auth0 free plan and custom MFA provider - auth0

From what I saw with the free plan you can't use built-in MFA solutions, however, people were mentioning using custom redirect rules and using a custom MFA provider, however, I couldn't find any example of how to do that, nor to understand how that actually works.
I would be grateful if someone could provide an example of how that should look from an implementation perspective, and documentation.


How to authenticate multiple api using Nuxt and nuxt-auth module

I have an application with (nuxt js using nuxt-auth) with local authentication so far (later I want to add git and google auth).
Now I need to add authentication to invoke other services / API (like google cloud rest API, payment system, youtube API, etc...)
The question is: the user is authenticated only once (during login to the application.) but each of these 3rd party APIs has its own authentication.
How to implement multiple authentications. (I read the documentation and google for the entire day but there is no clear answer).
As of today, it looks like it is not doable (people are needed on this module):
So, you would need to make it manually by plugging the APIs yourself.
Answer to your latest question~comment
Nuxt is indeed nice with some of it's modules (but you can totally dislike it, no problem :D).
First thing that you need to know, is that this project (nuxt-auth) is not the biggest one, #pooya is doing his best but he is on a lot of projects, so he cannot give all of his love to it. Then, you also need to understand that it's working great but it's still in a decent beta state with a lot of missing features, needed documentation and a lot of small things to make it an all rounded solid top notch solution.
That do not mean that you should not use it, I'm just saying that this module do have some limitations. Hence, the fact that it is not supporting a whole lot of OAuth solutions in a clear + simple + flexible way. And some breaking changes may be introduced in future updates.
The module is aimed towards having an OAuth solution to block the content of your website behind it (in my opinion). It means that you will usually use a single login solution and then, being able to have access to your app. I don't think that it's a viable multi-OAuth solution (yet).
Some services don't even need to use a solution like this. Stripe for example, should not be handled on the frontend but communicate with a backend for sensitive variables and just send minimal info thanks to Stripe Elements.
That said, the most common solution is JWT or OAuth2, and you could totally have a backend service or service like Okta, Auth0 or alike, do the heavy lifting by allowing simple logins to providers (Github, Google etc...).
To sum up, you do connect to this backend/service thanks to nuxt-auth, the service itself does the provider connection and you get the best of both worlds while still connected in a secure way through your initial nuxt-auth entry point login.
Or you could try to reach the community on Discord, see if somebody knows how to do it. Or even try to read the source code to see if it is currently feasable.
And that's my 2cts.

Oauth2 Golang - Own database and users

I'm building a web application in Golang, and at the moment I'm struggling with the authentication/authorization mechanisms.
I want to deploy this app to different platforms (browsers, androids, etc). To achieve this I chosed to use oauth 2.0, namely this lib: .
The problem I'm facing is how to achieve this with my own database and users. The lib has a jwt package ( and also has a package clientcredentials ( that can be used for 2-legged Oauth 2.0, but I have no idea how to achieve this, and can't find any example showing it. Which package should I use? The token should be set when user sends a POST with its credentials at http://example.domain/login.
Can someone provide me some hints / show me a simple example?
Have you explored solutions such as ory/hydra, which will handle everything OAuth2/OpenID related and let you handle user authentication?
Implementing your own OAuth2 provider is dangerous territory. It only takes one misread RFC and BOOM! Security vulnerability. It's typically better to entrust that responsibility to established security experts or lasting projects as opposed to home-grown remedies.
Of course, this isn't to say that everybody needs to jump onto the hype train and use this cool new software. In fact, I would urge the opposite: if you are a competent security analyst and feel comfortable writing an OAuth2/OpenID Connect implementation, go right ahead! But us normal people who don't want our hair to gray before we are thirty will use existing technologies to our advantage.

what's the preferred way to perform user authentication and authorization in Clojure?

I've been working on a web app in Clojure as a side project, and I'm trying to figure out how to do user authentication and autherization. From the googling I've done, I heard about sandbar, but after reading the two blogposts on sandbar (Part 1, Part 2), I left with more questions than answers. I've looked at the source code for 4clojure, and from what I can tell, they roll their own, the problem is that the code's not commented very well, if at all. I'm thinking I need to roll my own system and use either sandbar or noir.session to pass user information around. Could someone please point me in the right direction? I feel like I'm missing something simple.
Chas Emerick's Friend library is now available. It's still relatively new, but looks promising and quite well documented.
I had a look at the 4clojure login code and I think it is pretty clear how the implementation works. Basically it is the traditional HTTP authentication. Post user/pwd in form to a URL, check username and password and update the session with the user info that can be used for further requests to check whether this session is for a valid logged in user.
This is how most of the web app authentication works. Now this is "what to do" part of the situation, for "how to do" you can implement it your self using "primitive" features provided by the web framework or probably use some middle-ware that does this for you along with providing some hooks to customize the implementation a bit.
For authentication, apart from the obvious "rolling your own", I found to work well if you want to use OAUTH (e.g. via Twitter). Once you've acquired user information, storing it in some sort of session object (via ring-middleware-session or similar abstractions) seems to be the obvious thing to do.
For authorization, the way described in the blog post you linked to - wrapping certain routes with an authorization middleware (or whatever abstraction your preferred web stack offers - e.g. pre-route in Noir) works well.
There's also an alternative to Friend called Buddy.
What is the difference with Friend?
Buddy authorization/authentication facilities are more low level and less opinionated that friend and allow build over them easy other high level abstractions. Technically, friend abstraction can be build on top of buddy

JSF 2.0 authentication

I know there are a lot of other question about this topic but I haven't found the right solution for my case.
The landscape is like that:
Backend runs on a tomcat and provides some services. Amongst others there is UserService.login().
The Frontend (JSF 2.0, Spring 3, OpenFaces or Primefaces) which i should implement runs on a different tomcat. I need to implement the security level in the frontend. For sure I'm searching for the best framework (seam, spring security, jaas). And if you know a good tutorial it would be great if you let me know. i can send username/password to the backend and receive a User with id, username and role.
I found lots of tutorials, but i didn't get it work properly. Can anyone help me?
I probably can't explain the whole thing. But you can follow these links and should get you want you need.
First setup basic JSF-Spring Security application like in this link . Here the author did hard code the user details in the applicationContext itself for simplicity. But for your requirement you need to implement a custom UserDetailsService and which is the authentication provider where it loads the user details from the backend. You can take a look at this link.

What is OpenID "Automatic Login"?

What is OpenID "Automatic Login"?
I've never heard this term in a technical sense until today. It has suddenly appeared in Facebook's marketing blog in reference to their new deal with Google.
To be clear, they assert that virtually no other OpenID providers besides Google implement OpenID "Automatic Login", thus no other OpenIDs are currently supported by Facebook.
Does this even exist?
FYI, yes this is a programming question. I would really love to see the API documentation for this feature. Please post a link to it if you are familiar with it. Thanks!!
Facebook announcement:
I'm pretty certain that this is just an application of OpenID's "Immediate mode":
Immediate mode allows you to attempt to verify the user without them leaving your site at all. This is normally possible if, during the first time you attempt to verify a user, they choose to always allow you to verify them and offers a slightly more streamlined login experience.
The reason people are excited about this is that it is a much smoother User Interface experience than using just OpenID.
The new system was first demonstrated by Plaxo developers and now has additional information available, see
A blog post from TechCrunch:
The issue right now, afaik, is that the methodology is poorly documented, so it is mostly appearing on sites that are paying JanRain corp. for their implementation.