node-sass compatibilite problemes to compile - node-sass

I tried to install node-sass but nothing work
node-sass#4.14.1 not be installed and I install the node-sass#6
my node version is : v16.17.1
my npm version is : 8.19.2
./src/Components/Categories/categories.scss (./node_modules/css-loader??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-3!./src/Components/Categories/categories.scss)
Error: Node Sass version 7.0.3 is incompatible with ^4.0.0.


Installing Hyperledger composer npm dependencies on mac m1

I am installing Hyperldeger fabric dependencies on mac m1.
I am using nvm for node version management.
npm -version : 8.11.0
node --version : v17.9.1
uname -a : Darwin adla-dmarathe-2 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Wed Aug 10 14:28:23 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.141.5~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 x86_64
Here is the error thrown :
npm ERR! code Z_DATA_ERROR
npm ERR! errno -3
npm ERR! zlib: incorrect data check
I tried to reinstall node, npm.
cleaned up cache.
installed nvm.
I tried installing the composer-cli using the command npm install -g composer-cli on various versions of node ; 14, 16, 17 and lts without much luck. The command fails with the following error.

node-sass command failed- MAC OS

i'm having issue running ( npm install )
where my
node version is : v16.18.0 nvm version : 0.39.1 npm version : 8.19.2 node-sass : 6.0.1 node-gyp -v v7.1.2
tried to remove out node modules and pkg lock
also. tried to install it globally and run npm i again .
i unfortunately can't upgrade the pkg version so i need to keep the node-sass 6.0.1

npm rebuild node-sass hang

Node version : 8.16.
npm: 6.4.1
yarn: 1.17.3
postinstall: npm rebuild node-sass hangs
Tried with multiple solutions,but not works
Yarn add -D node-sass
adding node-sass as dependency package fixed the issue.

why #angular-devkit/build-angular doesn't install webpack?

I have added latest version of #angular-devkit/build-angular in package.json and did npm install ,it should install webpack as well ,as a peer dependency but its not installing ,its throwing a warning explicitly to install webpack when I do npm install.I can explicitly install the module but I want that to happen from #angular-devkit/build-angular itself. what could be the reason?

Gulp-cli version is not updating

I've updated gulp from v 3.9.0 to 4.0.0. When I run gulp i get error Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined. I've read that this is because of gulp-cli version 3.9.0 and I need to update to 2.1.0
On my local machine i've got all to work, and the versions are:
CLI Version: 2.1.0
Local Version: 4.0.0
But on our dev-server the CLI-version won't change and it's stuck at 3.9.0.
I have uninstalled both gulp and gulp-cli, removed the node_modules folder. Installed it again and it's the correct versions in the package.json.
"gulp": "^4.0.0",
"gulp-cli": "^2.1.0",
But when i run gulp -v now it still outputs CLI Version: 3.9.0..
Someone familiar with this? gulp 3.9.0 is globally installed on the server, can this cause the problem?
First uninstall your current versions of Gulp and Gulp CLI:
npm uninstall gulp --save-dev
npm uninstall gulp -g
then go ahead and reinstall Gulp version 4.0.0:
npm install gulp-cli -g
npm install gulp#4.0.0