How can we test the s3 bucket with the access keys (using amazon sdk) - amazon-s3

I am totally new to AWS. So we have this s3 endpoint already created by sysadmin and another S3 bucket created (which I need to access files from). We are using amazon sdk.(We have the composer aws/aws-sdk-php")
If two apache environment variables(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) are set for S3 access keys, how can we easily test it without doing a code? any frontend tool to check the connection?
I am trying to see the files in the s3 bucket has particular name and planning to code using PHP.


How to stop AWS ElasticBeanstalk from creating an S3 Bucket or inserting into it?

It created an S3 bucket. If I delete it, it just creates a new one. How can I set it to not create a bucket or to stop write permissions from it?
You cannot prevent AWS Elastic Beanstalk from creating S3 Bucket as it stores your application and settings as a bundle in that bucket and executes deployments. That bucket is required till the time you run/deploy your application using AWS EB. Please be vary of deleting these buckets as this may cause your deployments/applications to crash. Although, you may remove older objects (which may not be in use).
Take a look at this link for a detailed information on how EB uses S3 buckets for deployments

How to Mount S3 Bucket on EC2 Ubuntu Server and Store Web Applications Uploads Directly in that bucket and retrive When User access that Files

I Have Amazon EC2 Instance With Ubuntu 16.04 x64 and Hosted a Web Application on it.
Need to Mount S3 Bucket as one of the Folder and Need to Save User Uploaded Files Directly To S3 Bucket and Retrive When User Access That Files.
I Mounted S3 and Tried Uploading Files, But Files are not Uploading
This might be what you're looking for:
BTW network based file systems can be slow for servers, do look into it for any performance issues!

Updating files for my static website on S3

I'm trying to update a static website I'm hosting on amazon AWS S3 - just need to put a new version of my resume up there. I've gone through the documentation and it seems as though I need to 'invalidate' the file - but all the guides I'm finding only talk about using cloudfront, which is a service I don't use.
So for a static website where I need to update a single file, how do I do that without cloudfront?
You can upload the file directly to S3 through the AWS S3 Console, programmatically using a package for python, ruby, etc., or using the AWS Command Line.
If you are using the AWS Command Line, you can upload a file to s3 using these commands:
$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json
$ aws s3 cp myvideo.mp4 s3://mybucket/

AWS S3 download files with exec permission

I've been struggling with this one for quite a while. Thought it would work out-of-box based on AWS documentation of supporting the acl header.
I'm using the AWS S3 CLI in order to download files from my S3 bucket. Some of the files will need to have 'exec' permissions (running on Linux).
I can chmod the files but I would like to control that during the upload rather than during the download.
So, the question is whether I can use the AWS CLI so that it will automatically grant execution (or other) permissions based on something that I can set during the upload or afterwards on the uploaded file.

AWS FTP behavior

I'm having some issue on my AWS S3 bucket and vsftpd.
I've created a vsftpd instance and mount AWS S3 bucket. My issue is that everytime I upload a file and the connection was disrupted, it appends the existing file on the S3 bucket instead of override it when the FTP client retry. What should I set on the S3 bucket policy to have such behavior to override instead of append?
There are no Amazon S3 configuration settings that would impact this behaviour -- it is totally the result of the software you are using.
It's also worth mentioning that FTP is a rather old protocol and these days there are much better alternatives, such as uploads via the browser or Dropbox-like shared folders.
One of the easiest options is to have your users upload directly to Amazon S3 -- that way, you don't need to run any servers. This could be done by uploading via a browser, or by providing users with some software, such as Cloudberry Explorer or the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI).
I highly encourage you to stop using FTP these days.