How to judge the success of third-party authentication? - vue.js

My front-end is built with vue, and the back-end is with golang. My questions are 1. When I click the button to request a third-party login, how do I judge that the third-party authentication is successful? 2. And how do I get the data on the server side
The second question I think of is to save data on the server side through cookies and session, and the front end can get information through the cookie HTTP request header. Is there a more concise way
The second question, how can I judge the success of the third-party authentication?
My jump Url code is
/// vuex
async accountLoginAction({ commit, dispatch }, payload: any) {
const from: string = payload
window.location.href = getMixinUrl(from)
Through this code, the page can be jumped to a third party, then how can I judge that the authentication is successful? And how to request data gracefully when the judgment is successful.


How to secure an endpoint

I have an endpoint written in expressjs"/mkBet", async (req, res) => {
const betToPush = new Bet({
addr: req.body.address,
betAmount: req.body.amount,
outcome: req.body.didWin,
timePlaced: Math.round(+new Date()/1000)
try {
const newBet = await
} catch(err) {
res.status(400).json({message: err.message})
And I am trying to make it so that it can only be called when an action is performed on the frontend. So users cannot call it with custom arguments to make it so the outcome is always true. What would be the best way to achieve this?
It is not possible to securely tell what client sent the request. In other words, a request from your client and a different one can be identical in general.
Talking about unmodified browsers (as opposed to non-browser tools like Postman), you can tell the origin of the request (~the url loaded in the browser when the request was sent) with some confidence from the Origin and Referer request headers. However, your backend needs authentication and authorization anyway.
With the latter two in place, ie. with proper security implemented on the server-side, it doesn't matter anymore what client sends the requests.

Playwright intercept server side network request

Can't see to find any good docs on how to mock/stub the server Sider side requests with playwright.
An example would be to intercept the getServerSideProps in nextjs: hitting the routes makes the server do a request (db API etc). Then it can do some business logic (which should also be covered by testing) before it is passed to the component as props which is sent to the client (being server side rendered).
Mocking that db API request without having some test logic mixed into the business logic is what I am hoping to find an answer for.
Playwright allows you to do interception and mocking/stubbing.
UI action can triger the API call, and without sending request you can intercept
the response.
And you can use moks and stubs as well.
const mock = { animals: [] }
await page.route('**/Zoo/v1/books', (animals) =>
status: 304,
body: JSON.stringify(mock),
await page.goto('https://www.demoqa/animals');
See more

Auth0: Validating id_token/JWT on UI (javascript) level

Update March 2019
I just went over this question again; the Auth0's github code has been updated in December 2018. They are now storing 'access_token','id_token' and 'expire_at' into the object/session, instead of localstorage and using now an 'isLoggedIn' flag to mark if authenticated or not. Check the pull request and these 2 lines in the specific commit: line1 and line2.
If you do not need to re-validate 'id_token' - like I was doing in the original question - that might be an alternative. Otherwise check original question.
Original Question
We are using auth0 for one of our clients. One stack that we are using it for is:
React/Redux UI
NodeJS backend
So we are using a cross origin authentication using implicit grant for that, using JWT with an RS256 algorithm. We also refresh tokens in background using silent authentication.
I was able to validate 'access_token' on the API (nodejs) side using node-jwks-rsa for express
On the UI level, after going through the source code of the auth0-js library I noticed that the "parseHash" method used in their provided react samples, actually validates tokens before we store them in localstorage, ie on successful authentication. Mainly this line in the source code.
Then I used their sample code that allows us to check if a user is authenticated, method isAuthenticated().
Problem with the isAuthenticated() method
From a security perspective, if later on (post authentication) a user of the application decided to manually modify the 'expire_at' label in the storage, they could get away as indeed authenticated. While of course there is additional security checking in our app, I wanted to update this function to validate 'id_token'. So far, I couldn't find any example in auth0's online docs for how to do that.
After digging in their source code I found a method validateToken that is being used. So I decided to leverage it in one of our functions:
import IdTokenVerifier from 'idtoken-verifier'
.... Some code in here ....
reValidateToken() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Both of these are stored in localstorage on successful authentication, using the parseHash method
let id_token = localStorage.getItem('id_token');
let transactionNonce = localStorage.getItem('app_nonce');
this.webAuth.validateToken(id_token, transactionNonce, function(
) {
if (!validationError) {
resolve('no validation errors for id_token');
if (validationError.error !== 'invalid_token') {
// if it's an invalid_token error, decode the token
var decodedToken = new IdTokenVerifier().decode(id_token);
// if the alg is not HS256, return the raw error
if (decodedToken.header.alg !== 'HS256') {
Now, for it to succeed; we store the nonce in localstorage after successful authentication, does this approach create back doors for potential security holes? if it does; what is best practice to validate RS256 JWT id_token(s) on a UI level? unity authentication

I have this use case:
- I'm working on a game with a webapp for user management and chat, which is on MERN, and a unity game, with as the real time messaging layer for the multiplayer game.
- User may register to webapp by either providing a pair of email/password, or getting authenticated on FB/Gamil/etc. as usual, in which case the user's email is obtained and saved to MongoDB and this is done by passport.
- There is no session in express side, and is on a redis. There is no cookie but JWT is used.
My problem is that I don't know what's the best practices in this. I read this
and this
which both have content and code close to what I want to do, but in the first one:
while I don't want to use cookie at all, and the other one also has in code:
cookie: {
secure: process.env.ENVIRONMENT !== 'development' && process.env.ENVIRONMENT !== 'test',maxAge: 2419200000}...
Also, I found this on
which suggests for the client side (unity):
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:9000');
socket.on('connect', function (socket) {
socket.on('authenticated', function () {
//do other things
.emit('authenticate', {token: jwt}); //send the jwt
meaning that:
1. socket is created
2. authentication is requested
but I think that the approach I found in the other article is better, where the socket is not created at all if the JWT for auth is not provided at the first ever connection request sent to "io", so if I'd do it I'd issue:
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:9000', {query: {"JWT":"myjwt"}});
and in my server side where I have:
io.on("connection", function(socket){...});
I'd like to first get the JWT:
var jwt = socket.handshake.query["JWT"];
and then if auth will be unsuccessful, simply return socket.disconnect('reason') and do not open any connection at all (here maybe I just didn't understand, say, that the approach the Author took in the github source is using a middle ware technique and it is maybe also done before anything else).
I still could not find out what is the best practice that Gurus use, please help me get clear.

What method should I use for a login (authentication) request?

I would like to know which http method I should use when doing a login request, and why? Since this request creates an object (a user session) on the server, I think it should be POST, what do you think? But since the login request should be idempotent, it could be PUT, couldn't it?
Same question for a logout request, should I use the DELETE method?
If your login request is via a user supplying a username and password then a POST is preferable, as details will be sent in the HTTP messages body rather than the URL. Although it will still be sent plain text, unless you're encrypting via https.
The HTTP DELETE method is a request to delete something on the server. I don't think that DELETING an in memory user session is really what it's intended; more it's for deleting the user record itself. So potentially logout can be just a GET e.g.
I believe that you can translate LOGIN & LOGOUT methods into basic CRUD operations CREATE & DELETE. Since you are creating a new resource called SESSION and destroying it when logging out:
POST /login - creates session
DELETE /logout - destroys session
I would never do LOGOUT as GET just because anyone could make an attack just simply by sending an email with IMG tag or link to website where such an IMG tag exists. (<img src="" />)
Long time I was wondering how would you create a RESTful login/logout and it turned out it's really simple, you do it just like I described: use /session/ endpoint with CREATE and DELETE methods and you are fine. You could also use UPDATE if you want to update session in one way or another...
Here is my solution based on REST guides and recommendations:
LOGIN - create a resource
BODY => {'login': '', 'password': '123456'}
http status code 201 (Created)
{'token': '761b69db-ace4-49cd-84cb-4550be231e8f'}
LOGOUT - delete a resource
http status code 204 (No Content)
For login request we should use POST method. Because our login data is secure which needs security. When use POST method the data is sent to server in a bundle. But in GET method data is sent to the server followed by the url like append with url request which will be seen to everyone.
So For secure authentication and authorization process we should use POST method.
I hope this solution will help you.
Regarding the method for logging out:
In the Spring (Java Framework) documentation, they state that a POST request is preferred, since a GET makes you vulnerable to CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) and the user could be logged out.
Adding CSRF will update the LogoutFilter to only use HTTP POST. This ensures that log out requires a CSRF token and that a malicious user cannot forcibly log out your users.
Logging in should also use POST (body can be encrypted, see the other answers).
For Login I use POST, below is my code for LOGIN method
I used Nodejs with Express and Mongoose
your router.js
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();"/login", login);
your controller.js
export.login = async(req, res) => {
//find the user based on email
const {email, password} = req.body;
const user = awaitUser.findOne({email});
return res.status(400).json({err : "User with
email doesnot exists.Please signup"});
return res.status(500).json({err :
make sure you have JWT installed
const token = jwt.sign({_id: user._id}, YOUR_SECRET_KEY);
const {_id, name, email} = user;
return res.json({token, user : {_id, email, name}});