PROVEtech:TA doesnt start gRPC Server defined in TM.ini - testing

I am using PROVEtech:TA 2021 SE SP3 64 bit.
I have defined the gRPC Address / Port to listen to in the TM.ini defined in the TA.ini (shown in settings) as such.
Restarted P:TA.
A call from a gRPC Client gives me this error:
Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Error connecting to subchannel.", DebugException="System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10061)
I checked the ports the P:TA Computer is listening to and it does not show the TCP in the following command:
netstat -n -a -o
It used to work, then P:TA crashed and had to be reinstalled / repaired, now it doesn't work anymore. Does anyone have any pointers as to where to check / what to do?
Thanks :)

The issue here was multiple instances of Provetech:TA installed on the computer.
We had PROVEtech:TA 2021 SE SP3 64 bit and PROVEtech:TA 2022 SP3 64 bit installed on the device.
This apparently stopped the gRPC Server from initializing.
If you run into this issue, try uninstalling all instances of PROVEtech:TA from your device - then reinstalling the instance you require. This should solve this issue.


Postgres server is running locally but refusing connection

After installing postgres and pgAdmin 4 on Ubuntu 22.04 I want to setup a server listening on localhost.
The pg service is running
but when trying to create a new server I get the following error
I think the terminal error points to the same problem
I think the server is running locally but what am I missing / how can I accept the missing socket connections?
Could you check if the listen_addresses in the postgresql.conf accepts connections from localhost or set it to '*', if no special restriction required

Artemis running on WSL2 not accessible from Windows

This is a specific question. I am running an Artemis MQ service on WSL2. I would like to access the service from an app running on the Windows side, but I got the following exception:
Caused by: ActiveMQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED message=AMQ219007: Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]
When I run both Artemis and the app on the same "side" (both on WSL or both on Windows, but not at the same time), they work correctly.
Before I installed artemis on WSL, the app running on Linux was able to access the MQ on Windows, so my guess is the problem connected to Artemis being installed on both platform. (However, I checked and no service is running automatically.) Because artemis is not "installed", but unzipped and a broker is created, uninstalling is not possible.
Any idea where the two install is interfering each other?
Note: The web console is also unavailable:
Some more information:
I tried to find out any port issue (changed the ports, for example), and to find any reference about port forwarding, but the only info I've found (on the official WSL FAQ), that the ports are shared and we can't talk about forwarding, because they are technically the same (that's why the two instances are conflicting when starting at the same time).
Also, the fact, that earlier (when there were only the Win version installed) I was able to access the Windows version from WSL, indicates some strange behavior other than a port forwarding issue. (And my collegues use this setup (Win -> WSL) at the moment without problem.)
I've even uninstalled (deleted, because Artemis is simply unzipped, not installed) the Windows version, but it didn't solve the problem.
Well, running some extra circles, I've found a solution for the problem, thanks to the suggestion of Justin Bertram.
Once a day, when connection (starting a bash) to WSL, it prints some statistics:
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.19.104-microsoft-standard x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
System information as of Thu Jul 16 08:58:33 CEST 2020
System load: 0.0 Processes: 8
Usage of /: 3.6% of 250.98GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 0% IPv4 address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0%
Here I noticed a local IP address, which was different from the Windows IP address. When I changed my connection from localhost to this address, I was able to access the MQ.
This solved my initial problem. On the other hand, some questions still hold: What is this address? Why it is defined on this machine and not on my other? How could I get rid of this redirection of eth0?
I've found some of the answers (although it brings up other questions). At the PC the connection worked by localhost, my Ubuntu uses the shares the IP of eth0 and Windows:
>ip addr
6: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 group default qlen 1
link/ether 10:7b:44:1b:1c:d8
inet brd scope global dynamic
valid_lft 86394sec preferred_lft 86394sec
(The address is a static DHCP assigned address to the host Windows.)
On the other computer, where localhost doesn't work, the eth0 interface gets a different IP address.
The (new) question: why and how to make Ubuntu to share IP?

wampserver port 80 - not working after windows update

Things that are not installed/not using port 80:
Web Deploy 2.0 (Web Deployment Agent Service),
MS Sql Server Reporting service,
BranchCache ( Windows 8.1 ),
SQL Server VSS Writer
===== Tested by command netstat filtered on port 80 =====
Test for TCP
Your port 80 is used by a processus with PID = 4
The processus of PID 4 is 'System' Session: Services
The service of PID 4 for 'System' is 'N/A'
* ERROR * This service IS NOT from Wampserver - Should be: 'wampapache64'
I really would like to use port 80 since my project is uncompleted.
(tried using another port - 81 - but i guess my wamp mapping isnt correct. for example: localhost/shop opened my project but localhost:81/shop did not)
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!!!
I thought I would mention this is as a formal answer since it is probably going to bite a lot of people and is difficult to diagnose -- it appears that a recent update to the 'Razer Chroma SDK Server' service ties up port 80 via Process ID 4 'System'. This suddenly caused my XAMPP service to fail to start, and 'net stop http' command prompt command to fail. Stopping this service frees up the port.
I was getting paranoid about perhaps malware being the culprit, so thank you so much to 'Scriptus' and whoever else contributed to solving this mystery!

Can't connect to RabbitMQ on Window Server 2012?

I've installed RabbitMQ 3.5.5 on Windows Server 2012 as a service by first installing Erlang (32 bit) and then following the RabbitMQ manual install instructions (
The Windows service starts up fine, but nothing can connect.
When I run rabbitmq_server-3.5.5\sbin\rabbitmqctl.bat status I get the following output:
connected to epmd (port 4369) on XXXXXXXX
epmd reports node 'rabbit' running on port 25672
TCP connection succeeded but Erlang distribution failed
suggestion: hostname mismatch?
suggestion: is the cookie set correctly?
suggestion: is the Erlang distribution using TLS?
current node details:
node name: 'rabbitmq-cli-1444#XXXXXXXX'
home dir: C:\Users\userxxxx
cookie hash: XDarCC/CmuhQpUEo95dj8g==
From the output and from netstat I can see that rabbit is running on port 4369.
I can start the server manually using rabbitmq-server.bat and everything works.
I can't find any additional cookies floating around except for the one in my user directory (C:\Users\userxxxx).
Does anyone have any ideas?
This a typo.
Are you sure that you don't have .erlang.cookie inside c:\windows . Have you copied the file as described here?
Copy the file .erlang.cookie manually from %SystemRoot% to

Succeeded installing but could not start apache 2.4 on my windows 7 system

I am attempting to install and run apache 2.4 on my windows 7 system
I went to the apache 2.4 bin directory and ran the following:
Note: I opened the cmd window as administrator.
C:\Apache24\bin>httpd.exe -k install
Its output was as follows:
Installing the Apache2.4 service
The Apache2.4 service is successfully installed.
Testing httpd.conf....
Errors reported here must be corrected before the service can be started.
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
AH00451: no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open log
So it installed apache 2.4 as a service but it could not be started. It seems like the localhost port 80 is being used. Is this what "[::]:80" means?
I then stopped both the the apache 2.0 service which I had left running and the mysql service, hoping stopping one of them might free up localhost port 80.
I also run netstat -o to see if port 80 is being used. It was not.
But, I then found that a process was using the above socket it is a process that is listening on the above socket
TCP [::]:80 User-PC:0 LISTENING 4
I then ran tasklist and found out that System is using pid 4. 4 is under the pid column
System 4 Services 0 544 K
Finally, from the failed attempt to start the service
I got an error which was recorded in windows systems events.
Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Date: 2/21/2013 1:58:03 PM
Event ID: 7024
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: User-PC
The Apache2.4 service terminated with service-specific error Incorrect function.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Service Control Manager" Guid="{555908d1-a6d7-4695-8e1e-26931d2012f4}" EventSourceName="Service Control Manager" />
<EventID Qualifiers="49152">7024</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-02-21T18:58:03.723988900Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="560" ThreadID="7596" />
<Security />
<Data Name="param1">Apache2.4</Data>
<Data Name="param2">%%1</Data>
The error from the attempt to start says that beacause of lack of access, make-sock could not bind to sockets which to me looked like localhost port 80. For example,
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its acces
s permissions. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
Can anyone tell what I am doing wrong?
Sorry for the belabored question. To solve my problem I just told apache 2.4 to listen to a different port in httpd.conf. Since System was using pid 4 which was listening on port 80, I did not want to explore this any further.
I put the following into httpd.conf.
The most likely culprit is Microsoft Internet Information Server. You can stop the service from the command line on Windows 7/Vista:
net stop was /y
or XP:
net stop iisadmin /y
read this
I have the same problem too, after upgrading win7 to win10.
then I check services.msc and found "World Wide Web Publishing Service" was running automatically by default.
So then I disabled it, and running the Apache service again.
Port 80 maybe used by Microsoft HTTPAPI
Try to stop the following service:
Web Deployment Agent Service
SQL Server Reporting Service
SQL Server VSS Writer
I solved this issue finally, it was because of some systems like skype and system processes take that port 80, you can make check using netstat -ao for port 80
Kindly find the following steps
After installing your Apache HTTP go to the bin folder using cmd
Install it as a service using httpd.exe -k install even when you see the error never mind
Now make sure the service is installed (even if not started) according to your os
Restart the system, then you will find the Apache service will be the first one to take the 80 port,
Congratulations the issue is solved.
In my case, it was due to an IP address that Apache is listening to. Previously I have set it to and recently Apache service is not running. I noticed that due to My laptop wifi changed recently and new IP is different. After fixing the wifi IP to laptop previous IP, Apache service is running again without any error.
Also if you don't want to change wifi IP then remove/comment that hardcode IP in httpd.conf file to resolve conflict.
if you are using windows os and believe that skype is not the suspect, then you might want to check the task manager and check the "Show processes from all users" and make sure that there is NO entry for httpd.exe. Otherwise, end its process. That solves my problem.
So, that is why i do a two (or more) post.
I was having the same problem when starting the service (logs can not be opened).
I thought it was because i was trying to have htdocs inside a VeraCrypt encripted container, absurd since i hace such contained mounted and i use a juntion to not affect paths.
The i read the cause could be low ram: after some tests i get to the next conclusion.
Windows is not sending pages to virtual ram to free enough ram if it is a service, for applications it is doing it, i have more than 200GiB of pagefile ready to be used as virtual ram in a 4GiB 64 Bit windows 10.
My solution:
Run a free utility that free ram (512MiB in my test)
Inmediatly after start the service, it starts with no errors
Real Cause:
I was using a virtual machine that uses 1/2 physical free ram (1.5GiB)
Hope this help others.
I was also facing the same issue, then i tried restarting my system after every change and it worked for me:
Uninstall Apache2.4 in cmd prompt (run administrator) with the command:
httpd -k uninstall.
Restart the system.
open cmd prompt (run administrator) with the command:
httpd -k install.
Then httpd -k install.
Hope you find useful.
you can solve it
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
and changed Listen to 8080
This may be because of shortage in physical RAM.
Check minimum system requirements in the docs and try to close unnecessary programs if possible.