wLength is zero on get_descriptor setup packet - usb

I'm playing around with the USB controller on the raspberry pi pico. The end goal is for the pico to be able to send keystrokes as a HID keyboard.
In any case, RP2040 datasheet says that the setup packet is always at the start of the usb controllers DPSRAM (0x50100000). I do get an interrupt signaling me that a setup packet has been received and when I read the setup packet I get the following data:
0x80 - seems to mean device to host, standard type, recipient is device
0x06 - seems to be GET_DESCRIPTOR
0x00 - low byte of wValue, means index zero
0x01 - high byte of wValue, means desc type device
0x00 - low byte of wIndex
0x00 - high byte of wIndex, means index zero
0x00 - low byte of wLength
0x00 - high byte of wLength
The first six bytes are completely what I would expect. But what does a wLength (last two bytes) of 0 mean? The device descriptor seems to have a length of 18 bytes, so I would have expected it to be 0x12, 0x00.
Is a wLength of zero when requesting a descriptor valid or is it more likely that I'm doing something wrong? If it is valid, how would I respond? With a zero length packet?


XBEE 3 Zigbee 3.0 sometimes sends wrong message content

I am currently working on a SPI connection between a microcontroller (mbed LPC1768) and a XBEE 3 Zigbee 3.0. My goal is to send floats between my mbed and my Computer (wireless). I've got everything set up and received the data with another XBEE device, which is connected with my Computer. I am sending with unicast. I worked quite well and I wanted to test the result by sending a sinus wave and plotting it in Simulink
Here is the sinus curve
As you can see it kinda works, but there are some huge errors within the signal. These wrong values always appear at the same position (when I send the same values). Later I read the message with XCTU and I noticed that the message it received was somehow "manipulated". But this only appeared at specific values.
Here is the message I sent with my mbed:
uint8_t Message[23] {0x7E, 0x0, 0x13, 0x10, 0x1, 0x0, 0x13, 0xA2, 0x0, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x80, 0xD5, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x0, 0x0, 0xBB, 0xBE, 0xDD, 0x7D, 0x3F};
Notice that 0xBB is the "header" byte for the 4 float bytes. (The checksum is calculated later in the programm).
Here we suddenly have 5 bytes which are within the received data frame field! The last value is the checksum
I know that the receive packet is different from the packet I am sending, but it shouldn't change the content of my message at specific values. Other values are being received with only 4 data bytes correctly. What is the problem here? Sorry for my bad English.
I tried sending a sinus wave without any errors, but some specific values are being changed somehow.
Try switching to API mode 1 (ATAP=1). With ATAP set to 2, the XBee "escapes" certain values with 0x7D.
Here's Digi's documentation on escaped API mode:
In your example, the escaped values are:
0x7D 0x31 -> 0x11
0x7D 0x33 -> 0x13
0x7D 0x5E -> 0x7E
0x7D 0x5D -> 0x7D
So the packet came from 00 13 A2 00 41 C1 7E 38, and had the correct payload of BB BE DD 7D 3F.
I have yet to run into an application that needs API mode 2. Switch to ATAP=1, make sure your software knows it's running in "unescaped" mode, and it should resolve your issue.

Unknown BlueNRG SPI response

I'm trying to communicate with BlueNRG chip (on X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 extension board) connected to STM32L1 (on NUCLEO-L152RE board) over SPI protocol.
According to BlueNRG manual, I can send an empty SPI packet of 5 bytes: (0x0B, 0, 0, 0, 0) to get the read/write buffer sizes as well as the device status. The status is supposed to be 0x02 (ready), or 0x00 or 0xFF if the device was sleeping and is waking up.
Here is the communication I'm getting:
Send (0x0B, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Receive (0x00, 0x00) // why 2 bytes?
Send (0x0B, 0, 0, 0, 0) // assuming device is waking up, re-trying
Receive (0x06, 0x00) // what is code 6?
My test app is written in Rust using Zinc. The MCU is running the default clock (2048 MHz from MSI). Here is the code responsible for SPI initialization:
// PB.3 = CLCK
let _spi_clock = pin::Pin::new(pin::PortB, 3,
pin::AltFunction(pin::AfSpi1_Spi2, pin::OutPushPull, pin::Medium),
// PA.6 = MISO
let _spi_in = pin::Pin::new(pin::PortA, 6,
pin::AltFunction(pin::AfSpi1_Spi2, pin::OutPushPull, pin::Medium),
// PA.7 = MOSI
let _spi_out = pin::Pin::new(pin::PortA, 7,
pin::AltFunction(pin::AfSpi1_Spi2, pin::OutPushPull, pin::Medium),
// PA.1 = CS
let spi_csn = pin::Pin::new(pin::PortA, 1,
pin::GpioOut(pin::OutPushPull, pin::Medium),
let spi = spi::Spi::new(spi::Spi1, spi::DirFullDuplex, spi::RoleMaster,
spi::Data8b, spi::DataMsbFirst, 1); // baud pre-scaler = 2
let bnrg_reset = pin::Pin::new(pin::PortA, 8,
pin::GpioOut(pin::OutPushPull, pin::VeryLow),
// do something
SPI internals are slightly modified from zinc master. The send/receive code is organized as follows:
loop {
// send a dummy read request
spi.write(SpiRead as u8); // = 0x0B
let status = spi.read();
// debug print status
while spi.has_more_data() {
let data = spi.read();
// debug print data
The question is - how to explain or treat these BlueNRG responses? I wasn't able to find any formal description of the low-level protocol it uses (not talking about HCI/ACI here, but about the status codes other than 0x02 = ready). It is very possible that I'm just initializing the hardware incorrectly, or even missing something obvious here. Would appreciate any guidance.
Something seems to be fundamentally wrong with the SPI driver. Does it have a buffer in hardware or software where the incoming bytes are stored, or how does it work? Generally you do not send or receive with SPI, you transceive in full duplex. It will be impossible for the SPI driver itself to tell whether the incoming data is valid or garbage, so there is no such thing as "I only receive 2 bytes when sending 5". You always receive 5 bytes when sending 5 bytes.
The MCU in this application will be the SPI master and the external chip will be the slave. For each byte sent, you will receive one as well. Whether or not that byte makes sense depends on how the external chip works. There is unfortunately no SPI standard, so the external chip can state various delay requirements, such as for example "slave select must be pulled low for x time units before SCK & MOSI go live". You'll have to read the manual of the external chip in detail.
And then when all that confusion is sorted out, there's of course the usual suspects when SPI isn't working properly: clock skew because of incorrect clock polarity or clock phase settings.
Please reference ST UM1865, Chapter 5: SPI interface.
It is for BlueNRG-MS (not BlueNRG) but the HCI/ACI interface is the same.
As you've noticed, the 1st byte is the SPI READY indication, and 0x02 indicates that the slave SPI interface is ready.
If it is any value other than 0x02, the master must ignore the following 4 bytes and abort the SPI transaction.
If the BlueNRG (or -MS) SPI is ready (0x02), the following 4 bytes give 2 buffer
sizes for write and read:
2nd byte contains write buffer size (maximum value is 127)
4th byte contains read buffer size
In your example, {0xb, 0, 0, 0, 0} is the SPI header only to check BlueNRG for the size of read buffers.
Similarly, {0xa, 0, 0, 0, 0} is to check the size of write buffers.
If the returning size is other than 0, like in your example {0x6, 0}, i supposed it should be {0x6, 0, 0, 0} instead,
that means BlueNRG is ready to be read for 6 (0 << 8 | 0x6) bytes of data.
Then, you shall read 6 bytes from BlueNRG as soon as you can.
Please reference C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG DK 2.0.2\Projects\Drivers\BSP\STM32L1xx_BlueNRG\SDK_EVAL_Spi_Driver.c for the function BlueNRG_SPI_Read_All().

Every SPI send results in receiving a 0 on MSP430

I run this simplified program for SPI communication, running on the TI MSP430FR5969 on its corresponding launchpad MSP-EXP430FR5969, and set breakpoints just before TX and just after RX in CCS (Code Composer Studio). The breakpoints are labelled with comments.
My launchpad is not connected to anything. (Once I figure this out I intend to communicate it to some other device for real communication.)
I do not expect to receive any data because the launchpad is not connected to anything. But I receive exactly one zero for every send. The breakpoints are hit in alternate order starting with the first TX breakpoint.
Why am I receiving data? Is it because I need to enable pullup registers on some of the pins? I believe the launchpad itself uses the USCI "A" module(s) so the "B" module that I am using should have nothing connected to it.
#include <msp430.h>
int main(void) {
P1SEL0 &= ~BIT3; // UCB0STE
P1SEL0 &= ~BIT6; // UCB0SIMO
P1SEL0 &= ~BIT7; // UCB0SOMI
P2SEL0 &= ~BIT2; // UCB0CLK
P1SEL1 |= BIT3; // UCB0STE
P2SEL1 |= BIT2; // UCB0CLK
CSCTL1 = (CSCTL1 & ~0x000e) | DCOFSEL_0; // 1 MHz
CSCTL3 |= DIVA__1 | DIVS__1 | DIVM__1; // clock dividers = 1
CSCTL0_H = 0;
// UCB0STATW |= UCLISTEN; // OK, if enabled i receive what i send
int send = 0;
while (1) {
while (!(UCB0IFG & UCTXIFG));
send = (send + 1) % 100;
return 0;
#pragma vector = USCI_B0_VECTOR
__interrupt void isr_usci_b0 (void) {
static volatile int received = 0;
switch (__even_in_range(UCB0IV, USCI_SPI_UCTXIFG)) {
received = UCB0RXBUF;
The SPI peripheral does two things if MISO and MOSI are enabled (CLK enabled as well, of course). Assuming Master mode operation, it clocks out data from the TX shift register on the MOSI line and simultaneously clocks in data to the RX shift register from the MISO line.
In your circuit, the MISO input is hanging since you have not enabled either pull-up or pull-down internal resistances. Thus, observing 0x00 would not be out of the ordinary. If you had enabled the pull-up resistance, then you would have seen 0xFF in the receive buffer.
Another rule of thumb:
If you are using the peripheral functions then configure the GPIO pins of the MSP430 as output/input. (i.e. MOSI, CLK = output, MISO = input for SPI master mode)
Answer to the questions in the comments:
The MSP430 is configured in the listed code to be the SPI master. I see little point in the using a dedicated RX interrupt service routine, unless you want the controller to do something else in the time between shifting data from the TX buffer to the shift register and shifting data from the RX shift register to the RX buffer, i.e. one "byte" transfer period. You could as well have polled for the RX interrupt as you have for the TX interrupt. But you must wait for the RX interrupt.
Excerpt from the user guide:
The eUSCI initiates data transfer when data is moved to the transmit data buffer UCxTXBUF. The UCxTXBUF data is moved to the transmit (TX) shift register when the TX shift register is empty, initiating data transfer on UCxSIMO starting with either the MSB or LSB, depending on the UCMSB setting. Data on UCxSOMI is shifted into the receive shift register on the opposite clock edge. When the character is received, the receive data is moved from the receive (RX) shift register to the received data buffer UCxRXBUF and the receive interrupt flag UCRXIFG is set, indicating the RX/TX operation is complete.
A set transmit interrupt flag, UCTXIFG, indicates that data has moved from UCxTXBUF to the TX shift register and UCxTXBUF is ready for new data. It does not indicate RX/TX completion.
To receive data into the eUSCI in master mode, data must be written to UCxTXBUF, because receive and transmit operations operate concurrently.
The client will not send data by itself to the MSP430. The client device may need some time to execute the command the master just sent. Typically an "erase flash" command for SPI Flash chips.
In this case the master, i.e. MSP430, must poll the client device to see if it has data to send/completed the command. This is done typically either by polling a status register of the client device (or by using a dedicated IRQ interrupt). i.e. the client signals "completion of command"/"availability of data" via the status byte (or IRQ interrupt). On this event, the master could read out data from the client.
At first glance it may seem rather counter intuitive that data (dummy bytes) needs to be written in order to read data - perhaps your source of confusion as well :)
Perhaps reading about an SPI client may help. For example this SPI memory.
The SPI peripheral transmits a bit and receives a bit for every clock cycle. Instead of wondering how some unconnected device has sent a byte, think that your SPI peripheral has clocked in a receive byte even though nothing is connected. The byte you receive is 0 because the MISO line happens to be low while nothing is connected.
The SPI peripheral does not know the meaning of the data and does not know how many bytes must be transmitted and received for any particular command. It's up to your application to know when to transmit and receive dummy bytes. For example, if the slave responds to a command in the next byte then your application has to transmit two bytes (the command byte followed by a dummy byte) and at the same time receive two bytes (a dummy byte, followed by the response). Some slaves may send a generic status byte instead of a dummy byte as the first byte of all responses. It's up to your application to use or ignore the status byte.
The MSP430's SPI documentation is not going to tell you when you need to send/receive dummy bytes. You'll have to read the SPI documentation for the slave device for that information. Each slave may have different requirements. Some slaves my receive a command byte and send a reply. Other slaves may receive a command and address byte before sending a reply. Some slaves may reply with multiple bytes. You'll have to program your application to transmit/receive the appropriate number of bytes.
There are no stop bits. The master is both transmitting and receiving with every clock. If you want to stop receiving then stop transmitting. If you want to continue receiving then transmit dummy bytes.
Yes, you should use the RX interrupt. The RX interrupt indicates that it is safe for your application to read the received byte from the RX register. The SPI peripheral is shifting receive bits into a shift register with each clock. But after a byte has been received the SPI peripheral still has to copy the contents of the shift register to the RX register and then set the RX interrupt. You shouldn't assume that the received byte can be read from the RX register until the RX interrupt is indicated.
The behavior you describe is to be expected. With SPI, it is movement on the clock line that indicates the presence of data. The input line can be idle, and data will be received because, in order to send a byte, the clock must be toggled back and forth to latch the transmitted data, but at same time, data is latched into the receive buffer.
An SPI bus is intended to be a closed pathway. The TX line from your processor goes out and is daisy-chained to one or more slave devices and then looped back to your RX pin. Every transition on the clock line drives a data bit. This means that for every transition your hardware will shift one bit into your receive buffer. It's up to your code to know how many of those bits to discard before you start reading real data.
You are reading 0's because nothing is driving the RX pin. When you're connected to a real device, the first several bytes you send will also likely generate 00's on your RX pin. Usually you'll have to send some sort of command byte to the slave device which then will start sending real data. The length of that command should be discarded because the slave will not have started driving its output pin until the command byte (word, string, whatever) is complete.

Implementing SPI slave ISR on PIC32?

I have two PIC32MX microcontrollers that are connected over a 1.53MHz SPI bus with Chip Select. I am having trouble getting my slave side interrupt service routine to transmit data correctly. As a test case, I'm having the master send out two bytes (0x01, 0x00) every 10 ms. The slave is supposed to receive the 0x01 command id and respond with a 0x02 when the master sends the 2nd byte (the dummy 0x00).
Ideally each transfer should look like this.
Master Slave
0x01 0x00
0x00 0x02
I'm really not sure where to start with the slave interrupt though. I'm using a fifo buffer called airsysTx to hold data that needs to be shifted out the next time the master makes a request. The slave receives the 0x01 from the master just fine and writes 0x02 to the fifo buffer when it does. I'm not sure how to code the interrupt so that it will be sure to transmit correctly. The code I have below is a good start, but it's wrong. Suggestions?
* Interrupt service routine for SPI3 interrupts from Air MCU.
* The user's code at this vector should perform any application specific
* operations and MUST clear the SPI3 interrupt flags before exiting.
void __ISR(_SPI_3_VECTOR, ipl7) _SPI3Interrupt()
SET_D1();//Set debug LED
if(IFS0bits.SPI3RXIF) // receive data available in SPI3BUF Rx buffer
MasterCMD = SPI3BUF;
if(AirCMD == 0x01)
//Transmit data if needed.
SPI3BUF = airsysTxRead();
//Else write 0 to the tx buffer to clear the spi shift reg
SPI3BUF = 0x00;
IFS0bits.SPI3RXIF = 0;
IFS0bits.SPI3TXIF = 0;
IFS0bits.SPI3EIF = 0;
SPI3STATbits.SPIROV = 0;// clear the Overflow
} // end ISR
What this code is actually transmitting is something like this:
Ideally each transfer should look like this.
Master Slave
0x01 0x02
0x00 0x01
Generally you can't write a slave SPI driver to interact in the way you describe because you can't control the timing precisely as a slave. What generates your ISR, is it Rx of first byte from master or assertion of chip select?
As the slave, you need to have set up the data bytes you want to transmit before the master starts the transaction. You usually don't have time to react to the first byte. There are a couple of ways to do this:
1) You could use a protocol where master does a 1 or 2 byte write-only transaction that tells the slave what it wants to read. Then master waits a few milliseconds to allow the slave to prepare the response. Then master does a read-only transaction to get the slave response.
2) If using DMA or FIFO, slave preloads the first padding byte(s) into the fifo before master starts the transaction. Then as you get the ISR you put the remaining response data into the fifo (without a flush). You need to have enough pad bytes to accommodate the slave ISR latency in forming the response. So for example, you may define your protocol where master knows that the first N bytes of response are pad bytes, followed by response data. Padding requirement would depend on your master clock speed and slave CPU speed/interrupt latency.

Initializing SD card in SPI issues

I've had a look at Stack Overflow question Initialization of a microSD card using an SPI interface and didn't see any answers that matched my issue (that is, things I haven't already tried).
I have a similar issue where I'm trying to access a SD card through a microcontroller's SPI interface (specifically an HC908). I've tried following the flow charts in the Physical Layer Simplified Specification v2.00 and it seems to initialize correctly on Transcend 1 GB & 2 GB and an AE&C 1 GB card. But I'm having problems on three other random cards from my stash of old cards that I've used on my camera.
My code is all HC908 assembler. I scoped out the SPI clock line and during initialization it's running about 350 kHz (the only speed multiplier that the HC908 supplies at my low MCU clock speed that falls within the 100 - 400 kHz window).
Here are the results of the three cards that aren't completing my initialization routine (all done consecutively without changing any code or timing parameters):
Canon 16Meg card (labeled as SD):
Set card select high
Send 80 SPI clock cycles (done by writing 0xFF 10 times)
Set card select low
Send CMD0 [0x400000000095] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x01 (indicates idle)
Send CMD8 [0x48000001AA87] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x05 (idle and illegal command)
Because illegal command set local flag to indicate v1 or MMC card
Send CMD58 [0x7A00000000FD] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x05 (idle and illegal command)
because illegal command branch to error routine
Send CMD13 [0x4D000000000D] (show status buffer) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1= 0x05 (idle and illegal command)
Is the illegal command flag stuck? Should I be doing something after CMD8 to clear that flag?
SanDisk UltraII 256Meg
Set card select high
Send 80 SPI clock cycles (done by writing 0xFF 10 times)
Set card select low
Send CMD0 [0x400000000095] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x01 (idle)
Send CMD8 [0x48000001AA87] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x05 (idle and illegal command)
Because illegal command set local flag to indicate v1 or MMC card
Send CMD58 [0x7A00000000FD] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x01 (idle)
Send 0xFF 4 times to read OCR
Send CMD55 [0x770000000065] (1st part of ACMD41) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x01 (idle)
Send CMD41 [0x6900000000E5] (2nd part of ACMD41) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x05 (idle and illegal command)
Because illegal command, assume card is MMC
Send CMD1 [0x4100000000F9] (for MMC) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x05 (idle and illegal command)
Repeat the CMD1 50 times (my arbitrary number to wait until idle clears)
Every R1 response is 0x05 (idle and illegal command)
Why is OCR all F? Doesn't seem proper at all. Also, why does ACMD41 and CMD1 respond illegal command? Is CMD1 failing because the card is waiting for a valid ACMD after the CMD55 even with the illegal command response?
SanDisk ExtremeIII 2G:
Set card select high
Send 80 SPI clock cycles (done by writing 0xFF 10 times)
Set card select low
Send CMD0 [0x400000000095] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x01 (idle)
Send CMD8 [0x40000001AA87] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x7F (??? My loop shows the responses for each iteration and I got 0xFF 0xFF 0xC1 0x7F... is the card getting out of sync?)
Send CMD58 [0x7A00000000FD] and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x01 (idle and back in sync)
Send 0xFF 4 times to read OCR
OCR = 0x00FF80
Send CMD55 [0x770000000065] (1st part of ACMD41) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x5F (??? loop responses are 0xFF 0xFF 0xF0 0x5F... again out of sync?)
Send CMD41 [0x6900000000E5] (2nd part of ACMD41) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x05 (idle and illegal command, but back in sync???)
Because illegal command, assume card is MMC
Send CMD1 [0x4100000000F9] (for MMC) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x7F (??? loop responses are 0xFF 0xFF 0xC1 0x7F... again out of sync?)
Repeat CMD1 and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x01 (idle)
Repeat CMD1 and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x7F (??? loop responses are 0xFF 0xFF 0xC1 0x7F... again out of sync?)
Repeat CMD1 and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x00 (out of idle)
Send CMD9 [0x4900000000AF] (get CSD) and Loop up to 8 times waiting for high bit on response to go low
R1 = 0x3F (??? loop responses are 0xFF 0xFF 0xC1 0x3F... again out of sync?)
Code craps out because Illegal command bit is high.
What on Earth is wrong with that card?
Sometimes it is in sync, other times not. (The above pattern is repeatable.) I've scoped this one out and I'm not seeing any rogue clock cycles going through between MOSI/MISO transfers.
OK... I found my problem. For anyone else who runs into this issue, it is important to remember to send an extra 0xFF after getting responses. This gives the card an extra eight clock cycles to prepare itself for the next command. Some cards don't seem to need it (the Transcends that I'm using for example), but others require it.
I actually put a simple loop at the beginning of my 'write command' routine that sends 0xFF until it gets 0xFF as a response just so I don't have to go to all the different places where I read responses to make sure I put an extra send 0xFF. Because as far as the SD card is (usually) concerned in SPI mode, if there are no clock cycles coming in, time stands still.
One thing that I noted and have yet to find an answer for (but so far it isn't hurting anything), after I read the 16 bytes of the CSR, there seem to be an additional 2 bytes of non-0xFF that comes out... Is that a CRC16? Odd since the CSR has a CRC built in...
If you enabled CRC (with CMD59), then yes, data blocks will have CRC16 appended.
For more info see "Physical Layer Simplified Specification Version 2.00", chapters "Bus Transfer Protection" and "Data Read".
This is important: I've had very much trouble with SD/MMC card, until I found out that I had to select an operating voltage.
You do so, by sending ACMD41 with the bit set for the voltage you're supplying the card with.
Note: Only a single bit may be selected.
If you don't select a voltage or select more than one, it will KEEP looping in idle-state and never exit on some SD cards.
That is: If your ACMD41 keeps sending response 0x01, you have not selected a voltage.
The voltage is in ACMD41's 32-bit parameter bits 23...8.
For 3.2V ... 3.3V, this is bit 20, so for instance you could:
acmdSDAppOpCond[2] = (1 << (20 & 7)); /* 3.2V .. 3.3V */
That's hex-value 0x10, so your ACMD41 would look like this...
0x69 0x40 0x10 0x00 0x00 0xCD
...or if it's a SDSC card...
0x69 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x5F
Here's a short (and incomplete) table of the most common values:
Bit23: 3.5V..3.6V
Bit22: 3.4V..3.5V
Bit21: 3.3V..3.4V
Bit20: 3.2V..3.3V
Bit19: 3.1V..3.2V
Bit18: 3.0V..3.1V
Bit17: 2.9V..3.0V
Bit16: 2.8V..2.9V
Bit15: 2.7V..2.8V
You do NOT have to switch CS high at ANY point in time. You can keep it low ALL the time.