When should I use CMake's add_dependencies instead of target_link_libraries? - cmake

I'm used to defining CMake target dependencies using the target_link_libraries() command. Recently, though, I've noticed the existence of another command, add_dependencies(). When should I use the latter rather than the former?
Note: I tried reading this question: target_link_libraries and add_dependencies - but the answers confused me. I understand I should not use both. But it's not entirely clear to me when I should use which.

add_dependencies should only be used where you need to establish a dependency in the build process that would otherwise not be present.
If a you want to influence the linker options, you use target_link_libraries.
For INTERFACE targets target_link_libraries should be used, even if it doesn't have an effect on the linker options. An example would be "linking" a header only library: This usually only results in include directories being inherited; you use target_link_libraries for this nonetheless.
A notable example of using add_dependencies would be to make sure MODULE targets dynamically loaded by an executable target get built when building the executable.


Will cmake target_link_libraries() call target_include_directories()?

My understanding is that if I want to use a 3rd library, I need the header file path and the link obj path.
in CMake, I think a successful find_package() will set 2 variables: somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS and somelib_LIBRARIES.
But in many case, I only call
${somelib_LIBRARIES} )
and it seems to be sufficient. (somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS is not used)
My question is: Is my experience correct? somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS is not necessary?
If it's correct, can I say the reason is that target_link_libraries calls target_include_directories internally?
Will cmake target_link_libraries() call target_include_directories()?
If target_link_libraries is called with a library target name that has PUBLIC or INTERFACE include directories, then target_link_libraries will also add those include directories to the target. I.e. INTERFACE properties are "transitive" or are "inherited".
Is my experience correct? somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS is not necessary?
That 100% just depends on the specific library configuration. If the condition described above is satisfied, then yes. If not, somelib_LIBRARIES has libraries or link flags and not CMake library target names, or those library target names do not have any PUBLIC or INTERFACE include directories, etc...., then not.
Some find_package configuration files have been rewritten with add_library(... INTERFACE. Some not. It depends on the specific library CMake configuration. Consult the documentation and source code of the specific library CMake configuration files to know how to use it.
If it's correct, can I say the reason is that target_link_libraries calls target_include_directories internally?

Using Gnu autotools library in CMake project [duplicate]

Looking around on the net I have seen a lot of code like this:
pkg_search_module(SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2)
target_include_directories(app SYSTEM PUBLIC ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(app ${SDL2_LIBRARIES})
However that seems to be the wrong way about doing it, as it only uses the include directories and libraries, but ignored defines, library paths and other flags that might be returned by pkg-config.
What would be the correct way to do this and ensure that all compile and link flags returned by pkg-config are used by the compiled app? And is there a single command to accomplish this, i.e. something like target_use(app SDL2)?
First of, the call:
should be replaced with:
The find_package() call is more flexible and allows options such as REQUIRED, that do things automatically that one would have to do manually with include().
Secondly, manually calling pkg-config should be avoid when possible. CMake comes with a rich set of package definitions, found in Linux under /usr/share/cmake-3.0/Modules/Find*cmake. These provide more options and choice for the user than a raw call to pkg_search_module().
As for the mentioned hypothetical target_use() command, CMake already has that built-in in a way with PUBLIC|PRIVATE|INTERFACE. A call like target_include_directories(mytarget PUBLIC ...) will cause the include directories to be automatically used in every target that uses mytarget, e.g. target_link_libraries(myapp mytarget). However this mechanism seems to be only for libraries created within the CMakeLists.txt file and does not work for libraries acquired with pkg_search_module(). The call add_library(bar SHARED IMPORTED) might be used for that, but I haven't yet looked into that.
As for the main question, this here works in most cases:
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2)
target_link_libraries(testapp ${SDL2_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(testapp PUBLIC ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_compile_options(testapp PUBLIC ${SDL2_CFLAGS_OTHER})
The SDL2_CFLAGS_OTHER contains defines and other flags necessary for a successful compile. The flags SDL2_LIBRARY_DIRS and SDL2_LDFLAGS_OTHER are however still ignored, no idea how often that would become a problem.
More documentation here http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPkgConfig.html
If you're using cmake and pkg-config in a pretty normal way, this solution works.
If, however, you have a library that exists in some development directory (such as /home/me/hack/lib), then using other methods seen here fail to configure the linker paths. Libraries that are not found under the typical install locations would result in linker errors, like /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmy-hacking-library-1.0. This solution fixes the linker error for that case.
Another issue could be that the pkg-config files are not installed in the normal place, and the pkg-config paths for the project need to be added using the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable while cmake is running (see other Stack Overflow questions regarding this). This solution also works well when you use the correct pkg-config path.
Using IMPORTED_TARGET is key to solving the issues above. This solution is an improvement on this earlier answer and boils down to this final version of a working CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
project(ya-project C)
# the `pkg_check_modules` function is created with this call
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
# these calls create special `PkgConfig::<MODULE>` variables
pkg_check_modules(MY_PKG REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET any-package)
pkg_check_modules(YOUR_PKG REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET ya-package)
add_executable(program-name file.c ya.c)
target_link_libraries(program-name PUBLIC
Note that target_link_libraries does more than change the linker commands. It also propagates other PUBLIC properties of specified targets like compiler flags, compiler defines, include paths, etc., so, use the PUBLIC keyword with caution.
It's rare that one would only need to link with SDL2. The currently popular answer uses pkg_search_module() which checks for given modules and uses the first working one.
It is more likely that you want to link with SDL2 and SDL2_Mixer and SDL2_TTF, etc... pkg_check_modules() checks for all the given modules.
# sdl2 linking variables
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2 SDL2_ttf SDL2_mixer SDL2_image)
# your app
file(GLOB SRC "my_app/*.c")
add_executable(my_app ${SRC})
target_link_libraries(my_app ${SDL2_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(my_app PUBLIC ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_compile_options(my_app PUBLIC ${SDL2_CFLAGS_OTHER})
Disclaimer: I would have simply commented on Grumbel's self answer if I had enough street creds with stackoverflow.
Most of the available answers fail to configure the headers for the pkg-config library. After meditating on the Documentation for FindPkgConfig I came up with a solution that provides those also:
message(FATAL_ERROR "pkg-config not found!" )
pkg_check_modules(<some-lib> REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET <some-lib>)
target_link_libraries(<my-target> PkgConfig::<some-lib>)
(Substitute your target in place of <my-target> and whatever library in place of <some-lib>, accordingly.)
The IMPORTED_TARGET option seems to be key and makes everything then available under the PkgConfig:: namespace. This was all that was required and also all that should be required.
There is no such command as target_use. But I know several projects that have written such a command for their internal use. But every project want to pass additional flags or defines, thus it does not make sense to have it in general CMake. Another reason not to have it are C++ templated libraries like Eigen, there is no library but you only have a bunch of include files.
The described way is often correct. It might differ for some libraries, then you'll have to add _LDFLAGS or _CFLAGS. One more reason for not having target_use. If it does not work for you, ask a new question specific about SDL2 or whatever library you want use.
If you are looking to add definitions from the library as well, the add_definitions instruction is there for that. Documentation can be found here, along with more ways to add compiler flags.
The following code snippet uses this instruction to add GTKGL to the project:
pkg_check_modules(GTKGL REQUIRED gtkglext-1.0)
target_link_libraries([insert name of program] ${LIBS})

How can I "add_dependencies(..)" to an "UNKNOWN IMPORTED" library?

I want to use this way of getting googletest in my project. But there seems to be something wrong:
ninja: error: 'libsuper/test/googletest-prefix/src/googletest-build/googlemock/gtest/libgtest.a', needed by 'libdsuper/test/libsuper_test', missing and no known rule to make it
As I understand the error, there is no gtest library available when ninja tries to build the test-executable. As a consequence, I added a dependency just after the test-target:
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_test ${SOURCES})
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_test ${GTEST_LIBRARY})
But this has no effect. It seams like it's silently ignored. I guess this is because IMPORTED is meant for system libraries that need not to be compiled and are thus available from the start. In my case, this is however not true. The googletest libraries are only available after they have been compiled by the ExternalProject_Add.
Is this also linked to ninja? The site linked above does not mention problems - and I could imagine that's because googletest and libSomeOtherThingThatUsesGTest are build in sequence, as make does.
How can I instruct cmake to wait until the gtest library is truly available?
There is a little sense to be depended on IMPORTED library target - there is no actions bonded with such target, so you are actually depends on nothing.
Instead, you should depend on a target, which creates the library. In case of External Project, this is a target created for such project (the first argument to the ExternalProject_Add function's call).
In case of normal (non-IMPORTED) library target situation is quite different: actions for create such library are bonded with the target itself, so being dependent from the library target means that library should be built before the dependee. But such dependence is rarely used: instead, one links with the library target, which by itself implies the dependency from the actions, bonded with that target.
for googletest you should use:
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_test ${SOURCES})
target_link_directories(${PROJECT_NAME}_test gtest)
Dependency will be automatically managed.
Also the imported target gtest already depends on googletest ExternalProject_Add according to this
I guess the errors come from the fact that the path for the imported target file location aka ${binary_dir}/googlemock/gtest/${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES}gtest.a is wrong IMHO.

What is the proper way to use `pkg-config` from `cmake`?

Looking around on the net I have seen a lot of code like this:
pkg_search_module(SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2)
target_include_directories(app SYSTEM PUBLIC ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(app ${SDL2_LIBRARIES})
However that seems to be the wrong way about doing it, as it only uses the include directories and libraries, but ignored defines, library paths and other flags that might be returned by pkg-config.
What would be the correct way to do this and ensure that all compile and link flags returned by pkg-config are used by the compiled app? And is there a single command to accomplish this, i.e. something like target_use(app SDL2)?
First of, the call:
should be replaced with:
The find_package() call is more flexible and allows options such as REQUIRED, that do things automatically that one would have to do manually with include().
Secondly, manually calling pkg-config should be avoid when possible. CMake comes with a rich set of package definitions, found in Linux under /usr/share/cmake-3.0/Modules/Find*cmake. These provide more options and choice for the user than a raw call to pkg_search_module().
As for the mentioned hypothetical target_use() command, CMake already has that built-in in a way with PUBLIC|PRIVATE|INTERFACE. A call like target_include_directories(mytarget PUBLIC ...) will cause the include directories to be automatically used in every target that uses mytarget, e.g. target_link_libraries(myapp mytarget). However this mechanism seems to be only for libraries created within the CMakeLists.txt file and does not work for libraries acquired with pkg_search_module(). The call add_library(bar SHARED IMPORTED) might be used for that, but I haven't yet looked into that.
As for the main question, this here works in most cases:
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2)
target_link_libraries(testapp ${SDL2_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(testapp PUBLIC ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_compile_options(testapp PUBLIC ${SDL2_CFLAGS_OTHER})
The SDL2_CFLAGS_OTHER contains defines and other flags necessary for a successful compile. The flags SDL2_LIBRARY_DIRS and SDL2_LDFLAGS_OTHER are however still ignored, no idea how often that would become a problem.
More documentation here http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPkgConfig.html
If you're using cmake and pkg-config in a pretty normal way, this solution works.
If, however, you have a library that exists in some development directory (such as /home/me/hack/lib), then using other methods seen here fail to configure the linker paths. Libraries that are not found under the typical install locations would result in linker errors, like /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmy-hacking-library-1.0. This solution fixes the linker error for that case.
Another issue could be that the pkg-config files are not installed in the normal place, and the pkg-config paths for the project need to be added using the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable while cmake is running (see other Stack Overflow questions regarding this). This solution also works well when you use the correct pkg-config path.
Using IMPORTED_TARGET is key to solving the issues above. This solution is an improvement on this earlier answer and boils down to this final version of a working CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
project(ya-project C)
# the `pkg_check_modules` function is created with this call
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
# these calls create special `PkgConfig::<MODULE>` variables
pkg_check_modules(MY_PKG REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET any-package)
pkg_check_modules(YOUR_PKG REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET ya-package)
add_executable(program-name file.c ya.c)
target_link_libraries(program-name PUBLIC
Note that target_link_libraries does more than change the linker commands. It also propagates other PUBLIC properties of specified targets like compiler flags, compiler defines, include paths, etc., so, use the PUBLIC keyword with caution.
It's rare that one would only need to link with SDL2. The currently popular answer uses pkg_search_module() which checks for given modules and uses the first working one.
It is more likely that you want to link with SDL2 and SDL2_Mixer and SDL2_TTF, etc... pkg_check_modules() checks for all the given modules.
# sdl2 linking variables
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(SDL2 REQUIRED sdl2 SDL2_ttf SDL2_mixer SDL2_image)
# your app
file(GLOB SRC "my_app/*.c")
add_executable(my_app ${SRC})
target_link_libraries(my_app ${SDL2_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(my_app PUBLIC ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_compile_options(my_app PUBLIC ${SDL2_CFLAGS_OTHER})
Disclaimer: I would have simply commented on Grumbel's self answer if I had enough street creds with stackoverflow.
Most of the available answers fail to configure the headers for the pkg-config library. After meditating on the Documentation for FindPkgConfig I came up with a solution that provides those also:
message(FATAL_ERROR "pkg-config not found!" )
pkg_check_modules(<some-lib> REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET <some-lib>)
target_link_libraries(<my-target> PkgConfig::<some-lib>)
(Substitute your target in place of <my-target> and whatever library in place of <some-lib>, accordingly.)
The IMPORTED_TARGET option seems to be key and makes everything then available under the PkgConfig:: namespace. This was all that was required and also all that should be required.
There is no such command as target_use. But I know several projects that have written such a command for their internal use. But every project want to pass additional flags or defines, thus it does not make sense to have it in general CMake. Another reason not to have it are C++ templated libraries like Eigen, there is no library but you only have a bunch of include files.
The described way is often correct. It might differ for some libraries, then you'll have to add _LDFLAGS or _CFLAGS. One more reason for not having target_use. If it does not work for you, ask a new question specific about SDL2 or whatever library you want use.
If you are looking to add definitions from the library as well, the add_definitions instruction is there for that. Documentation can be found here, along with more ways to add compiler flags.
The following code snippet uses this instruction to add GTKGL to the project:
pkg_check_modules(GTKGL REQUIRED gtkglext-1.0)
target_link_libraries([insert name of program] ${LIBS})

Specifying libraries for cmake to link to from command line

I have a huge project managed with CMake and this project has hundreds of components each of them having own source files and each of them linking to a list of libraries, specified with target_link_libraries(${project} some_libraries, some_other_libraries)
Now, what I am aiming for is that:
Without actually modifying any of the CMakeLists.txt I want ALL the projects's target executable to link to some specific libraries.
Is there a way of achieving this? Since this is a one time trial, I don't want to manually hunt down all the CMakeLists.txt files and modify them (yes, this is the other alternative). Just a note, I compile the entire project from command line, using cmake (no cmake gui).
This is kind of a hack, but for a C++ project, you can use CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES. For a C project, I think you would use CMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIRBARIES.
Example for C++ that links to libbar and libfoo:
cmake ... -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES="-lbar -lfoo"
See the documentation here:
This won't be available for older versions of CMake; it was added some time after version 3.0.
This is a dirty, dirty hack, so please only use it for testing.
You can actually overload the add_executable command by defining a function of the same name. Do this close to the top of the top-level CMakeLists.txt:
function (add_executable name)
message("Added executable: " ${name})
_add_executable(${name} ${ARGN})
target_link_libraries(${name$} your_additional_lib)
Note that _add_executable is an internal CMake name that may break in future CMake versions. As of now (version 3.0) it seems to work with all versions though.
You can overload add_library the same way if required.
For more fine-grained control over what is linked, instead of calling target_link_libraries you can also mess with the LINK_LIBRARIES and INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target properties directly.