Watcher throws error when element is removed - vue.js

I got a watcher of an item:
watch(() => props.listItemData[props.index]?.amountFTempStore, newval => {
if (newval) {
valuestorage.value = newval.value.toString().replace(".", ",");
valuestorageHidden.value = newval.value.toString().replace(".", ",");
}, {
deep: true
Without the ? conditional operator and the existence-check of newval I get an error
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined cause the element is changing, due to it's removal. Is there any other way of preventing this except of the conditional check?


How to reference to element from state in foreach (Vuex)?

I am using vuex in my vue application. In store is a declared object:
state: {
list: {
a: false,
b: false,
c: false
In mutations is mutation that receives arrays in parameters, for example: el: ['a', 'b'].
Those elements in the el array must be set to true in list object in state. I'm using a foreach loop for this:
mutations: {
SET_LIST(state, el) {
el.forEach(element => {
if (state.list.element) {
state.list.element = true;
But I am getting an error: error 'element' is defined but never used.
Because element is not used and I don't know how to refer to it correctly.
I searched on the internet and found this solution: state.list[element]. I don't get an error then, but it doesn't work.
Use the bracket notation [] to get the property dynamically :
mutations: {
SET_LIST(state, el) {
el.forEach(element => {
if (Object.keys(state.list).includes(element)) {
state.list[element] = true;

Why Am I getting error return in computed property?

I'm using Vuex, inside Getter Foo function I'm returning two values inside array:
return ["Try Again"] or return ["Data result", data], in computed, I'm checking the array length and returning depending on result
Foo: function(){
const getFoo = this.$store.getters.Foo;
if(getFoo.length === 1) {
this.existFoo = false
return getFoo[0]
this.existFoo = true
return getFoo
but I'm getting this error, even reading others posts I cannot solve it
34:9 error Unexpected side effect in "Foo" computed property
37:7 error Unexpected
side effect in "Foo" computed property
You are not permitted to change the state in computeds.
Try using another computed instead of existFoo
if(this.$store.getters.Foo.length === 1) {
return this.$store.getters.Foo[0]
return this.$store.getters.Foo
return this.$store.getters.Foo.length > 1
Now you should remove existFoo from state
You could use a watcher to watch the store value and set your local variables.
computed: {
getFooFromStore() {
return this.$store.getters.Foo
watch: {
getFooFromStore: function() {
this.existFoo = this.getFooFromStore[0] ? false : true;

How can I add new values to an array object of state using Vuex?

My code like this :
export default {
methods: {
async visibilityChanged(isVisible, entry, item) {
let param = {
hospitalId: item.hospital_id,
doctorId: item.doctor_id
await this.getDataSchedule(param)
let data = this.dataDoctor
for (let key in data) {
this.$set(data[key].find(e => e.doctor_id === item.doctor_id && e.hospital_id === item.hospital_id), 'schedule', this.dataSchedule.schedule)
computed: {
dataDoctor: state => state.dataStore.dataDoctor,
dataSchedule: state => state.dataStore.dataSchedule
If I console.log(this.dataDoctor), the result like this :
Or you can see the this.dataDoctor this :
this.dataDoctor is state from vuex store. I want to add new value there. The name is schedule
I do like that. But there exist error like this :
Cannot set reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: undefined
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'schedule' in undefined
How can I solve this problem?
This bit looks wrong:
for (let key in data) {
this.$set(data[key].find(e => e.doctor_id === item.doctor_id && e.hospital_id === item.hospital_id), 'schedule', this.dataSchedule.schedule)
From the sample data you posted this will only find something for (at most) one value of key. For the other values of key the find will return undefined and the $set will fail.
Try this:
for (const key in data) {
const entry = data[key].find(e => e.doctor_id === item.doctor_id && e.hospital_id === item.hospital_id)
console.log(`key is ${key}:`, entry)
if (entry) {
this.$set(entry, 'schedule', this.dataSchedule.schedule)
Of course it is also possible that none of the entries will match. The console logging I've included should help you to identify that scenario too.
I should add that it is usually regarded as best practice to mutate store state within a store mutation rather than directly inside a component.

Why html shows the object returned by the computed property is ‘undefined’?

I have a error at my vue project.I use computed to return a object.
computed: {
getOpLog() {
if (this.product_menu) {
this.product_menu.forEach(opLogItem => {
if( === 'menu_item_oplog') {
return opLogItem;
and my debugger shows that I have the right return object.
But when i run it in brower, it just not work.
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'hidden' of undefined"
Here is my html.
<el-menu-item v-if="getOpLog.hidden" :id="">
But when I use this
getOpLog() {
if (this.product_menu) {
return this.product_menu[8]
It work.I want to know how can i fix this.Thx
When your if condition inside the getter is false i.e. if (this.product_menu), then getter will return undefined object. And thus, Vue.js complains.
As a simple remedy, add an extra check in v-if like:
<el-menu-item v-if="getOpLog && getOpLog.hidden" :id="">
Further, using return inside the forEach function of an array doesn't really cause a return from actual getter function. It is just returning from the inner arrow function. You will need to modify your code using Array.prototype.find method:
computed: {
getOpLog() {
if (this.product_menu) {
const item = this.product_menu.find(opLogItem => {
return === 'menu_item_oplog';
return item;
But, you still should have v-if check for getOpLog in case find method returns undefined value.

Why "Error in render: TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined" returned even data already available?

I already initialize the data.
data () {
return {
current_product: {},
current_ID: '',
Then, I fetch data from a REST API on lifecycle created hook.
created () {
var skuID = this.$store.state.selected_productSKU.productSKU_ID
.then(response => {
this.current_ID =
this.current_product =
.catch(e => {
And finally, I use computed property to get some value
focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes () {
var newArr = this.current_product.product_SKU.filter((sku, index, self) =>
index === self.findIndex(t => (
t.productSKU_size === sku.productSKU_size
var x = => a.productSKU_size)
return x
The vue instance show expected result
But if i call {{ focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes }} in template.
It doesn't rendered.
The browser return error Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined"
What is happening? My first guess is the computed property using the initial structure of current_product which is {} empty object. But isn't that how to initialize an object?
Because of:
// ...
focusedProduct_SKUS_NoDupSizes () {
var newArr = this.current_product.product_SKU.filter((sku, index, self) =>
You should initialize product_SKU with an empty array:
data () {
return {
current_product: {product_SKU: []}, // changed here
current_ID: '',
This is needed because the computed property will be executed right away, even before your Ajax gets a chance to return.
Declare it as empty so the computed doesn't throw an error. When the Ajax fulfills, it will recompute automatically.
Even though the Ajax is started at the created(), it won't return before the computed is executed for the first time. More details about this here.