I've been using react-native-get-real-path & react-native-directory-picker to get folders (for an MP3 player). I'm using an emulated Pixel 2 AVD, and SD card folders do not convert to real paths (neither with react-native-get-real-path or RNFetchBlob). This was the code I am using as of right now:
import { selectDirectory } from "react-native-directory-picker";
import RNGRP from "react-native-get-real-path";
selectDirectory().then((uri) => {
RNGRP.getRealPathFromURI(uri).then((path) => {
// path is null for SD card folders
Is there an alternative to get the real path from an SD card folder?
I have a gltf model, which contains cameras, models and camera animations. After loading, they become an gltf entity. I can't use secondcamera el. SetAttribute ('camera ','active', true ')" to change camera. How can I use the camera in it.
This can be modified in three. JS
this.content.traverse((node) => {
if (node.isCamera && node.name === name) {
this.activeCamera = node;
this.renderer.render( this.scene, this.activeCamera )
but, how to use inner camera in gltf in aframe?
You could keep the reference to the camera:
var model_camera = null;
// wait until the model is loaded
entity.addEventListener("model-loaded", e => {
const mesh = entity.getObject3D("mesh");
mesh.traverse(node => {
// assuming there is one camera
if (node.isCamera) model_camera = node;
and when you need to use it, just substitute the active camera in the scene.camera property:
entity.sceneEl.camera = model_camera;
Check it out in this example with a model containing two different cameras.
Afaik there is no cleanup involved, the look-controls or wasd-controls will still be working as long as you don't manually disable them when switching cameras.
The camera system has a function for swapping active cameras, but you would need to add <a-entity> wrappers for the camera references (as the system tries to perform getObject3D('camera') on the provided entity).
I'm using Laravel 5.6, jQuery 3.3.1, bootstrap 3.3.7, and PHP 7.1.4
I need to be able to allow users to upload files and pictures, basically jpg, gif, png, and pdf. I am using the public disk and storing the files in storage/app/public/folder_name where folder_name is defined in an env file
They are then defined in config/app
'insurance_file_folder' => env('INSURANCE_FILE_FOLDER', ''),
'po_file_folder' => env('PO_FILE_FOLDER', ''),
'note_file_folder' => env('NOTE_FILE_FOLDER', ''),
'rental_agreement_file_folder' => env('RENTAL_AGREEMENT_FILE_FOLDER', ''),
'max_image_width' => env('MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH', 500),
'filesystem_driver' => env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER', 'local'),
When I upload image files they upload to the appropriate folder but when I try to upload pdf files the system creates a new folder named as what I'm naming the file and the pdf is in the new folder with a random name. I'm using the exact same code to upload both images and pdf files so I can't figure out why it works for one but not the other.
Here is my controller code
public function store(PurchaseOrderRequest $poRequest, Customer $customer)
$purchaseOrder = $customer->purchaseOrders()->create($poRequest->except('attachment'));
if ($poRequest->hasFile('attachment')) {
$purchaseOrder->saveFile(config('app.po_file_folder', ''), $poRequest->file('attachment'));
return redirect()->action('CustomerController#edit', $customer)->with('alert', 'Purchase Order created.');
My model PurchaseOrder saveFile code
public function saveFile($folder_name, $file)
// if file submited then check if file already exists, if so delete file and create new file
$file_name = $this->createFileName();
File::removeFiles($folder_name.'/'.$file_name, FALSE);
$file_name = $file_name.'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$file = File::resize($file);
$this->attachment_path = $folder_name.'/'.$file_name;
Storage::disk(config('app.filesystem_driver', ''))->put($this->attachment_path, $file);
public function createFileName()
$file_name = 'po_'.$this->customer->code.'-'.$this->customer->id.'_'.$this->po_number.'-'.$this->id;
return $file_name;
My File helper code
public static function resize($file)
$resized_file = $file;
if (strtolower($resized_file->getClientOriginalExtension()) != 'pdf') {
// resize file if it is not pdf (file is photo)
// get image size then resize largest size to size limit - dont upsize if image is smaller than max size
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($resized_file);
if ($width > $height) {
$resized_file = Image::make($resized_file)->resize(config('app.max_image_width', ''), null, function ($constraint) {
})->encode($resized_file->getClientOriginalExtension(), 60);
} else {
$resized_file = Image::make($resized_file)->resize(null, config('app.max_image_width', ''),function ($constraint) {
})->encode($resized_file->getClientOriginalExtension(), 60);
return $resized_file;
public static function removeFiles($file_name, $ext_included = FALSE)
if ($ext_included == TRUE) {
// remove specific file
if (Storage::disk(config('app.filesystem_driver', ''))->exists($file_name)) {
} else {
// remove file with any extension
$ext = array('.pdf', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png');
for ($cnt = 0; $cnt <= 4; ++$cnt) {
if (Storage::disk(config('app.filesystem_driver', ''))->exists($file_name.$ext[$cnt])) {
I realize the code may be a little confusing use the env variables but I'm trying to limit the pain in the event I need to change the folder name or move the files outside of the app. The application will have very few users maybe 3 or 4 and I don't anticipate a lot of files being uploaded which is why I'm storing the files in the application structure.
This is my first Laravel app and I put this code together using the docs and many a many different tutorials. It took a while but eventually I got it to work for images. So if you see things that don't look standard or good practice I welcome any pointers.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, any help is appreciated!
I had to use two different approaches to saving files in the system based on if the file was an image or pdf. I do some processing (resizing) on images before putting them into my storage folders with Intervention Image. This in turn returns a different object type than the raw uploaded file, because of this some of the commands to add the file (after processing) will not work.
So if I'm storing a pdf file I use:
$file->storeAs($folder_name, $file_name, config('app.filesystem_driver', ''));
If I'm storing an image that I have used Intervention Image on then I use:
Storage::disk(config('app.filesystem_driver', ''))->put($this->attachment_path, $file);
I couldn't find one command that worked for both so I just check the extension before storing. Not sure if this is the "right way" but it got the job done.
This code works:
<Image source={require('./../img/icons/mlb/kc.png')} />
This code does not:
var team = 'kc'; //Retrieved from API
var string = './../img/icons/mlb/'+team+'.png'
<Image source={require(string)} />
Unhandled JS Exception: Requiring unknown module
"./../img/icons/mlb/kc.png".If you are sure the module is there, try
restarting the packager or running "npm install".
Is there any way to include images dynamically without adding them to Xcode?
According to React's Image documentation, no, it is not possible.
Note that in order for this to work, the image name in require has to be known statically.
You could do that if you knew all of the images in advance and require them beforehand. Then, you could use the team name directly as the image name.
Something like this:
var teamA = require("./../img/icons/mlb/teamA.png");
var teamB = require("./../img/icons/mlb/teamB.png");
var teamC = require("./../img/icons/mlb/teamC.png");
// if you like imports better, then:
// import { default as teamA } from "./img/icons/mlb/teamA.png";
// import { default as teamB } from "./img/icons/mlb/teamB.png";
// import { default as teamC } from "./img/icons/mlb/teamC.png";
const teamByName = (teamName) => {
switch (teamName) {
case "teamA": return teamA;
case "teamB": return teamB;
case "teamC": return teamC;
const TeamImage = ({team}) => (
<Image source={teamByName(team)} />
By the way, you don't have to add images through Xcode. You can just place them inside your app folders, like you do with your components. I like to keep mine like this:
| index.ios.js
| - app
| |- (other javascript files)
| - img
| |- (image files like png, jpg, gif)
I need yout help to find out how to write and read files from external usb storage from Tizen Smart TVs. Problem starts when detecting it
* Hello World Sample Project
// import Label component
var Label = caph.require('ui.base.component.Label');
caph.app.addScene('main', $class({
$extends : caph.require('ui.base.Scene'),
// oncreate is called when the scene is created
oncreate : function() {
// add "Hello World"
this.addChild(new Label({
text : 'Hello World',
size : [ 500, 100 ],
position : [ 300, 400 ]
backgroundColor : 'red',
color : 'white'
/// Here the filesystem showd show me all the storages
And here is the Success callback, this show me how much storages I have.
/* Success event handler */
var checkCorruptedRemovableDrives = function(storages) {
/// Here I will kow how much storages I have
for (var i = 0; i < storages.length; i++) {
if (storages[i].type != "EXTERNAL")
if (storages[i].state == "UNMOUNTABLE")
console.log("External drive " + storages[i].label + " is corrupted.");
Here is the method thrown when there are errors, this is never called.
var checkCorruptedRemovableDrivesError = function(storages){
Now, the console output is aways a simple 0 meanning I have no storage (but I have the internal one and two usb ones mounted).
Has Anyone faced this problem or have any Idea on how to solve it?
Samsung Tizen TV always uses "removable2" as label for USB.
So you don't need to use listStorage and getStorage.
Multiple USBs are distinguished as "removable2/sda1", "removable2/sda2"
tizen.filesystem.resolve("removable2", function(e){
for(i = 0; i < r.length; i++){
tizen.filesystem.resolve(r[i].path + r[i].name, function(t){
//You resolve USB root. Do something you want with USB.
}, function(t){
console.log("resolve error for " + r[i].path + r[i].name);
}, "rw"); //you should use rw permission, to write something in usb.
console.log("removable2 resolve error");
}, "r"); // permission should be given as r for removable2
Here is test app made by me. and you can check how to use SDK 1.5
This app is working in both of TV and SDK 1.5
Do you use Web Simulator?
APIs don't work in Web Simulator properly. It can't simulate things well.
When I check listStorage in 'emulator', it throws list of storages.
but even though I can get list of storage, I can't use it in filesystem. It is bug of SDK 1.4.
SDK 1.5 will have test features for USB storage, and it is planned to release in a month. Wait for a month :(
I am using Appcelerator Titanium 3.0.2 to allows user to watch/download videos&audios. Here is part of code to get the file object and play the audio.
var filename = self.url.substring(self.url.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
var file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.tempDirectory,filename);
self._download(self.url, filename, Ti.Filesystem.tempDirectory, function(){
timeBar.max = audPlayer.duration*1000;
prgHandle = setInterval(updateProgressBar,10000);
else {
timeBar.max = audPlayer.duration*1000;
prgHandle = setInterval(updateProgressBar,10000);
This code is working, but my question is how to remove the file when the user exist the app. Since Apple required that file in /tmp directory will be removed after user exist the app. Anyone can help? Thanks.
You could use Titanium's application events pause and paused. They are called when the app becomes inactive but this only works on iOS.
Titanium.App.addEventListener('pause' /* or paused, see docs */, function() {
var dir = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.tempDirectory, 'tmpDownloads'); // ensure that you use the same folder for storing the downloaded files. A separate folder is easier to remove.
if(dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) {
dir.deleteDirectory(true); // true removes recursively the directory and its contents
You need to create the directory again when resume-ing the app.