How does react-scripts install extra dependencies? - npm

To reproduce what I'm talking about
Create an empty directory
cd into the directory and run npm init
run npm install react-scripts
look at the node_modules directory. react-scripts exists inside node_modules, but it also installs many other dependencies required to run a project with create-react-app.
Looking at react-scripts directory in node_modules, I don't see any pre or post install scripts. I do see a react-scripts/bin/react-scripts.js script that im assuming is the entrypoint for the code installing these extra dependencies.
How is that file being run?


Uninstall package using npx

I trying uninstall package, who I installed by:
npx terminalgpt
I trying:
npm uninstall -g terminalgpt
But is not working, how I can uninstall this package?
you don't have to
If any requested packages are not present in the local project dependencies, then they are installed to a folder in the npm cache, which is added to the PATH environment variable in the executed process.
— from npx doc
that cache folder is like a temporary folder you don't have to specially care yourself about.
If you really want to clean your cache, see npm cache doc

npm install doesn't apply what is in package-lock.json?

I have Node v10.22.0, npm 6.14.6, on MacOS Catalina.
I start from a git repo that contains a package-lock.json that specifies #truffle dependencies and no node_modules folder, no package.json. After I cloned the repo, I run npm install to install dependencies. The npm doc says
If the package has a package-lock ..., the installation of
dependencies will be driven by that
Surprisingly it actually installs 8 packages that have nothing to do with my project: d, es5-ext, es6-iterator, es6-symbol, ext, next-tick, type AND it overwrites package-lock.json with a new one containing dependencies on these 8 packages.
If I overwrite package-lock.json and launch npm install, it redoes the same trick.
what is happening?
how can I make npm install populate node_modules correctly?
Use npm ci to install dependencies based on your lock file. Check this answer for more details about this command, it has the answer to your questions.

React-Native dependencies integration issue

I'm beginner in react-native Sorry in advance if found issues in question asking.
I cloned a repository from remote server where now i've empty node_modules directory. I've "package.json" file with all dependencies list while when I run "npm install" I didn't get dependencies in node_modules directory and got number of warnings on terminal related to different files as you can see here.
delete node_modules folder.
Then try to do npm install first. it ll added node modules folder.
after that try to install can find necessary dependancies from json file.
ex:- npm install --save depencencyname#versionnumber
for some modules you have to link them before it use..
using react-native link dependancyname

Can I re-create node_modules from package-lock.json?

I cloned a repository from github which has a package-lock.json (but no package.json). Then in a git bash terminal I go to the directory and run npm install but I just get a message saying there is no package.json and then everything in package-lock.json gets deleted so it's basically empty except for the project name and version.
I thought running npm install with a package-lock.json in the directory was enough to re-create node_modules, but am I seriously misunderstanding how this works? By the way I have node 8.12.0 and npm 6.4.1 and am running on Windows 10. Also, I think the package-lock.json was created on a unix system so could there be problems when using package-lock.json on a different OS?
I already tried running npm init just to get a package.json file and then running npm install but that still didn't get me a node_modules folder.
Starting from Mar 5, 2018, you can run npm ci to install packages from package-lock.json.
npm ci bypasses a package’s package.json to install modules from a
package’s lockfile.
package-lock.json records the exact version and url of packages need to install, thus you can use npm to install them accordingly:
npm can install from urls that point to tarballs
--no-package-lock option to tell npm to not touch package-lock.json file
For example, to install all packages in package-lock.json:
cat package-lock.json | jq '.dependencies[].resolved' | xargs npm i --no-package-lock
jq is a command line tool to pares jq, you can write a simple JavaScript script to parse it instead (if you do not want to install jq or learn jq's query syntax).
AFAIK, the package-lock.json file relies on the presence of a package.json file, so you'll not be able to recreate your node_modules folder from the package-lock.json file alone (happy to be proved wrong here).
Therefore, your best bet is to (mis)use a module like auto-install that is capable of generating the package.json file based on a project's dependencies, as they appear in the files.
Install it globally (npm install -g auto-install), then you'll need to generate an empty package.json file for it to run (use npm init -y in your project root). Kick things off with the command auto-install and it should add the dependencies to the package.json file.

npm 5 install folder without using symlink

Before publishing my node library, I could use the advice the npm documentation wrote about:
To test a local install, go into some other folder, and then do:
cd ../some-other-folder
npm install ../my-package
Prior to version 5 of npm, I had no problem as it produce what I expected, ie a folder with the output of what I will publish.
However, using npm 5, it now creates a symlink to my local project as described in the npm documentation:
npm install :
Install the package in the directory as a symlink in the current
project. Its dependencies will be installed before it's linked. If
sits inside the root of your project, its dependencies may be
hoisted to the toplevel node_modules as they would for other types of
How can I use the "old" way to install local project? Or is there a new way to check if my library is correct?
Thank you.
Use npm pack + npm install (as suggested by install-local package)
npm pack <path-to-local-package>
npm install <package-version.tgz>
This will effectively copy your local package to node_modules.
Note that this will package only production relevant files (those listed in the files section of your package.json). So, you can install it in a test app under the package own directory. Something like this:
Assuming that test dir is not included in the files in my-package/package.json.
This works the same way with npm 5 and older versions.
I wrote npm-install-offline which allows you to install npm packages from a local repository or folder. By default it copies the folder on install but you can also choose to symlink.
npx npm-install-offline ../some-package
npx npm-install-offline my-npm-package --repo ./my-offline-npm
It also will install the package dependencies which npm does not do with local packages.