Element ui el-table component higlight selected cell - vuejs2

Using this component
I see el-table has event cell-click for clicked columns. I need to highlight the selected cell. Is that currently possible? Can not find anything related to this in the documentation. In jquery datatable we can select one or multiple cells https://datatables.net/extensions/select/examples/initialisation/cells.html


How Do I Expand A Cell in MUI-Datatables to display additional content?

I want a user to be able to click a row in the MUI-Datatable, so they can see additional content. The current renderExpandableRow function has the right styling, but I don't want a new row. I want the cell in the first column to show additional data. Is there a way to do this?
Note: I'm also going to need buttons that will expand all/collapse all, so I need a solution flexible enough to do that.
I found a solution to my question.
I made the first column's content a Button using customBodyRender. The column with expandable content became the second column. This column has a customBodyRender with a Collapse component. I store in my component's state all ids of my data objects and whether or not they are expanded. When the Button is clicked, my component's state is updated, which in turn changes whether or not the Collapse component is open.
I also used customToolbar in the table options to generate an expand all/collapse all button, which just sets the state of all rows to expanded/collapsed.

How to see if ComboBox is in DropDown State?

I have searched several forums but did not find answer for checking whether ComboBox is already DroppedDown via VBA code.
I have other code on Form_KeyDown events due to which anytime I press vbKeyDown it moves to next record. I need to check if ComboBox is DroppedDown then don't use other code and instead treat the default functionality of access where vbKeyDown will start scrolling through the items of ComboBox displayed in DropDown.
There is no such property, neither an event for OnDropDown or similar.
If the combobox has focus, you can force a dropdown using the DropDown method, but that's as close you can get.

How to Handle React setState() when dealing with input fields?

I have 3 text boxes.
I have 1 dropdown menu.
When the app starts/page loads, the text boxes are empty and the dropdown is populated with various products.
When I select an item from the dropdown list I load the object into the text fields for editing.
When using properties (this.props), the data loads into the text boxes correctly but I can't make edits to the text because that should be done using state instead.
But, if I use state (this.state), the component never stays in sync. If I select Item 1 from the dropdown it gets loaded into the state but does not render onto the screen until I choose another Item from the dropdown list.
So when I pick Item 2 it then loads Item 1 into the text boxes.
Quote from the React docs.
"setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition"
How the heck do you guys deal with this? I feel like I've tried it all.
You need to keep the state in the parent component. The parent would be parent for all those text boxes and to the dropdown menu. From there, you just need to pass callback functions as props to the text boxes and to the dropdown component. In that callback function, you should give the selected dropdown menu item as parameter. And when the function is called, you need to update the content of the text boxes. I think you can do this by keeping state for the three text boxes, that what text is currently displayed. Initially their state would be undefined, so they would show empty. In the state you could track the index and the value.
After that, you need to also pass callback functions to the textboxes. Those callback functions would then track and update the content of the dropdown menu items as you edit the fields. When you edit, you will call the callback, which should update the state, and also render the dropdown menu again with the new content.

Dojo call template on change of layout

I'm quite new to Dojo and trying to accomplish a table widget. I have a widget that contains the actual table element and generates it´s headers. Then I have one widget that is called to create each row and fill it with information.
The thing I'm struggling with is that I want each row to be clickable and on the click event I want to re-render the contents of the row and add some data to it.
Is there any way to have a second template file that I can call on the click event to change layout of the row?

multiselect box in dojo

I have two multiselect boxes on page in which one multiselect box is populated onload of a page and on the basis of selection in first multibox corresponding values will populated in next multiselect box. Any idea how we can achieve this.
Can we use dijit.form.FilteringSelect to get the relevant data from a json file in to a multiselect box?.
dijit.form.MultiSelect has a method addSelected that will help you do this.
Have a look at the test page for the MultiSelect widget for an example close to what you were looking for: