How to open phone gallery clicking a recycler view item (inside custom adapter class) - android-recyclerview

I'm dev an app that use a recycler view to show items composed by an image and a text. The user can add an item with a custom image, doing this in a normal activity it's easy:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
private final ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> launcher = registerForActivityResult(
new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),
result -> {
if (result.getResultCode() == Activity.RESULT_OK
&& result.getData() != null) {
Uri photoUri = result.getData().getData();
image_to_up = photoUri;
image_uploaded = true;
But if I want let the user edit a recycler view item image, then the same code wont work inside the custom adapter, I get:
Cannot resolve method 'registerForActivityResult' in Adapter
So, how can I do it? How can I let the user open the gallery and select an image inside a custom adapter class?

Define this in your Activity class:
private final ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> launcher = registerForActivityResult(
new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),
result -> {
if (result.getResultCode() == Activity.RESULT_OK
&& result.getData() != null) {
Uri photoUri = result.getData().getData();
image_to_up = photoUri;
image_uploaded = true;
and then create a function in the activity class that call this launcher, then call this function from the adapter class:
public void launch_func() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
Basically you can't call the method inside the adapter so you call it from your activity class, it's not the prettiest but it should works.

You need an activity reference to use the registerForActivityResult method inside the Adapter.
Pass the Activity variable using the constructor of the Adapter and use it like this:
ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> launcher = ((YourActivityClass) activity).registerForActivityResult(
new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),
result -> {
if (result.getResultCode() == Activity.RESULT_OK
&& result.getData() != null) {
//your logic


Xamarin.Android how to remember the position of items in a recyclerview

I have a recyclerview set up in as per the code in this link
My question is, how can I remember the position of these items when the app is restarted etc. When the user adds items they are inserted at adapter position 0,1,2,3 etc but when they close the app and come back in, it is not always in the same order.
The user can also rearrange by drag and drop so this seems to add even more confusion!
Currently I have the items in the recyclerview being saved by converting the list to Json and loading when the app opens again but as I said, the items aren't always in the same order as before the app was closed.
Can anyone advise the best way to do this? I have tried to add the item name and position number to a list converting to json then trying to insert the item at the saved position index but can't get it to work..
Do you want to achieve the result like following GIF?
You can use PreferenceManager to store position of items(Before store data, I will Serialize data) in a recyclerview.
You can override OnPause() method, this method will be executed when application is background or app is killed. So we can store the position and data in this method.Here is code about ReOrderActivity
[Activity(Label = "ReOrderList")]
public class ReOrderActivity : Activity, IOnStartDragListener
private ItemTouchHelper _mItemTouchHelper;
public static ObservableCollection<string> ResourceList;
private RecyclerView _resourceReorderRecyclerView;
ReOrderAdapters resourceAdapter;
ISharedPreferences prefs;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
resourceAdapter = new ReOrderAdapters(ResourceList, this);
// Initialize the recycler view.
_resourceReorderRecyclerView = FindViewById<RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.ResourceReorderRecyclerView);
Button mDone = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.mDone);
mDone.Click += MDone_Click;
_resourceReorderRecyclerView.SetLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.Vertical, false));
_resourceReorderRecyclerView.HasFixedSize = true;
ItemTouchHelper.Callback callback = new SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback(resourceAdapter);
_mItemTouchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(callback);
protected override void OnPause()
string ConvertData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ResourceList);
ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();
editor.PutString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData", ConvertData);
// editor.Commit(); // applies changes synchronously on older APIs
editor.Apply(); // applies changes asynchronously on newer APIs
private void MDone_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
resourceAdapter.AddItem("Add item");
public void OnStartDrag(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder)
//Added sample data record here
public void GetCollection()
//ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();
//editor.PutString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData", "");
string ConvertData = prefs.GetString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData","");
ResourceList = new ObservableCollection<string>();
ResourceList= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ObservableCollection<string>>(ConvertData);
//var or= ResourceList.ToString();
You can download my demo

TornadoFX - remove item with ContextMenu right click option

So I have a table view that displays an observedArrayList of AccountsAccount(name, login, pass), those are data classes. When I right click a cell there pops an option of delete. What I want to do is delete that Account from the observedArrayList
Only I can not find any way to do this. I am not experienced with JavaFX or TornadoFX and I also can't find the answer with google or in the TornadoFX guides and docs.
This is my code:
class ToolView : View() {
override val root = VBox()
companion object handler {
//val account1 = Account("Google", "", "kkk")
//val account2 = Account("Google", "", "Password")
var accounts = FXCollections.observableArrayList<Account>(
var gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()
val ggson = Gson()
fun writeData(){
FileWriter("accounts.json").use {
ggson.toJson(accounts, it)
fun readData(){
var account = gson.fromJson(it, Array<Account>
if(account == null){return}
for(i in account){
init {
borderpane {
center {
items = accounts
column("Name", Account::name)
column("Login", Account::login)
column("Password", Account::password)
contextMenu = ContextMenu().apply{
button("Add account").setOnAction{
replaceWith(AddView::class, ViewTransition.SlideIn)
To clarify #Martacus's answer, in your case you only need to replace // HERE IS WHERE THE ITEM DELETE CODE SHOULD BE with accounts.remove(this) and you're in business.
You could also replace the line
selectedItem?.apply{ accounts.remove(this) }
selectedItem?.let{ accounts.remove(it) }
From my experience, let is more common than apply when you are just using a value instead of setting up a receiver.
Note that the process will be different if the accounts list is constructed asynchronously and copied in, which is the default behavior of asyncItems { accounts }.
selectedItem is the item you have selected/rightclicked.
Then you can use arraylist.remove(selectedItem)

Is it somehow possible to have two master views and one detail view?

If I have for example one master view on the left and one in the middle, each showing oder Java Beans/POJOs, can I use a shared detail view that somehow listens to the active beans of each view and then displays the currently selected one in more detail? A one to one relation is quite easy to manage by using your Context library.
#ViewDocking(areaId ="left", position=1, displayName="Profiles", menuEntry = #WindowMenuEntry(path = "", position=0), accelerator="Shortcut+1")
public class ProfileListView extends BorderPane implements LocalContextProvider {
private final SimpleContextContent content = new SimpleContextContent();
private final SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext(content);
private ListView<Profile> listview;
public ProfileListView() {
// add some profiles
listview.getItems().add(new Profile("Profile1"));
listview.getItems().add(new Profile("Profile2"));
listview.getItems().add(new Profile("Profile3"));
// setup selection listener
listview.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((value, oldProfile, newProfile) -> {
// set active profile and remove old one
// setup double click listener
private Profile getSelectedProfile() {
return listview.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
private void configureClickListener() {
listview.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
// check if it was a double click
if(event.getClickCount() == 2) {
// inject into editor pane
// calls the procedure to create a tab in the center area...
private void load() {
public Context getLocalContext() {
return context;
This is one master view holding a list view of items.
The other one would be the same, docking to the right as another tab and holding POJOs of type 'Action'.
The detail view is here:
#ViewDocking(areaId = "right", displayName = "Properties", accelerator = "Shortcut+2", menuEntry = #WindowMenuEntry(path = "", position = 0), position = 1)
public class ProfilePropertiesView extends BorderPane implements LocalContextProvider, ActiveContextSensitive {
private Context activeContext;
private SimpleContextContent content = new SimpleContextContent();
private SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext(content);
private Profile profile;
private IWindowService service = new NullWindowService();
private PropertySheet propertysheet;
public ProfilePropertiesView() {
// retrieve framework service, TODO: use tracker
BundleContext ctx = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()).getBundleContext();
service = ctx.getService(ctx.getServiceReference(IWindowService.class));
// initialize callback
service.addCallback(title -> {
System.out.println("callback called " + title);
// update the property sheet ui by re-creating the items list
// updateUI();
// we can safely return null
return null;
// configure editor factory so the user is able to use a combobox
propertysheet.setPropertyEditorFactory(new CustomPropertyEditorFactory(service));
private void load() {
public Context getLocalContext() {
return context;
private void contextChanged() {
// find profile information
Profile found = activeContext.find(Profile.class);
// if the found profile is null, ignore it
if (found != null) {
// reset if profile is valid
if (profile != null) {
// create reference and register
profile = found;
private void register() {
// retrieve observablelist of bean properties if some profile is selected
if(profile != null) {
ObservableList<Item> items = createDetailedList(profile);
private void updateUI() {
// clear property elements and re-create them
// re-create items
ObservableList<Item> items = createDetailedList(profile);
private ObservableList<Item> createDetailedList(Object bean) {
ObservableList<Item> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
try {
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(bean.getClass(), Object.class); -> new DetailedBeanProperty(bean, pd)).forEach(list::add);
} catch (IntrospectionException e) {
return list;
private void reset() {
public void setActiveContext(Context activeContext) {
this.activeContext = activeContext;
this.activeContext.addContextListener(Profile.class, event -> contextChanged());
// trigger change
The current ProfilePropertiesView is just configured to display the properties of the selected profile. I want it to be able to display the current information of the last selected POJO in the UI. That means that if the user selected a Profile from the ListView, that profile should be displayed in the properties view. If he selected an Action from the Table (which is displayed in the center), the properties of the Action should be displayed.
Do I just need to register a new ContextListener for the Action.class
POJO and then call a method to populate the PropertiesView? I was
unsure if this is the right solution...
Yes, just add another ContextListener to the activeContext for every POJO type you want to observe.
Also note that in the constructor of views it's better to use a ServiceTracker instead of looking for the service via BundleContext as the service might not be available yet, depending on the order the bundles are loaded.
You can find a sample which uses a ServiceTracker here:

Filepicker in WP8.1 app did not show any photo

I need to make instrument, that allows users to choose photo from Gallery. After choosing photo, it will be shown to the user in ImageBox.
Problem is, that when user chooses some photo in Gallery, Gallery closes, ImageBox stays empty. Code returns no error. Please help me to find error and solve this problem. Thank you.
Here is a code:
ImagePath = String.Empty
filePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary
filePicker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail
' Filter to include a sample subset of file types
Dim BitmapImage = New BitmapImage()
Await BitmapImage.SetSourceAsync(filePicker)
MyPhoto.Source = BitmapImage
If you are using filePicker.PickSingleFileAndContinue() you need to add code into the App_Activated
You will notice that PickSingleFileAndContinue() is a void method will not return the picked file were as PickSingleFileAsync() will return a file.
Code block is in C#,sorry i have only limited knowledge in vb, you can find vb sample below
Similar SO Answer
FileOpenPicker openPicker = new FileOpenPicker();
openPicker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;
openPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary;
StorageFile file = await openPicker.PickSingleFileAsync();
As your are using PickSingleFileAndContinue() you need to implement ContinuationManager that were you get the file you picked.
In the App.xaml.cs
public ContinuationManager ContinuationManager { get; private set; }
This will fire when the app get activated
protected async override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs e)
continuationManager = new ContinuationManager();
Frame rootFrame = CreateRootFrame();
await RestoreStatusAsync(e.PreviousExecutionState);
if(rootFrame.Content == null)
var continuationEventArgs = e as IContinuationActivatedEventArgs;
if (continuationEventArgs != null)
Frame scenarioFrame = MainPage.Current.FindName("ScenarioFrame") as Frame;
if (scenarioFrame != null)
// Call ContinuationManager to handle continuation activation
continuationManager.Continue(continuationEventArgs, scenarioFrame);
Usage in the page
Assume that one page of your app contains code that calls a FileOpenPicker to pick an existing file. In this class, implement the corresponding interface from the ContinuationManager helper class. When your app uses a FileOpenPicker, the interface to implement is IFileOpenPickerContinuable.
public sealed partial class Scenario1 : Page, IFileOpenPickerContinuable
//inside this you have this
private void PickAFileButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
FileOpenPicker openPicker = new FileOpenPicker();
openPicker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;
openPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary;
// Launch file open picker and caller app is suspended
// and may be terminated if required
switch (args.Kind)
case ActivationKind.PickFileContinuation:
var fileOpenPickerPage = rootFrame.Content as IFileOpenPickerContinuable;
if (fileOpenPickerPage != null)
fileOpenPickerPage.ContinueFileOpenPicker(args as FileOpenPickerContinuationEventArgs);
Download msdn sample here
Msdn documentation using FilePicker

Copying sitecore rendering to new template programmatically using renderingDefinition.ItemId?

I have a custom sitecore button which changes the template of the current item, simple enough.
However as part of this I'm trying to also migrate the renderings of the old layout to a new layout if it's of a certain sublayout type by ItemId. However the ItemId that is returned is always null, the only value I get back from the RenderingDefinition is the UniqueId.
What am I doing wrong?
I have used this blog post as a guide.
The Code
public class ConvertToNewTemplateCommand : Command
protected void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args)
if (!SheerResponse.CheckModified())
Item item = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[args.Parameters["id"]];
if (args.IsPostBack)
if (args.Result == "yes")
//Get current layout details
var originalLayoutXml = item[FieldIDs.LayoutField];
//Get new template
TemplateItem hubTemplate = Context.ContentDatabase.GetTemplate("some guid...");
//Change template
//Reset laytout
//Get reset layout
var newLayoutXml = item[FieldIDs.LayoutField];
//Add all the module containers to the new layout in the central column
MoveModuleContainers(item, originalLayoutXml, newLayoutXml);
private void MoveModuleContainers(Item item, string oldXml, string newXml)
var oldLayout = LayoutDefinition.Parse(oldXml);
var newLayout = LayoutDefinition.Parse(newXml);
bool updated = false;
var oldRenderings = (oldLayout.Devices[0] as DeviceDefinition).Renderings;
var newRenderings = (newLayout.Devices[0] as DeviceDefinition).Renderings;
foreach (RenderingDefinition rendering in oldRenderings)
// Here is where the rendering.ItemID is always null
if (rendering != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(rendering.ItemID) && new Guid(rendering.ItemID) == new Guid("matching guid..."))
rendering.Placeholder = "middlecolumn";
updated = true;
if (updated)
// Save item...
I got onto Sitecore support in the end which informed me that I should use:
instead of:
to get the items layoutField correctly. This results in the rendering values being parsed correctly and as they say the rest is history.