Nuxt `defineProps` from TypeScript types - vue.js

I'm using the Nuxt 3 / Vue 3 defineProps with TypeScript and want to infer types prop types from TypeScript types.
import { User } from '~/types/types'
const props = defineProps({
users: {
type: Array, // User[]?
In this example how do I make the users prop a type of User[]?

Use Vue's PropType
import { PropType } from 'vue'
import { User } from '~/types/types'
const props = defineProps = ({
users: {
type: Array as PropType<User[]>

You could also use a pure-type syntax :
import { User } from '~/types/types'
const props = defineProps<{users:User[]}>()


Can a Vue component/plugin have its own pinia state, so that multiple component instances don't share the same state

I have a "standalone" component which is set up as a Vue plugin (to be downloaded via npm and used in projects) and it uses pinia, but it looks like multiple instances of the component share the same pinia state. Is there a way to set up pinia such that each component instance has its own state?
The component is made up of multiple sub-(sub)-components and I'm using pinia to manage its overall state. Imagine something fairly complex like a <fancy-calendar /> component but you could have multiple calendars on a page.
I have the standard pinia set up in an index.js:
import myPlugin from "./myPlugin.vue";
import { createPinia } from "pinia";
const pinia = createPinia();
export function myFancyPlugin(app, options) {
app.component("myPlugin", myPlugin);
Then myPlugin.vue has:
<script setup>
import { useMyStore } from '#/myPlugin/stores/myStore'
import { SubComponent1 } from '#/myPlugin/components/SubComponent1'
import { SubComponent2 } from '#/myPlugin/components/SubComponent2'
const store = useMyStore()
The sub-components also import the store. Also some of the sub-components also have their own sub-components which also use the store.
myStore.js is set up like this:
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
export const useMyStore = defineStore("myStore", {
state: () => ({
getters: {
actions: {
Edit: This is the solution I ended up using:
import { defineStore } from "pinia"
export const useMyStore = (id) =>
defineStore(id, {
state: () => ({
getters: {},
actions: {},
<script setup>
import { provide } from "vue"
import { useMyStore } from '#/MyNewPlugin/stores/MyStore'
import { v4 } from "uuid"
const storeId = v4()
provide('storeId', storeId)
const store = useMyStore(storeId)
<script setup>
import { inject } from "vue"
import { useMyStore } from '#/MyNewPlugin/stores/MyStore'
const storeId = inject('storeId')
const store = useMyStore(storeId)
A simple way of solving this is to create a stores map, using unique identifiers:
When you init a new instance of the root component of your plugin, you create a unique identifier for the current instance:
import { v4 } from 'uuid'
const storeId = v4();
You pass this id to its descendants via props or provide/inject.
Whenever a descendent component calls the store, it calls it with the storeId:
const store = useMyStore(storeId)
Finally, inside myStore:
const storesMap = {};
export const useMyStore = (id) => {
if (!storesMap[id]) {
storesMap[id] = defineStore(id, {
state: () => ({ ... }),
actions: {},
getters: {}
return storesMap[id]()
Haven't tested it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
If you need hands-on help, you'll have to provide a runnable minimal reproducible example on which I could test implementing the above.

Duplicated key error on Vue composition API's return statement

Since Vuetify's support for Vue 3 is still in beta, I'm trying to use Composition API in Vue 2. I'm using it like this:
import { defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api'
import { computed, toRef } from 'vue'
import fetchOtherImages from 'some-library'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'PhotoGallery',
props: {
images: {
type: Array,
required: true
setup(props) {
const { images: imagesFromProps } = toRef(props)
const images = computed(() => [ => image.getUrl()),
return { images }
The problem is, it throws vue/no-dupe-keys in that return statement. Am I doing this properly? I'm new to the whole Composition thing and Vue 2's documentation on the subject is not helping.
There are a data named images (returned by setup) and a prop named images, which is against rule vue/no-dupe-keys.
You can rename the data returned by setup:
setup(props) {
const { images: imagesFromProps } = toRef(props)
const images = computed(() => [ => image.getUrl()),
return { imagesComputed: images }
By the way, highly recommend Vue 2.7 instead of Vue 2.6 + #vue/composition-api!

Easier way to use plugins with the composition api in vue 3

When adding vuex or vue-router as plugin in vue and using the options api you could access these plugins with the this keyword.
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import i18n from '#/i18n';
import router from './router';
import store from './store';
export default {
mounted() {
The this keyword is no longer available with the composition api which leads to a lot of repetitive code. To use the store, vue-router or the i18n library I have to import and define the following:
RandomComponent.vue with composition api
<script setup>
import { useStore } from 'vuex';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
const router = useRouter();
const store = useStore();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { handleSubmit, isSubmitting, errors } = useForm('/roles/create', role, CreateRoleValidationSchema, () => {
store.dispatch('notifications/addNotification', {
type: 'success',
title: t('create_success', { field: t('role', 1) }),
router.push({ name: 'roles' });
Is there a way to avoid these imports and definitions and have a way to easily use these plugins like I could do with the options api?
There is no built-in way of doing that in Composition API and script setup.
What you could do is:
Create a plugins.js file that exports common bindings you want to import. For example:
export * from 'vuex'
export * from 'vue-router'
export * from 'vue-i18n'
And then you have only 1 import to do:
<script setup>
import { useStore, useRouter, useI18n } from './plugins'
const router = useRouter();
const store = useStore();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { handleSubmit, isSubmitting, errors } = useForm('/roles/create', role, CreateRoleValidationSchema, () => {
store.dispatch('notifications/addNotification', {
type: 'success',
title: t('create_success', { field: t('role', 1) }),
router.push({ name: 'roles' });
You can go even further by initiating the plugins like:
import { useStore, useRouter, useI18n } from './plugins'
export function initiateCommonPlugins() {
const router = useRouter();
const store = useStore();
const { t } = useI18n();
return { router, store, t }
And your code then will look like this:
<script setup>
import { router, store, t } from './initiate-plugins'
const { handleSubmit, isSubmitting, errors } = useForm('/roles/create', role, CreateRoleValidationSchema, () => {
store.dispatch('notifications/addNotification', {
type: 'success',
title: t('create_success', { field: t('role', 1) }),
router.push({ name: 'roles' });
Use unplugin-auto-import plugin
This plugin can eliminate all imports you want and is highly customizable. Haven't tried it yet but I have seen people recommend it.
Stick to Options API
Using Vue 3 doesn't mean that you have to use Composition API for creating components. You can use Options API along with script setup for composables instead of Mixins.
So Options API for components, Composition API for reusing code or advanced use-cases.

How to manually define props type in vue3 with typescript

I can do
props: {
name: { type: String as PropType<string> }
to tell vue3 that my props type is { name: string }, but if I have several component have the same props type, how can I share the defination?
If I define props in :
const props = {
name: String as PropType<string>
then use it like this:
props: props,
It won't work, the type I got in setup function of props is not right.
this answer is purely addition to #Xinchao's answer.
one way is to destructure common props like following:
// taken from #Xinchao's answer
const commonProps = {
name: { type: String as PropType<string> }
extra: { }
another way is to write function which returns specific object like following
function getStringProp(required=false) {
return {
type: String as PropType<string>,
default: '',
name: getStringProp(true),
nickName: getStringProp(),
extra: { }
this case specifically come handy where prop is Array or Object; where we can cast the type like following
function getArrayProp<T>(required=false) {
return {
type: Array as PropType<T[]>,
default: () => [],
options: getArrayProp<Options>(true),
stringOptions: getArrayProp<string>(true),
The props options provided for defineComponent is a plain js object solely for type annotation purpose, so you can employ whatever technics in javascript for sharing structures between objects:
// in common.ts
export const commonProps = {
name: { type: String as PropType<string> }
// in your component.vue
import commonProps from "./common.ts";
extra: { }
If you're using the composition API with Vue 2 in preparation for switching to Vue 3, you have to use the PropType from that package instead of the vue package.
// Wrong for Vue 2
import Vue, { PropType } from 'vue'
import { defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api'
// Right for Vue 2
import { defineComponent, PropType } from '#vue/composition-api'

How to get current name of route in Vue?

I want to get the name of the current route of vue-router, i have a component menu with navigation to another componentes, so i want to dispaly the name of the current route.
I have this:
//this.nombreRuta = this.$;
this.nombreRuta = this.$;
But the label of the name of the route does not change, the label only show the name of the first loaded route.
Thank You
Image to show what i want
You are using computed incorrectly. You should return the property in the function. See the docs for more information.
Here is your adapted example:
computed: {
currentRouteName() {
return this.$;
You can then use it like this:
<div>{{ currentRouteName }}</div>
You can also use it directly in the template without using a computed property, like this:
<div>{{ $ }}</div>
Vue 3 + Vue Router 4
Update 5/03/2021
If you are using Vue 3 and Vue Router 4, here is two simplest ways to get current name of route in setup hook:
Solution 1: Use useRoute
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
export default {
setup () {
const route = useRoute()
const currentRouteName = computed(() =>
return { currentRouteName }
Solution 2: Use useRouter
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
export default {
setup () {
const router = useRouter()
const currentRouteName = computed(() =>;)
return { currentRouteName }
I use this...
In Composition API, this works
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
const router = useRouter()
let currentPathObject = router.currentRoute.value;
console.log("Route Object", currentPathObject)
// Pick the values you need from the object
I used something like this:
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
then declared
const route = useRoute();
Finally if you log route object - you will get all properties I used path for my goal.
This is how you can access AND watch current route's name using #vue/composition-api package with Vue 2 in TypeScript.
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, watch } from '#vue/composition-api';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'MyCoolComponent',
setup(_, { root }) {
console.debug('current route name', root.$;
watch(() => root.$, () => {
console.debug(`MyCoolComponent- watch root.$ changed to ${root.$}`);
I will update this answer once Vue 3.0 and Router 4.0 gets released!
I use this...
In my Laravel app I created a router.js file and I can access the router object in any vue component like this.$route
I usually get the route like this.$route.path
Using composition API,
<script setup>
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router';
const Route = useRoute();
Using Vue 3 and Vue Router 4 with Composition API and computed:
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
const router = useRouter()
// computed
const currentRoute = computed(() => {
<div>{{ currentRoute }}</div>
⚠ If you don't set a name in your router like so, no name will be displayed:
const routes = [
{ path: '/step1', name: 'Step1', component: Step1 },
{ path: '/step2', name: 'Step2', component: Step2 },
In Vue 3.2 using Composition API
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useRoute } from "vue-router";
const route = useRoute();
const currentRouteName = computed(() => {
Using computed:{{currentRouteName}}
or without using computed: {{}}
This is how you can get id (name) of current page in composition api (vue3):
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
export function useFetchPost() {
const currentId = useRoute();
const postTitle = ref('');
const fetchPost = async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(
postTitle.value =;
} catch (error) {
} finally {
return {
I'm using this method on vue 3 & vue-router 4
It works great!
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
export default {
name: 'Home',
setup() {
const route = useRoute();
const routeName = route.path.slice(1); //route.path will return /name
return {
<p>This is <span>{{ routeName }}</span></p>
I've Tried and it Worked:
Use Following in Your Elements;
{{ this.$route.path.slice(1) }}
Works just like this.$
Vue 3 + Vue Router 4 + Pinia store (or any other place outside of vue components)
#KitKit up there gave an example how to get route if you are using Vue 3 and Vue Router 4 in setup hook. However, what about state management in Pinia store ?
In vue#2 and vue-router#3.5.1: We could have used router.currentRoute.query.returnUrl like so (example in vuex state management):
import router from "#/router";
const state = initialState;
const getters = {};
const actions = { // your actions };
const mutations = {
loginSuccess(state, user) {
let returnUrl = "";
if(router.currentRoute.query.returnUrl != undefined)
returnUrl = router.currentRoute.query.returnUrl;
export default {
export const authentication = {
actions: {},
mutations: {},
In vue#3 and vue-router#4: We have to append value to currentRoute like so:
import router from '#/router';
export const authenticationStore = defineStore('authUser', {
state: (): State => ({
// your state
getters: {
// your getters
actions: {
loginSuccess(user: object) {
let returnUrl = '';
if (router.currentRoute.value.query.returnUrl != undefined)
returnUrl = router.currentRoute.value.query.returnUrl;