How do I correctly describe this 4x4 square in my K-map? - karnaugh-map

I am trying to find a (SoP)-expression using the embedded K-map. I have a box of size 4x4 which is a permitted use however I am having a hard time understanding how I could implement it.
To me the 4x4 box represents that the output is always 1 independet on any of the variables. Then I'd like to use the 2x4 box to the right and produce:
1 OR (Qc AND !Qd), but this does not produce the correct result.
I can see several alternative ways to produce the correct result. My questions are specifically:
Why can't I use the 4x4 box, or perhaps, how do I represent it correctly?
How do I know when I can represent parts of the output as a 4x4 box?
Perhaps Im missing something more fundamental.
Thx in advance.

The point of placing rectangles in a K-map is to eliminate variables from an expression. When the result of a rectangle is the same for the variable values X and X', then the variable X is not needed and can be removed. You do this by extending an existing rectangle by doubling the size and eliminating exactly one variable, where every other variable stays the same. For the common/normal K-map with four variables this works with every such rectangle because in a way the columns/rows are labelled/positioned. See the following example:
The rectangle has eliminated the variables A and B, one variable at a time when the size of the rectangle has been extended/doubled. This results in the function F(A,B,C,D) = C'D'. But check the following K-map of four variables:
Notice that the columns for the D variable has been changed (resulting in a different function overall). When you try to extend the red rectangle to catch the other two 1 values as well, you are eliminating two variables at the same time (B and D). As you cannot grow the rectangle anymore, you are left with two rectangles, resulting in the function F(A,B,C,D) = BC'D' + B'C'D (which can be simplified to C' * (BD' + B'D)).
The practice in placing rectangles in the K-map isn't just placing the biggest rectangle possible, but to eliminate variables in the right way. To answer your questions, you can always start with the smallest rectangle and extend/double its size to eliminate one variable. See the following example:
The green rectangle grows in these steps:
Start with A'BC'D'E
Eliminate the (only) variable A by growing "down", resulting in BC'D'E
Eliminate the (only) variable D by growing "right", resulting in BC'E.
But now, the rectangle cannot grow/double its size anymore because that would eliminate the variable E, but also somehow eliminate the variable C. You cannot eliminate the variable E, because you have 0 values to the left of the green rectangle and 1 values to the right of the green rectangle (all in the left half of the K-map, where you have the value C'). The only way to increase/grow the rectangle is to get the "don't care" values to eliminate the B variable (not shown here).
The overall function for this K-map would be F(A,B,C,D,E) = C'E + DE' + CD' (from three 2x4 rectangles).


How to place half-block slabs in Minecraft with MakeCode

This is a bit of a long-shot. I really don't know where to ask this question.
I've been trying out CodeConnection + MakeCode with Minecraft and I haven't been able to figure out if there is correct way to place half-slabs at 0.5 step y axes increments.
I tried using a line between 2 points, but it left gaps between each slab.
If I try moving up 0.5, then it rounds it up to 1, and again leaves gaps.
It appears that all of the builder functions seem operate at a resolution of 1 block. However in-game I can obviously place slabs in 0.5 block increments to make stairs etc.
Blocks only exist at integer coordinates. Half slabs that exist in the top half of their space are still at a full integer coordinate. They just have a BlockState value of bottom=top (or top_slot_bit=true on Bedrock, represented by the integer value 8 as a bitflag, eg: 0b1... where the . bits are the integer representation of what type of slab (wood, stone, quartz...)).
What you're looking for is this widget, under Blocks:
You can set the block and then an integer representation of the desired data value (see the wiki on data values) in the numerical slot. This widget can then be dragged into the (block) portion of any block widget:
You'll probably have to some variable fiddling to get the data value to swap back and forth as you need it to, but that should solve the hurdle you've been facing.

How to iterate over a pandas data frame when using the basemap function to check the result

I am trying to write apython script that will do a geometric transformation for the long/lat values, namely the rotation. However, I want to resulted long/lat to preserve the location, for example if the otiginal coordinate is in the land I want the rotated one to be also in land. Therefore, I have used basemap
I wrote the following script and it works fine, till I tried to add a while loop. My objective from adding the while loop is to compare the original value with the rotated one and if they dont match, the rotation angle will change till they match. I will show my concept without adding the while loop first:
def rotation(dfc):
# Rotation
choose a rotation angle that will match the location of the rotated
coordinates, and set the result to 1 if they match
while row['result']=0
choose another rotation angle
do the rotation again
check the result of the rotated points
if still they dont match stay in the loop and choose another alpha
if not break and go to the next row
I know it needs simple steps, but I am not able to figure out how to add the loop for row wise functions in dataframes
Actually this problem can be solved without using df.iterrows.
I just initiated a variable to be equal 0 and then added a while loop. So my pseudocode looks like :
while counter != len(df['col1'])
choose new random variable
do the calculation using dfc.apply()
re-calculate counter

Random 4x4 2D NSArray Objective-C

I'm trying to create a Minesweeper game.
I have a 4x4 set of buttons equally spaced in main.Storyboard.
My plan is to create a random array which places a 0 or * in the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th arrays. I would do this by using the arc4Random method.
With the remaining blank cells, I then have to check how many mines there could be for the 8 (potential) squares around the cell/button. This would be governed by the boundary conditions (0,0 to 3,3).
Once this is set up, I would then set the background and number label to the same colour. I could then write an if or else statement to change the colour after each button is pressed.
I'm quite struggling how to start this off and actually write this. Can anyone please give me some advice please?
you can get a boolean like this.
bool hasMine = arc4random() % 2;
this will give you 50% chance to get a bomb... if you want less bomb, increase the value (3 will give you 2 bomb free square, for one with a bomb, etc..)
then a "" or a "*" like this;
NSSString * value = hasMine ? #"*" : #"" ;
then it's just a matter of a for loop to populate your arrays.
for the sake of performance, I wouldn't use a n x n nested array but a single arrray of nxn size (in your case a array with 16 value). Then I will set a tag for 0 to (nxn -1) to each button based on its position, and on click I'll get the tag of the pressed button and retrive the value of the object at this position in the array

Building an MKPolygon using outer boundary of a set of coordinates - How do I split coordinates that fall on either side of a line?

I'm trying to build a MKPolygon using the outer boundary of a set of coordinates.
From what I can tell, there is no delivered functionality to achieve this in Xcode (the MKPolygon methods would use all points to build the polygon, including interior points).
After some research I've found that a convex-hull solves this problem.
After looking into various algorithms, the one I can best wrap my head around to implement is QuickHull.
This takes the outer lat coords and draws a line between the two. From there, you split your points based on that line into two subsets and process distance between the outer lats to start building triangles and eliminating points within until you are left with the outer boundary.
I can find the outer points just by looking at min/max lat and can draw a line between the two (MKPolyline) - but how would I determine whether a point falls on one side or the other of this MKPolyline?
A follow up question is whether there is a hit test to determine whether points fall within an MKPolygon.
I ended up using a variation of the gift wrap algorithm. Certainly not a trivial task.
Having trouble with formatting of the full code so I'll have to just put my steps (probably better because I have some clean up to do!)
I started with an array of MKPointAnnotations
1) I got the lowest point that is furthest left. To do this, I looped through all of the points and compared lat/lng to get lowest point. This point will definitely be in the convex hull, so add it to a NSMutableArray that will store our convex hull points (cvp)
2) Get all points to the left of the lowest point and loop through them, calculating the angle of the cvp to the remaining points on the left. Whichever has the greatest angle, will be the point you need to add to the array.
atan(cos(lat1)sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lon2-lon1), sin(lon2-lon1)*cos(lat2))
For each point found, create a triangle (by using lat from new point and long from previous point) and create a polygon. I used this code to do a hit test on my polygon:
BOOL mapCoordinateIsInPolygon = CGPathContainsPoint(polygonView.path, NULL, polygonViewPoint, NO);
If anything was found in the hit test, remove it from the comparison array (all those on the left of the original array minus the hull points)
Once you have at least 3 points in your cvp array, build another polygon with all of the cvp's in the array and remove anything within using the hit test.
3) Once you've worked through all of the left points, create a new comparison array of the remaining points that haven't been eliminated or added to the hull
4) Use the same calculations and polygon tests to remove points and add the cvp's found
At the end, you're left with a list of points in that make up your convex hull.

Given an RGB value what would be the best way to find the closest match in the database?

I have a rgb value and if it doesn't exist in the color table in my database I need to find the closest color. I was thinking of comparing all values and finding the difference(in red,green,and blue) then take the average. The lowest average deviation should be the closest color. There seems to me like there should be a better way. Any ideas?
Consider a color as a vector in 3-dimensional space, you can then easily compute the difference by using 3d pythagoras:
d = sqrt((r2-r1)^2 + (g2-g1)^2 + (b2-b1)^2)
However, note that due to colors being subject to interpretation by not-so-perfect eyes, you might want to adjust the colors to avoid them having the same importance.
For instance, using a typical weighted approach:
d = sqrt(((r2-r1)*0.3)^2 + ((g2-g1)*0.59)^2 + ((b2-b1)*0.11)^2)
Since eyes are most sensitive to green, and least sensitive to blue, two colors that differ only in the blue component must thus have a larger numeric difference to be considered "more different" than one that is the same numeric difference in the green component.
There's also various ways to optimize this calculation. For instance, since you're not really interested in the actual d value, you can dispense with the square root:
d = ((r2-r1)*0.30)^2
+ ((g2-g1)*0.59)^2
+ ((b2-b1)*0.11)^2
Note here that in many C-syntax-based programming languages (like C#), ^ does not mean "raise to the power of", but rather "binary exclusive or".
So if this was C#, you would use Math.Pow to calculate that part, or just expand and do the multiplication.
Added: Judging by the page on Color difference on Wikipedia, there's various standards that try to handle perceptual differences. For instance, the one called CIE94 uses a different formula, in the L*C*h color model that looks like it's worth looking into, but it depends on how accurate you want it to be.
The Euclidean distance difference = sqrt(sqr(red1 - red2) + sqr(green1 - green2) + sqr(blue1 - blue2)) is the standard way to determine the similarity of two colours.
However, if you have your colours in a simple list, then to find the nearest colour requires computing the distance from the new colour with every colour in the list. This is an O(n) operation.
The sqrt() is an expensive operation, and if you're just comparing two distances then you can simply omit the sqrt().
If you have a very large palette of colours, it is potentially quicker to organise the colours into a kd tree (or one of the alternatives) so as to reduce the number of diffreences that require computing.
The following does exactly what you describe:
select (abs(my_R - t.r) + abs(my_G - t.g) + abs(my_B - t.b)) / 3 as difference, t.*
from RGBtable t
order by difference desc;
However, you might get better results with something that was non-linear. In the "take the averages" approach, if you goal color is (25, 25, 25) the color (45, 25, 25) would be closer than (35, 35, 35). However, I bet the second would actually look closer, since it would also be gray.
A few ideas come to mind: you could try squaring the differences before you average them. Or you could do something complicated with finding the color with the closest ratio between the different values. Finding the closest ratios would get you closest to the right hue, but won't account for saturation (if I'm remembering the terms right...)
Let the database do it for you:
select top 1
color c
order by
(square(c.r - #r) + square(c.g - #g) + square(c.b - #b))
Where #r, #g, and #b are the r,g,b values of the color that you're searching for (SQL Server parameter syntax, since you didn't specify a database). Note that this is still going to have to do a table scan since the order by has a function call in it.
Note that the extra square root call isn't actually required since it's a monotonic function. Not that it would probably matter very much, but still.
From looking at the Wikipedia page on Color difference, the idea is to treat RGB colours as points in three dimensions. The difference between two colours is the same as the distance between two points:
difference = sqrt((red1 - red2)^2 + (green1 - green2)^2 + (blue1 - blue2)^2)
One step better than average is nearest square root:
((delta red)^2 + (delta green)^2 + (delta blue)^2)^0.5
This minimizes the distance in 3D color space.
Since a root is strictly increasing, you can search for the maximum of the square instead. How you express this in SQL would depend on which RDBMS you're using.
Comparing a color sample to the whole color list every time is probably not optimal. This can be optimized by putting the colors in the color list into a search tree. If you are comparing the color sample on its Red, Green and Blue (RGB) value, you would put the colors in the color list into a three dimensional search tree. The search tree could be created once and saved to a (json, xml) file or in a database. This may be worth it if speed is important, e.g. there are many points to compare.
Use a [k-d tree] with the R, G and B values 0-256 as X, Y, and Z coordinates1.
Or another type of nearest neighbour search.
Calculate both the average and the distance like this:
(r + g + b) / 3 = average
(r - average) + (g - average) + (b - average) = distance
This should give you a good idea of the closest value.