robotframework- unable to click a button on a modal dialogue box - selenium

when I open a particular webpage it has a EULA form that appears on top of the home page in the form of a modal in HTML/CSS. I have tried the XPath of the accept button but it says element not found also tried using handle alert.
is there a unique way to handle a dialogue box in robotframework?
image of HTML in inspect view

SeleniumLibrary.Set Focus To Element ${button_on_popup_page}
SeleniumLibrary.Click Element ${button_on_popup_page}
I figured it out, shown in the above code. I first set focus to the button and then used the click element. This seemed to work.


How to unfocus from all inputs/elements in Selenium without tabbing out

I have a form where I fill in textboxes through selenium (java). Some of the textboxes dynamically generate extra content when you click on them and remove the content when you focus on something else. This is a problem when I automate because if I am focused on a text box and try to click on something else, when the page removes the content it doesn't register my click and I need to click again. This leads to flakey behaviour since I need to now consider whether I need to click or double click a button depending on what element I was focused on before.
I can't send a tab key to the text box because sometimes it will tab into another textbox that has the same dynamic generation behaviour, leading to the same scenario as before.
I tried clicking the page element but it also doesn't seem to work. I also tried clicking the root div. It just doesn't seem to register my click (I also tried jsclicks)
What I would like to do is have a general way to unfocus a text box after I fill it.

I am having trouble while clicking a "Submit An App" button on my application which is present on the Menu bar

I am using the below code for this, this is present inside a frame and this also clicks the button but after button is clicked the control is lost. The possible reason i see is the page lands on same page which extra options after the "Submit An App" button is clicked.
I am using c# to code it. The first line finds the button the second line clicks but go for a timeout. I have seen this behavior fist time not sure how to work it out.
IWebElement field = VelocityDriver.FindElement(By.Id("AppSub"));

selenium, hidden button by overlapped input ( not clickable)

Is there any way on how to click a hidden button by an overlapped input text field, for example if you go to and enter a text to search for, selenium can not find the "Search Google" button because it is hidden by the autocomplete of the text field.
You can bypass the validation by using #click! instead of #click. Basically, this triggers the click via JavaScript rather than through standard Selenium commands.
browser =
browser.text_field(name: 'q').set('watir')
browser.button(name: 'btnK').click!
If you are only using Selenium, you can do:
btn = driver.find_element(name: 'btnK')
driver.execute_script('arguments[0].click();', btn)
As discussed in the comments, you could also close the suggestions box before trying to click the button. You can do this by moving focus to any other element - eg the first link on the page. Depending on what you're testing, this may or may not have value.
browser.text_field(name: 'q').set('watir') # move focus to any other element so suggestions close
browser.button(name: 'btnK').click

Selenium ClickandWait

Using id=incidentsCheckBox gets me an error but when clicking manually it shows up fine. What is the best way of capturing dynamically generated icons (incidentIcons), which pop up when a checkbox is clicked, which if click individually will show a popup data of status?

dojox form uploader button is clickable only on the border, but not on the full button

I am using IE8
I have created dojo button as below
It has displayed button "Select Files".
When I click on top border of button its working fine. When I click on any other places on button file picker dialogbox is not displaying.
When I right click on button and select zoom in option once, I am able to click on all the coordinates of button(after selecting zoom option, it works similar to html button).
Note: I have used flash for multiple file selection.
Please tell how to make this button work by clicking in any place.
Have you checked if there is other element's borders in front of the button? Try to check with the developer tools option activated on your browser and select "inspect element" (or similar). If another element is detected when you hover over the button, you have your answer.
Apart from that I have no more ideas.