(deck.gl) custom basemap with globe-ui using blue marble - deck.gl

I would like to use the blue marble image from Nasa as a basemap on the globe view. Most other WebGL mapping frameworks let you do this.
Appreciate some help, pure typescript if possible (thats why i want to work with deck.gl)

way to do this with deck.gl is to create a globeview:
this.deckgl = new Deck({
initialViewState: INITIAL_VIEW_STATE,
views: new GlobeView({id: 'globe', controller: true})....
create the BitmapLayer:
createWorldLayer() {
return new BitmapLayer({
id: 'WORLD_MAP',
bounds: [-180, -90, 180, 90],
image: WORLD_MAP //this is a image url (local or remote)
and add it to the view:


THREEJS - Mesh disappears after loading image

I want to add an image to my Sphere. I have looked up so many versions of loading an image but it seams like my version should be correct. After commenting out map: new THREE.TextureLoader().load('earth.jpg'),, the sphere is visible but when trying to load the image, it disappears.
this.sphere = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.SphereGeometry(this.radius, this.segments, this.segments),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: new THREE.TextureLoader().load('earth.jpg'),
side: THREE.BackSide

Is it possible to use iOS Charts (Daniel Gindi) to generate graphs in pdf document on iOS

I am using iOS Charts (Daniel Gindi) to generate graphs in an iOS app and I want to be able to generate a PDF report with those graphs included in the body of the report. Can anyone explain how to go about doing this. Ideally I don't want to generate an image from the UIView that shows in the app because the size/resolution would not be suitable for the PDF document.
As I understand it there are a few options:
use the graphics context for the pdf document to draw the graph on - it's not clear whether this would be possible when using the Charts library
use a UIView somehow to generate the graph and generate a PDF image data from that, embed this image into the pdf report
It seems like option 1 is probably the preferred way to get best resolution/control - somewhat speculative - doing it this way means you should be able to specify the exact position and size and get the correct font sizes, line thicknesses, etc..
Using option 2 means you have to figure out the scaling between a UIView and the PDF page view and I am not sure how these would map to each other.
Can anyone provide any suggestions on the following:
Is it possible to use Charts to generate graphs in a PDF document, and if so how?
If not what other options are there, short of writing custom drawing code.
OK so here is what I have done
Option 1: Using a UIView.layer to render on the PDF CGContect
func drawLineGraph(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)->CGRect{
let width = (pageSize.width - 2*kBorderInset - 2*kMarginInset)/2.0 - 50.0
let renderingRect = CGRect(x: x, y: y + 50.0, width: width, height: 150.0)
// Create a view for the Graph
let graphController = LineChartController(rect: renderingRect, building: self.building)
if let currentContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
let frame = graphController.chartView.frame
currentContext.translateBy(x:frame.origin.x, y:frame.origin.y);
graphController.chartView.layer.render(in: currentContext)
return renderingRect
The graphController is just an object that has essentially the same function as the usual parent ViewController that would contain the graph. Sets the graph parameters and data.
Once that has been done the function below is called to render on the PDF page context.
A bit of translation required to put the graphs in the correct position.
Option 2: Drawing on the PDF Page CGContect
And the solution is...ta da...
func drawBarGraph(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)->CGRect{
let width = (pageSize.width - 2*kBorderInset - 2*kMarginInset)/2.0 - 50.0
let renderingRect = CGRect(x: x + width + 50, y: y + 50.0, width: width, height: 150.0)
// Create a view for the Graph
let graphController = BarChartController(rect: renderingRect, building: self.building)
if let currentContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
let frame = graphController.chartView.frame
currentContext.translateBy(x:frame.origin.x, y:frame.origin.y)
//graphController.chartView.layer.render(in: currentContext)
return renderingRect
Since the current context is set to the PDF page's context just call the charts draw() function directly passing the frame rectangle.
What have I missed here, can it be this easy ?
You can find a copy of the generated PDF here as well as sample code.

Exporting mapbox maps into pdf using phantomjs doesnt load featurelayer and geoJson layer

I am using mapbox v1.6.1
to show up
var mapboxMap = L.mapbox.map(mapName, 'examples.map-20v6611k',{tileLayer:{noWrap:true},zoomControl:false,zoomAnimation:false,fadeAnimation:false,inertia:false}).setView([23.8, -11], 1);
a choropleth map and
var statesLayer = L.geoJson(localData, {
style: getStyle,
onEachFeature: onEachFeature
a normal map with markers
var featureLayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer(mapPlotData).addTo(mapboxMap);
These two layers are not showing up when i export the webpage to pdf using phantomJS
Increasing the timeout doesnt work as well.
I appreciate any help on this!

Adding image as a label on edge in cytoscape.js

Created a graph using cytoscape.js. Need to add image as a label on edge.
After examination of
CanvasRenderer.drawElements in https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js/blob/v2.3.8/src/extensions/renderer.canvas.drawing-redraw.js#L406-L412
CanvasRenderer.drawEdgeText in https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js/blob/v2.3.8/src/extensions/renderer.canvas.drawing-label-text.js#L6-L31
CanvasRenderer.drawEdge in https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js/blob/v2.3.8/src/extensions/renderer.canvas.drawing-edges.js
it seems that image label on edge is not supported right now.
One candidate where this feature might be added seems to be the CanvasRenderer.drawEdgeText function. The implementation might examine the text contained in the edge's content and if it looks like reference to an image (e.g. url) then draw it as image...
Contributing to Cytoscape.js
Cytoscape.js is an open source project, and anyone interested is encouraged to contribute to Cytoscape.js. We gladly accept pull requests. If you are interested in regular contributions to Cytoscape.js, then we can arrange granting you permission to the repository by contacting us.
If your pull request is a bugfix, please make changes to the master branch. Otherwise, please make changes to the next version's branch (i.e. unstable).
I know this is a late answer. but this will help somebody who looks for an answer as like me.
We can use icon fonts or fontawesome for this.
set the edges data as
edges = {
id: "3f5cb5c4-43aa-4f4d-b816-fb4f279585c7"
label: "1 A \uf023 \uf022" //this is the fontawesome unicode chars for lock and notes icons
source: "1"
sourceName: "shipping"
target: "4"
targetName: "twilio.com"
value: 2
next in your cytoscape style, mention the font as fontawesome
selector: '.autorotate',
style: {
'edge-text-rotation': 'autorotate',
'font-size': '8px',
// 'color': '#000000',
'color': '#333333',
'font-family': 'FontAwesome, helvetica neue Cantarell',
// 'source-text-margin-x':'5px',
// 'source-text-margin-y':'5px'
Now your cytoscape graph will show edges with images as like this

Google maps api user can select area

I want to create a local map for my city where people can cover area with polygons and get their latitude and longitude
For Example there is a world map and someone come and he wanted to cover us then he can simply cover it and get its latitude and longitude of corners or borders
Is there any way or example i searched about it on google and Site both but didn't get Anything
Sorry I've no Codes i want idea, code or something helpful.
A simple search yielded http://www.the-di-lab.com/polygon/ and you can find a lot more samples at http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/demogallery.html.
Unfortunately the above demo is a minified js. But the essential part of drawing a polygon (area) on google maps is to
1. load the map
2. trap the click events and the position (lat/lon)
3. draw lines
4. Finally when a double click is received, close the polygon
I unfortunately do not have a ready made sample in hand.
The answers here are quite outdated.
Google Maps now have a drawing library, This library allows the user to insert markers, circles, polygons and other types as well.
You can find an example on it here. And the library reference here.
And the documentation here.
It seems there is a simpler solution now. From the same demo gallery link that Muthu shared earlier look for user editable shapes. Below is a sample code from this link that draws a rectangle and allows user to edit the shape further
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 44.5452, lng: -78.5389},
zoom: 9
var bounds = {
north: 44.599,
south: 44.490,
east: -78.443,
west: -78.649
// Define a rectangle and set its editable property to true.
var rectangle = new google.maps.Rectangle({
bounds: bounds,
editable: true
Also here is an example on jsfiddle that extends above to generalized polygon and below is the code from the link
var editablePolygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
paths: coords,
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: '#FF0000',
fillOpacity: 0.35,
editable: true });
Attached is a screenshot (after dragging one midpoint node in the triangle)
I think you need to use GeoChart
https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/geochart?csw=1. It can cover certain regions or areas