I'm confused about how to create a NOTE on a hubspot CONTACT in one API call.
In the V3 API it appears to specify you need to first CREATE a note (POST /crm/v3/objects/notes) then assign it to a contact in a second step (PUT /crm/v3/objects/notes/{noteId}/associations/{toObjectType}/{toObjectId}/{associationType})
In the v1 docs this appears to be possible in one step, but the v1 does not have bulk insert :(
I'm trying to get data from my limesurvey and wonder why in API request I need to pass id: 1 as the third body parameter.
If I omit id or pass id:0, I will get the response data with an empty string. I can put any positive and negative integers there and I don't know exactly why it is required.
I'm following instructions on RemoteControl 2 API
That's the request id.
On the jsonRPCClient (component outside of LS) code it is fixed to 1.
I think it is part of a standard to use notifications, which are not used on LS API.
So, just fix it to 1 :)
I am in the process of integrating my webapp with Basecamp 2 (solved, see edit) and 3, and I want to get all of the comments for a todo item for the authorized user.
First I make a call to https://launchpad.37signals.com/authorization.json which returns json that includes the user's identity, something like {"identity":{"id":99999999, ..... }}.
Then I make a call to the URL to get the comments for the item in question and go through them one by one matching the identity.id from above (99999999) with the creator.id for the comment.
The problem is, they don't match! I am working with one Basecamp2 project and one Basecamp3 project. When testing, using comments I wrote, Basecamp2 and Basecamp3 each have different values for creator.id (even though I wrote both comments!), and neither of them match the identity.id from authorization.json.
How do I link them to find which comments were made by the authorized user
EDIT: I figured it out for Basecamp2 - I need to get /people.json which has a mapping from the identity_id of each user to the id for that user in that project. Still not sure how to do it for Basecamp3, which does not include identity_id in people.json!
The correct way to do this for Basecamp2 is to get:
https://basecamp.com/{project_id}/api/v1/people/me.json - the id node contains the id of the authorized user for project {project_id}.
for Basecamp3:
https://3.basecampapi.com/{project_id}/my/profile.json - the id node contains the id of the authorized user for project {project_id}.
According to v3 docs I should be able to add a contact to a list using the Contact API but I am at a loss on how to do so as I see nothing list related under Contacts.
How do I add a contact to a list (not through automations) using version 3 of the API? Or are the docs in error?
The v3 docs have been updated (Lists documentation) and they no longer read that you can add a contact to a list through the API. ActiveCampaign Lists documentation screenshot
EDIT: you can add a contact to a list using the v1 contact_sync (contact_sync documentation)
SECOND EDIT: you can now add a contact to a list and/or change their subscription status to a given list through the v3 API!
(update list status for a contact documentation)
The above is no longer true. You can add a contact using the Create Contact endpoint.
It's basically a POST request that uses the following parameters:
E-Mail (Required)
First Name (Optional)
Last Name (Optional)
Phone (Optional)
The API v3 changed a lot though and now after you create a contact to do the following this you have to consult other endpoints. For example:
To add a contact to a list you need a POST request to the Contact Lists endpoint where you need to provide three parameters (listid, contactid, status).
If you need to assign a tag to a contact, in order to be able to create the relationship you first need to create the tag using the Create a new tag endpoint. And the use the resulting tag id with the Create Contact Tag endpoint where you combine said tag id with the contact id.
Now in order to remove that same tag the guys from Active Campaign made us work more and in order to remove a tag from a contact you don't use the contact's id and the tag's id, but rather you have to use the contact's id and the relationship id between the tag and the specific contact, that's quite a lot of steps, but I guess they wanted to make it very robuts in terms of structure.
There are many new endpoints which were actually available from around the date when you asked your question. You should check out the new API reference. It has some flaws and is not 100% complete yet, but it would be useful.
Hope this helps since it gave me some head heck... Using activecampaign php sdk when adding a contact with the sync command you can also add it to a list:
$list_id = 'thelistid';
$contact = array(
"email" => 'contactemail#doamin.com',
"p[{$list_id}]" => $list_id,
"status[{$list_id}]" => 1, // "Active" status
$contact_sync = $ac->api("contact/sync", $contact);
They wrote it also as examples on the repository but for some reason I didn't catch it.
I'm currently attempting to integrate with the Neto Ecommerce API. I've hit all sorts of limitations that I never see on other platforms and the latest is to do with custom fields.
The API Im using is the GetOrders API, and Im following the requirements to fetch transaction information, however custom fields appear to be missing. Hoping someone out there has made use of this API to extract custom fields and can advise on how to go about getting custom field information.
Any tips appreciated
var netoString = '{"Filter":{"OrderID":[""],"OutputSelector":["ID","ShippingOption","DeliveryInstruction","RelatedOrderID","cust1"]};
Is there an undocumented naming convention used to fetch custom fields or other pattern I can try to see if I can fetch the data?
I am not certain this will be the same for the API, but when using exports the correct format to access Custom Sales Order Fields is "customer_ref1".
To get a Custom Customer Fields is "usercustom1"
Note: For the Custom Customer Fields, the numbers do not match up correctly (I.E. usercustom1 doesn't match misc1 in the cpanel). The correct matches are:
I'm implementing a Compony newsfeed on a website and ran into the following problem. The LinkedIn API doesn't provide a direct URL to a company update. Looking at the LinkedIn site there are direct URL's and they're like this for example:
Trying stuff out it seems that the parameters topic, type, scope, stype and a are mandatory for the URL to work.. (goback is the only one that isn't).
Using the LinkedIn API with the Company updates call I'm able to buid the direct url, except for the a parameter. The value is always 4 (for me unexplainable) characters long.
Has anyone ever successfully build a direct URL to a company update or can someone maybe explain the a parameter or how to generate its value?
Updated to new format
You can link directly to any update (company or user) using the following url:
You can get [topic_id] by getting the last bit of the updateKey in the api response from Linkedin. When updateKey = UPDATE-c7352-6410848097894756353, your topic_id = 6410848097894756353.
In your example that would become https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:5849556347070205952 which links directly to the specific update. The post is too old to work with the new link format
The url used to be
Updated thanks to the comment from #sethpollack
For anyone trying to get the topic id from the API response object (as already commented on the OP question), the topic id is the value after the last hyphen of the updateKey property, which can be used with #Daan answer:
Direct URL:
Using the URL format above, get the topic_id by opening the update in its own window/tab, look at the page source code in your browser and search for the string :activity: the long number after the string is the infamous topic_id