Updating EmployeeNumber using the ruby sdk - xero-api

We're integrating with Xero via the xero-ruby SDK and we'd ideally like to update employeeNumber.
I've noticed that you can include it in the request but it doesn't update the value.
Is there a reason the employeeUpdate on the UK payroll API is limited to the few fields on the documentation?


salesforce social tables integration

I have been looking at Social Tables and Salesforce Integration. I did a thorough analysis of out-of-the-box (OOTB) integration capability of Social Tables for Salesforce, however the integration process does not seem to suit our needs.
I came across a post where I got some information about API integration. There, I saw that API endpoint required to get guests included the guestlist_id. The question is, how would the API endpoint look like if I plan to fetch the guestlist on the basis of a custom field on an event in Social Tables. If I pass the Campaign Id when importing guests from Salesforce to Social Tables as a custom field, can I use that field for fetching guests through API?
We currently don't have support for querying against custom/metadata fields. This is something I will pass to our product team. But unfortunately we don't currently support it.

IPP V3 customer notes not coming through

I am developing an app targeting the IPP V3. My test user is set up using QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2012. I have notes for a customer in QuickBooks and I ran a sync before trying to access the data. Using the V3 customer object the notes come back as Nothing for that customer.
Are the notes stored somewhere else or are they currently not accessible using V3?
Customer notes cannot be synced to or from QBD.
It works with QBO. This attribute is mentioned in the 'QBO Extension' section of docs.

Does the Google+ Hangouts API support filling app fields on the runtime?

I am trying to build a app using the hangout API, starter app.
Does the Hangouts API have support for data fields to be added on runtime?
For example,
a. If we need to add team members to our app
b. Or when we do 'Create Application' (https://appengine.google.com/)
c. When we enter AppEngine app ID to Gadget URL (https://code.google.com/apis/console/?api=plusHangouts)
Can we do the above using Python code and using the API (if there are any)?
As documented in Google APIs Console Help we don't let people programmatically register data into the APIs console.
Don't forget that that the current restrictions are because we are in a developer preview.

API help commission junction

Im new to the realm of API and I was wondering do I need to paste the code as is or would I need to add javascript and interface to it myself? Im working with commission juntion datafeeds and developer key to make a website that is similar to www.directtextbooks.com
Below is the website link with the instructions that they provide
You can use the API to get data from cj, but the results of the data is for what ever you want to use it for.
Before you start working with API's you should look into programming applications.

Set Appointment using iPhone SDK

I know you can access the Contact Store from the SDk, but is it possible to create and read appointment data?
This is currently not accessable through the 2.x SDK.
If this is something you need you should go to http://bugreport.apple.com/ and signin with your developer account and write a feature request. It will most likely be marked as a duplicate but Apple tracks duplicates and the more requests for something the higher it moves on their radar.