Where can I find Cypher Grammar specification? - cypher

As a part of my assignment at the University I have to go trough Cypher specification. The link on openCypher site is broken. Is this what is published on gihhub current version of openCypher specification? I don't see the version denoted anywhere.

The file name in the grammar link has not been updated to M19, like all the other links.
It should be https://s3.amazonaws.com/artifacts.opencypher.org/M19/grammar-M19.zip.
You should inform the openCypher project so that it can be fixed. I have created a pull request to fix the links: https://github.com/opencypher/website/pull/27


Semantic Media Wiki (SMW) - Is it possible to nest property / value definitions?

I'm using Semantic Media Wiki in conjunction with the Lingo Extension and the Semantic Glossary Extension to build a glossary. Often definitions of a term include links to other terms. For example: Computer - A calculating machine which uses a -CPU- to execute calculations. The definition includes a link to the term 'CPU'.
Now I wonder: Is it possible to nest a link to a wiki page inside a property / value definition?
I tried the following without success:
A [[Glossary-term::Computer]] is a
[[Glossary-Definition::calculating machine
which uses a [[CPU]] to execute calculations.]]
Does anybody know how to reach this structure?
Thanks for your ideas an suggestions!
I found the solution through the SMW mailing list citing SMW Configuration Page :
You can use
A [[Glossary-term::Computer]] is a
[[Glossary-Definition::calculating machine
which uses a [[CPU]] to execute calculations.]]
but you have to add the following to your LocalSettings.php in the MediaWiki root:

Rails RESTfull API Documentation

im searching for a Documentation Framework that supports the following features:
Generated from Code Comments
Styling customizable
NTH: Linked references (If i reference a class somewhere class name should be linked to class documentation)
I want to use it to document an RESTfull API i'm working on
I know about YARDoc, but would be nice to gather some alternatives
Matt Silverman created a pretty comprehensive lists of what is available out there now for gen'ing docs from code.
Apart from YARD, you can generate RDOC project documentation using the following rake task:
rake doc:app
After this, your docs will be located in the doc/app folder and can be viewed by opening the index.html file in your browser. It will include the (currently probably generic) doc/README_FOR_APP file.
Hope this helps :)

Type 'iTextSharp.text.Table' is not defined

I want to know why Type 'iTextSharp.text.Table' is not defined. I already imported iTextSharp.text , iTextSharp.text.pdf, iTextSharp.text.html, iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.
Dim gvTable As New iTextSharp.text.Table(columns, tableRows)
In searching the Internet the only thing I could find about iTextSharp.Text.Table was example code. I looked at the SVN on SourceForge and there is no Table that is part of the text namespace, it looks like it was deprecated in the current version. Your best bet would be to use iTextSharp.text.pdf.PDFPTable. (Documentation from iText link) or to find a Version of iTextSharp previous to version 5. If you look at this SO Question/Answer there is a link to iTextSharp version 4.1.6 this version does have iTextSharp.text.Table. Here also is a blog that has links to the Source and dll.

dojo js library + jsdoc -> how to document the code?

I'd love to ask you how do the guys developing dojo create the documentation?
From nightly builds you can get the uncompressed js files with all the comments, and I'm sure there is some kind documenting script that will generate some html or xml out of it.
I guess they use jsdoc as this can be found in their utils folder, but I have no idea on how to use it. jsDoc toolkit uses different /**commenting**/ notations than the original dojo files.
Thanks for all your help
It's all done with a custom PHP parser and Drupal. If you look in util/docscripts/README and util/jsdoc/INSTALL you can get all the gory details about how to generate the docs.
It's different than jsdoc-toolkit or JSDoc (as youv'e discovered).
FWIW, I'm using jsdoc-toolkit as it's much easier to generate static HTML and there's lots of documentation about the tags on the google code page.
Also, just to be clear, I don't develop dojo itself. I just use it a lot at work.
There are two parts to the "dojo jsdoc" process. There is a parser, written in PHP, which generates xml and/or json of the entirety of listed namespaces (defined in util/docscripts/modules, so you can add your own namespaces. There are basic usage instructions atop the file "generate.php") and a Drupal part called "jsdoc" which installs as a drupal module/plugin/whatever.
The Drupal aspect of it is just Dojo's basic view of this data. A well-crafted XSLT or something to iterate over the json and produce html would work just the same, though neither of these are provided by default (would love a contribution!). I shy away from the Drupal bit myself, though it has been running on api.dojotoolkit.org for some time now.
The doc parser is exposed so that you may use its inspection capabilities to write your own custom output as well. I use it to generate the Komodo .cix code completion in a [rather sloppy] PHP file util/docscripts/makeCix.php, which dumps information as found into an XML doc crafted to match the spec there. This could be modified to generate any kind of output you chose with a little finagling.
The doc syntax is all defined on the style guideline page:

Add intellisense documentation to StructureMap

By default all I get in intellisense are the functions and its signature. I would prefer if I could also get documentation with the intellisense. I realise that I am supposed to place an xml file that contains this documentation along with my dll.
From where can I get this is file? Or is there some other way for me to achieve this?
For the immediate future, there's no way to get the XML documentation short of grabbing the Structuremap source and building it yourself.
As for why that's not included with the distribution, I'm not sure. My only guess is that back when xml-based configuration with SM was more prevalent, Jeremy was concerned about confusion between StructureMap.xml the intellisense file, and StructureMap.xml the configuration file.
That's pure speculation however. For the real scoop you'd have to post on the SM-mailing list. Regardless, for the time being, you have to roll your own from the source. I've done this as well for the same reason, and it wasn't too painful.
Edit - Instructions for doing this follow.
Using your favorite SVN client (if you don't have one, I recommend TortoiseSVN) grab the latest from https://structuremap.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/structuremap/trunk/ . If you want the same bits that are in 2.5.3, I think you'll want revision 234. Otherwise, just grab the head and build from that. (If you aren't familiar with SVN, find a tutorial that explains what I'm talking about)
Open up the StructureMap solution in Visual Studio (under the Source subdirectory). Right click the StructureMap project, Go to Properties > Build and ensure the option for XML output documentation is checked.
Build and enjoy.