I am using CKEditor5 Classic build and Angular plugin in an Angular 12 App.
I have extended the model to support an "attachment" attribute on the imageBloch object, and configured upcast/downcast for this. The 'attribute doesn't appear in the view when I insect it with the debugger in chrome or firefox, but I'm know it is set properly in the model because it is sent up to the server when the form is posted - all that works.
The problem is that when I delete an image and then use the UNDO action - the custom attribute ("attachment") is gone.
My Question is: What do I need to do to preserve custom attributes when deleting/undoing.
// extend the model
editor.model.schema.extend( 'imageBlock', { allowAttributes: ['attachment'] } );
editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).attributeToAttribute( {
view: 'attachment' ,
model: 'attachment'
// from model into the view
// editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).add( modelToViewAttributeConverter( 'attachment' ) );
editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).add( dispatcher => {
dispatcher.on( 'attribute:attachment:imageBlock', ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
if ( !conversionApi.consumable.consume( data.item, evt.name ) ) return;
const viewWriter = conversionApi.writer;
const figure = conversionApi.mapper.toViewElement( data.item );
const img = figure.getChild( 0 );
viewWriter.setAttribute( 'attachment', data.attributeNewValue, img );
} );
} );
Background: Trying to use ckeditor5 as a replacement for my homegrown editor in a non-invasive way - meaning without changing my edited content or its class definitions. Would like to have WYSIWYG in the editor. Using django_ckeditor_5 as a base with my own ckeditor5 build that includes ckedito5-inspector and my extraPlugins and custom CSS. This works nicely.
Problem: When I load the following HTML into ClassicEditor (edited textarea.value):
<p>Text with inline image: <img class="someclass" src="/media/uploads/some.jpeg"></p>
in the editor view area, browser-inspection of the DOM shows:
<p>Text with an inline image:
<span class="image-inline ck-widget someclass ck-widget_with-resizer" contenteditable="false">
<img src="/media/uploads/some.jpeg">
<div class="ck ck-reset_all ck-widget__resizer ck-hidden">
<div ...></div></span></p>
Because the "someclass" class has been removed from and moved to the enclosing class attributes, my stylesheets are not able to size this image element as they would appear before editing.
If, within the ckeditor5 view, I edit the element using the browser inspector 'by hand' and add back class="someclass" to the image, ckeditor5 displays my page as I'd expect it with "someclass" and with the editing frame/tools also there. Switching to source-editing and back shows the class="someclass" on the and keeps it there after switching back to document editing mode.
(To get all this, I enabled the GeneralHtmlSupport plugin in the editor config with all allowed per instructions, and that seems to work fine.) I also added the following simple plugin:
export default class Extend extends Plugin {
static get pluginName() {
return 'Extend';
#updateSchema() {
const schema = this.editor.model.schema;
schema.extend('imageInline', {
allowAttributes: ['class']
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
to extend the imageInline model hoping that would make the Image plugin keep this class attribute.
This is the part where I need some direction on how to proceed - what should be added/modified in the Image Plugin or in my Extend plugin to keep the class attribute with the element while editing - basically to fulfill the WYSIWYG desire?
The following version does not rely on GeneralHtmlSupport but creates an imageClassAttribute model element and uses that to convert only the image class attribute and place it on the imageInline model view widget element.
import Plugin from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
export default class Extend extends Plugin {
static get pluginName() {
return 'Extend';
#updateSchema() {
const schema = this.editor.model.schema;
schema.register( 'imageClassAttribute', {
isBlock: false,
isInline: false,
isObject: true,
isSelectable: false,
isContent: true,
allowWhere: 'imageInline',
schema.extend('imageInline', {
allowAttributes: ['imageClassAttribute' ]
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
#setupConversion() {
const editor = this.editor;
const t = editor.t;
const conversion = editor.conversion;
conversion.for( 'upcast' )
view: 'class',
model: 'imageClassAttribute'
conversion.for( 'dataDowncast' )
model: 'imageClassAttribute',
view: 'class'
conversion.for ( 'editingDowncast' ).add( // Custom conversion helper
dispatcher =>
dispatcher.on( 'attribute:imageClassAttribute:imageInline', (evt, data, { writer, consumable, mapper }) => {
if ( !consumable.consume(data.item, evt.name) ) {
const imageContainer = mapper.toViewElement(data.item);
const imageElement = imageContainer.getChild(0);
if ( data.attributeNewValue !== null ) {
writer.setAttribute('class', data.attributeNewValue, imageElement);
} else {
writer.removeAttribute('class', imageElement);
Well, Mr. Nose Tothegrind found two solutions after digging through ckeditor5 code, here's the first one. This extension Plugin restores all image attributes that are collected by GeneralHtmlSupport. It can be imported and added to a custom ckeditor5 build app.js file by adding config.extraPlugins = [ Extend ]; before the editor.create(...) statement.
import Plugin from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
import GeneralHtmlSupport from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support/src/generalhtmlsupport';
export default class Extend extends Plugin {
static get pluginName() {
return 'Extend';
static get requires() {
return [ GeneralHtmlSupport ];
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
#setupConversion() {
const editor = this.editor;
const t = editor.t;
const conversion = editor.conversion;
conversion.for ( 'editingDowncast' ).add( // Custom conversion helper
dispatcher =>
dispatcher.on( 'attribute:htmlAttributes:imageInline', (evt, data, { writer, mapper }) => {
const imageContainer = mapper.toViewElement(data.item);
const imageElement = imageContainer.getChild(0);
if ( data.attributeNewValue !== null ) {
const newValue = data.attributeNewValue;
if ( newValue.classes ) {
writer.setAttribute('class', newValue.classes.join(' '), imageElement);
if ( newValue.attributes ) {
for (const name of Object.keys(newValue.attributes)) {
writer.setAttribute( name, newValue.attributes[name], imageElement);
} else {
writer.removeAttribute('class', imageElement);
I am creating a little custom plugin for the CKEditor5 for the #neoscms.
Neos is using the #ckeditor5 but with a custom view.
The plugin is more or less a placeholder plugin. The user can configure a data-source with a key value store for items (identifier and labels). The dropdown in the CKEditor is filled with the items and when the user selects an item from the dropdown, it creates a placeholder element that should end in a span element with some data-attributes.
The main idea was to have an empty element and just data-attributes to identify the element and being able to assign live data. But it turns out that the live data thing is tricky. When I manipulate the span with an extra JS snippet on the Website, the CKEditor cannot handle this.
Is it possible to manipulate a view element in the DOM and still have a working Editor?
The Plugin works fine if I just add inner Text in the downCasting and don't replace something. But the live data would be nice.
Neos Backend with a element
Maybe that code gives an idea of the package.
It is not ready yet as this is more or less the main feature ;)
import {Plugin, toWidget, viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement, Widget,} from "ckeditor5-exports";
import PlaceholderCommand from "./placeHolderCommand";
export default class PlaceholderEditing extends Plugin {
static get requires() {
return [Widget];
init() {
new PlaceholderCommand(this.editor)
viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement(this.editor.model, (viewElement) =>
this.editor.config.define("placeholderProps", {
types: ["name", "node", "nodePath"],
this.editor.config.define("placeholderBrackets", {
open: "[",
close: "]",
_defineSchema() {
const schema = this.editor.model.schema;
schema.register("placeholder", {
allowWhere: "$text",
isInline: true,
isObject: true,
allowAttributes: [
_defineConverters() {
const conversion = this.editor.conversion;
const config = this.editor.config;
view: {
name: "span",
classes: ["foobar-placeholder"],
model: (viewElement, writer) => {
const name = viewElement.getAttribute('data-placeholder-identifier');
const node = viewElement.getAttribute('data-node-identifier');
const nodePath = viewElement.getAttribute('data-node-path');
const modelWriter = writer.writer || writer;
return modelWriter.createElement("placeholder", {name, node, nodePath, editable: false});
model: "placeholder",
view: (modelItem, writer) => {
const viewWriter = writer.writer || writer;
const widgetElement = createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter);
return toWidget(widgetElement, viewWriter);
model: "placeholder",
view: (modelItem, writer) => {
const viewWriter = writer.writer || writer;
return createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter);
// Helper method for downcast converters.
function createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter) {
const name = modelItem.getAttribute("name");
const node = modelItem.getAttribute("node");
const nodePath = modelItem.getAttribute("nodePath");
const placeholderView = viewWriter.createContainerElement("span", {
class: "foobar-placeholder",
"data-placeholder-identifier": name,
"data-node-identifier": node,
"data-node-path": nodePath,
// Would be nice to remove that and have just empty spans that get dynamic data
let innerText = config.get("placeholderBrackets.open") + name;
innerText += config.get("placeholderBrackets.close");
viewWriter.createPositionAt(placeholderView, 0),
return placeholderView;
So, the extra JS snippet that is used by the website is searching for spans with the class foobar-placeholder and writes a value with live data into the span. That works in the frontend, of course, but the backend of the CMS that uses CKEditor has issues with the changing data.
I could not find a solution with docs of CKEditor, and maybe I misuse the API somehow, but I now found a working solution for me.
My website snippet is now communicating with the Plugin via Broadcast messages. And then I search for placeholder elements and check if I need to change an attribute.
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('placeholder:changeData');
broadcastChannel.postMessage({identifier: name, value});
And in the plugin
// Receive new values for placeholder via broadcast
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('placeholder:changeData');
broadcastChannel.onmessage = (message) => {
const identifier = get('data.identifier', message);
const newValue = get('data.value', message);
this.editor.model.change( writer => {
if (identifier) {
this._replaceAttribute(writer, identifier, newValue);
Only downside now is that I need to reload the page, but already read that this is maybe cause by my element down casting and I change attributes.
How to configure detailsHeader properly to make it show tooltip for the header text?
In each column, I've added ariaLabel, name, key, fieldName and have tried the top answer in this post but does not work: How to render a column header with both text and a tooltip icon in Fabric DetailsList
I am using "#fluentui/react": "^8.11.1"
private renderFixedDetailsHeader: IRenderFunction<IDetailsHeaderProps> = (props, defaultRender) => {
if (!props) {
return null;
const onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip: IRenderFunction<IDetailsColumnRenderTooltipProps> =
(tooltipHostProps: any) => {
return (
<TooltipHost content={tooltipHostProps.column.name}>
return (
<Sticky stickyPosition={StickyPositionType.Header} isScrollSynced>
// render Detail Header
public render(): JSX.Element {
return (
onShouldVirtualize={() => false}
onRenderRow={this.props.showBlueBackgroundGrid ? this._onRenderRow : undefined}
// Render detail list.
The fluent UI provides us onRenderDetailHeader to create our own custom header. You can return the custom header with tooltip or your own styles also.
I try to create multiple ckeditors classic.
The problem is that i dont know how many i will have. So i init them by className.
This init the editors and work, but dont send anything trough ajax. So when i try to update the textarea only i can send the last editor because window.editor is overwrite.
I try then to store in an array but i cant pass th for neditor value because its a then so it executes when the for loop is done, so neditor is always 2.
How can i made it work? Idont understand very well promises
import ClassicEditor from './ckeditor5-build-classic';
var allEditors = document.querySelectorAll('.usarCkeditor');//i have 2 editors in that case
for (var neditores = 0; neditores < allEditors.length; neditores++) {
.then(editor => {
window.editor = editor;//window.editor is alway the last editor
.catch(err => {
This is other version :
for (var neditores = 0; neditores < allEditors.length; neditores++) {
window["editor" + neditores] = 'paco';
ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#' + allEditors[neditores].attributes.id.value))
.then(editor => {
window["editor" + neditores] = editor;
console.log(neditores);//always 2 so it overwrites the array
.catch(err => {
//window.editor -> [0] = 'paco';[1] = 'paco';[2]= ckeditor
Please notice that querySelectorAll returns an HTMLNodeList not an Array.
If you want to initialize editor over multiple elements with classes you can do it for example in this way. All references to editors instances will be stored in window.editors object.
window.editors = {};
document.querySelectorAll( '.editor' ).forEach( ( node, index ) => {
.create( node, {} )
.then( newEditor => {
window.editors[ index ] = newEditor
} );
} );
This is a working sample: https://codepen.io/msamsel/pen/pXONjB?editors=1010
I'm using ckeditor5 into my project. I have to support image upload so I have search and followed this stackoverflow article.
I have created an uploadAdapter which is:
class UploadAdapter {
constructor( loader, url, t ) {
this.loader = loader;
this.url = url;
this.t = t;
upload() {
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
this._initListeners( resolve, reject );
} );
abort() {
if ( this.xhr ) {
_initRequest() {
const xhr = this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open( 'POST', this.url, true );
xhr.responseType = 'json';
_initListeners( resolve, reject ) {
const xhr = this.xhr;
const loader = this.loader;
const t = this.t;
const genericError = t( 'Cannot upload file:' ) + ` ${ loader.file.name }.`;
xhr.addEventListener( 'error', () => reject( genericError ) );
xhr.addEventListener( 'abort', () => reject() );
xhr.addEventListener( 'load', () => {
const response = xhr.response;
if ( !response || !response.uploaded ) {
return reject( response && response.error && response.error.message ? response.error.message : genericError );
resolve( {
default: response.url
} );
} );
if ( xhr.upload ) {
xhr.upload.addEventListener( 'progress', evt => {
if ( evt.lengthComputable ) {
loader.uploadTotal = evt.total;
loader.uploaded = evt.loaded;
} );
_sendRequest() {
const data = new FormData();
data.append( 'upload', this.loader.file );
this.xhr.send( data );
import Plugin from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
import FileRepository from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-upload/src/filerepository';
export default class GappUploadAdapter extends Plugin {
static get requires() {
return [ FileRepository ];
static get pluginName() {
return 'GappUploadAdapter';
init() {
const url = this.editor.config.get( 'gapp.uploadUrl' );
if ( !url ) {
this.editor.plugins.get( FileRepository ).createUploadAdapter = loader => new UploadAdapter( loader, url, this.editor.t );
Now this is explained. I have 2 issues.
Once uploaded ( my upload on server is working fine and returning a valid url in format {default: url}, why is my image content inserted as data-uri and not in url as for easy image demo here. I want my image to be url like.
I would like to listen for a kind of success upload image ( with image id retrieved from upload server call ) to insert some content in my page. How to proceed ?
Thanks for help.
PS: I'm building ckeditor with command 'npm run build' from git repo cloned from https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic
Thanks to accepted response, I saw that I was wrong in returned data. I was not returning any URL in my uploader front end which was causing editor image to stay in img-data way. Once valid URL was returned, it was parsed automatically and my editor image was containing a valid url.
If the data-uri is still used after successful upload I would assume that server response was not processed correctly and the received url could not be retrieved. I have tested adapter code you provided and it works fine (with CKFinder on server side). I would check how the upload server response looks and if it can be correctly parsed.
When using CKFinder you will see:
and a parsed JSON response:
You could check if response is processed correctly in your adapter in:
xhr.addEventListener( 'load', () => {
const response = xhr.response;
Listening to successful image upload may be tricky as there is no event directly related to it. Depending on what exactly you are trying to achieve you may try to extend you custom loader so when successful response is received (and resolve() called) you may execute some code. However, in this state the image element is still not updated (in model, view and DOM) with new URL and UploadAdapter lacks a direct access to editor instance so it may be hard to do anything complex.
Better way may be to listen to model changes, the similar way it is done in ImageUploadEditing plugin (see code here) checking the image uploadStatus attribute change:
editor.model.document.on( 'change', () => {
const changes = doc.differ.getChanges();
for ( const entry of changes ) {
const uploaded = entry.type === 'attribute' && entry.attributeNewValue === 'complete' && entry.attributeOldValue === 'uploading';
console.log( entry );
} );
If it changes from uploading to complete it means the images was successfully uploaded:
You may also take a look at another answer, which shows how to hook into FileRepository API to track entire upload process - https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5-image/issues/243#issuecomment-442393578.