VirtualBox VM Blacked out Display not properly responding/opening on startup - virtual-machine

I had created an Ubuntu VM using Oracle Virtual Box. However on starting it, it's Blacked out display is not responding and opening properly. I tried restarting. Sometime it seems to work if I change my video memory to that one that is not used before.
This is how it looks
My Settings are


Converting a bitlocked Windows PC to a VM

I have a Windows 10 bit locked pc. I can remove the BitLocker but do I need to do that before converting to a VM? I've attempted a couple of times to convert this laptop already but it doesn't boot (I've converted other laptops without issues so I'm familiar with the process... usually). In the past, I used MS disk2vhd, gen 1, shadow copy and then use HyperV to run the VM later. On the one that keeps failing to boot, I can access the VM as a vhd so the content is there. Based on this, is it a BitLocker issue or simply a configuration setting preventing it from booting? I do not get any error message displayed to the screen, it is just a black screen with a blinking underline cursor.
If it is properly bitlocked, you MUST remove the lock first - it is stored in a secure element that cna not be virtualized. You can have a secure VM (with a simulated virtual secure element) but - that is a NEW element, there is no way to get a key out of a secure element. That is the whole concept behind them - to make sure something secret stays secret.

EasyPHP httpd.conf changes cannot be saved

I installed and used EasyPHP before it was working well. Now I try to install it in another desktop, but having problems saving httpd.conf. Every time I change anything in there and saved it, and if i reloaded the file in notepad, the changes are not taking effect.
Seems there is another program reverting it back to default values. I checked in the dash board, all services are not installed and none of them are running as it is first time install.
So how do I find out which program is reverting it? Or how do I make the changes take effect.
Ok I found the culprit who is modifying the httpd.conf. It is the Dashboard page itself!
For my case, the desktop had setup a virtual network (for running Linux OS in VM), so the "Local Network" ip is always not getting the same as the IP set in my ethernet network.
In the dashboard index.php (C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Webserver-14.1b2\dashboard\index.php), there is a code to check both IP when it is not same, the original one is overwritten again. What i did to prevent the overwrite is to comment out the related codes:
// file_put_contents('..\binaries\httpserver\conf\httpd.conf', $httpdconf);
This of course only prevents the overwrites. The IP issue was solved by disabling the virtual network.

Setting display resolution for Selenium tests on virtual machine as Jenkins Slave

I'm having trouble running some Selenium tests on a Jenkins Slave. To be specific, the display resolution that is used to run the tests is too small, causing some of the tests to fail.
To check the display resolution, we log the display height and width to the console, using:
System.out.println("Window height: " + driver.manage().window().getSize().getHeight());
System.out.println("Window width: " + driver.manage().window().getSize().getWidth());
This returns:
Window height: 784
Window width: 1040
which seems like a very strange resolution to me. The desired resolution is 1920 x 1080.
The server that is used as a slave is a virtual machine (Windows Server 2012 R2). The Jenkins Slave is Connected via JNLP agent. The slave has the service running with Log On As "Local System" with the "Allow service to interact with desktop" option enabled.
So far we've tried a number of things like:
Connecting to slave VM using RDP and disconnecting to leave session open with desired display resolution
Using powershell to set the display resolution
Setting the default display resolution in the VM configuration
Setting the window dimensions using Selenium
And more...
All of these didn't resolve the issues. Suggestions are very welcome!
Finally managed to fix these issues after realizing that Jenkins does not necessarily need to run the slaves as a windows service. To start the slave, the JNLP agent can be downloaded from Jenkins and copied to the server. When running the JNLP file, you can select for the option to install the slave agent as a service.
Previously we had this option selected, that's why the slave was running as a service. After stopping and removing the service, we ran the JNLP file again and made sure to not select the option.
The solutions suggested that included disconnecting the remote desktop session and leaving the session open with a large resolution didn't work when running the slave as a service. They do work however when running the slave in the default way.
Make sure that the remote desktop session is not ended after a certain period of time:
Hope this helps someone!
Based on my experience with this you can't solve this problem programmatically. Your tests will run on the resolution which was used last time when you physically accessed this VM's display. For example, if I open VM on my big screen monitor and maximize it, tests will run on that resolution. But if I open it on my laptop screen and close RDP connection, tests will run on that smaller screen size.
I know it sounds strange, but I really couldn't find better solution. :D So now I must be careful to maximize VM display on my bigger screen before I close VM. You will probably dislike this answer, but remember it when you find yourself out of other solutions. ;)
Solution that worked for me is to run Chrome in a 'headless' mode (without GUI). It works with Jenkins Agent running as a service, when GUI is not available.
Here is the code sample of the web driver initialization:
var options = new ChromeOptions();
options.BinaryLocation = #"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe";
driver = new ChromeDriver(#"<path>\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.37.0\driver\win32", options);
I've been experienced the same issue. My seleniumn tests run under jenkins slave installed as windows service, using "Local System" account with "Allow service to interact with desktop" option enabled in windows 7. Some test cases were always failed due to incorrect display resolution.
I logged in to the console of the windows VM (EXSI Server + VMware Fusion), changed the resolution to 1400x900, and restart the windwos VM. Everything works well now.

Synergy cannot reset on Mac

A really simple but dragged me many days that I cannot figure out how:
I've setup synergy on my Mac as a client, using Ubuntu as the server.
But now I wanted to switch to use Mac as server and Ubuntu as client.
The question now I'm facing is that synergy settings page never show up, each time I try to open it, it just appears in less than 0.1 second, then it disappeared.
Because I've set it up already and I don't need the reconfigure the Ip addresses etc.
This is convenient.
But now I wanted to switch server/client roles, I need to reconfigure it, however the settings page of synergy never shows up to let me configure it, does anyone have the same issue?
I tried to uninstall synergy on my Mac, but when I reinstall it back, it automatically configures itself again and quickly disappears and runs in the background.
It's been a pain for me.
You can't start the Server on Yosemite, because you need to grant access to the process (Synergy) to control your computer:
doing that with Synergy should work.

Remote web server pages do not update after making changes via SSHFS

I've been troubleshooting this for a while now and can't seem to find a solution. I have a remote LAMP server in my office and sometimes need to work from home. I use a SSHFS between my home computer and work to accomplish this.
However, I have run into an issue where when I update the local files, the changes get pushed to the server immediately as they should. I have verified that the changes are there via SSH and VIM. However, if I refresh and even force refresh the page in Chrome the changes do not appear.
I also created a local file which showed up immediately on the server and I could view in Chrome, but any subsequent changes to the file are not rendered.
Any time that I'm in the office the changes are rendered immediately as well.
Anybody have any ideas?
Apache 2.4.7
Sublime Text 3 Editor
Client SSHFS: win-sshfs
Server SSH: OpenSSH_6.6.1p1
My guess is that the modified time isn't updated correctly on the remote filesystem. I'm not so sure what would be the fix for this but this at least could be a first trail to follow?
In fact, I just did a little search around and found this bug :
With a possible workaround in Sublime 2, I'll let you check if there is such a setting in Sublime 3