IntelliJ IDEA Reformat code and Rename exception? - intellij-idea

When Reformat code , the code format will change in an instant (no problem), but the font color of the code will change slowly. Sometimes a variable name has two colors.
About Refactor - Rename:
For example, I want to change the oldVariableName variable Rename to newVariableName. Sometimes it will be named as a confused neardwVariableName.
Moreover, sometimes when you click Rename for a variable, the pop-up window for modifying the name shows that the variable to be modified is another variable.


Change Heading Number copied from another document

How can I change the Heading Number with VBA code?
For example, "1.1 Computer system"
I'd like to change "1.1" to "1.2".
I can read it with:
I can't find a way to change it.
Basic Function Test
1.1. LED Function Test Purpose: To make sure all the LED Functions are working as the Product Specification Resource Requirements:
The context is shown above. Sometimes, I copy from another document. The pasted heading number is not correct.
I tried to record the macro but the recorded macro is empty.
To force Heading 2 to start the numbering from 1.2, all you need is:
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2).ListTemplate.ListLevels(2).StartAt = 2
Your update shows you're trying to do something quite different, however.
The only reliable way to retain the original numbering when copying/pasting between documents is to either:
convert the source numbering to static text before copying; or
paste the copied content as unformatted text.

Variable in Generate Rows step in PDI

I want to use variable in 'Generate rows' step in Pentaho. How can i use it. I want to give a file path in a 'Value' field but that should not be static so that i can pass this value into my csv input.
I am not sure to understand your question (see #mat's comment), but as far as I can understand it, I wonder if you really need a Generate Rows.
The CSV Input File can read the file name from a variable. If you look near this field you'll see a small 'S' in a blue diamond shape. It means that you can put a variable in it, in the format ${var_name}.
This suppose that your variable is indeed a variable, as opposed to a field. You can get the list of variables by pressing on Ctrl+Space on any input box near the 'S' in blue diamond shape. You can add a variable either in defining in a previous job, either in the parameter list [Right-click anywhere and select Parameters], either by editing the [on the top menu Edit], either by specifying the variable value on the small panel that is presented to you each time you want to run a transformation.
With a Generate Rows, you define a field and there is no way to use a field for the filename in a CVS Input file. You can however use a field in a Text file input with the Accept file name from an other step check box, and telling spoon from which step and from which field. If you use this step, specify on the Content tab that the filetype is CSV.
you can use "for" javascript lang step and get variable to generate rows,

How to paste multiple environment variables in IntelliJ

Is there a way to add multiple environment variables in IntelliJ? When one sends me a list of variables I can add them one by one by clicking + in this window
But it's quite annoying to do for 10 or 20 variables every time. I can copy all variables from Environment variables field but we cannot paste there. Is there any way to do it?
Yes, it's totally possible to paste all environment variables at once in this screen but they need to be in a specific format.
Click on the ... button to the right of environment variables to show the dialog you have in your first screenshot.
Now you can use the Paste button but the values in your clipboard have to be in a specific format for pasting to work. In your case that clipboard info would be something like this:
Try copying the value above and use the paste button (not Ctrl+v). If you don't have your data in this format you can try formatting it using a text replace tool online.
Also if you select all of the values in that dialog and click the copy button you can get the values in the same format that will work with importing. Warning: clicking Ctrl+c will not copy the values in the same format as the copy button in the dialog.
You could use "Paste" button at the bottom of the variables list.
Yes, just:
Click on the three dots (...) button of the Environment variables option. On the Windows version, the button is a little folder icon.
Select all the variables on the showed popup (name and value) and click on the "Copy" button. Close the popup.
Choose the other configuration, open his Environment variables option and click on the "Paste" button.
I am not sure if the (...) option is available in the community edition also.
This is how i was able to add them to the configuration. Just select the environment variables you want to import into the desired configuration.
E.g: If you have variables like
min_instance_count: 1
max_instance_count: 2
min_memory: 2
max_memory: 2
Replace the colons/other delimiters with = :
min_instance_count= 1
max_instance_count= 2
min_memory= 2
max_memory= 2
Now import the variables by copy-pasting (the clipboard sign).
You can simply paste a ; concatenated list of environment variables (and their values) into the Environment Variables dialog box.
E.g. paste in:
and get:

Load only select sections of Code in QlikView

I have a set of code that is rather large in Qlik. I have dates that are defined at the start of the script
Let vBDate = Date(Date#('01/01/2015','MM/DD/YYYY'),'MM/DD/YYYY');
Let vEDate = Date(Date#('12/31/2015','MM/DD/YYYY'),'MM/DD/YYYY');
The entire code runs financial numbers based on a specific data source. Originally I had a version of this QVW for each data source. However, as often goes with financials the QVW constantly needs to be refined. So I merged them all into one code. I broke the Code up into different tabs so I can turn off the sources I don't want.
What I want to do is try to se a variable, either in the code, like this,
Let vROIType = 'Vendor';
or using the method answered in my first attempt at this question where the variable is defined on the designer side using a button.
The hope is that when the variable is set, then only the code associated with that variable will run in the reload and the other code will be skipped.
In my research I tried to create functions in the script and use code to call them, however the call would always error out. I also read about QVDs but many of my date variables are defined at the start of running it, and the QVD needs to be pre-run.
Any help would be appreciated.
As long as you wrap the appropriate sections of the script in the conditionals properly, this should accomplish it:
Create a variable via the Variable Overview window (ctrl + alt + v) like you mentioned to reference the correct script to be reloaded (vROIType)
Create a button or text box and set an action to change the value of the vROIType variable. You can just make two buttons so you can select the correct data source by clicking the appropriate button.
Either reload via the menu or create another text box/button with an action to reload your script.
Most importantly, use conditionals in your script to selectively run the correct portions based on the vROIType variable.
if vROIType = 'Vendor' then
Everything in the script you want run when the source is `Vendor`.
elseif vROIType = 'SomeOtherVendor' then
Everything in the script you want run when the source is ....
end if;
Upon reload, the script will look at the vROIType variable and use that to determine whether or not to run parts of the script. Here's a link to a simple example you can try if you have the paid version of Qlikview, otherwise it'll yell at you that you can't open third party .qvw's.

Make Word's automatic spell-checking pick up dictionary changes

In MS Word it's possible to add words to a custom dictionary so they're recognized. If a word is not recognized, Word automatically puts a red squiggly line underneath it. If you add that word to the custom dictionary, this line disappears. What I'd like to do is perform this process automatically via a macro. It appears that one has to manually open the dictionary file and write the new word, as there is no method on the Word Dictionary object to add words to a given dictionary. This is no problem, except that Word doesn't automatically pick up the new word and remove the red squiggly lines underneath the newly-added word. I've even tried clearing the custom dictionaries and adding them back in, but it doesn't seem to reload the dictionary until you manually run a spell check. Sample code for this follows:
Dim x As Dictionary
Dim fname As String
fname = "C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UProof\md.dic"
' code to add word to dictionary goes here
With CustomDictionaries
.Add fname
.ActiveCustomDictionary = CustomDictionaries.Item(fname)
End With
Is there any way to make Word recognize the newly added word(s) in a custom dictionary without running the interactive spell check? It does this silently if you manually add words, but I can't seem to replicate this behavior in VBA. I'd like the red lines to go away automatically just like they do when you manually add words.
I haven't exactly solved the problem, but I think I figured out a work around. You can get a collection of Range objects which represent spelling errors using ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors. I'm going to search this collection for text matching the word I've added to the dictionary, and then set .NoProofing = True on the object. This appears to make the red lines go away, and having added the new word to the dictionary will prevent them from coming back the next time I open the document. I haven't fully tested this approach, but it looks promising.
This approach is flawed, as additional instances of the word which are entered during the same session will have the red squigglies underneath them because they haven't been explicitly ignored and the spell check isn't yet using the updated dictionary. If you just pull up the custom dictionary dialog manually and click OK, something happens in the background to re-read the dictionary. I just can't figure out how to do this in code.