SharePoint authentication issue when I try to connect sharepoint api from nodejs - api

const { headers } = await spauth.getAuth(url, { username: "xyz", password: "xyz",
relyingParty: 'urn:sharepoint:portal',
adfsUrl: 'https://adfs3'
headers = {
Accept: 'application/json;odata=verbose'

Based on my research, the error AADSTS53003 means:
BlockedByConditionalAccess - Access has been blocked by Conditional
Access policies. The access policy does not allow token issuance.
According to the document: Troubleshooting sign-in problems with Conditional Access, Administrators may have some conditional access policies set. Please refer to the above documents to make sure that you meet the conditions and avoid being blocked.


Give web app permanent control of google email

I recently got a domain from Google Domain and it provides professional emails for the domain. So, I made a support#domain email to send and receive emails. Right now, I built a web app that will use this email to send email-verification to new users who sign up.
I got the code working, however, I used OAuth2.0 from Google to allow the web app to sign into the support email. This causes the Access token to expire and forces me to into my .env file and replace BOTH tokens. How tedious! If I were to publish this web app, I can't just go into my heroku vars and replace the tokens every hour. Thats extremely impractical.
I looked into service accounts by google, but they seem to STILL need OAuth anyways as a 3 legged OAuth. As I am using Express.js, I wanted to know if there was a way to set the tokens and be done with it permanently. Essentially giving the web app permanent control of the google account. What do I do? And what do I use? All advice is greatly appreciated.
Code for sending email verification:
const nodemailer = require("nodemailer")
const dotenv = require("dotenv")
const {generateVerifyToken} = require("./auth")
const { print } = require("#AlecRuin/color-logger")
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
auth: {
type: 'OAuth2',
user: process.env.EMAIL,
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
refreshToken: process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN,
accessToken: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN
module.exports= async function(email){
try {
let mailOptions={
from: "",
subject:"Verify your email",
Thank you for signing up with redacted!!
To verify your email (and make sure you're not some kind of annoying bot), simply follow this link:
${process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"?"":"localhost:3001"}/api/user/verify/?token=${generateVerifyToken(email)}
print("sending email",new Error,{isClient:false})
if (err){
return err
print("Email sent!",new Error,{isClient:false})
return true
} catch (error) {
print(error,new Error, {isClient:true,severity:4})
return error

Strapi doesn't authorize JWT

Good morning,
I've encountered a weird issue with my strapi-project.
I have a standard user model which I query for info on the user's profile page via the /users/me endpoint. This was all working fine last week but as I tried logging in this morning, the authorization appeared to not work anymore. I log my user in via this code:
async submitForm() {'http://localhost:1337/auth/local', {
'password': this.password
.then((response) => {
const { jwt, user } =;
window.localStorage.setItem('jwt', jwt);
window.localStorage.setItem('userData', JSON.stringify(user));
.catch((e) => {
this.$store.commit('LOGIN_ERROR', e)
Which then redirects to my dashboard which queries the /users/me endpoint like so:
let token = localStorage.jwt;
axios.get(`http://localhost:1337/users/me`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
.then((response) => {
A few days ago this was working fine, also the token variable used in the post contais the token returned from the backend after logging in. Now strapi gives me an error in the console:
[2021-10-16T07:16:52.568Z] debug GET /users/me (5 ms) 500
[2021-10-16T07:17:03.231Z] debug POST /auth/local (76 ms) 200
[2021-10-16T07:17:24.915Z] error TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
at module.exports (/home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi-plugin-users-permissions/config/policies/permissions.js:35:14)
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi-utils/lib/policy.js:68:5
at async serve (/home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/koa-static/index.js:59:5)
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi/lib/middlewares/parser/index.js:48:23
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi/lib/middlewares/xss/index.js:26:9
My first guess was that maybe something with axios was wrong e.g. that the token wasn't sent correctly in the request so I tried the same thing with webstorm's http client:
POST http://localhost:1337/auth/local
Content-Type: application/json
"identifier": "",
"password": "..."
Which returns the user and token:
"jwt": "<TOKEN>",
If I try using this token to authenticate the user, however a get a 401
GET http://localhost:1337/users/me
Authorization: "Bearer <token>"
Accept: application/json
"statusCode": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Invalid token."
So I tried figuring out what was going on there and after an hour I noticed that when looking at the user in the backend the user didn't have the authenticated role assigned. When I changed this manually in the backend, the request authorization works again.
So can anyone maybe tell me what is going on here? Because from my understanding, when POSTing valid credentials to /auth/local the user's role should change to Authenticated, which was working some days back.
Is there something I'm missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
greetings, derelektrischemoench
Okay, so let me reply to your first part:
"Because from my understanding, when POSTing valid credentials to /auth/local the user's role should change to Authenticated"
Answer is, not really. When you send valid credentials to the auth/local, Strapi just checks the database for matching username/email and password. If a user is found, then it fetches the role assigned that user and puts all the data in ctx.state.user.role. So you could have many other roles, like Viewer, Commenter etc with each having different set of access limits.
The different roles can be created here:
So depending on the roles assigned, Strapi will just fetch and store the values in ctx.state.user.role on each request via the strapi-plugin-users-permissions plugin for your convenience, so that you can easily check which user it is and which role it has in any controller or service file using the ctx from the request to provide any additional functionality.
You can check how it does it in the following file:
Now coming to what could have caused it:
Well it could have been you yourself. Possibly while saving the user or viewing user details you could have removed the role from the user and saved the record.
The other possibility could be a database switch.
It can also be a Strapi version upgrade that caused, but it's highly unlikely.
You could have a update query in the your code that updates the user model, where you might have missed the role parameter. So check your code once.
Nevertheless, it can simply be solved by re-assigning the user roles via the users module.

Accessing secured FeatureLayer on ArcGIS online with JavaScript API

I am building a web app in a low code platform (Mendix). I am connecting the web app with ArcGIS online resources via the ArcGIS JavaScript API v4.19, which all goes pretty smoothely.
The challenge arises when I want to load specific secured ArcGIS online content via the ArcGIS JavaScript API, specifically from some FeatureLayers which are secured. I looked into the documentation and it seems the best way forward would be a so-called 'application login'. For this I want to setup an OAuth application login based on CLient ID and Client Secret. With these two I can get a valid token via AOuth and use that token to access the content by feeding the token to the IdentityManager via the JavaScript API.
This is were it goes wrong currently, I can't seem to figure out where to make it explicit on the ArcGIS online side that this specific secured FeatureLayer can be accessed via this application login, hence currently I am getting errors that the valid token and app id don't have access to the resource, being the end-point of the secured FeatureLayer.
Does anybody know how to associate a secured FeatureLayer in ArcGIS online to a application login?
EDIT 10-6-2021: Added code sample
After succesfully retrieving a valid token on the server side based on client id and client secret I use the client ID (=AppID) and token in the ArcGIS JavaScript API like below:
const token = {
server: "",
userId: <AppID>,
<valid token retrieved via OAuth generateToken request,
ssl: true,
expires: 7200
Only implementing this gives me an error whilst trying to access the secured feature layer:
identity-manager:not-authorized. "You are currently signed in as:
AppID. You do not have access to this resource:
I also read that sometimes below could be needed so added as well:
const idString = JSON.stringify(IdentityManager.toJSON());
console.debug("idString: " + idString);
This resolves the error but makes a login popup appear again.
The layer is afterwards declared like below:
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
// URL to the service
url: layerObj.layerURLStatic
definitionExpression: queryDefinition,
featureReduction: clusterConfig && { type: "cluster" },
popupTemplate: {
title: "{" + inAttributeTitle + "}",
content: [
type: "fields", // FieldsContentElement
actions: [
title: props.intButtonLabel,
id: btnId,
className: props.intButtonClass + intButtonIconClass,
type: "button"
outFields: ["*"]
Here is a snippet to generate the token and then register it with IdentityManager:
IdentityManager = require('esri/identity/IdentityManager')
function login(user, password){
var serverInfo = {
"server": "",
"tokenServiceUrl" : ""
var userInfo = {
username : user,
password : password
IdentityManager.generateToken(serverInfo, userInfo).then(function (response){
response.server = serverInfo.server;
response.userId = user;
I'm not sure how you are going to fit this in you app, but the sample should work if you paste it in your developer tools console when the app is running.
Also, it seems to me that userId property is for arcgis online username, not for appId.
As pointed out by Shaked, if you append '?token=[token_value]' int the layer URL you probably don't even need to register the token to query the layer.

While trying to authenticate users in shopify, getting error: Field 'CustomerAccessTokenCreateInput' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'

I am using node.js in my application, with shopify-api-node (v3.2.0), to authenticate customer login along with other features if shopify. As per shopify documentation ( I am using GraphQL to access shopify API.
My code looks something like this below :-
const Shopify = require('shopify-api-node');
const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: process.env.SHOPIFY_DOMAIN_NAME,
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
password: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY_PASSWORD
const query = `mutation {
customerAccessTokenCreate (input: {
email: "",
password: "password123"
customerAccessToken {
customerUserErrors {
.then((output) => {
.catch((err) => {
After this I am getting below error :-
Error: Field 'customerAccessTokenCreate' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'
at got.then (/Users/admin/Documents/Code/shopify-node-app/node_modules/shopify-api-node/index.js:239:19)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
locations: [ { line: 2, column: 5 } ],
path: [ 'mutation', 'customerAccessTokenCreate' ],
{ code: 'undefinedField',
typeName: 'Mutation',
fieldName: 'customerAccessTokenCreate' }
Even I am getting the same thing from postman itself.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are two types of GraphQL:
the storefront GraphQL -
the admin GraphQL -
While they seems similar the strorefront is much more limited but can be used on the front-end, while the admin one is more rich in method and functionality but can't be used safely on the font-end.
The documentation and the method you are trying to make is referring to the Storefront API, but the package you are using is for the Admin GraphQL API.
You can create a storefront access token via the storefrontAccessToken method if you want to make storefront request but the Admin API GraphQL allows for more customization.
So you need to make sure you are using the proper API.
If you plan to use the storefront API, you shouldn't use NodeJS and just create a private app ( from Admin -> APP -> Private App) which will provide you a Store Front Access Token (if you enable it at the bottom and select the proper scopes) that can be used directly on the front-end.
If you plan to use the Admin API, you will need to create a public app and host it, then you can use NodeJS and pass the information via a Proxy in Shopify.
You are making a request to the Storefront API, while using a library for the Admin API.

How to fix "The OAuth client was not found" error from a Bing Ads script

We've got scripts on Bing to automatically adjust ad bids based on ad performance and client goals, which are stored in a Google spreadsheet.
We had a contractor set this up initially, and it worked. But I guess that the contractor was using a temp Google account and when it went away the bidders stopped working. Because it did work before, it's likely a configuration error on my part that's breaking it now, but the contractor pointed us to the steps I was already following to no avail (
Stuff already tried
double checked for errant whitespace around the client ID and client secret
created new client secrets
created new client IDs
made sure that the project name, application name, and OAuth client id name were all the same
created whole new projects from scratch (configured to match the article cited above) to see if that would kick something loose
tried a different token URL ( that appears in the client_secret JSON downloaded from Google
function main() {
const credentials = {
accessToken: '',
client_id: '', // from Google developer console
client_secret: 'REDACTED', // from Google developer console
refresh_token: 'REDACTED' // created at
var access_token = '';
if (credentials.accessToken) {
access_token = credentials.accessToken;
var tokenResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', { method: 'post', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', muteHttpExceptions: true, payload: { client_id: credentials.clientId, client_secret: credentials.clientSecret, refresh_token: credentials.refreshToken, grant_type: 'refresh_token' } });
var responseCode = tokenResponse.getResponseCode();
var responseText = tokenResponse.getContentText();
if (responseCode >= 200 && responseCode <= 299) {
access_token = JSON.parse(responseText)['access_token'];
throw responseText;
// use the access token to get client targets from the spreadsheet
A JSON encoded access token is the expected response, but instead, we get HTTP 400 with the message "The OAuth client was not found."
Manually creating an access token on the OAuth playground ( works as a stopgap, but this should work. This has worked. :P
The fix in this case switching the Application Type on > Credentials > OAuth consent screen to Internal instead of Public.
That wasn't in the steps provided by Microsoft, and I'm not sure if that will have implications down the road, but at least we're off the manual process for now.