How to wait for Room to update? - kotlin

I'm trying to make a function that first updates a model field in a Database, then imediatly retrives this same model. I'd like to get that model with the udpated field. I'm trying this:
var snack = appViewModel.getSnack(snackId)
runBlocking { appViewModel.updateSnack(snack.copy(total = value)) }
snack = appViewModel.getSnack(snackId)
However, even when using runBlocking, snack ends up being with the old total value. I don't know how Room suspending functions for #Update are implemented, but it seems that even with runBlocking this runs assyncrhronaly, so the field doesn't get updated in time. How do I proceed?

As #Tenfour04 pointed out, my implementation in the ViewModel was launching a viewModelScope, so the function returned imediately, and runBlocking{} was useless. As a temporary measure, I just added .join() to the runBlocking call, so it waits for the Job to finish:
runBlocking { appViewModel.updateSnack(snack.copy(total = value)).join() }
As #Tenfour04 also pointed out, my design is flawed, because we shoudn't be blocking the UI. I'm now trying to implement everything with Flow<> and collectAsState().


Unable to assert state flow value in view model

The view model is given below
class ClickRowViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val clickRowRepository: ClickRowRepository
): ViewModel() {
private val _clickRowsFlow = MutableStateFlow<List<ClickRow>>(mutableListOf())
val clickRowsFlow = _clickRowsFlow.asStateFlow()
fun fetchAndInitialiseClickRows() {
viewModelScope.launch {
_clickRowsFlow.update {
My test is as follows:
I am using InstantTaskExecutorRule as follows
val instantTaskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
The actual value never resolves to the expected value even though $result seems to have two elements but the actualValue is an empty list. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
I tried to use the first terminal operator as well but the returned output returns an empty list.
Update # 2
I tried async but I got the following error
kotlinx.coroutines.test.UncompletedCoroutinesError: After waiting for 60000 ms, the test coroutine is not completing, there were active child jobs: [DeferredCoroutine{Active}#a4a38f0]
at kotlinx.coroutines.test.TestBuildersKt__TestBuildersKt$runTestCoroutine$3$3.invokeSuspend(TestBuilders.kt:342)
Update # 3
This test passes in Android Studio, but fails using CLI
Test failing in CLI
You can't call toList on a SharedFlow like that:
Shared flow never completes. A call to Flow.collect on a shared flow never completes normally, and neither does a coroutine started by the Flow.launchIn function.
So calling toList will hang forever, because the flow never hits an end point where it says "ok that's all the elements", and toList needs to return a final value. Since StateFlow only contains one element at a time anyway, and you're not collecting over a period of time, you probably just want take(1).toList().
Or use first() if you don't want the wrapping list, which it seems you don't - each element in the StateFlow is a List<ClickRow>, which is what clickRowRepository.fetchClickRows() returns too. So expectedValue is a List<ClickRow>, whereas actualValue is a List<List<ClickRow>> - so they wouldn't match anyway!
edit your update (using first()) has a couple of issues.
First of all, the clickRowsFlow StateFlow in your ViewModel only updates when you call fetchAndInitialiseClickRows(), because that's what fetches a value and sets it on the StateFlow. You're not calling that in your second example, so it won't update.
Second, that StateFlow is going to go through two state values, right? The first is the initial empty list, the second is the row contents you get back from the repo. So when you access that StateFlow, it either needs to be after the update has happened, or (better) you need to ignore the first state and only return the second one:
val actualValue = clickRowViewModel.clickRowsFlow
.drop(1) // ignore the initial state
.first() // then take the first result after that
// start the update -after- setting up the flow collection,
// so there's no race condition to worry about
This way, you subscribe to the StateFlow and immediately get (and drop) the initial state. Then when the update happens, it should push another value to the subscriber, which takes that first new value as its final result.
But there's another complication - because fetchAndInitialiseClickRows() kicks off its own coroutine and returns immediately, that means the fetch-and-update task is running asynchronously. You need to give it time to finish, before you start asserting any results from it.
One option is to start the coroutine and then block waiting for the result to show up:
// start the update
// run the collection as a blocking operation, which completes when you get
// that second result
val actualValue = clickRowViewModel.clickRowsFlow
This works so long as fetchAndInitialiseClickRows doesn't complete immediately. That consumer chain up there requires at least two items to be produced while it's subscribed - if it never gets to see the initial state, it'll hang waiting for that second (really a third) value that's never coming. This introduces a race condition and even if it's "probably fine in practice" it still makes the test brittle.
Your other option is to subscribe first, using a coroutine so that execution can continue, and then start the update - that way the subscriber can see the initial state, and then the update that arrives later:
// async is like launch, but it returns a `Deferred` that produces a result later
val actualValue = async {
// now you can start the update
// then use `await` to block until the result is available
assertEquals(expected, actualValue.await())
You always need to make sure you handle waiting on your coroutines, otherwise the test could finish early (i.e. you do your asserting before the results are in). Like in your first example, you're launching a coroutine to populate your list, but not ensuring that has time to complete before you check the list's contents.
In that case you'd have to do something like advanceUntilIdle() - have a look at this section on testing coroutines, it shows you some ways to wait on them. This might also work for the one you're launching with fetchAndInitialiseClickRows (since it says it waits for other coroutines on the scheduler, not the same scope) but I'm not really familiar with it, you could look into it if you like!

How to run blocking Java code concurrently in Kotlin?

I'm working on a new side project with a goal of more deeply learning Kotlin, and I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to mix Kotlin-style concurrency with code not written with coroutines in mind (JOOQ in this case). The function below is in one of my DAOs, and in that map block, I want to update a bunch of rows in the DB. In this specific example, the updates are actually dependent on the previous one completing, so it will need to be done sequentially, but I'm interested in how this code could be modified to run the updates in parallel, since there will undoubtedly be use cases I have that don't need to be run sequentially.
suspend fun updateProductChoices(choice: ProductChoice) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
ctx().transaction { config ->
val tx = DSL.using(config)
val previousRank =
(previousRank + 1..choice.rank).map { rank ->
.set(PRODUCT_CHOICE.RANK, rank - 1)
Would the best way be to wrap the transaction lambda in runBlocking and each update in an async, then awaitAll the result? Also possibly worth noting that the JOOQ queries support executeAsync() which returns a CompletionStage.
Yes, use JOOQ's executeAsync. With executeAsync, you can remove the withContext(Dispatchers.IO) because the call is no longer blocking.
The kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 library includes coroutines integration with CompletionStage, so you can do a suspending await on it (docs).
To perform the updates in parallel, note that the same library can convert a CompletionStage to a Deferred (docs). Therefore, if you change the call to execute to executeAsync().asDeferred() you will get a list of Deferreds, on which you can awaitAll().

Why Kotlin Coroutine is taking longer time

I have two programs
with coroutine
I have 3 loops and i tried assigning each loop to a coroutine for quick execution.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() {
val time = measureTimeMillis() {
var i=0
var j=0
var k=0
i++ }
Without Coroutine
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() {
val time = measureTimeMillis() {
var i=0
var j=0
var k=0
I have used timer to calculate the exectution time, but the coroutine code is taking longer.
Why is it working like this, how can i make the coroutine part faster?
Your code disregards a great deal of concerns that make your two examples very different.
First of all, you should never trust the timing of the very first run through the code. This is the time when all the heavyweight class initialization happens, including the initialization of the classes you touch indirectly by calling a library function.
Second, you also ignore all the optimizations the JIT compiler does to the bytecode. Most important in your case is that the code does nothing but increment local variables without using them afterwards. The JIT compiler will be happy to entirely delete your loops. Even if you use the results afterwards, the compiler may be able to do some simple reasoning on what the resulting value will be after 1,000,000 increments.
Your first example, with coroutines, is fundamentally different in that it submits tasks to the commonPool executor service. This means your incrementing code happens within a lambda that captures your local variable. In order to make it work, the compiler must transform it into an instance variable attached to the lambda. This muddies the waters in terms of the compiler proving the loop can be safely eliminated.
However, even if you accounted for all these things, your code is broken in an elementary way as well: you don't await for the completion of the launched coroutines. So after you fix the above issues and make the loops do some non-trivial work whose results you actually check for, you'll find that the coroutine examples report constant time that doesn't depend on the number of loop iterations.
I think what best explains your current results is the initialization costs. Just put a big outer loop over the whole code and the coroutine example will appear to perform much better than now.

Dealing with suspend and non-suspend in Kotlin function parameters

I am fairly new to Kotlin, and am getting to grips with it's implementation of co-routines. I understand that any function that we may want Kotlin to deal with in a non-blocking way needs to be annotated with suspend, and that such functions can only be executed within a co-routine (or within another suspend function). So far so good.
However I keep coming across a problem with utility functions that accept other functions as parameters. For instance with arrow's Try:
suspend fun somethingAsync() = 1 + 1
Try { 1 + 1 } // All is well
Try { somethingAsync() } // Uh oh....
As the parameter to Try's invoke function/operator is not annotated with suspend, the second call will be rejected by the compiler. How does someone deal with this when writing utility functions that can not know if the code inside the passed function or lambda requires suspend or not? Writing a suspend and a non-suspend version of every such function seems incredibly tedious. Have I missed an obvious way to deal with this situation?
First, let's deal with suspend. What it means is this particular function blocks. Not that this function is asynchronous.
Usually, blocking means IO, but not always. In your example, the function doesn't block, nor does it something in an asynchronous manner (hence Async suffix is incorrect there). But lets assume actual utility code does block for some reason.
Now dealing with suspending functions is something that is done on the caller side. Meaning, what would you like to do while this is being executed:
fun doSomething() {
Try { somethingAsync() }
If you're fine with doSomething to block, then you can use runBlocking:
fun doSomething() = runBlocking {
Try { somethingAsync() }

#Around aspect and Kotlin suspended function

I try to understand how to create an #Around aspect for a Kotlin’s suspended function (for example, to measure time spent in this function, or for a custom #Transactional aspect):
suspend fun test() {
delay(50) // invokes ProceedingJoinPoint#proceed() before this line
Since this function has a suspend function call, the #Around aspect’s proceed function will be invoked right before delay() call. But obviously I’d like to measure full time spent in the function.
What is the right way to solve it? Maybe I can somehow subscribe on the last continuation in the method, or smth like that?
I think you can solve your problem easily, if you want to measure, the execution time of function, you can do it using built-in functionality like this:
val time = measureTimeMillis {
// yourSuperFunc()
Also, you can use measureNanoTime. For full reference look at here.
This is tracked by and will most likely be fixed in 5.3
The same issue happens for #Transactional.