Error: Exception in HostFunction: Attempting to create an object of type 'sets' with an existing primary key value '6' in react native - react-native

I'm trying to store history of workout in realm, my addHistory function looks like this
export function addHistory(workout, exercise, sets, _id) {
if (
_id !== undefined &&
workout !== undefined &&
exercise !== undefined &&
sets !== undefined
) {
// return console.log("HISTORY ", { workout, exercise, sets, _id });
return realm.write(() => {
return realm.create("workoutData", {
_id: _id,
workoutDate: new Date(,
} else {
alert("History is incomplete");
Schema of the workoutData is as follows:
exports.workoutData = {
name: "workoutData",
primaryKey: "_id",
properties: {
_id: "int",
workout: "workouts",
exercise: "exercise",
workoutDate: "date",
sets: "sets[]",
Now when I add sets and click on finishWorkoutHandler the logic works fine before the addHistory function but when addHistory is executed it throws the error as stated in the question.
//finish workout handler
const finishWorkoutHandler = () => {
if (sets.length == 0) {
let setsFromRealm = realm.objects("sets");
let workoutData = realm.objects("workoutData");
let setsArray = [];
exercises.forEach((exercise) => {
.filter((items) => items.exercise._id == exercise._id)
.forEach((sets) => {
let _id = 0;
if (setsFromRealm.length > 0) {
_id = realm.objects("sets").max("_id") + 1;
let indiSet = {
weight: parseInt(sets.weight),
reps: parseInt(sets.reps),
rmValue: parseInt(sets.rmValue),
isHeighest: sets.isHeighest,
_id: _id,
profile: sets.profile,
failedSet: sets.failedSet,
warmupSet: sets.warmupSet,
notes: sets.notes,
createdDate: new Date(,
let workoutDataId = 0;
let setsArrcopy = setsArray;
console.log("SETS ", realm.objects("sets"));
console.log("SETS ", setsArrcopy);
if (workoutData.length > 0) {
workoutDataId = realm.objects("workoutData").max("_id") + 1;
// problem lies here
addHistory(params.workout, exercise, setsArrcopy, workoutDataId);
the structure of setsArrCopy containing sets is as follows
_id: 6,
createdDate: 2022-09-29T16:27:06.128Z,
failedSet: false,
isHeighest: false,
name: "Thai",
notes: "",
profile: [Object],
reps: 12,
rmValue: 64,
warmupSet: false,
weight: 56,
_id: 7,
createdDate: 2022-09-29T16:27:06.151Z,
failedSet: false,
isHeighest: false,
name: "Thsi 3",
notes: "",
profile: [Object],
reps: 10,
rmValue: 75,
warmupSet: false,
weight: 66,
the logic is also working fine in terms of assigning new ids to the sets being added in a loop. But somehow its throwing error when passing setArrCopy to addHistory function. Although its an array of sets not a single object?


Apollo-client: How to add cache fragment in different Query?

when I create feed in Screen A,
I add and in order to apply this change to screen directly I change cache like below.
in this Screen A, I use seeAllFeeds query.
So I add this added feed to seeAllFeeds.
const updateUploadPhoto = (cache, result) => {
const {
data: { createFeed },
} = result;
if ( {
fields: {
seeAllFeeds(prev) {
return [createFeed, ...prev];
So it works well.
But problem is I use seeCertainUserFeedpoem query in Screen B.
And here, I also need to add this added feed info.
However this screen is not applied unless I refresh the screen.
(Due to flatlist, I can't refresh because if so, scroll goes to top.)
So I add this cache.modify once again below.
I also match the data with seeCertainUserFeedpoem manually and update.
const updateUploadPhoto = (cache, result) => {
const {
data: { createFeed },
} = result;
const FeedpomeId = `Feedpoem:${}`;
const FeedpoemFragment = {
caption: createFeed.caption,
commentNumber: createFeed.commentNumber,
createdAt: createFeed.createdAt,
isLiked: createFeed.isLiked,
isMine: createFeed.isMine,
likeNumber: createFeed.likeNumber,
poemCaption: null,
poemCommentNumber: 0,
poemLikeNumber: 0,
poemTitle: null,
updatedAt: createFeed.updatedAt,
if ( {
fields: {
seeAllFeeds(prev) {
return [createFeed, ...prev];
id: FeedpomeId,
data: FeedpoemFragment,
navigation.navigate("Tabs", { screen: "일상" });
So I also try this way, not cache.modify but client.writeFragment.
const updateUploadPhoto = (cache, result) => {
const {
data: { createFeed },
} = result;
const FeedpomeId = `Feedpoem:${}`;
const FeedpoemFragment = {
caption: createFeed.caption,
commentNumber: createFeed.commentNumber,
createdAt: createFeed.createdAt,
isLiked: createFeed.isLiked,
isMine: createFeed.isMine,
likeNumber: createFeed.likeNumber,
poemCaption: null,
poemCommentNumber: 0,
poemLikeNumber: 0,
poemTitle: null,
updatedAt: createFeed.updatedAt,
if ( {
fields: {
seeAllFeeds(prev) {
return [createFeed, ...prev];
id: FeedpomeId,
data: FeedpoemFragment,
navigation.navigate("Tabs", { screen: "일상" });
But both dont' work.
And 2nd way throws me this error.
LogBox.js:173 Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): Error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'definitions') Error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'definitions')
what is the problem here?
I can edit / delete with cache.
Because I understand that first find the exact cache by id.
However creating is hard.
I want to share my cache as well.
But this is too long.
chat is also welcome, please help me.

sequelize findandcountall function return same data when using pagination

I am using sequelize: 6.9.0, sequelize-cli: ^6.3.0, express: 4.17.1, pg: 8.7.1
i have a problem when using sequelize findAndCountAll, when i using include other models it will return same data when i'm using paging.
Here is my code for House Table
index: async (req, res) => {
const { page, size, developer, city, priceone, pricetwo, project, isNew } =
const { limit, offset } = getPagination(page, size);
try {
let filter = {};
if (developer) {
filter.developerId = developer;
if (city) {
filter.cityId = city;
if (project) {
filter.projectId = project;
if (isNew) {
filter.isNew = isNew;
if (priceone && pricetwo) {
const firstPrice = parseInt(priceone);
const secondPrice = parseInt(pricetwo);
if (firstPrice === 100000000 && secondPrice === 100000000) {
filter.price = { [Op.lte]: firstPrice };
} else if (firstPrice === 2000000000 && secondPrice === 2000000000) {
filter.price = { [Op.gte]: firstPrice };
} else {
filter.price = { [Op.between]: [firstPrice, secondPrice] };
const HousesData = await Houses.findAndCountAll({
where: filter,
attributes: [
include: [
{ model: Developers, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
{ model: Cities, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
{ model: Projects, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
if (HousesData) {
const response = getPagingData(HousesData, page, limit);
status: "success",
message: "Data Available",
data: response,
} else {
status: "success",
message: "There is No Data",
data: "No Data",
} catch (error) {
return next(
new HttpError(
"Something went wrong, could not get project.",
my paging function
const getPagination = (page, size) => {
const newPage = page ? page - 1 : 0;
const limit = size ? +size : 10;
const offset = newPage != 0 ? newPage * limit : 0;
return { limit, offset };
const getPagingData = (data, page, limit) => {
const { count: totalItems, rows: dataRows } = data;
const currentPage = page ? +page : 1;
const totalPages = Math.ceil(totalItems / limit);
return { totalItems, totalPages, currentPage, dataRows };
module.exports = { getPagination, getPagingData };
Let's say i have 10 data
if i see first page
it will return a,b,c,d,e (this is right)
and if i see next page
it will return e,d,c,b,a (only reverse not showing f,g,h,i,j)
and if i see all the data it will return correct data
it will return j,i,h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a
but if i disabled
include: [
{ model: Developers, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
{ model: Cities, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
{ model: Projects, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
it return the right data when use paging.
my model for House is here
"use strict";
module.exports = {
up: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
await queryInterface.createTable("Houses", {
id: {
allowNull: false,
primaryKey: true,
type: Sequelize.STRING(22),
name: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
projectId: {
type: Sequelize.STRING(22),
onDelete: "CASCADE",
references: {
model: "Projects",
key: "id",
cityId: {
type: Sequelize.STRING(22),
onDelete: "CASCADE",
references: {
model: "Cities",
key: "id",
developerId: {
type: Sequelize.STRING(22),
onDelete: "CASCADE",
references: {
model: "Developers",
key: "id",
description: {
type: Sequelize.TEXT,
location: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
price: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT,
tanah: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
bangunan: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
lantai: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
kamar_tidur: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
kamar_mandi: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
house_thumbnail: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
isNew: {
type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
createdAt: {
allowNull: false,
type: Sequelize.DATE,
updatedAt: {
allowNull: false,
type: Sequelize.DATE,
down: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
await queryInterface.dropTable("Houses");
i also use same paging method on other table. but other table works fine, only this table that got messed up.
the other table named Project function is here for reference
index: async (req, res) => {
const { page, size, developer, city, priceone, pricetwo } = req.query;
const { limit, offset } = getPagination(page, size);
try {
let filter = { haveDeveloper: true };
if (developer) {
filter.developerId = developer;
if (city) {
filter.cityId = city;
if (priceone && pricetwo) {
const firstPrice = parseInt(priceone);
const secondPrice = parseInt(pricetwo);
if (firstPrice === 100000000 && secondPrice === 100000000) {
filter.minPrice = { [Op.lte]: firstPrice };
} else if (firstPrice === 2000000000 && secondPrice === 2000000000) {
filter.minPrice = { [Op.gte]: firstPrice };
} else {
filter.minPrice = { [Op.between]: [firstPrice, secondPrice] };
const projectsData = await Projects.findAndCountAll({
where: filter,
attributes: ["id", "name", "image", "location",'minPrice'],
include: [
{ model: Cities, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
{ model: Developers, attributes: ["id", "name"] },
{ model: ProjectFacilities, attributes: ["facility"] },
if (projectsData) {
const response = getPagingData(projectsData, page, limit);
status: "success",
message: "Data Available",
data: response,
} else {
status: "success",
message: "There is No Data",
data: "No Data",
} catch (error) {
return next(
new HttpError(
"Something went wrong, could not get project.",
the Project model
'use strict';
const {
} = require('sequelize');
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
class Projects extends Model {
* Helper method for defining associations.
* This method is not a part of Sequelize lifecycle.
* The `models/index` file will call this method automatically.
static associate(models) {
// define association here
Projects.belongsTo(models.Developers, { foreignKey: 'developerId' })
Projects.belongsTo(models.Cities, { foreignKey: 'cityId' })
Projects.hasMany(models.ProjectFacilities, { foreignKey: 'projectId' })
Projects.hasMany(models.Houses, { foreignKey: 'projectId' })
name: DataTypes.STRING,
image: DataTypes.STRING,
description: DataTypes.TEXT,
location: DataTypes.STRING,
haveDeveloper: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
cityId: DataTypes.STRING,
developerId: DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {
modelName: 'Projects',
return Projects;
sql generated by sequelize for House page 1 with 5 data
SELECT "Houses"."id", "Houses"."name", "Houses"."description", "Houses"."location", "Houses"."price", "Houses"."tanah", "Houses"."bangunan", "Houses"."lantai", "Houses"."kamar_tidur", "Houses"."kamar_mandi", "Houses"."isNew", "Developer"."id" AS "", "Developer"."name" AS "", "City"."id" AS "", "City"."name" AS "", "Project"."id" AS "", "Project"."name" AS "" FROM "Houses" AS "Houses" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Developers" AS "Developer" ON "Houses"."developerId" = "Developer"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Cities" AS "City" ON "Houses"."cityId" = "City"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Projects" AS "Project" ON "Houses"."projectId" = "Project"."id" LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0;
sql generated by sequelize for Project page 1 with 5 data
SELECT "Projects".*, "City"."id" AS "", "City"."name" AS "", "Developer"."id" AS "", "Developer"."name" AS "", "ProjectFacilities"."id" AS "", "ProjectFacilities"."facility" AS "ProjectFacilities.facility" FROM (SELECT "Projects"."id", "Projects"."name", "Projects"."image", "Projects"."location", "Projects"."minPrice", "Projects"."cityId", "Projects"."developerId" FROM "Projects" AS "Projects" WHERE "Projects"."haveDeveloper" = true LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0) AS "Projects" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Cities" AS "City" ON "Projects"."cityId" = "City"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Developers" AS "Developer" ON "Projects"."developerId" = "Developer"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProjectFacilities" AS "ProjectFacilities" ON "Projects"."id" = "ProjectFacilities"."projectId";
is there any solution for this? thank you very much for your all help and attention!
Please try thi
const getPagination = (page = 1, size = 10) => {
const offset = (page - 1) * size ;
const limit = size ;
return { limit, offset };

Vue.js with iView Table - accessing Elasticsearch search response object

I am using the iView UI kit table in my Vue.js application that consumes an Elasticsearch API with axios. My problem is that I just can't seem to get to access the nested search response object, which is an array list object. I only get to access the 1st level fields, but not the nested ones. I don't know how to set the table row key in the iView table.
This is how my axios call and mapper methods look like:
const self = this
.then(response => {
self.ajaxTableData = self.mapObjectToArray(;
self.dataCount = self.ajaxTableData.length;
if(self.ajaxTableData.length < self.pageSize){
self.tableData = self.ajaxTableData;
} else {
self.tableData = self.ajaxTableData.slice(0,self.pageSize);
.catch(e => {
self.tableData = []
var mappedData = Object.keys(data).map(key => {
return data[key];
return mappedData
The iView table columns look like this:
tableColumns: [
title: 'Study Date',
key: 'patientStudy.studyDate',
width: 140,
sortable: true,
sortType: 'desc'
title: 'Modality',
key: "generalSeries.modality",
width: 140,
sortable: true
The (raw) Elasticsearch documents look like this:
{ "score":1, "id":"3a710fa2c1b3f6125fc168c9308531b59e21d6b3",
"type":"dicom", "nestedIdentity":null, "version":-1, "fields":{
And this is how the consumed object looks like:
As you can see, the fields I need to access are within the "sourceAsMap" object, and then nested in arrays.
How can I provide the iView table cell key to access them?
I now "remapped" my Elasticsearch object before displaying it in the Vue.js table, and it works now. However, I don't think that the way I did it is very elegant or clean....maybe you can help me to do it in a better way. This is my method to remap the object:
let jsonMapped = []
for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
let id = {}
id['id'] = data[i].id
let generalData = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['generalData'][0]
let generalSeries = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['generalSeries'][0]
let generalImage = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['generalImage'][0]
let generalEquipment = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['generalEquipment'][0]
let patient = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['patient'][0]
let patientStudy = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['patientStudy'][0]
let contrastBolus = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['contrastBolus'][0]
let specimen = data[i]['sourceAsMap']['specimen'][0]
jsonMapped[i] = Object.assign({}, id, generalData, generalSeries, generalImage, generalEquipment, patient,
patientStudy, contrastBolus, specimen)
return jsonMapped
The result is this:
Even though it now works, but how can I optimize this code?
A few functions can help you with your situation
let data = [{
key1: ['k1'],
key2: ['k2'],
key3: [{
subKey1: 'sk1',
subKey2: ['sk2'],
subObject: [{ name: 'John', surname: 'Doe' }],
items: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
function mapIt(data) {
if (isSingletonArray(data)) {
data = data[0];
for(const key in data) {
if (isSingletonArray(data[key])) {
data[key] = mapIt(data[key][0]);
} else {
data[key] = data[key];
return data;
function isSingletonArray(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'object' && Array.isArray(obj) && obj.length === 1;
key1: 'k1',
key2: 'k2',
key3: {
subKey1: 'sk1',
subKey2: 'sk2',
subObject: { name: 'John', surname: 'Doe' },
items: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ]
You can check it in your browser. mapIt unwraps the singleton arrays into objects or primitives.
But I recommend you to watch out special elastic client libraries for javascript. It could save you from writing extra code.

How to chain get and map the result with lodash?

I've got a list I'm trying to pull an object from using _.get but following that selection I need to loop over the object to create a new property. So far I've been successful using a combination of _.get and as shown below but I'm hoping I can use _.chain in some way.
var selected = _.get(results, selectedId);
return[selected], result => {
var reviews = => {
var reviewed = review.userId === authenticatedUserId;
return _.extend({}, review, {reviewed: reviewed});
return _.extend({}, result, {reviews: reviews});
Is it possible to do a transform like this using something other than map (as map required me to break this up/ creating an array with a solo item inside it). Thank you in advance!
I can see that you're creating unnecessary map() calls, you can simply reduce all those work into something like this:
var output = {
reviews:[selectedId], function(review) {
return _.defaults({
reviewed: review.userId === authenticatedUserId
}, review);
The defaults() method is similar to extend() except once a property is set, additional values of the same property are ignored.
var selectedId = 1;
var authenticatedUserId = 1;
var results = {
1: [
{ userId: 1, text: 'hello' },
{ userId: 2, text: 'hey' },
{ userId: 1, text: 'world?' },
{ userId: 2, text: 'nah' },
var output = {
reviews:[selectedId], function(review) {
return _.defaults({
reviewed: review.userId === authenticatedUserId
}, review);
document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(output, 0, 4) + '</pre>';
<script src=""></script>

Mongoose's populate method breaks promise chain?

So I have a mongoose Schema that looks like this:
var Functionary = new Schema({
person: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Person'
dateOfAssignment: Date,
dateOfDischarge: Date,
isActive: Boolean
var PositionSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
description: String,
maxHeadCount: Number,
minHeadCount: Number,
currentHeadCount: Number,
currentlyHolding: [Functionary],
historical: [Functionary],
responsibleTo: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Position'
*note that the Position document can reference itself in the ResponsibleTo field.
Now, I'm trying to build a method that will search the Positions collection, populate the currentlyHolding[] field and the responsibleTo.currentlyHolding[] field, and also return the total number of records found (for paging purposes on the front-end).
Here's what my code looks like: = function(req, res) {
var result = {
records: null,
count: 0,
totalPages: 0,
pageSize: 10,
execTime: 0
var startTime = new Date();
var populateQuery = [
path: 'currentlyHolding.person',
select: 'name'
}, {
select:'name currentlyHolding.person'
$or: [
{ name: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } },
{ description: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } }
skip: (result.currentPage - 1) * result.pageSize,
limit: result.pageSize,
sort: 'name'
.then(function(doc) {
result.records = doc;
$or: [
{ name: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } },
{ description: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } }
.then(function(doc) {
result.count = doc;
result.totalPages = Math.ceil(result.count / result.pageSize);
.then(function() {
var endTime = new Date();
result.execTime = endTime - startTime;
return res.json(200, result);
My problem is when I run the first query with the populate method (as is shown), it doesn't work. I take away the populate and it works. Is it true that the populate method will break the promise? If so, are there better ways to achieve what I want?
It's been a while since you asked, but this might still help others so here we go:
According to the docs, .populate() doesn't return a promise. For that to happen you should chain .execPopulate().
Alternatively, you can put .populate() before .exec(). The latter will terminate the query builder interface and return a promise for you.