Can I build a windows executable from kotlin source code? - kotlin

As far as I know, kotlin native allows you to compile kotlin source code to platform specific nativ code, that runs without any virtual machine.
But I don't seem to find any example on how to build a windows executable (.exe) from kotlin source code.
Why is that?
Can you do it or not? shows you how to set up a basic Kotlin Native project, and compile it. The only note is that kotlin native will generate a .kexe, which is just a renamed .exe.


What does "common" mean in kotlin documentation?

In kotlin standard library documentation i can see the following filters:
As far as i can gather, JVM means that internals of a package can be compiled into byte code, JS into javaScript and Native into binaries. But what does "Common" mean ?
Common means available for all platforms. It is an API that you can use directly in platform independent code in Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
Kotlin Multiplatform allows you to write common Kotlin code for multiple different platforms. For example, you could have a project with an Android app (using Kotlin/JVM for native Android applications) and a web interface (using Kotlin/JS). Then, you could share code between both subprojects.
As you have guessed correctly, JVM means it is available using Kotlin/JVM (compiling to Java bytecode).
If it is marked with JS, it is available for Kotlin/JS which transpiles the Kotlin code to JavaScript.
Finally, Native means it is available when using Kotlin/Native. This is different from compiling with native-image, which compiles JVM bytecode to native executables. For that, you would still use Kotlin/JVM.
If you write code in "common", then it can be compiled into any of the other targets, so you can share Kotlin code amongst the different platforms you are targeting. You can read more in the documentation.

Can't load the main class/runnable jar JavafX 8 project [duplicate]

i created a Javafx project using JDK 8 and when i tried to export it to a runnable .jar file, i got surprised that it doesn't run using CMD, and gives the following error :
"Javafx compenents are missing"
while it works perfectly during the compiling time(using the IDE) when i accessed the .jar files, i found it has just .class files (that i made), and the needed library files that haven't been exported (i made sure to select the "extract need library files extract required libraries into generated jar" option in Eclipse), is there a reason behind of this? and a way to solve it? thanks in advance
Ps: i tried this using Eclipse and Intellij IDE
I just wanna mention once again that I'm using JDK 8 where it has JavaFX library inside of it.
Did you try this?
There are detailed instructions on how to configure your IDE to run JavaFX with newer OpenJDKs (which do not come with JFX components in it).
It also explains how to create a new JavaFX Maven project from archetype, with all the necessary plugins to easily build your application while including the minimal Java components for it (using jlink).
This will ensure that anybody using your application will have those components.

Which Kotlin download do I need?

I'm getting started with Kotlin, and on the downloads page I see two different possibilities that look relevant for me:
What's the difference? In what case would I need one or the other?
Most probably you won't use CLI to compile, build and run Kotlin projects a lot. Well, maybe you'll need a standalone compiler a few times compiling "Hello world" when starting with this language. BTW, you can use to compile simple programs and play with the language without local installations.
But as you proceed, it won't be enough. Most Kotlin projects today use either Gradle or Maven. Gradle scripts could be written in Kotlin themselves. I recommend you taking this extra step and use build tools instead of standalone compiler, as it will simplify a lot if things in future. IntelliJ IDEA, the most popular IDE for Kotlin made by JetBrains, the company behind Kotlin, allows you to create Gralde-based Kotlin projects in a few clicks.
Kotlin is a multi-platform language. It can be compiled to produce binaries compatible either with:
A native platform (Windows, Linux, iOS, etc.)
Which compiler you should choose depends on your needs. If you don't need to make your code operate with a C library or a specific OS tool, I'd recommend the kotlin-compiler, so you'll get an app executable through Java, which (at least for now) produce more optimized programs, and also easily portable (install a jre on target computer and you're ready to execute your Kotlin program). Plus, you'll be able to use any Java lib you need in your kotlin program.
Note : Official documentation contains guides to get started:
Command line compiler for JVM
Command line compiler for native executables

Intellij plugin Fortran

I have installed Intellij IDEA Version 2017.1.4 and installed the Fortran plugin. However, I don't see an option of starting a Fortran project even after restarting IntelliJ. I see the plugin has been successfully installed though.
Is there a simple hello-world fortran example with Intellij?
Thank you
No, you can't create a Fortran project in Intellij IDEA. You can use cmake to build you project and import such project in CLion. Here you can find some information about compiling Fortran project with CMake. Also several example projects can be easily found in the Internet.
General idea behind this is that IDE is not a build tool, so you are building your project with build tools and we are doing our best to support build tool that you're using. For now from all JetBrains IDEs only CLion supports build tool that is capable of compiling Fortran project (CMake). In the future CLion will support other build tools capable of doing this (make for example).
JetBrains just released a new Fortran plugin you may be interested in. I tried it in IntelliJ 15 and it did not allow me to create a new Fortran project. I have NOT tried it in CLion yet.

Using Jython with Maven

I have a Maven module, that depends on various other Maven dependencies by which I am accessing through my jython code.
I am now done, and I would like to compile the project as a .jar, or even just run it without compiling, but I have no clue where to start.
Does anyone have any idea how I can run some .py files that accesses some Java libraries in other packages?
Also, how can I compile it as a .jar file when all is done and good?
Compiling and integrating python
Use the jython-compile-maven-plugin. It allows you to deploy a standalone project that includes jython with libraries.
For demonstration of this plugin, see the demo project and its source code. It shows how to
launch a python console -- look at AbstractInitJython and InitJython on how to launch a python/jython console, how to execute python code snippets, and how to run a python script.
include python libraries -- the plugin also downloads and bundles python libraries (using easy_install) in the package phase, and adds them to the jar. The resulting jar can have all the libraries of the project, all pom dependencies and all the python libraries requested. The demo project shows this with the "nose" python library (see the pom file).
Testing python / jython code
The python-test-maven-plugin allows you to run your python tests alongside the normal junit tests. The demo project (look at the source at source code) shows the use of standard python unit tests (with nose) and BDD (behaviour testing) with the lettuce-clone freshen.
The sourceforge umbrella project is
Unlike maven-jython-plugin, they don't use the outdated jythonc compiler.
I am now done, and I would like to compile the project as a .jar,
It looks like there is a maven-jython-plugin allowing to compile jython source files to Java class files.
I've kinda figured out my answer to this. I shouldn't have tried to compile it, but instead wrap the python code with Java:
The compiler portion of jython, jythonc, is deprecated as of 2.5 -- -- a replacement is in the works.