Intellij IDEA SDK - How can I programmatically handle spellcheck 'typos'? - intellij-idea

Wrote a plugin to handle some custom format stuff in yaml files that I've written for a huge project. It's a chat bot that can respond in a huge number of ways. There is a lot of slang and non-standard words in the yaml.
I don't want to disable spellchecking as I want to fix legitimate speeling errors. But the annotations under the "misspelled" slang words are conflicting with the annotations in my plugin, and causing issue.
One yaml file has 349 "typos". 10% or so are legit. The rest are slang and custom words.
I need to do one of two things. Either add those words to the dictionary (I've found the method to do that - SpellCheckManager.getInstance(project).acceptWordAsCorrect()) OR get a list of the words and create a custom dictionary from them. Both approaches require me to grab a list of all typos in the document/editor/project.
That's the part I can't find. Looked everywhere. (List of current Annotations? List of current Problems?) Googled my fingers off. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?

This is not the IDEAL solution, but it worked for my means, and I'm leaving the answer in case this is googled.
In DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl, there is a method:
DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl.getHighlights(Document document, HighlightSeverity minSeverity, Project project);
This returns a list of all highlights in the document. The method is Annotated with #TestOnly, and docs state that it should only be used in Test code because it breaks/shortcuts the normal way to access that. It still works in non-test code however.
Since the only thing I wanted was the strings of the typos, I pulled the list, then looped through the HighlightInfo's in the list, and pulled the .getText()s.
No danger of screwing anything up.
Then pushed all those strings into:
SpellCheckerManager.getInstance(project).acceptWordAsCorrect(word, project);
Viola! All current highlighted typos are now added to the dictionary.
Proper solution? No. Good enough for what I needed to accomplish? Yup.


BEST File Update Workflow Process?

I need the most efficient workflow to individually edit over 200 files, and have them automatically disappear from the search results as they are updated.
I am in the process of adding logging throughout a legacy system, and need to update over 200 files, each with their own custom code. I need to edit them one by one, and would like for the updated files to automatically disappear from my working search results after I have completed each one. The idea is to know how many and which ones still need to be updated as I slowly work through them all.
I already had to do something similar a few months ago, but on a much smaller scale, and I used an old-school HACK to do it. I did a search and replace for my keyword, and intentionally misspelled it. I then used the misspelled keyword for my search, and corrected it when editing each file, hence automatically removing it from the list. It "works", but is obviously a TOTAL HACK.
I recently started using IntelliJ IDEA, and am not yet familiar with the more advanced features like Find in File Scopes, Search Structurally, Search Templates, etc., but I am sure there HAS to be a "correct" way to do this in IntelliJ, and I just don't know how.
I am currently using "Find in Files" to work through the list, and recently found "All Changed Files" in the Scope list, which is actually the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I need. Is there a way to show "All UNCHANGED Files"??? That would work PERFECTLY in a pinch! But really, I would rather learn the CORRECT way to do this in IntelliJ.

Intelij extract method keeps trying to replace duplicate method signatures - please stop

Intellij has a really neat feature, that lets me seamlessly extract a block of code into its own method. I can then give this method a nice, descriptive name and move on with life.
However, intellij also tries to find other blocks of code that are similar, and then tries to perusade me that I should also refactor them too, to use this new method its made. And then, when I hit the oddly-named "cancel" button (which implies the whole operation is cancelled, but it's not, it just stops asking about any remaining blocks), it leaves me looking at whatever the block of code it last asked me about.
I really don't like this feature. Here's why: If I'm say comparing two ints - the naming of the code block will depend on the context of those two ints, but intellij will find any comparison between two ints anywhere in that file, and then insist that this is also a candidate for extraction.
Most times it is not, and to make it worse, when I ask intellij to stop it, in a fit of pique, leaves me wherever the last comparison was, so now I have to navigate back to where I was working.
How do I tell intellij just to extract exactly what I selected, and do nothing else?
Please follow/vote/comment the issue created for this usability problem at YouTrack:

custom soft wrap in intellij?

it bothers me:
why can't i "soft return" in intellij (or any IDE actually)?
is there a way i don't know of to "X + return key"?
situation: i want to copy&paste long paragraphs into a translation.json.
Afterwards, i want to format them with html tags.
So why can't i have
"translation": {
this is/
the text./
maybe there is a/
LINK too?/
Second Paragraph/
This is the second paragraph./
with /being soft wrap markers
instead of
"translation": {
Hi! this is the text. maybe there is a LINK too? Second Paragraph This is the /
second paragraph.
(it makes inserting the html tags a PITA)
why can't i "soft return" in intellij (or any IDE actually)?
Most likely because it is not a highly desired feature. Secondly, from a practical standpoint, the implementation would be cumbersome because most file formats an IDE uses are ultimately plain text. As such the file does not have a concept of a soft return. For an IDE to support arbitrary soft returns, it would need to maintain a data store containing the metadata of where in each and every file you've ever edited you want soft returns.
Or alternatively, the soft returns would need to be stored in the file. But the only way to do that and not "effect" the actual code in the file is via comments. Such as how an IDE uses comments to suppress warnings, create an arbitrary folded block, or turn off auto formatting. (And of course, with your example, JSON does not have comments, further complicating things.) Using comments for soft returns would, I think, result in a lot of clutter in the file. For example, for HTML, even using a one character comment of a paragraph symbol "¶" results in a lot of clutter:
"translation": {
this is<!--¶-->
the text.<!--¶-->
maybe there is a<!--¶-->
LINK too?<!--¶-->
Second Paragraph<!--¶-->
This is the second paragraph.<!--¶-->
You could always request a new feature to add support for something like this to IDEA, but I'm fairly sure it would unlikely gain any traction (based on 13+ years of IDEA usage and very active community membership).
I agree with #Peter's comment that more detail about the workflow you have might help. Ultimately, the Paste as plain text action he mentions is likely the solution. Or you can turn off reformatting on paste in Settings > Editor > General > Smart Keys > "Reformat on paste". See the following help page for more information:

Can Intellij IDEA (14 Ultimate) generate regex based TODO-comments?

A few years back i worked in a company where i could press CTRL+T and a TODO-comment was generated - say my ID to be identified by other developers was xy45 then the generated comment was:
//TODO (xy45):
Is something available from within Intellij 14 Ultimate or did they write their own plugin for it?
What i tried: Webreserach, Jetbrais documentations - it looks like its not possible out of the box (i however ask before i write a plugin for it) or masked by the various search results regarding the TODO-view (due to bad research skills of mine).
There is no built-in feature in IntelliJ IDEA to generate such comments, so it looks like they did write their own plugin.
Found something that works quite similar but is not boundable to a shortcut:
File -> Settings -> Live Templates
I guess the picture says enoth to allow customization (consult the Jetbrains documentation for more possibilities). E.g. browse to the Live Template section within the settings, add a new Live Template (small green cross, upper right corner in the above picture) and set the context where this Live Template is applicable.
Note: Once you defined the Live Template to be applicable within Java (...Change in the above image where the red exclamation marks are shown) context you can just type "t", "todo" and hit CTRL+Space (or the shortcut you defined for code completion).
I suggest to reconsider using that practice at all. Generally you should not include redundant information which is easily and more reliably accessible through your Version Control System (easily available in Idea directly in editor using Annotate feature). It is similiar to not using javadoc tag #author as the information provided with it is often outdated inaccurate and redundant. Additionaly, I don´t think author of TODO is that much valuable information. Person who will solve the issue will often be completly different person and the TODO should be well documented and descriptive anyway. When you find your own old TODO, which is poorly documented, you often don't remember all the required information even if you were the author.
However, instead of adding author's name, a good practice is to create a task in you issue management system and add identifier of this task to the description of the todo. This way you have all your todos in evidence at one place, you can add additional information to the task, track progress, assign it etc. My experience is that if you don´t use this, todos tend to stay in the code forever and after some time no one remembers clearly the details of the problem. Additionaly, author mentioned in the todo is often already gone working for a different company.
Annotated TODO with issue ID

How to implement an NSTextView that performs on-the-fly markup to RTF conversions

I'm trying to build an NSTextView that can take "marked up" input that is automatically translated into beautiful RTF-style text while the user types.
The idea is to let the user enter text in "plain text" format, but to "beautify" it on the spot, e.g.
H1 A quick list:
* first item
* second item
would be translated into a first line with a header font, followed by a bulleted list.
I have found plenty of potential ways of doing this, but the Text System is incredibly complicated (with reason) and I don't want to start "cooking my own" if there is already something suitable built-in. BTW I would be happy with a Snow Leopard only API.
The first thing I thought of was "data detectors", but I can't find a public API for doing this.
Having reached the end of the road with that, I turned to the new "Text Input Sources API". This does all kinds of things, but the "data-driven input methods" section of the WWDC 2006 presentation "Take Charge of the Text Input" seems interesting in my context. Beyond that single presentation slide however nothing seems to exist anywhere, so it's a bit of a dead end again.
Finally, I had a look at the NSSpellChecker class which is also supposed to offer completion features and automatic corrections.. but I'm not sure how this could be re-purposed for my requirements either.
At the moment, I'm tempted to just re-parse the entire NSTextStorage manually and make the changes myself when the user stops typing.. but I'm sure there are cleverer heads around this forum..
Any advice or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Neither data detectors nor the spell checker are appropriate for this task. Assuming you're just looking for a way to pass the input to a parser/formatter you already have, interfacing with the text system isn't too difficult. You're on the right track with handling the editing to NSTextStorage.
Along those lines, there's no need to re-parse the entire thing when the user stops. The text system sends you the modified range and gives you the opportunity to act on those changes (and even reject them out of hand). Since all changes funnel through this (typing, pasting, dropping...), this is the point where you want to intercede.
Because you're dealing with headings and bulleted lists, I'd get the enclosing paragraph of the modified range. This gives you a nice, round unit of work that is easily discovered and perfectly fits what you're trying to accomplish.
Good luck!