How are strings written down in FlatBuffers - flatbuffers

I am researching FlatBuffers file structure and I want to know how are strings written down. From what I could gather, the string orc (for example) is written down as letters count in little endian (0x3 0x0 0x0 0x0) followed by the actual letters and followed by something else. I am trying to understand what the something else is. What bytes follow the letters? I am only asking about the presentation of this specific string in buffer/file.

According to the FlatBuffer documentation:
"Strings are simply a vector of bytes, and are always null-terminated. Vectors are stored as contiguous aligned scalar elements prefixed by a 32bit element count (not including any null termination). Neither is stored inline in their parent, but are referred to by offset. A vector may consist of more than one offset pointing to the same value if the user explicitly serializes the same offset twice."
Thus, the 4 bytes at the front are the 32 bit element count, and 0x3 0x0 0x0 0x0 would mean that there are 3 bytes in the string excluding zero termination. (FlatBuffer defaults to little-endian; see link above.)


What does PACK8/16/32 mean in VkFormat names?

I'm trying to understand the names of the items in the VkFormat enum, and so far I think I get all the structure of the names of all of the (non-block) formats, but I can't figure out what it means when they have a suffix of PACK8, PACK16, PACK32. If I add up the channel sizes, they always add up to 8, 16, or 32, nothing irregular, so I don't understand what it would mean to bit-pack these values, since they seem to be 100% efficient, using all their bits.
As usual, the documentation is not very helpful, just saying the format is packed without saying what that means.
The PACK fields mean exactly what the specification says they mean:
whole texels or attributes are stored in a single data element, rather than individual components occupying a single data element
Though if you find that too confusing, you could just look at the actual format descriptions. Vulkan goes into excruciating detail about them, to the point of needless repetition.
The difference between VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_RGB and VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_RGB_PACK32 is the same difference between a uint8_t[4] and a uint32_t. One is an array ("individual components"), while the other is a single value ("single data element") made up of smaller values.
If you have a uint8_t color[4] array, which stores B8G8R8A8, then color[0] stores the blue component. The order of the components in the array is defined by the order of the components in the format's name.
If you have a uint32_t color value, which stores B8G8R8A8, then (color & 0xFF000000) >> 24 will retrieve the blue component. The highest byte is the first, followed by the next highest and so forth.
The reason the packed-vs-not-packed distinction matters is because of endian issues. Arrays of bytes don't have endian issues. But values packed into 16 or 32-bits do have endian issues. The endian of the packed formats is always assumed to be the native endian of the host.

Structure Packing

I'm currently learning C# and my first project (as a learning experiment) is to create a DBF reader. I'm having some difficulty understanding "packing" according to this:
If I specified a packing of 2, wouldn't all structure elements begin on a 2-byte boundary, and if I specified a packing of 4, wouldn't all structure elements begin on a 4-byte boundary, and also consume a minimum of 4 bytes each?
For instance, a byte element would be placed on a 4 byte boundary, and the element following it (in a sequential layout) would be located on the next 4-byte boundary (losing 3 bytes to padding)?
In the image shown, in the "pack=4" it shows a byte that is on a 2 byte boundary, following a short.
If I understand the picture correctly, pack equal to n means that one variable cannot be stored "between" two packs of lengths n. In other words, bytes which compose a variable cannot cross one pack's boundary. This is only true if the size of a variable is less or equal to the size of a pack.
Let's take Pack = 4 as an example. Here, we can safely store a byte and a short in one pack, because they require 3 bytes of memory together. But since there is only one byte in the pack left, it requires one byte of padding to be able to store an int into the data structure, because what's left in the pack is too little to store the whole int.
I hope the explanation makes sense.
Looking at the picture again, I think it would be better if all data were aligned to the same side of a pack, either to bottom or top. This would make it clearer what's going on.

Erlang binary protocol serialization

I'm currently using Erlang for a big project but i have a question regarding a proper proceeding.
I receive bytes over a tcp socket. The bytes are according to a fixed protocol, the sender is a pyton client. The python client uses class inheritance to create bytes from the objects.
Now i would like to (in Erlang) take the bytes and convert these to their equivelant messages, they all have a common message header.
How can i do this as generic as possible in Erlang?
Kind Regards,
Pattern matching/binary header consumption using Erlang's binary syntax. But you will need to know either exactly what bytes or bits your are expecting to receive, or the field sizes in bytes or bits.
For example, let's say that you are expecting a string of bytes that will either begin with the equivalent of the ASCII strings "PUSH" or "PULL", followed by some other data you will place somewhere. You can create a function head that matches those, and captures the rest to pass on to a function that does "push()" or "pull()" based on the byte header:
operation_type(<<"PUSH", Rest/binary>>) -> push(Rest);
operation_type(<<"PULL", Rest/binary>>) -> pull(Rest).
The bytes after the first four will now be in Rest, leaving you free to interpret whatever subsequent headers or data remain in turn. You could also match on the whole binary:
operation_type(Bin = <<"PUSH", _/binary>>) -> push(Bin);
operation_type(Bin = <<"PULL", _/binary>>) -> pull(Bin).
In this case the "_" variable works like it always does -- you're just checking for the lead, essentially peeking the buffer and passing the whole thing on based on the initial contents.
You could also skip around in it. Say you knew you were going to receive a binary with 4 bytes of fluff at the front, 6 bytes of type data, and then the rest you want to pass on:
filter_thingy(<<_:4/binary, Type:6/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
% Do stuff with Rest based on Type...
It becomes very natural to split binaries in function headers (whether the data equates to character strings or not), letting the "Rest" fall through to appropriate functions as you go along. If you are receiving Python pickle data or something similar, you would want to write the parsing routine in a recursive way, so that the conclusion of each data type returns you to the top to determine the next type, with an accumulated tree that represents the data read so far.
I only covered 8-bit bytes above, but there is also a pure bitstring syntax, which lets you go as far into the weeds with bits and bytes as you need with the same ease of syntax. Matching is a real lifesaver here.
Hopefully this informed more than confused. Binary syntax in Erlang makes this the most pleasant binary parsing environment in a general programming language I've yet encountered.

How are the digits in ObjC method type encoding calculated?

Is is a follow-up to my previous question:
What are the digits in an ObjC method type encoding string?
Say there is an encoding:
How are those numbers calculated? B is a char so it should occupy just 1 byte (not 4 bytes). Does it have something to do with "alignment"? What is the size of void?
Is it correct to calculate the numbers as follows? Ask sizeof on every item and round up the result to multiple of 4? And the first number becomes the sum of all the other ones?
The numbers were used in the m68K days to denote stack layout. That is, you could literally decode the the method signature and, for just about all types, know exactly which bytes at what offset within the stack frame you could diddle to get/set arguments.
This worked because the m68K's ABI was entirely [IIRC -- been a long long time] stack based argument/return passing. There wasn't anything shoved into registers across call boundaries.
However, as Objective-C was ported to other platforms, always-on-the-stack was no longer the calling convention. Arguments and return values are often passed in registers.
Thus, those offsets are now useless. As well, the type encoding used by the compiler is no longer complete (because it never was terribly useful) and there will be types that won't be encoded. Not too mention that encoding some C++ templatized types yields method type encoding strings that can be many Kilobytes in size (I think the record I ran into was around 30K of type information).
So, no, it isn't correct to use sizeof() to generate the numbers because they are effectively meaningless to everything. The only reason why they still exist is for binary compatibility; there are bits of esoteric code here and there that still parse the type encoding string with the expectation that there will be random numbers sprinkled here and there.
Note that there are vestiges of API in the ObjC runtime that still lead one to believe that it might be possible to encode/decode stack frames on the fly. It really isn't as the C ABI doesn't guarantee that argument registers will be preserved across call boundaries in the face of optimization. You'd have to drop to assembly and things get ugly really really fast (>shudder<).
The full encoding string is constructed (in clang) by the method ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForMethodDecl, which you can find in lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp.
The method that does the size rounding is ASTContext::getObjCEncodingTypeSize, in the same file. It forces each size to be at least the size of an int. On all of Apple's current platforms, an int is 4 bytes.
The stack frame size and argument offsets are calculated by the compiler. I'm actually trying to track this down in the Clang source myself this week; it possibly has something to do with CodeGenTypes::arrangeObjCMessageSendSignature. (Looks like Rob just made my life a lot easier!)
The first number is the sum of the others, yes -- it's the total space occupied by the arguments. To get the size of the type represented by an ObjC type encoding in your code, you should use NSGetSizeAndAlignment().

Reading SWF Header with Objective-C

I am trying to read the header of an SWF file using NSData.
According to SWF format specification I need to access movie's width and height reading bits, not bytes, and I couldn't find a way to do it in Obj-C
Bytes 9 thru ?: Here is stored a RECT (bounds of movie). It must be read in binary form. First of all, we will transform the first byte to binary: "01100000"
The first 5 bits will tell us the size in bits of each stored value: "01100" = 12
So, we have 4 fields of 12 bits = 48 bits
48 bits + 5 bits (header of RECT) = 53 bits
Fill to complete bytes with zeroes, till we reach a multiple of 8. 53 bits + 3 alignment bits = 56 bits (this RECT is 7 bytes length, 7 * 8 = 56)
I use this formula to determine all this stuff:
Where do I start?
ObjC is a superset of C: You can run C code alongside ObjC with no issues.
Thus, you could use a C-based library like libming to read bytes from your SWF file.
If you need to shuffle bytes into an NSData object, look into the -dataWithBytes:length: method.
Start by looking for code with a compatible license that already does what you want. C libraries can be used from Obj-C code simply by linking them in (or arranging for them to be dynamically linked in) and then calling their functions.
Failing that, start by looking at the Binary Data Programming Guide for Cocoa and NSData Class Reference. You'd want to pull out the bytes that contain the bits you're interested in, then use bit masking techniques to extract the bits you care about. You might find the BitTst(), BitSet(), and BitClr() functions and their friends useful, if they're still there in Snow Leopard; I'm not sure whether they ended up in the démodé parts of Carbon or not. There are also the Posix setbit(), clrbit(), isset(), and isclr() macros defined in . Then, finally, there are the C bitwise operators: ^, |, &, ~, <<, and >>.