How can I change branch default to master default - branch

enter image description here
i dont know how to change default branch to default master

Settings -> Code and Automation -> Default Branch
More details here:


Enable customer address override checkbox via api

We are using an iPaaS platform named Celigo to sync orders from our ecom platform into Netsuite. Our question is we want to override the default ship to address on a customers account with a new address from a new order that would be sync'ed into Netsuite.
However we are not able to find what field name is used to enable the Override checkbox on a customers default shipto address. Any suggestions?
Set the destination record field as 'shipoverride'. Data type = boolean, Hard-coded, use custom value, enter default value as F. Setting in Celigo Image

How to change display name of admin side menu of nopcommerce

Screenshot of the issue:
I want to change the display name.
What I did so far:
Added this line to sidemap.config
<siteMapNode SystemName="Customer reports" nopResource="Admin.Reports.Customers" PermissionNames="ManageCustomers" controller="Report" action="Customers" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />
Added this line to defaultResources.nopres.xml
<LocaleResource Name="Admin.Reports.Rewords">
<Value>Reword Reports</Value>
I was reading this blog :
But it does not work! :(
I'm use NopCommerce 4.1
Default resources are added to the database on nopCommerce installation, thus if you're trying to add any entry programmatically, you would need to add that record to the DB too. To check if required resource is available or not:
Goto admin > configuration > Languages > English(default) > Edit > String resources tab
And try to search with Resource name Admin.Reports.Rewords, you would be found that record is not present, now add it manually by Add new button, and check it admin menu.
Hope this helps!

How to use the new H3 layer

I've checked out the newest code in the github master branch of and I'm running the demo. But I don't see the H3HexGrid layer option. How do I use it? The git commits seem to indicate it can be used in the demo app. Also how do I load sample data from here: sampleH3Data from './data/sample-hex-id-csv';
You will need to have a dataset containing h3 hexagon id. will look for column name hex_id or hexagon_id to automatically create an H3 layer.
You can save /data/sample-hex-id-csv.js to a .csv file by removing the export default `` and ``; at the beginning and end of the file. Then drag and drop it into app to see how it works.

TFS 2015 Build Definition source version

When queuing a new build I want to specify a label, as says in the Tooltip (see image below) like:
However, that does not work, I have to put it with this format:
What I have to do to only specify the source version as: LMain_TestProject_1.01.002 ??
This is usually because the label you created is project-scoped, not collection-scoped. In this scenario, you need to add "#/ProjectName".
Usually, when you create a label from VS, you should see the seting like following:
With this setting, the label is project-scoped. You need to enter "LTestLable#/EddieLabel" when queue build.
More information for your reference: Label scope revealed.

Oracle SQL Developer query result Export Wizard default output file name

In Oracle SQL Developer when you right click into a query result and select export it brings up the Export Wizard.
After selecting the format you want (in this case .xls) the default save as target is (for me)C:\Documents and Settings\XXXXX\export.xls
What i would like is to change the default output file name from always being export to something that is dynamic, a timestamp perhaps?
I would even be happy to implement a 3rd part extension to handle this.
As discovered this is not currently possible but is currently down as a feature request with Oracle to be implemented if it gets enough attention from users.
Feature request:,7:P7_ID:41561
I know this is an old thread but I was looking for an answer to this, and wanted to share some information for anyone else who comes along.
As far as I know you still can't set the exact text of the file name or add a timestamp to it, but if you change the "Save As" setting in the Export Wizard window (this can be made permanent through the Tools - Preferences menu) to "Separate Files" then each export will be given a different file name in the specified folder automatically. This works even if the export is the same query. SQL Dev names each file "TABLE_EXPORT_DATA.xls" and will amend a number at the end after each export. So for example:
As #markleiber said, it isn't possible to change the default file name, but if you go to Tools/Preferences/Database/Utilities/Export/<Export Type>, you can change the default folder for this type of export.
You can also change default worksheet names and choose to include or remove headers for Excel format exports.