verdana in my system. However, the font index is very unstable and can change on different computers. Is there a way to change the font style by font name instead, e.g. ...="Verdana"? It's possible in excel, but I couldn't find similar syntax in Visio. Thanks in advance!
You can check what is ID for Verdana font on current PC
Dim Verdana_ID As Integer
Verdana_ID = ActiveDocument.Fonts.Item("Verdana").ID
And after this step set this ID as character's font
Visio.ActivePage.Shapes(1).Characters.CharProps(visCharacterFont) = Verdana_ID

RTF - Where can I find the text content?

I am querying an MSSQL server for some information and I am getting the following:
{\f0\fnil\fcharset204 Calibri;}
{\f1\fnil Calibri;}
I understand this is RTF, but I cannot find the content, which should be this:
How does this work? How does the above generate the text?
You are right. I ran the query in SSMS and I got the same value.
However, when I copied and pasted it in notepad, it displayed the full
content. It does appear to have a limit on the characters. How can I
increase the limit to display the full thing?
Do a right click into the query window and choose options. The following dialog allows to specify a text's max length. The highest value allowed is 8192.
The data also has new
lines. Does that affect anything?
Press <ctrl>+T to swap from "Results to Grid" to "Results to Text". This will write the entire content as text and you will see line breaks (within the grid line breaks are ommitted)
Hint Reduce your SELECT to only one textual column!

Visual Studio 2013 (Productivity Power Tools) - Colorized Parameter Help: how to set text color in Intellisense

I have a problem with "Colorized Parameter Help" function in PPT 2013.
Other features -> no. 13
I can't find how to change text color of Intellisense tooltip(?)
I have dark scheme but when I change "Signature Help - Text" to white there is no change in intellisense (still black text color)
At last! after hours of searching...
Here it is the setting: